Day Of Defeat and Day Of Defeat: Source comparrison

DoD Reason 5


There are so many classes in DoD, so you won't get bored of playing as the same class. With 9 classes for the Allies, 9 for the Axis, and 5 for the British, you won't get tired quickly. However, some of the classes are extremely similar. The .30 Cal and BAR serve the same purpose - support. Some of these classes are not very varied, and not very balanced. To make up for this, the weapons are varied and have a different feel to them, to make up for the similarities for the uses. For example, the .30 Cal needs to be deployed to be effective. It's rendered useless if otherwise. The BAR however can be used on the run, if handled correctly. To make up for that, it's magazine is smaller and damage is reduced.

DoD Reason 4

The mod Sturmbot adds in bots to the wonderful game of Day Of Defeat. Sure, they aren't very intelligent, but if you want a real challenge you can make a team of twelve against just you. As bots, they will still attack you, and kill you, unlike people who stand there just so that you can make a lot of kills. They can be incredibly difficult, or extremely easy, depending how you go at it. If you wish to practise, this is where to go.

Unfortunately the creator of Sturmbot, Johan Linde, has gone missing after a tsunami hit the place he was vacationing. He was 16 years old, and is now considered dead. His contribution to DoD was amazing, and he will be missed.

The Sturmbot website and news page :

DoD Reason 3

The thing about games with huge communities, like Team Fortress 2, is that sometimes you'll get a game that's too full, too empty, or just not right. People will join and leave quickly with games like TF2. If you start with a game of 10, you may end up with 5 or 25. With DoD however, the people who play on servers generally stay there for some time. They aren't picky like most 12 year olds and don't normally complain about the opposing team. Day Of Defeat doesn't have people hating it, like Call Of Duty, it doesn't have elitists boasting about how good they are, like Black Ops, and it doesn't boast itself as the best game in the genre, like Battlefield 3. Small commuinty = controlled community.

DoD Reason 2

If I had to choose to be one English speaking nationality, it would be British. The British can say almost anything and get away with it, as their accent makes it sound legit. British humour is far superior to American sitcoms, which depend on people fake laughing every time something yells at something. And the British faction in Day Of Defeat is one of my favourite factions to play as. While only appearing on a few maps, and not having as many classes as the Allies or Axis, the entertaining voice acting, unique classes and special weapons make the British a highlight of the original DoD. Why they weren't in DoD:S, we'll never know.

DoD Reason 1

For some people, the hard drive disk space can be an issue. With games like Team Fortress 2, which is immensly popular, being 12 GB at the moment, some people would prefer a great game which isn't as big. Sure there are tons of indie games out there, but if you're looking for a great team based FPS, there aren't many. Sure there's Counter Strike and Team Fortress, but more people own Counter Strike Source than they do Counter Strike, and Team Fortress 2 is free to play, so what is the point of getting those games? DoD on the other hand is a fantastic experience with so many reasons to play, that they could make a list of their own. While not as popular as other team based FPS out there, it's still one of the best. And not even a GB? Disk space will no longer be a propblem.

DoD:S Reason 5

I expect a certain quality from Valve. There are some games which I think Valve did well on, such as Half Life and Portal, and there are some games which I'd prefer not to think about. One of the games I don't like to think about is Left 4 Dead. Although it is a great franchise, I just don't like it for many reasons. So whoever has the idea to combine L4D and DoD:S should be commended. Fast paced gameplay sticking to the rules of DoD:S, an in-game system which implements upgrades dropped from enemies, and different enemy types, this is one of my favourite servers. While not the best use of Nazi Zombies in gaming, it is certainly my favourite.

The server in question :

DoD:S Reason 4

As stated before, some communities are huge, some are small, and some are inbetween. DoD was a small community, while DoD:S is an average community. Sometimes the only way to play DoD is to play with bots, if there are more servers that are empty, unwelcome or just have a high ping than the amount of Call Of Duty haters. Bots can be stupid, charging at you with little more than a spade. The fact that apart from Sturmbot there aren't many great bot mods, some players may turn away from DoD for this reason. This problem does not always occur with DoD:S. While sometimes the servers are too full, there are usually several other servers which are emptier than the server in question.

DoD:S Reason 3

Question: Which is a better engine to run games on, GoldSource, or Source?

Answer: Source runs better on most computers, is more realistic, handles better, runs smoother, the list goes on. While requiring more space than the GoldSource engine, Source is used for many games ranging from Dota 2 and Half Life 2 Deathmatch to Zeno Clash. Improving on graphics, physics, performance and so on makes the Source engine a better experience. The fact that ragdoll physics are also in play make DoD:S unintentionally funny at times, while still reminding you that what you see happened in real life.

DoD:S Reason 2

Getting a bit serious here.

Presentation, no matter what game, matters. Whether it's retro, realistic, comedic or whatever, the way that it is shown makes a huge difference. While DoD:S is significantly brighter than it's grimier, dirtier counterpart, it doesn't make the game any less serious than it already was. Some of the environments are shown to be aged, damaged by war. The people are shown to be young, which can be upsetting when you realise that countries sent their youngest and their finest to fight and die in battle. Overlooking the hectic gameplay and fast paced action, the realism makes this game a whole lot more surreal than it's previous counterpart.

DoD:S Reason 1

BALANCE! If I had a complaint about the original DoD, it would've been balance. Some weapons were overpowered, while some were underpowered. The secondary machine gun, the BAR and the Shutze, were able to be deloyed, were fairly strong, and were able to be handled on the run if done correctly. The bazooka and panzerschrek had a slow travelling rocket, which was useless in most maps, and a pistol. In DoD:S, the BAR and Shutze are completely different, from the way they are handled, used and even function. The rocket and panzerschrek now have a fast firing carbine as their secondary weapon insted.

The Verdict

Both games are fantastic. They both have strengths and weaknesses, like any game. If you liked this guide, give it a like and a comment, as I am just experimenting at the moment. However, if you didn't like this for whatever reason, leave a comment why you didn't, and I'll improve. Thanks guys


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