Successful Experiments
Log 1. A search for a system in witch I would not have to pick up loot from my mob farms has lead me to test designs. Attempting to place a robot arm in the location will just result in the mobs destroying it. In some cases by accident.
Desired result I wanted to see how far away the loot would go on a conveyor belt. In other words I wanted to see if a conveyor belt would push the object far enough to be grabbed by the arm over one space.
This resulted in a success, I added a fence between those locations too see if loot could pass thought the objects to be grabbed, again another success. I then concluded that any object can be between the two locations without effecting the robot arms ability to pick up the loot. In other words by leading the conveyor belt off a cliff or into a wall the robot arm can still pick up the object.
example of a cliff between the belt and robot arm
Log 2 A hate of farming has lead me to attempt an auto farming system. In an attempt to use drills and conveyor belts I have found that food as a certain hit points before and after it is fully grown.
Desired results: I would turn the drills on long enough to mine plants when they are ready to be harvested but not long enough to mine them before they are ready. Allowing the drills to pick up the plants and put them on conveyor belts.
This resulted in a successes, I created a repeater that would turn the drills off and on after a short delay. I have previously made a guide called quick guide to never garden again, you can find more details there. I had to update my design after an update, note future updates might mess up the timing again. Note I did attempt to make a mob plant for me, I trapped a caviling farmer and threw seeds at it, this test did not successes more test needed on farmer
this is my current garden
this is my current repeater for the garden
Log 3 A need for funds to buy stuff from the vending machine or from merchants has me forced to make a money farm. I found that planks have a 1 to 1 value. Since they are easy to make all one would need is wood and a saw I would use planks. The problem is when I attempted to make my wood farm auto place them into a saw I found seeds in my saw.
Desired result: A way to prevent seeds from filling the input of my saw at the wood farm.
I was able to make this work quite easily all one would need is more saws. If you are cutting coral wood and normal wood you will need a total of 4 saws to make both into planks. How this works is by placing 1 seed in a saw it will fill the rest of the seeds into that saw. Placing the seeded saws in front of the two that will be cutting the wood, that's it. You can get more details in my guide Resources for currency if interested.
example with saws with seed circled
location of seeds in saw.
Log 4: A lack of garbage food to eat so I didn’t waste my good food unless its a boss fight made me focus on mushroom farming.
Desired results: Create a mushroom farm that would be effective and large enough to make a lot of mushrooms is easy enough, but I wanted one that didn’t have me pick them up myself.
I first made one with drills thinking they would pick up or kill mobs and carry the loot to conveyor belts, unfortunately it also breaks fungal soil at the same rate. Second attempt was to make spike traps on top of the fungal soil and have robot arms pick up the mushrooms or dead mobs. Again some of the mushrooms would fall on top of the robot arm preventing it from piking it up. Another thing to note is making a large number of drills or robot arms was not effective with the amount of space I wanted to use for my farm. Instead I found big Larva would break mushrooms for me, if left on a large area of conveyor belts they would farm the resources for you. You can find more detail in my guide Dumb ways to Farm Mushrooms. Something I did not add to my Guide was a more efferent way of farming the mushrooms. By making the path lead in a two by two route the large larva would see the mushrooms instead of wondering around until they happen to find one.
path used to lead the big larva into mushrooms.
end of conveyor belts witch kills any mobs who make it
Failed Experiments.
Log 1. Moss ground does not spawn the moss mobs if tilled for farming. This had me wondering if tilled ground was taken into account when spawning mobs. The test was simple I would make two groups one with tilled ground and one without. I would wait a period of time and see any spawn in the tilled area. If so I would count the number of mobs to spawn compared to the un-tilled area.
Desired result would be for no mobs to spawn in tilled area even with added spanners in that location. The idea is to get the maximum spawn rate of mobs in a small area to save resources or control area.
After several attempts with slime, caviling moss, and chrysalis, I have found no difference between the areas. Perhaps I had my tilled and un-tilled zones too close, but without the ability to make them in close proximity I would be unable to achieve my desired result.
after 5 minutes
after 8 minutes
Log 2. I accidentally found that by placing a crystal lamp down at the player location with no area to move too behind the player will result with teleportation to the other side of the crystal lamp or to an available location.
Desired result: I wanted to see if by placing walls I could teleport to a available location a distance away instead of only one space. It would also spawn the player in an unexplored location without the need to mine my way there. If done correctly that is.
This did work but not with desired results. The max distance seems to be 8 blocks and will not pass water. Also if not place properly, or there is no where nearby to go too it might fail trapping the player. A player who is trapped between the Crystal lamp and a wall will automatically die after a short delay. This death unlike being killed by a mob does not drop your loot but instead you wake up in bed with all your loot. Could be used to teleport back to base instead of using a recall idol but you will leave behind the Crystal lamp, should find another item preferring one that can be crafted to replace the crystal lamp.
test 1 block movement.
test 2 8 block movement.
Log 3: When they released the Galaxite turret it brought with it new possibility in mob farm department. I no longer had to rely on mobs killing other mobs dropping loot on the conveyor belts and leading to my chest. But now I had to deal with how mobs heal out of combat, meaning that the turrets did not shoot fast enough to kill stronger mobs before they healed.
Desired result: find a way to stack or make turrets fire faster to kill mobs more effectively.
I created a loop with a logic circuit and wire that would turn itself on and off fast. This was an attempt to see if the cool down on the turret would reset when turned off and on again. Unfortunately after testing it several times I found it was not so. I had to focus more on kill boxes, or several turrets in a room that all shot the mob as they walk though it. This works but if too many mobs spawn at one time and enter the room they will out heal any damage done to them.
attempt of fast shooting.
kill box.
Equipment Tests And Results
Unlike the rest of the log this will be filled with the common equipment I carry with me at all times, since it comes with uses and helps me on my adventures.
Log 1 the bubble gun. This weapon is by far my favorite as it synergy with just about any range build. Dropped from the bubble crap in the sunken sea this weapon shoots fast. It works well with critical builds especially if using the flame ring and flame neckless from the desert of beginning. What I like about this weapon is not just its stats but also its ability to inflict slippery on targets. This slippery is effective against bosses such as the great devourer and Malugaz the corrupted. If they have movement then the bubble gun is effective.
Log 2 Scarlet hoe: this hoe as a 3 by 3 area that allows you to till the ground. Note what I use this hoe for is to pick up mob spawners, electric wire or conveyor belts. You can pick up grown plants with this as well making it faster to garden as you still get the points. It can be found in the scarlet crafting table.
Log 3 Bomb scarab mortar. I enjoy this weapon as a means to clear area or to mine 3 by 3 in a direction. Although to get the best out of this weapon you will need an attack speed build just be careful. I use this mostly to blow a hole in a wall I know will lead to a room filled with mobs, making them have to run towards me and allowing me to get all the shots off of whatever ranged weapon I happen to be using. Dropped by Bomb Scarabs in the desert of beginnings.
Log 4 Cupid bow. This weapon is fun to use but it has problems. Testing this weapon on boss summons such as those from the hive mother have shown them to still be friendly to the other mobs and yourself making it not effective to distract the hive mother and enemies. The low durability makes building attack speed with this weapon a fun but short experience. I wanted to see if the Farmer cavilings plant would be friendly but it still grabs the player even when the farmer who put it down is friendly. Using it against a larva egg before hatching does not make all mobs inside friendly. Still this weapon is a powerful tool I now use to lock down strong targets in a group and distract the rest while I lay waste to them in all areas. It is obtained by the Valentines event.
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