![Coffee Talk - Achievement Guide image 0](https://gameplay.tips/uploads/posts/2020-02/thumbs/1580858665_coffee-talk.jpg)
Coffee Talk game guide focuses on how to get all achievements guide. And I hope that this guide will help all of you.
![Coffee Talk - Achievement Guide image 3](https://gameplay.tips/uploads/posts/2020-02/medium/1580858809_1.jpg)
Coffee Talk game guide focuses on how to get all achievements guide. And I hope that this guide will help you all.
Basic Achievements
You will obtain this achievement once you start a new game.
Coffee And ChillYou will obtain this achievement once you get all achievements.
Let Me Start OverYou will obtain this achievement once you trash your drink for the first time. Make any drink and when it’s brewed just trash it. You can do this in Story Mode.
First BrewYou will obtain this achievement once you brew your first drink. Just make your first cup of coffee. The very first character wants an Espresso.
- Espresso=Coffee+Coffee+Coffee
You will obtain this achievement once you create and serve your first latte art. First make a Cafe Latte. When it’s brewed you can make latte art. Just make anything. It doesn’t matter what you create.
- Cafe Latte=Coffee+Milk+Milk
You will obtain this achievement once you spent a total of 1 hour making Latte Art. Pick Latte Art and have fun staring at a coffee cup for 1 hour. You can do other fun stuffs while you waiting for 1 hour.
Achievement Unlocked!You will obtain this achievement once you reach a certain point in the story. On Day 3 or Thursday, September 24th, 2020. A cat girl (Nekomimi) will show up in the shop and ask for milk. Serve her the Milk Drink.
- Milk=Milk+Milk+Milk
You will obtain this achievement once you serve the wrong drink for the first time.
24/7 A Beat To Relax/study ToYou will obtain this achievement once you listen to all of the songs. Open up your phone menu, go to Shuffld and tap playlist and select each one. You don’t need to listen to the whole song.
We Are All FriendsYou will obtain this achievement once you meet all of the main characters. As you progress through the game you meet all the characters. You need to learn their names though.
Stop It!You will obtain this achievement once you trash a total of 25 drinks. Has to be done on story mode. You can only trash 5 drink before you are forced to serve.
Is That It?You will obtain this achievement once you play the story mode to conclusion once. You just have to beat the game. Serve everyone the correct drinks or be rude and serve them wrong drinks. It doesn’t matter.
Master BrewerYou will obtain this achievement once you unlock all special drinks. There are 9 coffee drinks, 6 tea drinks, 5 green tea drinks, 5 chocolate drinks, and 5 milk drinks.
Social Media FeverYou will obtain this achievement once you unlock all of the characters social media profile. To get this achievement you need to get all three bars filled up for each character. This requires you to serve them the correct drinks. When you learn a characters name they will appear on your phone. It’s pretty simple to follow their request. There’s only three that I would pay attention to.
Serve Gala the "Gala Had" drink when he request a secret combo. Especially on Day 11.
- Gala Had=Tea+Milk+Ginger
Serve Neil the "Milky Way" drink when he wants you to “Surprise him” on Day 8.
- Milky Way=Milk+Honey+Mint
Serve Freya the "Bedchamber" on Day 11. She Wants an Espresso, but she needs a Bedchamber. It’s the only time you don’t serve what the customer request.
- Bedchamber=Milk+Cinnamon+Honey
You will obtain this achievement once you unlock all the artworks in the Gallery. To be safe just make sure to serve every character the drink they request.
Secret Achievements
There's A SparkYou will obtain this achievement once you finish Gala and Hyde's arc. This insures that Gala shows up at the last game segments. Also results in the happy ending arc. For this Arc to end happy you need to:
- Serve the correct drinks to the Werewolf and Vampire.
- Serve Gala the Gala Had tea/milk/ginger when hes a Werewolf.
You will obtain this achievement once you serve Gala Had when Gala turns into a werewolf. There’s a werewolf character in the game named Gala. He want’s you to research a calming drink for him. On Friday, October 2nd, 2020 or Day 11 Gala will appear in Werewolf form. Serve him a "Gala Had" drink.
- Gala Had=Tea+Milk+Ginger
You will obtain this achievement once you help Neil to help you. There is a character wearing a Astronaut suit. You meet him 3 different times. On the 3rd encounter Day 10 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 he will ask to work at the coffee shop. You don’t get to choose yes or no. It’s just yes.
- Day 5 Saturday, September 26th, 2020: Serve Neil any drink.
- Day 8 Tuesday, September 29th, 2020: Serve Neil a Milky Way.
- You meet him one last time on Day 10 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 when he ask for a one day job.
- Milky Way=Milk+Honey+Mint
You will obtain this achievement once you finish Rachel and Hendry's arc. You might get this by just completing each day, but to be safe make sure to serve the characters the correct drink. This insures that Gala will be on the scene when the Velvet Family needs him to be. Also results in the happy ending arc.
- Serve what the customer asks for.
- Serve Gala the Gala Had tea/milk/ginger when hes a Werewolf.
- Serve Hendry milk/milk/milk when Rachel ask you to.
You will obtain this achievement once you finish Lua and Baileys' arc. It's one of my favourite arc in this game. You might get this just for completing each day and seeing the Story Arc play out for the Elf and Succubus. To be on the safe side make sure to serve them only the drink they ask for.
God Of CaffeineYou will obtain this achievement once you Find the secret behind the barista (which is mean You). At the end of the game you will meet a mystery person. You talk to them and you find out you need to re-play 4 certain days.
- Replay: Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020 which is mean Day 1.
- Replay: Thursday, September 24th, 2020 which is mean Day 3.
- Replay: Tuesday, September 29th, 2020 which is mean Day 8.
- Replay: Sunday, October 18th, 2020 which is mean Day 14.
Endless - Challenge Mode Achievements
Barista TraineeYou will obtain this achievement once you serve 10 correct drinks in a single session of challenge mode. It's very easy to do it. The customers will tell you exactly what 3 ingredients they want and in which order. Every drink you get right will add more time to the timer. So being fast helps you out.
Barista ExpertYou will obtain this achievement once you serve 25 correct drinks in a single session of challenge mode. It's easy to do it. The customers will tell you exactly what 3 ingredients they want and in which order. Every drink you get right will add more time to the timer. So being fast helps you out. Next they’ll ask for drinks in a backwards order. Just pause and read. This should get you to 30 served drinks. After that and the difficulty really ramps up. The last 20 for 50 served is hard.
Barista GuruYou will obtain this achievement once you serve 50 correct drinks in a single session of challenge mode. It's hard to do it. Each flavour profile — Warm, Cool, Sweet and Bitter — has 8 bars and the strength of the flavour is classified as follows:
- No/Not: 0 bars
- Less: 1-3 bars
- Category name (i.e. Sweet): 4-5 bars
- Extra: 6-8 bar
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/6523-coffee-talk.html