Why Heket is (theoretically) the sexiest bishop (version 2)

Why Heket is (theoretically) the sexiest bishop (version 2)

Hear Me Out.

ok, so the sex update is HERE and you need to know why heket is better than ALL of the other bishops at sex, possibly. i have multiple reasons. no this is not a troll guide.

Heket's Benefits

we will be talking about the bishop form, not the follower form.

ok. first off; heket is a frog. frog tounges are extremely sticky and are used for catching flies. hear me out. what if she wrapped that around the lamb's, uhh.. you get the point. second; female. all the other bishops are male (♥♥♥♥ you shamura fans he is obviously a dude) and to me the lamb looks pretty masculine. the general shape of their body and sounds they emit makes me think they are a man. otherwise; the lamb is gay, and im homophobic because ♥♥♥♥ you. the scarf neck bandage thing is cute i guess even though it is a debilitating injury. shes better than all the other bishops because 1; leshy is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ worm and covered in year old moss, 2; kallamar is freaky as hell and i would NOT want to see what kind of fetishes he has in bed, and 3; shamura is (quite literally) brain-dead and has the intelligence of a small child.

these are a few reasons why heket is the best bishop in bed. lets talk about the community favorite wanna-be bishop.. narinder..


narinder is worse in every way possible to heket in bed. 1: man, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ him would make you gay. 2: cat, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ him would make you a furry AND gay. 3: he enslaves children. 4: hes a ♥♥♥♥♥ and unless you have a degrading kink then this sucks for you. 5: he wants you dead and would probably try killing you or biting off your ♥♥♥♥ if he had the chance. heket wouldn't do that. she's fairly nice to the lamb up until they kill leshy.. besides the whole execution thing but that's only because she's racist. 6: ♥♥♥♥ you narinder, i hate your snarky ass and i only take you in as a cultist because your immortal. these are the reasons why narinder sucks as a sex partner.

Ughh Oh Mah Gawd Heket Is So Hot Oahhh

Why Heket is (theoretically) the sexiest bishop (version 2) image 9

uhh.. dont.. uhh... mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry.

SEX UPDATE!!!!!!!!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3136097067					

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