The Table
Due to the formatting on Steam's BBCode table being awful, we've decided to make the table on Google Spreadsheets instead.
Here it is. It will take a few seconds to load.
Cost = Cost of dates + gifts for that relationship level
Cost* = Cost of dates + gifts, including shipping (used for 25 or more items. If you buy 5 or 10 items at once, the game still applies a shipping cost, but for 5-10 we're assuming you bought them one by one instead to save money)
Total cost = Sum of all the previous costs for that girl. In other words, how much it costs in total to get the girl to Lover status
We use periods for the thousands separators instead of commas. Deal with it.
If you found our table useful please rate our guide. It helps more people to see it!
Sorted By Hobby
This section organizes the info above by hobby so that the player can know when to stop training a hobby (next useful level is too far away), freeing up the 3 time slots for something more worthwhile. We haven't added the info for Q-Pernikiss onwards (just look at the table for these).
SuaveLvl 2 Restaurant job (+Funny Lvl 2) - Cassie (Nuisance)
Lvl 3 Mio (Adversary)
Lvl 5 Sirina (Adversary)
Lvl 6 Elle (Adversary)
Lvl 7 Jelle (Adversary)
Lvl 10 unlocks Bonnibel
Lvl 11 Nutaku (Frenemy)
Lvl 12 Elle (Acquaintance) - Quillzone (Nuisance)
Lvl 16 Iro (Friendzoned) - Ayano (Adversary)
Lvl 23 Bonchovy (Frenemy)
Lvl 26 Nina (Adversary)
Lvl 30 Spectrum (Acquaintance)
Lvl 44 Pamu (Frenemy)
Lvl 50 Luna (Frenemy)
Lvl 50 Love job (+Lvl 50 Wisdom) - Alpha (Girlfriend)
Lvl 63 Karma (Frenemy)
Lvl 71 Karma (Crush)
Lvl 75 The Dark One (Friendzoned) - Odango (Girlfriend)
FunnyLvl 2 Restaurant job (+Suave Lvl 2) - Cassie (Acquaintance)
Lvl 5 Mio (Frenemy)
Lvl 6 Quill (Nuisance)
Lvl 8 Elle (Nuisance)
Lvl 9 Mio (Friendzoned)
Lvl 10 Jelle (Adversary)
Lvl 12 Bonnibel (Nuisance)
Lvl 17 unlocks Bearverly
Lvl 18 Mio (Girlfriend) - Quill (Sweeetheart) - Ayano (Nuisance)
Lvl 19 Fumi (Adversary)
Lvl 25 Spectrum (Frenemy)
Lvl 30 Quillzone (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 34 Movies job (+Lvl 34 Tenderness)
Lvl 35 Alpha (Acquaintance)
Lvl 39 Bearverly (Girlfriend)
Lvl 52 Luna (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 55 Spectrum (Girlfriend)
Lvl 61 Karma (Nuisance)
Lvl 66 Odango (Sweetheart)
Lvl 73 Karma (Sweetheart)
Lvl 75 The Dark One (Crush)
BuffLvl 3 Cassie (Frenemy)
Lvl 4 Lifeguard job (+Lvl 4 Motivation) - Cassie (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 10 Cassie (Girlfriend) - Quill (Acquaintance) - Sirina (Nuisance)
Lvl 12 Iro (Frenemy) - Nutaku (Acquaintance)
Lvl 12 Sports job (+Lvl 12 Motivation) - Iro (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 15 Spectrum (Adversary)
Lvl 16 Hunting job (+Lvl 16 Badass) - Nina (Adversary) - Ayano (Adversary) - Jelle (Nuisance)
Lvl 26 Bearverly (Acquaintance)
Lvl 33 Bonchovy (Friendzoned)
Lvl 35 Quillzone (Sweetheart)
Lvl 37 Vellatrix (Friendzoned)
Lvl 40 Pamu (Adversary)
Lvl 43 Pamu (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 52 Luna (Acquaintance)
Lvl 58 Sutra (Adversary)
Lvl 60 Pamu (Girlfriend)
Lvl 75 Sutra (Girlfriend)
TechSavvyLvl 1 unlocks Mio
Lvl 3 Cassie (Frenemy)
Lvl 8 Nutaku (Adversary)
Lvl 10 Computers job (+Lvl 10 Smart)
Lvl 13 Jelle (Nuisance)
Lvl 14 Mio (Sweetheart) - Nutaku (Friendzoned)
Lvl 24 Fumi (Frenemy)
Lvl 28 Alpha (Adversary)
Lvl 32 Fumi (Crush)
Lvl 35 Ayano (Akward Besties)
Lvl 38 Space job (+Lvl 38 Smart) - Fumi (Sweetheart)
Lvl 40 Quillzone (Girlfriend)
Lvl 57 Odango (Crush)
Lvl 70 Sirina (Girlfriend)
Lvl 75 The Dark One (Awkward Besties)
TendernessLvl 5 Quill (Adversary)
Lvl 7 Mio (Acquaintance)
Lvl 8 Zoo job (+Lvl 8 Wisdom) - Mio (Awkward Besties) - Quill (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 10 Elle (Frenemy) - Quillzone (Adversary)
Lvl 12 Quill (Friendzoned)
Lvl 15 Sirina (Frenemy)
Lvl 16 Bonnibel (Acquaintance) - Ayano (Adversary)
Lvl 18 Ayano (Nuisance)
Lvl 19 Jelle (Frenemies)
Lvl 20 Quill (Girlfriend) - Beaverly (Adversary) - Ayano (Frenemy)
Lvl 28 Bonnibel (Crush)
Lvl 32 Alpha (Nuisance)
Lvl 34 Movies job (+Lvl 34 Funny)
Lvl 40 Alpha (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 48 Odango (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 49 Alpha (Girlfriend)
Lvl 60 Ayano (Girlfriend)
Lvl 65 Karma (Acquaintance)
Lvl 69 Karma (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 75 The Dark One (Sweetheart)
MotivationLvl 2 unlocks Quill
Lvl 4 Mio (Nuisance)
Lvl 4 Lifeguard job (+Lvl 4 Buff) - Cassie (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 5 Cassie (Friendzoned)
Lvl 6 Cleaning job (+Lvl 6 Wisdom) - Quill (Frenemy)
Lvl 9 Nutaku (Nuisance)
Lvl 10 Iro (Nuisance)
Lvl 11 Quillzone (Adversary)
Lvl 12 Sports (+Lvl 12 Buff) - Iro (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 22 Bearverly (Nuisance) - Jelle (Acquaintance)
Lvl 24 Iro (Crush)
Lvl 28 Bonchovy (Acquaintance)
Lvl 30 Ayano (Friendzoned)
Lvl 34 Alpha (Frenemy)
Lvl 39 Odango (Friendzoned)
Lvl 40 Sirina (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 65 Sutra (Acquaintance)
Lvl 69 Sutra (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 75 The Dark One (Acquaintance)
WisdomLvl 2 unlocks Elle
Lvl 6 Cleaning job (+Lvl 6 Motivation) - Quill (Frenemy)
Lvl 8 Zoo job (+Lvl 8 Tenderness) - Quill (Awkward Besties) - Mio (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 14 Elle (Friendzoned)
Lvl 15 Spectrum (Adversary)
Lvl 18 Ayano (Nuisance)
Lvl 19 Bonnibel (Friendzoned) - Vellatrix (Nuisance)
Lvl 20 Art job (+Lvl 20 Angst) - Shibuki (Frenemy) - Sirina (Acquaintance)
Lvl 22 Fumi (Nuisance)
Lvl 25 Jelle (Friendzoned)
Lvl 30 Bonnibel (Girlfriend) - Odango (Acquaintance)
Lvl 42 Wizard job (+Lvl 42 Lucky) - unlocks Luna and Eva (upon working as Wizard)
Lvl 50 Love job (+Lvl 50 Suave) - Alpha (Girlfriend)
Lvl 54 Luna (Sweetheart)
Lvl 58 Karma (Adversary)
Lvl 60 Shibuki (Sweetheart)
Lvl 75 Karma (Girlfriend)
BadassLvl 3 unlocks Iro
Lvl 7 Cassie (Crush)
Lvl 12 Nutaku (Crush)
Lvl 14 Iro (Acquaintance)
Lvl 15 Shibuki (Nuisance)
Lvl 16 Hunting job (+Lvl 16 Buff) - Nina (Adversary) - Quillzone (Nuisance)
Lvl 20 Ayano (Frenemy)
Lvl 26 Iro (Girlfriend)
Lvl 30 Shibuki (Friendzoned)
Lvl 31 Jelle (Girlfriend)
Lvl 42 Pamu (Nuisance)
Lvl 43 Bonchovy (Girlfriend)
Lvl 45 Luna (Adversary)
Lvl 46 Slaying job (+Lvl 46 Mysterious) - Nina (Girlfriend)
Lvl 53 Pamu (Girlfriend)
Lvl 63 Sutra (Frenemy)
Lvl 71 Sutra (Crush)
Lvl 75 The Dark One (Adversary)
SmartLvl 10 Computers job (+Lvl 10 TechSavvy)
Lvl 12 Mio (Crush)
Lvl 14 Bonnibel (Frenemy) - Quillzone (Nuisance)
Lvl 15 unlocks Fumi
Lvl 18 Bonchovy (Nuisance)
Lvl 21 Odango (Frenemy)
Lvl 25 Ayano (Acquaintance) - Vellatrix (Frenemy)
Lvl 28 Fumi (Friendzoned) - Jelle (Crush)
Lvl 30 Legal job (+Lvl 30 Angst) - Alpha (Friendzoned) - Sirina (Friendzoned)
Lvl 35 Fumi (Girlfriend)
Lvl 38 Space job (+Lvl 38 TechSavvy) - Fumi (Sweetheart)
Lvl 45 Luna (Adversary)
Lvl 50 Spectrum (Sweetheart)
Lvl 61 Sutra (Nuisance)
Lvl 66 Vellatrix (Girlfriend)
Lvl 73 Sutra (Sweetheart)
Lvl 75 The Dark One (Nuisance)
AngstLvl 14 Bonchovy (Adversary)
Lvl 16 Quill (Crush)
Lvl 20 Elle (Crush)
Lvl 20 Art job (+Lvl 20 Wisdom)
Lvl 25 unlocks Alpha
Lvl 25 Nutaku (Girlfriend)
Lvl 30 Legal job (+Lvl 30 Smart) - Alpha (Friendzoned)
Lvl 31 Vellatrix (Acquaintance)
Lvl 37 Bearverly (Sweetheart)
Lvl 40 Ayano (Crush) - Spectrum (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 46 Pamu (Acquaintance)
Lvl 67 Sutra (Friendzoned)
Lvl 75 Sutra (Girlfriend)
MysteriousLvl 5 Charlotte (Adversary)
Lvl 10 Shibuki (Adversary)
Lvl 12 Odango (Nuisance)
Lvl 13 Vellatrix (Adversary)
Lvl 15 Charlotte (Nuisance)
Lvl 19 Vellatrix (Adversary)
Lvl 20 Quillzone (Frenemy)
Lvl 22 Fumi (Acquaintance) - Beaverly (Frenemy)
Lvl 24 Elle (Girlfriend)
Lvl 25 Nina (Acquaintance) - Charlotte (Frenemy) - Shibuki (Acquantaince)
Lvl 26 Fumi (Acquaintance)
Lvl 26 Casino job (+Lvl 26 Lucky) - Elle (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 28 Nina (Nuisance)
Lvl 32 Nina (Acquaintance)
Lvl 35 Charlotte (Acquaintance)
Lvl 36 Nina (Akward Besties)
Lvl 38 Bonchovy (Crush)
Lvl 45 Alpha (Sweetheart)
Lvl 46 Slaying job (+Lvl 46 Badass) - Nina (Girlfriend)
Lvl 47 Vellatrix (Adversary)
Lvl 48 Luna (Nuisance)
Lvl 55 Unlock Karma & Sutra
Lvl 60 Ayano (Girlfriend) - Sirina (Sweetheart)
Lvl 75 The Dark One (Frenemy) - Shibuki (Girlfriend)
LuckyLvl 3 Odango (Adversary)
Lvl 12 Bonchovy (Adversary)
Lvl 25 Quillzone (Acquaintance)
Lvl 26 Casino job (+Lvl 26 Mysterious) - Elle (Awkward Besties)
Lvl 28 unlocks Pamu - Nina (Nuisance)
Lvl 30 Bearverly (Awkward Besties) - Nina (Frenemy)
Lvl 41 Nina (Sweetheart)
Lvl 42 Wizard job (+Lvl 42 Wisdom) - unlocks Pamu and Eva (upon working as Wizard)
Lvl 47 Nina (Girlfriend)
Lvl 50 Sirina (Crush)
Lvl 57 Luna (Girlfriend)
Lvl 60 Ayano (Girlfriend)
Lvl 67 Karma (Friendzoned)
Lvl 75 Karma (Girlfriend)
Sorted By Job Rank
As requested in the comments, this section lists how advanced you have to be in a certain job to advance certain relationship levels. Jobs are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that the last girl (Q-pernikiss) requires maximum rank in all jobs for her Adversary stage.
ArtSculptor (rank 3): Bonnibel (Acquaintance) - Jelle (Frenemy)
Inventor (rank 5): Bonnibel (Awkward Besties) - Vellatrix (Adversary)
Virtuoso (rank 6): Bonchovy (Frenemy)
Artiste (rank 8): Bonnibel (Sweetheart)
Iconoclast (rank 10): Bonnibel (Girlfriend)
CasinoWork at (rank 1): Elle (Awkward Besties)
Slot Junkie (rank 2): Elle (Sweetheart)
Dice Master (rank 4): Elle (Girlfriend)
Lucky Duck (rank 7): Luna (Frenemy)
Reign Man (rank 8): Bonchovy (Awkward Besties)
CleaningWork at (rank 1): Elle (Nuisance) - Quill (Frenemy)
Chief Sweeper (rank 3): Quill (Acquaintance)
Ground keeper (rank 6): Spectrum (Frenemy)
Bomb disposal (rank 10): Jelle (Girlfriend)
ComputersTechie (rank 3): Odango (Adversary) - Sirina (Adversary)
Engineer (rank 5): Mio (Girlfriend) - Odango (Nuisance) - Sirina (Nuisance)
Computer Whisperer (rank 6): Fumi (Frenemy)
Cyberneticist (rank 7): Odango (Frenemy) - Sirina (Frenemy)
Futurist (rank 8): Fumi (Awkward Besties)
Artificial Entity (rank 9): Odango (Acquaintance) - Sirina (Acquaintance)
Singularity (rank 10): Quillzone (Girlfriend)
Fast FoodOnion Rehydrator (rank 2): Mio (Frenemy) - Jelle (Nuisance)
Burger Meister (rank 5): Bearverly (Nuisance)
HuntingWork at (rank 1): Nina (Adversary)
Soldier of Fortune (rank 3): Nina (Frenemy) - Ayano (Frenemy)
Hitman (rank 4): Ayano (Acquaintance) - Shibuki (Adversary)
Assassin (rank 5): Nina (Friendzoned)
Black-Ops (rank 6): Vellatrix (Frenemy)
One Man Army (rank 7): Nina (Crush) - Ayano (Awkward Besties) - Shibuki (Nuisance)
The One (Rank 9): Ayano (Sweetheart) - Bonchovy (Sweetheart)
Chiroptera Hominin (Rank 10): Shibuki (Crush)
LegalWork at (rank 1): Alpha (Friendzoned)
Lawyer (rank 3): Alpha (Crush)
Judge derp (rank 5): Spectrum (Nuisance)
District Attorney (rank 6): Quillzone (Friendzoned)
LifeguardWork at (rank 1): Cassie (Awkward Besties) - Nutaku (Nuisance)
Beach Patrol (rank 2): Cassie (Sweetheart) - Iro (Nuisance)
Sexy Lifeguard (rank 3): Cassie (Girlfriend)
Surf and Protect (rank 4): Nutaku (Awkward Besties) - Spectrum (Nuisance)
Heli Jumper (rank 5): Nutaku (Sweetheart)
Search and Rescue (rank 6): Nutaku (Girlfriend)
Shark Puncher (rank 9): Jelle (Sweetheart)
LoveWork at (rank 1): Alpha (Girlfriend) - Karma (Adversary)
Love Guru (rank 2): Sutra (Adversary)
Love Fairy (rank 3): Sutra (Nuisance)
Love God (rank 4): Karma (Nuisance)
Loveicus Prime (rank 5): Karma (Frenemy)
Cupid (rank 6): Sutra (Acquaintance)
Love Maker (rank 7): Karma (Friendzoned)
The Unity (rank 8): Sutra (Awkward Besties)
Eros (rank 9): Karma (Crush) - Specturm (Crush)
Aphrodome (rank 10): Sutra (Sweetheart)
MoviesAward winning director (rank 4): Bonchovy (Nuisance)
Auteur (rank 5): Quillzone (Acquaintance)
RestaurantWork at (rank 1): Cassie (Acquaintance)
Barista (rank 4): Mio (Acquaintance)
Bartender (rank 5): Jelle (Acquaintance)
Host (rank 7): Bonchovy (Acquaintance)
Maitre D (rank 8): Quillzone (Crush)
SlayingWork at (rank 1): Nina (Girlfriend)
Vampire Slayer (rank 2): Pamu (Crush)
Dragon Killer (rank 3): Pamu (Sweetheart) - Quillzone (Frenemy)
Planet Buster (rank 6): Luna (Nuisance) - Vellatrix (Acquaintance)
Star-Destroy-Doer (rank 7): Luna (Friendzoned)
Deity Destroyer (rank 8): Luna (Girlfriend) - Spectrum (Friendzoned)
SpaceWork at (rank 1): Fumi (Sweetheart)
Starship Captain (rank 2): Fumi (Girlfriend)
Power cosmic (rank 10): Bonchovy (Girlfriend)
SportsWork at (rank 1): Iro (Awkward Besties)
Baseball Hitter (rank 3): Iro (Sweetheart) - Spectrum (Nuisance)
Face Puncher (rank 5): Iro (Girlfriend)
Team buyer (rank 7): Spectrum (Acquaintance)
WizardUnlock job: Luna unlock
Work at (rank 1): Eva unlock
Sorcerer (rank 4): Vellatrix (Awkward Besties)
More-cerer (rank 5): Luna (Acquaintance)
Grand Magus (rank 7): Luna (Crush) - Vellatrix (Sweetheart)
Sorceror surpremo (rank 10): Spectrum (Girlfriend) - Vellatrix (Girlfriend)
ZooWork at (rank 1): Mio (Awkward Besties) - Quill (Awkward Besties)
Bunny Saver (rank 4): Bearverly (Frenemy)
Red Panda Helper (rank 5): Quill (Girlfriend) - Bonchovy (Nuisance)
Love An Otter (rank 6): Bearverly (Friendzoned)
Sea turtle savior (rank 7): Jelle (Awkward Besties)
Whale Guardian (rank 8): Bearverly (Crush)
Ark Commandant (rank 10): Bearverly (Girlfriend)
Grave Digger - Charlotte DLCAll Charlotte:
Cemetary Dredger - (Adversary)
Burial Builder - (Nuisance)
Cemetary Settler - (Frenemy)
Crypt Keeper - (Acquaintance)
Mausoleum Maker - (Friendzoned)
Catacomb Crafter - (Awkward Besties)
Sepulcher Scooper - (Crush)
Ruin Revealer - (Sweetheart)
Tomb Exhumer - (Girlfriend)
Job Profitability
The table below lists which jobs are most lucrative when all of them are at the highest rank. The first column (Relative $ per time) shows the relative money gain from jobs, with the worst job (Lifeguard) being assigned the value of 1. Thus, Computers earns 20 times more money per second than Lifeguard (assuming both jobs are are max level [Singularity/Atlantean King]), and Hunting earns 60 times more. Therefore, Hunting earns 3 times more money per second than Computers. These facts are irrespective of the player's current Reset Boost and diamond multipliers.
The second column is the same, but the values are divided by the amount of timeblocks needed, thus giving the efficiency of each job. Since Lifeguard spends 2 timeblocks, it resulted in a value of 0.5, which is ugly, so we multiplied every value in the second column by 2 so that Lifeguard would have a value of 1 again.
Cleaning earns 2 times more money per timeblock spent than Lifeguard, Hunting 20 times etc. Casino is the 6th best job in terms of absolute money per second, but because it only spends 1 timeblock at the highest rank, it's the 3rd most efficient job.
In case it is not clear by now, to maximize profits you should pay attention to the second column only. Timeblock efficiency > raw revenue, assuming you're not leaving timeblocks unspent.
If you didn't understand something, please ask in the comments.
Relative $/Time/Timeblock Job Value Job Efficiency Lifeguard 1 Lifeguard 1 Fast Food 1,2 Fast Food 1,2 Restaurant 2,5 Zoo 1,28 Zoo 3,2 Restaurant 1,66 Cleaning 4 Cleaning 2 Computers 20 Computers 6,66 Art 50 Hunting 20 Hunting 60 Art 100 Sports 146,5 Legal 100 Legal 600 Sports 147 Slaying 1024 Slaying 205 Casino 1215 Movies 945 Love 2682 Love 1073 Movies 3306 Wizard 1890 Wizard 4725 Casino 2430 Space 15377 Space 3074 Grave Digger 30549 Grave Digger 10183
Reset Boost Gains
Here is how much Reset Boost each girl gives in total when Lover level is reached, assuming it's not the first time this happened:
Cassie 0,54
Mio 1,08
Quill 1,62
Elle 2,16
Nutaku 2,7
Iro 3,24
Bonnie 3,78
Ayano 4,32
Fumi 4,86
Bearverly 5,4
Nina 10,8
Alpha 16,2
Pamu 21,6
Luna 27,0
Eva 32,4
Karma 54,1
Sutra 108
Rainbow Jack© for more than earning his place as the co-maintainer of my guide. Thanks bro <3
Jin and his Beginner's Guide for info on unlocking the girls.
MalheX for supplying several job requirements.
Wriath10 for Pamu unlock info.
mat.duf for new Luna data.
timberaath00 for suggesting job rank list.
Howru for Ayano unlock condition and Luna Reset Boost gain.
Triforce of Doom for Karma & Sutra unlock info.
FatLeo and stardf29 for minor corrections.
GTAnonymous for Darya data.
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