How to Find Ivy

How to Find Ivy

How To Find Ivy

How to Find Ivy image 1

Starting from The Core, there are circles around the map. This extends to the wilderness but it is only an arc as the two other biomes in the other 2/3s of the map are not in game at the moment. Azeos is at the 600 tile arc, and Ivy is at the 900 tile arc. To find Ivy, first find Azeos then go 300 tiles past him. Imagine that arc or circle around the map and follow that path. When you get close to Ivy he will stomp around just like the first boss. Good luck and bring a lot of bridges. Image shown is my map, the red line is the arc.

Just to clarify because of the comments, I did not say you will be in line from The Core to Azeos to Ivy. That is simply the faster way of getting 900 tiles from the core as Azeos is in the 600 tile arc. Your Ivy will most likely not be where mine is. It will be somewhere along the red line I drew but on your map instead of mine.


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