![Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Recipes image 0](https://gameplay.tips/uploads/posts/2017-10/thumbs/1507854455_divinity-original-sin-2.jpg)
This is an extensive list of recipies.
Other DOS 2 Guides:- Beginner's Guide.
- Basic and Advanced Guide.
- Skill Book Combinations.
- How to Steal.
- List of Classes, Attributes, Talents and Starting Weapons.
- Puzzle Guide / Solutions.
- Overpowered Scoundrel Guide.
Thread2x Hair
Needle & ThreadNeedles + Thread (no suprise)
Leather ScrapsCutting tool + Animal Hide
Wood BranchCutting tool + Log
Wood StickCutting tool + Branch
LockpickRepair Hammer + Nails or...
Soap + Any Key or...
2x Needles
BackpackRope + Scraps of leather
FeatherCutting tool + Pillow
Yarn2x Wool
Rope2x Yarn
Wood MushWood Chips + Water
PaperWood Mush + Cooking station
Inert Voodo DollNeedle + Wood figureen
Poorly Made Voodoo DollVoodoo doll + Pixie dust
BowWooden Stick + Bowstring
CrossbowWooden Stick + Wooden Branch
Crafted Axe (one Handed)Wooden Stick + Rock
Crafted Axe (two Handed)Wooden Branch + Rock
Big Tongs Roped Together (two Handed Mace)Tongs + Leather Scraps ...or
Tongs + Scraps of Cloth
Makeshift ClubWooden Branch + Scraps of cloth/leathe
ShivMetal Shard + Scraps of cloth/leather
Staff (Random Element: Air/Earth/Fire/Water)Wooden Branch + Shell
Wand (Random Element: Air/Earth/Water/Fire)Wooden Stick + Skull
Poison WeaponPoison Potion + Weapon
Chain ArmourNeedle & thread + Metal Scraps
Cloth ShirtNeedle & thread + Cloth Scraps
Leather ArmourNeedle & thread + Leather Scraps
Mage ArmourNeedle & thread + Cloth Scraps
Plate ArmourAnvil + Plate scraps
Scale ArmourAnvil + Scale scraps
Winter Boots (Immunity To Slipping)Any Shoes + Nails
Several recipies needs a Cooking Station. These can be found throughout the game, or you can create them yourself using a Cooking Pot on any Campfire.
Empty Bottle/Mug/Cup + Water
BeerEmpty Bottle/Mug/Cup + Beer
WineEmpty Bottle/Mug/Cup + Grapes/wine
Jar Of HoneyEmpty Jar + Behive
Milk HoneyJar of Honey + Milk
Apple JuiceEmpty Cup/Mug + Apple
TeaEmpty Cup/Mug + Tea Leaves
Preparing Dishes
FlourMortar & Pestle + Wheat
DoughFlour + Water
Tomato SauceRepair Hammer + Tomato
Pizza DoughTomato Sauce + Dough
Cheese DoughCheese + Dough
Apple DoughApple + Dough
Cyseal DoughFish + Dough
PorridgeWheat + Cup of milk
Potato PorridgePotato + Cup of milk
Cold FriesCutting tool + Potato
Warm Dishes
Rivellon FriesCold fries
Boiled PotatoPotato
Mash PotatoPotato + Repair Hammer = Cold Mash Potato (apply heat)
PizzaPizza Dough
Cheese BreadCheese Dough
Apple PieApple Dough
Cyseal PieCyseal dough
Pumpkin SoupPumpkin
Finer Dishes
Elven StewDinner + Tomato sauce
Dwavern StewDinner + Mug of beer
Air ResistanceEmpty Potion Bottle + Jellyroom
Black Rose Elixir (unique)Empty Potion Bottle + BlackRose
Earth ResistanceEmpty Potion Bottle + Earth tongue
Electric SkinEmpty Potion Bottle + Air Essence
Fire ResistanceEmpty Potion Bottle + Guepinia
Healing ElixirEmpty Potion Bottle + Yarrow
InvisibilityEmpty Potion Bottle + Chanterelle
Magic ArmourEmpty Potion Bottle + Whisperwood
Minor HealingEmpty Potion Bottle + Penny Bun
Minor Resist AllEmpty Potion Bottle + Trumpet Of Death
Minor StrengthEmpty Potion Bottle + Amethyst Deceiver
Minor FinessEmpty Potion Bottle + Boletus
Minor IntelligenceEmpty Potion Bottle + Calocera
Minor ConstitutionEmpty Potion Bottle + Farhangite
Minor WitsEmpty Potion Bottle + Puffball
NimbleTumbleEmpty Potion Bottle + Water Essence
Physical ArmourEmpty Potion Bottle + Amadouvier
PoisonEmpty Potion Bottle + Fly Agaric
StoneskinEmpty Potion Bottle + Earth Essence
Strong WillEmpty Potion Bottle + Fire Essence
Water ResistanceEmpty Potion Bottle + Bluegill
Making Bigger Potions
Medium2x Minor
NormalMinor + Medium ...or
2x Medium
Augmentor + Minor/Medium
LargeMedium + Normal
2x Normal
Augmentor + Normal
HugeAugmentor + Large
FireballPaper Sheet + Essence of Fire + Sharp Claw
Flaming DaggersPaper Sheet + Essence of Fire + Tooth
HastePaper Sheet + Essence of Fire + Claw
IgnitionPaper Sheet + Essence of Fire + Tusk
Infectious FlamePaper Sheet + Essence of Fire + Sharp Tooth ...or
Paper Sheet + Essence of Fire + Large Tusk
WildfirePaper Sheet + Essence of Fire + Antler
WaterArmour Of FrostPaper Sheet + Essence of Water + Bluegill
HailstrikePaper Sheet + Essence of Water + Fish C
RainPaper Sheet + Essence of Water + Herring
RegenerationPaper Sheet + Essence of Water + Penny Bun
ResurrectionPaper Sheet + Essence of Water + Essence of Life
Steam LancePaper Sheet + Fish C + Source Orb
Winter BlastPaper Sheet + Essence of Water + Plaice
Acid SporesPaper Sheet + Essence of Earth + Earth Tongue
ContaminationPaper Sheet + Essence of Earth + Intestines
Fossil StrikePaper Sheet + Source Orb + Rock ...or
Paper Sheet + Essence of Earth + Piece of rock
FortifyPaper Sheet + Essence of Earth + Whisperwood
ImpalementPaper Sheet + Essence of Earth + Metal Shard
Poison DartPaper Sheet + Essence of Earth + Fly Ageric
Blinding RadiancePaper Sheet + Essence of Air + Gold
Chain LightningPaper Sheet + Source Orb + Wool/Wool Yarn
Electric DischargePaper Sheet + Essence of Air + Rabbit Paw
Favourable WindPaper Sheet + Essence of Air + Flour
NetherswapPaper Sheet + Essence of Air + Chanterelle
Shocking TouchPaper Sheet + Essence of Air + Nails
TeleportationPaper Sheet + Essence of Air + Feather
TornadoPaper Sheet + Essence of Air + Hair
Blood SuckerPaper Sheet + Essence of Shadow + Penny Bun
CharmPaper Sheet + Tormented Soul + Honey
Dimensional BoltPaper Sheet + Tormented Soul + Pepper
Elemental TotemPaper Sheet + Tormented Soul + Wood Figureen
Ethereal StormPaper Sheet + Source Orb + Carrot
InfectPaper Sheet + Essence of Shadow + Intestines
Planar GatewayPaper Sheet + Source Orb + Grapes
Rallying CryPaper Sheet + Tormented Soul + Garlic
Shackles Of PainPaper Sheet + Essence of Shadow + Skull
Soul MatePaper Sheet + Tormented Soul + Wheat
BullhornsPaper Sheet + Essence of Life + Antler
Chicken TouchPaper Sheet + Essence of Life + Chicken Foot
Medusa HeadPaper Sheet + Source Orb + Animal Scales
Spread Your WingsPaper Sheet + Essence of Life + Sinew
Spider LegsPaper Sheet + Essence of Life + Anthropod Leg
Summon OilPaper Sheet + Essence of Life + Oil
Skin GraftPaper Sheet + Essence of Life + Animal Scales
Tentacle LashPaper Sheet + Essence of Life + Rat Tail
Empty Skill Book + Scroll of same type
Bone DustBone + Mortar & Pestle
Star DustStardust Herb + Mortar & Pestle
Pixie DustBone dust + Star dust
Small Flame RuneWood + Oil + Pixie Dust
Small Thunder RuneWater + Gold + Pixie Dust
Small Frost RuneWater + Metal + Pixie Dust
Small Rock RuneRock + Beer + Pixie Dust
Small Venom RuneBone + Poison + Pixie Dust
Small Masterwork RuneLivewood Log + Wine + Pixie Dust
Bigger Runes
2x Medium runes of the same type = Large rune of that type
3x Medium runes of the same type = Giant rune of that type
2x Large runes = Giant rune of that type
Arrow Heads & Arrows
FireArrow Head + Essence of Fire
FreezingArrow Head + Essence of Water
Poison CloudArrow Head + Essence of Earth
Static CloudArrow Head + Essence of Air
CharmingArrow Head + Honey
SlowdownArrow Head + Oil
PoisonArrow Head + Poison
WaterArrow Head + Water
StunningCutting Tool + Tooth
KnockdownCutting Tool + Antler
ExplosiveFire Arrowhead + Oil
SteamcloudFire Arrowhead + Water
Blessed WaterSource Orb + Water Arrow/Arrowhead
Cursed FireSource Orb + Fire Arrow/Arrowhead
Arrow ShaftCutting Tool + Wooden Branch
ArrowAny Arrow Head + Arrow Shaft
Based On Empty Canister
Chemical WarfareEmpty Canister + Intestines
ClusterEmpty Canister + Fire Essence
GasEmpty Canister + Poison
FrostEmpty Canister + Water Essence
Razzle DazzleEmpty Canister + Jellyroom ...or
Empty Canister + Air Resistence
TerrorEmpty Canister + Tormented Soul
ThunderboltEmpty Canister + Air Essence
TremorEmpty Canister + Earth Essence
Based On Source Orb
Blessed Ice GrenadeSource Orb + Ice Grenade
Blessed Oil FlaskSource Orb + Oil Flask
Blessed Water BaloonSource Orb + Water Balloon
Cursed Cluster BombSource Orb + Cluster Bomb
Cursed Firestorm GrenadeSource Orb + Firestorm Grenade
Cursed Poison FlaskSource Orb + Poison Flask
Bottle Of OilEmpty Bottle + Oil
Firestorm GrenadeBottle of Oil + Fuse
Holy BombEmpty Holy Grenade + Starfish ...or
Empty Holy Grenade + Pixie Dust
Love GrenadeEmpty Perfume Bottle + Honey ...or
Empty Perfume Bottle + Pixie Dust
NailbombEmpty Grenade + Nails ...or
Empty Grenade + Broken Bottle
Poison Flask
Empty Flask + Poison
Oil FlaskEmpty Flask + Oil
Water BalloonIntestines + Water
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/1333-divinity-original-sin-2.html
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- All Guilds
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - How to Steal
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Making Allies Out of Enemies
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Overpowered Scoundrel Guide
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Basic and Advanced Guide
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Puzzle Guide / Solutions
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - List of Classes, Attributes, Talents and Starting Weapons
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Unique Items in the Arx
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Unique Items in the Nameless Isle
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Unique Items in the Reaper's Coast
- Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Beast / Fane Honour Build - Eternal Knights