An achievement guide for all 139 Traders within CrossCode.
How To Find All 139 Traders And To Obtain My Star Sign Is Libra
My Star Sign Is Libra
You must interact with all 139 Traders Wares for it to count towards the achievement, simply hovering and previewing as you walk by is not enough.
This will be a frustrating achievement to get, and will take you 30 minutes. If you have not completed 7/7 Vermillion expect slightly longer.
To view the percentage of Trader's you have yet to find:
- Records.
- Trophies.
- Exploration.
- Discovery.
- Toggle Progress.
I recommend Interacting with all Traders manually throughout the world.
Then if you have missed some you can count the totals from each area in the Trader Book.
If you're come short, you know where to look.
So many options... Don't know where to start?
Rookie Harbor - 35- Marketplace - 17
- Falling Exit - 2
- Rising Exit - 1
- Alley Quarters - 9
- Traders Kontor - 5
- Info Hub > Training Arena - 1
- Obelisk Lake - 4
Bergen Trail - 6
- Entrance - 6
- Bergen North - 1
- Trader's Den - 10
- Digging Mates HQ - 1
- East Entrance - 6
- Rising Railway - 1
Ba'kii Kum - 14
- Bazaar House > Distillery - 1
- Market - 13
- Centrum - 18
- Pond Slums - 5
- Grubby Cave - 1 (shortcut through Basin Keep Woodland Vanguard HQ)
- Temple of Innovation - 1 (second room inside Grubby Cave)
- Jungle Entrance - 1
- V'rda Vil West - 2
Sapphire Ridge - 12
- Cave Inn 1F - 1
- Cave Inn Mall - 11
- Boost Lounge - 6
- Gear Store 1F - 8
- Vermillion Wasteland Tradehut - 7
I believe the following are not required and have not been listed.
Copper Equipments, General Goods, Vending Machines, Arena, & Temporarily Stores for Quests such as the Spiral Drills.
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