Beginner/Progression Friendly XP/Loot Designs
I designed these small and expandable combat xp/loot farms that you can create at whatever part of the game you have made it to. In these examples I am using purple slime ground (found later in game), orange slime ground, and the larva ground. There are 1 4x8 spawn platforms for each monster.
I first marked the 3 4x8 platforms
Placed the 3 spawn items on the ground over the platforms. Removed the floor over the larva ground to see what it looks like. Unsure if larva will spawn on top of the tiles so if they don't I will update the guide.
Built a wall around to prevent escaping.
These are larva spike traps, they can be picked up with a shovel in the clay biome. Don't step on them cause they will damage you so you will have to walk over the platforms to collect loot. Leave gaps so you can walk between platforms. Not recommended to do this because tin is easy to get for spike traps.
If you want to use spike traps instead you can do this. It cost 1 tin per 1 spike trap.
When you have scarlet and iron you can make 5 conveyer belts or +1 per skill point under the skill in crafting up to a total of 10 belts made per 1 iron and 1 scarlet bar.
If you have extra iron and scarlet to move them off the spawn faster and into your traps or kill chamber.
If you want to set up automatic kills for drops only, no xp.
If you want to set up an xp farm. You can melee or range the enemies safely from here.
XP/Drop Farm
Warning, if you are too far away they will glitch past the water and into your base. I am going to redesign the kill chamber tomorrow to fix this.
If you wish to get xp, this is the way. At least this way you can have mobs pile up in front of your doorstep or in a window inside your base and safely melee and range them. If you want more xp and less drops (only melee and ranged, not HP), switch to bad gear and respec your stats but dont allocate any stat points. I mainly use the blowpipe as I am training 100 ranged. Two similar kill chambers are shown. Don't get too close to the door or they will break in. If you let too many pile up the conveyor they will get stuck but they are easy to kill. Make the path a bit wider if they get stuck too often but this works for me.
The inside of this is 20x32 but I am going to extend it to 32x96. I'm just collecting the mold ground. I can post a guide on the fastest way to obtain a lot of mold ground if enough people are interested.
Here is less than 10 mins of staying near my base without killing any mobs. Unsure what the mob cap is.
I expanded it to 64x32 and now I have so many conveyor belts that they are turning invisible. Here's a pic of the map to see the size.
Whenever a lot of mold creatures built up around a corner I had to go inside and kill them so I expanded the area a little where they pile up at. I also removed the door that was there because if it was full, the guys would start phasing through the door and into my base. I found at least 7 mold creatures wandering around in my base.
If you create a macro on your keyboard you can full auto level up against these guys. I used the Rune Song because it does not take durability. You could also tie a rubber band or a weight to your mouse button or controller trigger. The faster you kill the mold creatures the more tentacle creatures can spawn. After 90 minutes afk I leveled up my melee from 45-51. The entire room was convered in tentacle creatures and they were very hard to clear out. I died 5 times killing about 60 tentacles in the room. If I would have let the mold creatures build up and cleared them out every 20-30 minutes there will be a lot less tentacle creatures in the room, maybe only 10 or 15 total after 90 minutes of this method. (BTW the 'missing' conveyor belts in the picture are actually just invisible and they still work properly)
This is what it looks like after 20 mins of afk. This is about the least you can expect with 1 player online near the base for 20 minutes.
Loot Drop Farm Only
If you want your room to only collect drops over time, you can design it like this. Requires 1 tin per spike trap and 1 spawn item (orange or purple slime shoveled from ground/larva ground/mold ground) Slime will spawn even if spike traps are over them but I do not like having to have the set to remove slime slowness and poison. I am not sure if other mobs spawn on spikes but I believe they do. If you wish to farm for cavelings you must be near or in the forgotten ruins as far as I know.
There are 8 4x16 purple slime spawns and the same of orange slime spawns. I have made over 500 potions from the slime here. Make the room and spawning areas as large as you want to make it. The double layers of spikes kill the purple slime much faster than 1 layer can do. Orange slime do not need this but I'm not going to make a separate room yet or make this part of the room look different just to save some tin. Keep in mind that this room design is not just for slimes which is why I chose the design shown. This room works for all spawns but biome specific mobs have to have the farm located in that biome (cavelings, farmers, caveling snipers, shamans, groot or whatever big guys name is, etc)
I may eventually make this room larger and just cover the entire floor in slime floor and conveyor belts and have a small auto kill area because you get more per bar used. (10 per 1 iron 1 scarlet if maxed out the perk in skill tree under crafting) plus you no longer have to run around to pick up the drops. Most likely I will leave this room and build another slime farm more than a couple screens away.
Other Designs And Combinations
From my testing, if you place a spawner item like slime or the larva ground on top of the mold ground, it will take over the spawn and that tile can no longer spawn a mold creature. Keep this in mind for a combination farm so you don't waste mold ground like mine does in this design. I removed all the slime ground from the mold ground. If I extend this, which I likely wont because I hit a glitch limit with the convener belts. Can place more but random become invisible until exit and save. When this glitch is fixed if possible, I will make this room 64x64 and the new area will spawn slimes and larva.
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