How To Hate Yourself!

How To REALLY Hate Yourself!

Like I said before, you didn't need my help. you're gonna hate yourself each and every single day, thinking immediately about all the crap you did yesterday or the day before that just didn't sit right with you in what ever situation it happened in...

Maybe you said a really crappy joke to a group of friends, the cringe piling on as you regret hitting that send button hour after hour, day after day...

Maybe you had that really awkward moment of complimenting a pretty girl/guy only to be stared at in utter disgust or confusion as the recipient of your compliment tries to figure out that YES!, this person was indeed talking to me, but now I've stood here for too long without saying anything and if i do say something now it'll just come out as embarrassing or creepy...

Just maybe, you dropped your drink on the floor of a restaurant you and your partner/friends were dining at for the night, all the onlookers paving their heads in your general directions either to give prays or shame with their taunting facial gestures....

LONG STORY SHORT!- You're a miserable human being living each day hoping tomorrow would just hurry the heck up only to then wish you could go back to yesterday and reverse what ever mistakes you made, but that's just one of the many joys of life... We are all prone to make mistakes, it's what taught the first man that fire is hot, that scientists will indeed cause a zombie apocalypse, that you sent that one accidental picture of yourself to your mother and not your ex...

But here's what I say to you, instead of absorbing all the negativity from your mistakes into hatred, channel it into a learning experience. Take what you did before, just put a little spin on it this time, take another unnecessary risk to achieve that one bit of happiness you strive for in life. If what ever you are doing right now is setting off some kind of negative vibe, STOP doing it and do something that you know will put a smile on that face...

Go out and touch grass!

Sincerely, Jacklox2_Plays <3


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