Taking A Screenshot
Easy! While in game just press windows key + print screen key
The default folder for screenshots is C:\Users\YOURNAME\Pictures\Screenshots
Converting The Screenshot
Now that you have taken the screenshot, loggout and exit steam.
In order to work, you need to have a .jpg image, to convert it you can use a online image converter[www.simpleimageresizer.com]
Creating Necessary Folders
Locate your steam folder (default: C:\Program Files\Steam\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\)
Locate the folder userdata
Inside userdata there will be a folder named with random numbers
Inside the folder named with random numbers locate: 760/remote
Inside remote create a folder named 92
Inside 92 create a folder named screenshots
And then inside screenshots create a folder named thumbnails
If you do not have the folder 760 or remote, don't worry you can create them.
In the end you will have something like this: \userdata\[random numbers]\760\remote\92\screenshots\thumbnails
Adding The Screenshots
Rename your screenshot to XXXX-XX-XX_00001 (replace the X's with your current[www.todaysdate.com] year-month-day [if replaced to a past or future date I don't know what could happen])
Make a copy of your screenshot and add a _vr to the name
And in the end you will have something like this:
Adding And Resizing The Thumbnails
Copy XXXX-XX-XX_00001 and XXXX-XX-XX_00001_vr and paste inside the thumbnails folder
Resize the 2 images inside thumbnails to 200x150 pixels (you can use ms paint to do the job.)
Now you can close windows explorer and proced to the next step.
Last But Not Least
Now restart your computer
After restarting, log into steam and open Codename: Gordon for a bit
You can close it after it loads
If you not open the game at least once after this procedure the screenshots will not appear.
If everyting went alright you should be able to post your screenshots now.
Εν οίδα ότι ουδέν οίδα.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1267191810
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