The Chipped Blade is required to craft a very good sword but finding it is a arduous task. Instead of wasting multiple hours or even days searching for it. By following this guide you can speed up the search.
Where And What?
The Chipped Blade can only be found in the Azeos' Wilderness biome. It is located in a temple that has a random chance of appearing.
The temple looks like this on the map.
Notice! Unlike other points of interest, there isn't a light shining down from above which means you can walk right past it without knowing. But by knowing a few game mechanics you can find more easily.
Game Mechanics That Will Make It Easier To Find
First game mechanic is that the map is divided into 64x64 chunks.
Second game mechanic that must be understood is that the game creates points of interests (like the temple or any other structure) in chunks near the player as they are exploring the world. Which means that the temple isn't in some random location that must be reached but will be created near the player.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY! Only one point of interest is created per chunk. Which we will be utilizing to speed up the search.
The spawn location of the point of interest is usually in the middle of the chunk.
But there is also a possibility of it appearing at the edge of a chunk.
Methodology(chunk Hopping)
With the knowledge that only one point of interest is created per chunk we will be exploring new chunks and having found the point of interest we will move on to a new chunk ad naseum.
But wait! You might be wondering how to know where in a chunk you are.
The easier way to know is to use this website[] ] which allows you to view your map and create the chunk grid for your use.
The harder version is to manually measure 64 blocks from the core make an indentation and continue on the same way and create a ruler with that.
Notice! If the player or players have already explored around the wilderness then there is a possibility of it having already spawned which would require extensive searching/backtracking to find it.
Using this method it took me around two and a half hours to find the blade.
This method can also be used to find other items that spawn in structures like the Clear Gemstone.
Hopefully you have good luck and find it fast.
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