The following is a list of all of the Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero console commands and server configuration file settings that are useful for "Clan Match" mode games.
The list is organized alphabetically by command, in the format of "system_console_command value" (where "value" is Counter-Strike's default value for that setting).
Commands List
Automatic Bot and Human Players Team Balancing
Team balancing in Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (when playing with bots in the game) can be a bit confusing. The following settings will allow the human players to switch teams, and then allow and force the bots to change teams to keep them balanced (at the beginning of the next round).
bot_auto_vacate 1
mp_autoteambalance 1
mp_limitteams 0
bot_auto_vacate 1
This setting will force the bots in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero to automatically leave to make room for human players (set to "0" to disable).
Refer to the "Automatic Bot and Human Players Team Balancing" section above for more information about team balancing.
bot_quota #
This setting will cause the given number of bots in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero to be maintained in the game. If a bot is kicked, a new bot will be added to maintain the quota (set to "0" to disable the quota).
bot_quota_match #
This setting sets the ratio of the number of bots in Counter-Strike: Condition Zero per human player (i.e. "number_of_bots = number_of_human_players * bot_quota_match_ratio"). As human players join or leave the server, the number of bots in the game will be adjusted accordingly.
Note that this command overrides the "bot_quota" command.
changelevel <MAPFILENAME>
Ends the current game, loads the specified map filename (without the ".bsp" file extension), and starts a new game on it. The main difference between the "changelevel" and the standard "map" command is that the players are not kicked from the server when changing to the new map.
Note that this command can access maps contained in mounted Game Cache Files, as well as in the game's local "Maps" folder.
Toggles the saving of console logs to the filename "QConsole.log" in the directory "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero". The default is "disabled".
dem_forcehltv 0
Set to "1" to enable "Half-Life TV" (HLTV) mode for demo playback.
HL.exe -condebug
Saves console logs to the filename "QConsole.log" in the directory "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero".
To enable the saving of console logs, start Counter-Strike or Counter-Strike: Condition Zero with the "-condebug" command line parameter (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike\HL.exe -condebug" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero\HL.exe -condebug").
hostname "Counter-Strike Server"
Sets the host name of the server.
hud_takesshots 0
Set to "1" to enable taking an automatic screenshot when the final scores are displayed when the current map ends (after the duration of the "mp_timelimit" setting).
The screenshots will be located in the directory "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike\CStrike" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero\CZero" with the filenames "MapName####.bmp".
Note that this command is listed within the game's advanced multi-player options menu as "Automatically Take End-Game Screenshots".
Displays a list of the maps contained in the current server map rotation file "MapCycle.txt", and is used for Counter-Strike's and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero's player map voting system ("mp_mapvoteratio" and "votemap").
log off
Set to "on" to enable saving detailed server logs (lMMDD###.log).
logsdir logs
Directory to save detailed server logs. The default directory is "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike\CStrike\Logs" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero\CZero\Logs".
Ends the current game, loads the specified map filename (without the ".bsp" file extension), and starts a new game on it. The main difference between the standard "map" and "changelevel" command is that the players are kicked from the server when changing to the new map.
mapcyclefile MapCycle.txt
Sets the file which will be used for the current server map rotation.
maxplayers 32
Maximum number of allowed players. Note that this cannot be set after a game has started.
mp_autokick 0
Set to "1" to enable the automatic kicking of idlers (campers) and team-killers. Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Kick Idlers and Team-Killers". Also note that friendly-fire mode ("mp_friendlyfire") must be enabled to use this command.
mp_autoteambalance 0
Set to "1" to enable auto-balancing of teams. Note that the default for Counter-Strike is "1", and the default for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is "0".
Refer to the "Automatic Bot and Human Players Team Balancing" section above for more information about team balancing.
mp_buytime 1.5
This setting controls the amount of allowed time (in minutes) that players can buy weapons and equipment after a round has started (Minimum = .5 minutes, Maximum = none). The setting also supports partial minutes (e.g. "1.3" = 78 seconds, "1.5" = 90 seconds, "1.8" = 108 seconds, etc...).
Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Buy Time (Minutes)".
mp_c4timer 45
Sets the duration (in seconds) until the detonation of the C4 bombs (Minimum = 15 seconds, Maximum = 90 seconds).
mp_chattime 10
Sets the duration (in seconds) that players can chat after a map is complete (before the next map is loaded, based on the "mp_timelimit" setting). A lower value means a faster map change.
mp_fadetoblack 0
Set to "1" to fade the player's screen to black when killed. Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Disable Chase/Death Cam".
mp_flashlight 0
Set to "1" to allow players to use the flashlight.
mp_footsteps 1
Set to "0" to disable hearing players' footsteps.
mp_forcecamera 0
Set to "0" to spectate anyone (which is the default), "1" to spectate teammates-only (with no free-look), "2" to spectate first-person only, or "3" to spectate teammates-only (with free-look).
Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Death Camera Type" and selected using a dropdown box, and that setting "3" is not displayed within that dropdown box. Also note that any setting other than "mp_forcecamera 0" will disable the "Half-Life TV" (HLTV) "Picture-In-Picture" spectator mode.
mp_freezetime 6
This setting controls the length (in seconds) of the game freeze/pause period at the beginning of a round. Set to "0" to disable the game freeze/pause period.
Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Freeze Time (Seconds)".
mp_friendlyfire 0
Set to "1" to enable friendly-fire mode.
mp_hostagepenalty 5
Maximum number of allowed hostage kills before the player is kicked from the game (set to "0" to disable). Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Kick After (X) Hostage Kills".
mp_limitteams #
This setting limits the maximum number of players that one team can have over the other. To entirely disable team limiting, set to "0". Note that the default for Counter-Strike is "2", and the default for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is "0".
Refer to the "Automatic Bot and Human Players Team Balancing" section above for more information about team balancing.
mp_logdetail 0
This command sets the level of detail for logging attacks in the "QConsole.log" console log file, as well as the "lMMDD###.log" detailed server log files. Set to "0" to log no attacks, "1" to log enemy attacks, "2" to log teammate attacks, or "3" to log enemy and teammate attacks.
mp_logmessages 1
Set to "0" to disable player chat messages from being logged and saved in the "QConsole.log" console log file, as well as the "lMMDD###.log" detailed server log files.
mp_mapvoteratio 0.66
Sets the ratio of players required to vote on the same map before the sever will cycle to the new map.
The default value is "0.66", which means that 66% of all of the players on the server must vote on the same map in order for the server to cycle to the new map.
mp_maxrounds #
This setting will cycle to the next map contained in the current server map rotation file "MapCycle.txt" after "#" number of rounds have been played. The default is "0" (no round limit), in which case maps will rotate based on the "mp_timelimit" setting.
Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Round Limit (Rounds)".
mp_roundtime 5
This setting controls the length (in minutes) of the rounds (Minimum = 1 minute, Maximum = 9 minutes). The setting also supports partial minutes (e.g. "1.3" = 78 seconds, "1.5" = 90 seconds, "1.8" = 108 seconds, etc...).
Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Time Per Round (Minutes)".
mp_startmoney 800
Sets the amount of money that the players start with (Minimum = 800, Maximum = 16000).
mp_timelimit 20
Duration (in minutes) of map.
mp_tkpunish 1
Set to "1" to prohibit team-killers from playing during the next round.
Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Kill Team-Killers On Next Round". Also note that friendly-fire mode ("mp_friendlyfire") must be enabled to use this command.
mp_winlimit #
This setting will cycle to the next map contained in the current server map rotation file "MapCycle.txt" after one team reaches "#" number of wins. The default is "0" (no win limit), in which case maps will rotate based on the "mp_timelimit" setting.
Note that this command is listed within the game's multi-player setup menu as "Win Limit (Rounds)".
playdemo <FILENAME.dem>
Play demo filename "<FILENAME.dem>".
record <FILENAME.dem>
Start demo recording, saved to the filename "<FILENAME.dem>" in the directory "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike\CStrike" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero\CZero".
Stop demo recording.
Stop demo playback.
sv_alltalk 0
Set to "1" to allow the Counter-Terrorist and Terrorist teams to hear the other team's voice chat messages.
sv_restart #
Enter "sv_restart #" to start (or restart) a game, where "#" is the duration (in seconds) before the server restarts the game. This will reset all deaths, money (based upon the "mp_startmoney" setting), scores, and weapons, and then restart the game after the given amount of seconds.
Note that this command is identical to "sv_restartround".
sv_restartround #
Enter "sv_restartround #" to start (or restart) a game, where "#" is the duration (in seconds) before the server restarts the game. This will reset all deaths, money (based upon the "mp_startmoney" setting), scores, and weapons, and then restart the game after the given amount of seconds.
Note that this command is identical to "sv_restart".
Displays the current time left for the map (based on the "mp_timelimit" setting).
viewdemo <FILENAME.dem>
Play demo filename "<FILENAME.dem>" using VCR styled controls.
votemap #
Allows the players to vote on the next map to play. Enter "listmaps" in the console to display the list of maps available to vote on. Then, enter "votemap #" (where "#" is the corresponding number of the map as shown within the list of maps as displayed with the "listmaps" console command).
After a certain number of players (set by the "mp_mapvoteratio" command) have voted for a map which one player has started a vote on, the server will cycle to the new map.
"Clan_Match.cfg" Configuration Template
"Clan_Match.cfg" Configuration Template
The following example clan match template can be saved to the file "Clan_Match.cfg" to the directory "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Counter-Strike\CStrike" or "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<USER_NAME>\Condition Zero\CZero", and then executed within the game's console (e.g. "exec Clan_Match.cfg"):
// Clan Match Template for Swamp Buzzards Clan
// Usage: exec Clan_Match.cfg
// changelevel Weeds_CS_Orange
// map Weeds_CS_Orange
// condebug
logsdir logs
log on
bind i "say Current Game Time Remaining:;timeleft"
bind o "sv_restartround 30"
bot_auto_vacate 0
dem_forcehltv 1
hostname "Buzzard Shootout"
hud_takesshots 1
// mapcyclefile Weeds_CS_Orange_MapCycle.txt
// maxplayers 32
mp_autokick 0
mp_autoteambalance 0
mp_buytime 1.5
mp_c4timer 45
mp_chattime 60
mp_fadetoblack 0
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcecamera 1
mp_freezetime 6
mp_friendlyfire 1
mp_hostagepenalty 0
mp_limitteams 0
mp_logdetail 3
mp_logmessages 1
mp_mapvoteratio 0.66
mp_maxrounds 0
mp_roundtime 5
mp_startmoney 800
mp_timelimit 30
mp_tkpunish 0
mp_winlimit 0
sv_alltalk 0
Contacts, Downloads, Files, And Links
Contacts, Downloads, Files, and Links
Rich ¥Weeds¥ Nagel[]
Steam Profile
Swamp Buzzards Clan
Plain-Text Version of this Guide[]
Counter-Strike Downloads and Files[]
WeedsBot v1.20 for Counter-Strike v1.6[] | More Information[]
The CSBot Unofficial Archive[]
More Counter-Strike: Condition Zero guilds
- All Guilds
- (ENG/RUS) How to play missions with friends coop /
- How to change the bots' ability
- [RUS] .
- Como descargar nuevas misiones para Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Bot Commands and Navigation Mesh Editing... The Definitive Guide
- The Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Custom Mission System
- Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
- Condition Zero - What is Condition Zero?
- [RUS] The Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Custom Mission System