Ore Locations

Work In Progress

Hi I'm making this guide because I forget where ore is always located. As these discoveries aren't my own, I will be including each source in the citation section.

Hopefully this guide will be helpful as further content releases. I will be continuously updating this.

Ore Gathering

Locations of ores

CopperLocated in Dirt Biome



destroying objects from Wood to Ancient

available to purchase from Slime Merchant

Dropped by:


Cavelings Brutes

Boss Glurch

TinLocated in Clay



fishing in Larva Hive

destroying wooden and ancient objects

Dropped by:

Caveling Shamans

Boss Glurch

available to purchase from Slime Merchant after Ghorm's statue has been activated

IronLocated in Stone of Forgotten Ruins



available to purchase from Slime Merchant after Hive Mother's statue has been activated

Dropped by:


Caveling Brutes

Caveling Shamans

Boss Ghorm

Boss Hive Mother

GoldLocated in Clay and Forgotten Ruins


fishing in Clay, Forgotten Ruins, Azeos' Wilderness, and Mold Biome

destroying wooden and ancient objects

available to purchase from Slime Merchant after Hive Mother's statue has been activated

Dropped by:

Boss Ivy

Boss Ghorm

Boss Hive Mother

Boss Azeos

ScarletLocated in Mold Biome and Azeos' Wilderness

mining in Azeos' Wilderness

chests in Mold Biome


Dropped by:

Boss Ivy

Boss Azeos


Merchant stock in order of appearance

Caveling Merchant Summoned by Mysterious Idol


Caveling Bread

Flintlock Musket

Giamt Slime Summoning Idol

Ghorm Summoning Idol

Hive Mother Summoning Idol

Mechanical Part

Ancient Gemstone

Rune Parchment

Empty Crystal

Bearded Merchant Summoned by Slime Oil


Scrap Parts - 5 Ancient Coin

Slime - 5 Ancient Coin

Fiber - 8 Ancient Coin

Copper Ore - 8 Ancient Coin

Tin Ore - 15 Ancient Coin

Iron Ore - 30 Ancient Coin

Gold Ore - 55 Ancient Coin

Larva Meat - 10 Ancient Coin

Golden Larva Meat - 75 Ancient Coin

Spirit MerchantSummoned by Ancient Hologram Pod


Azeos the Sky Titan Scanner

Expert Lure

Ivy the Poisonous Mass Scanner

Large Shiny Glimmering Object

Morpha the Aquatic Mass Scanner

Omoroth the Sea Titan Scanner

Fishing MerchantSummoned by Pile of Chum


Orange Cave Guppy

Dagger Fin

Azure Feather Fish

Green Bait

Red Bait

Purple Bait

Sea Foam Ring

Neptune Necklace




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Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2833402355					

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