[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2)

[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2)


This guide shows how to use official Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2)

- This guide is only a temporary fix for [G2] controllers support.

- The game will fully support [G2] controllers in the future.

- By activating this [Control mapping] the game will see your [G2] controllers as [Valve index] controllers.

- All [Trackpad] mentioned in the game while using this control preset is referred to [Menu] button on [G2] controllers.

Controller Mapping For HP Motion Controllers (G2)

[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 7

Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2)

How To Activate Control Mapping For HP Motion Controllers (G2)

[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 10
[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 11
[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 12
[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 13
[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 14
[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 15

[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 16
[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 17
[Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2) image 18

1. Open SteamVR setting

2. Select Controllers > Manage controller bindings

3. Select [Dash Dash World] in the Manage controller bindings drop down menu

4. Select [Custom] for Active controller bindings

5. Select [Choose Another]

6. Select [Show More Applications]

7. Select [Dash Dash World]

8. Make sure [Current Controller] is [HP Motion Controller]

9. Select [Activate] on the [Official] Dash Dash World Controller mapping for HP Motion Controllers (G2)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2340179396					

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