Mason or Agathian

Mason or Agathian


Mason or Agathian image 1

Mason or Agathian image 2


The Agathian Knights were created when King Argon I, king of Olde Agatha, conquered the disparate kingdoms in the Unification War. Their leadership is dominated by the nobility of Agatha, especially well-to-do families from the rich provinces. They are highly religious with a strong sense of birthright, loyalty, and honour. Their love of justice, coin and beauty leads them to greatness and folly.

Agatha, led by the Steward King Feydrid Kearn, was utterly crushed by the Mason Order at the end of The Civil War (Chivalry 1) and now returns under the leadership of Argon II.

Having suffered a recent defeat to a ruthless enemy, there is a growing yet not uniform desire to cast aside the mercies once shown by their kind.


The Mason Order was founded by the rebellious General Malric in the wake of Argon I's death during The Crusade. The forming of the Order led to the First Civil War, from which, after much bloodshed and grueling siege, the Masons emerged victorious. After securing the remainder of the Kingdom under his rule, Malric set out to replenish the strength of his army and leave no question as to the legitimacy of his rule.

The core Mason values of strength, discipline and ferocity are the driving force in everything they do. The embarassment of defeat to the foreign Tenosians birthed the desire in Malric to reforge the lands and people of Agatha to be harder and stronger. The commoners most afflicted by his wrath are his most arden supporters, for those among them who consider themselves strong would pay any price to be given the opportunity to rise about the crushing limits of birthright and piety.

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