All Cars-Engines-Parts Lists and Prices in CMS2018 ***CHRYSLER DLC ADDED***

All Cars-Engines-Parts Lists and Prices in CMS2018 ***CHRYSLER DLC ADDED***

Bentley Continental GT

0 KM
$474.9751-50K$395.81250K-100K$379.980100K-200K$284.984200K-UPNot Found0 KM$631.6741-50K$526.39550K-100K$505.339100K-200K$379.004200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: W12 Twin-Turbo

633 Hp @ 5510 rpm

857 N.m @ 4070 rpm

Modified Engine Type: W12 Twin-Turbo

1122 Hp @ 5525 rpm

1494 N.m @ 4300 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $316.650 $63.330 $237.487 $47.497

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $421.116 $84.223 $315.837 $63.167

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Updated 29-11-2018

Bentley T Series

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$108.205200K-UP$72.1360 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$169.560200K-UP$113.040
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Engine Type: V8 OHV

220 Hp @ 4375 rpm

492 N.m @ 3040 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV

287 Hp @ 4400 rpm

677 N.m @ 2545 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $90.171 $18.034 $60.114 $12.022

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $141.300 $28.260 $94.200 $18.840

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 29-11-2018

Bolt Atlanta (Chevrolet El Camino)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$70.030200K-UP$46.6870 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$123.081200K-UP$82.054
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

291 Hp @ 4550 rpm

528 N.m @ 3045 rpm

Engine Value: 10.142$

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

520 Hp @ 4580 rpm

916 N.m @ 3090 rpm

Engine Value: 14.296$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $58.359 $11.671 $38.906 $7.781

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $102.568 $20.513 $68.379 $13.675

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 30-04-2018

Bolt Atlanta F-Mill (Chevrolet El Camino)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$52.246200K-UP$34.8310 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$96.441200K-UP$64.293
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Engine Type: I6 OHV

161 Hp @ 4190 rpm

323 N.m @ 2425 rpm

Engine Value: 7,679$

Modified Engine Type: I6 OHV

232 Hp @ 4230 rpm

454 N.m @ 2495 rpm

Engine Value: 11,181$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $43.539 $8.707 $29.026 $5.805

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $80.368 $16.073 $53.578 $10.715

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 30-04-2018

Bolt Atlanta Supercharged (Chevrolet El Camino)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$57.2860 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$89.510
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb OHV Supercharged

537 Hp @ 4290 rpm

1008 N.m @ 2825 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb OHV Supercharged

1016 Hp @ 4305 rpm

1887 N.m @ 2835 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $47.739 $9.547

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $74.592 $14.918

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 27-11-2018

Bolt Atlanta Trespasser (Chevrolet El Camino)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$83.914200K-UP$55.9420 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$137.560200K-UP$91.706
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Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

390 Hp @ 4570 rpm

679 N.m @ 2755 rpm

Engine Value: 12,043$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

537 Hp @ 4585 rpm

922 N.m @ 2820 rpm

Engine Value: 16,037$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $69.929 $13.985 $46.619 $9.323

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $114.634 $22.926 $76.422 $15.284

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Updated 30-04-2018

Bolt Cape (Chevrolet Belair 65')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$74.725200K-UP$49.8160 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$129.589200K-UP$86.392
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

280 Hp @ 4545 rpm

510 N.m @ 3040 rpm

Engine Value: 10.142$

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

501 Hp @ 4580 rpm

884 N.m @ 3085 rpm

Engine Value: 14.296$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $62.271 $12.454 $41.514 $8.302

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $107.991 $21.598 $71.994 $14.398

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 30-04-2018

Bolt Cape F-Mill (Chevrolet Belair 65')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$66.022200K-UP$44.0140 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$116.264200K-UP$77.509
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Engine Type: I6 OHV

153 Hp @ 4185 rpm

308 N.m @ 2415 rpm

Engine Value: 7.679$

Modified Engine Type: I6 OHV

221 Hp @ 4225 rpm

433 N.m @ 2485 rpm

Engine Value: 11,181$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $55.019 $11.003 $36.679 $7.335

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $96.887 $19.377 $64.591 $12.918

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 30-04-2018

Bolt Cape Supercharged (Chevrolet Belair 65')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$55.7920 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$94.105
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb OHV Supercharged

517 Hp @ 4285 rpm

972 N.m @ 2825 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb OHV Supercharged

979 Hp @ 4305 rpm

1819 N.m @ 2835 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $46.494 $9.298

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $78.421 $15.684

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 25-11-2018

Bolt Chapman (Chevrolet Caprice Classic 80-85')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$80.289200K-UP$53.5260 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$137.809200K-UP$91.872
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

259 Hp @ 4540 rpm

474 N.m @ 3035 rpm

Engine Value: 10.142$

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

463 Hp @ 4575 rpm

820 N.m @ 3080 rpm

Engine Value: 14.296$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $66.908 $13.381 $44.605 $8.921

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $114.841 $22.968 $76.560 $15.312

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 01-05-2018

Bolt Chapman F-Mill (Chevrolet Caprice Classic 80-85')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$58.749200K-UP$39.1660 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$105.297200K-UP$70.197
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Engine Type: I6 OHV

161Hp @ 4190 rpm

323 N.m @ 2425 rpm

Engine Value: 7.679$

Modified Engine Type: I6 OHV

230 Hp @ 4225 rpm

449 N.m @ 2495 rpm

Engine Value: 11,181$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $48.958 $9.791 $32.639 $6.527

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $87.748 $17.549 $58.498 $11.699

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Updated 01-05-2018

Bolt Hellcat (Oldsmobile Cutlass 442 70')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$72.386200K-UP$49.0680 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$126.624200K-UP$84.416
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

269 Hp @ 4545 rpm

492 N.m @ 3040 rpm

Engine Value: 10.142$

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

482 Hp @ 4575 rpm

852 N.m @ 3085 rpm

Engine Value: 14.296$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $60.322 $12.064 $40.890 $8.178

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $105.520 $21.104 $70.347 $14.069

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 01-05-2018

Bolt Hellcat D\R (Oldsmobile Cutlass 442 70')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$98.641200K-UP$65.7610 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$140.542200K-UP$93.694
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV Supercharged

498 Hp @ 4285 rpm

936 N.m @ 2825 rpm

Engine Value: 13,812$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV Supercharged

942 Hp @ 4305 rpm

1752 N.m @ 2835 rpm

Engine Value: 18,131$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $82.201 $16.440 $54.801 $10.960

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $117.119 $23.423 $78.079 $15.615

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 01-05-2018

Bolt Reptilia (Chevrolet Corvette C3 Stingray 68'-82')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$95.514200K-UP$63.3610 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$151.653200K-UP$101.102
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

269 Hp @ 4545 rpm

492 N.m @ 3040 rpm

Engine Value: 10.142$

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

482 Hp @ 4575 rpm

852 N.m @ 3085 rpm

Engine Value: 14.296$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $79.595 $15.919 $52.801 $10.560

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $126.378 $25.275 $84.252 $16.850

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 02-05-2018

Bolt Reptilia D\R (Chevrolet Corvette C3 Stingray 68'-82')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$133.748200K-UP$89.1660 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$163.732200K-UP$109.155
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV Supercharged

498 Hp @ 4285 rpm

936 N.m @ 2825 rpm

Engine Value: 13,812$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV Supercharged

942 Hp @ 4305 rpm

1752 N.m @ 2835 rpm

Engine Value: 18,131$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $111.457 $22.291 $74.305 $14.861

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $136.444 $27.288 $90.963 $18.192

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2izY0D-f7Lu2Yy8d6


Updated 02-05-2018

Bolt Reptilia S (Chevrolet Corvette C3 Stingray 68'-82')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$121.842200K-UP$81.2280 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$176.499200K-UP$117.666
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Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

361 Hp @ 4565 rpm

631 N.m @ 2740 rpm

Engine Value: 12.043$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

498 Hp @ 4580 rpm

857 N.m @ 2805 rpm

Engine Value: 16,037$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $101.535 $20.307 $67.690 $13.538

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $147.083 $29.416 $98.055 $19.611

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 02-05-2018

Bolt Reptilia R2 (Chevrolet Corvette C4 84'-96')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$129.307200K-UP$86.2040 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found
50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$210.560200K-UP$140.373
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC

309 Hp @ 5895 rpm

393 N.m @ 5025 rpm

Engine Value: 15.850$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC

592 Hp @ 4945 rpm

735 N.m @ 5225 rpm

Engine Value: 25,084$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $107.756 $21.551 $71.837 $14.367

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $175.467 $35.093 $116.978 $23.395

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 02-05-2018

Bolt Reptilia R2 Supercharged (Chevrolet Corvette C4 84'-96')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$158.484200K-UP$105.6550 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$225.610200K-UP$150.406
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584 Hp @ 5945 rpm

724 N.m @ 5300 rpm

Engine Value: 19.455$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC SUPERCHARGED

1116 Hp @ 5965 rpm

1369 N.m @ 5425 rpm

Engine Value: 28,689$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $132.070 $26.414 $88.046 $17.609

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $188.009 $37.601 $125.339 $25.067

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 04-05-2018

Bolt Rollett (Chevrolet Camaro 70')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$86.154200K-UP$57.4350 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$147.271200K-UP$98.180
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

306 Hp @ 4555 rpm

538 N.m @ 3205 rpm

Engine Value: 10.457$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

594 Hp @ 4585 rpm

1018 N.m @ 3260 rpm

Engine Value: 15,196$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $71.795 $14.359 $47.863 $9.572

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $122.726 $24.545 $81.817 $16.363

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2i0LKRCCEXQnv2l4b


Updated 04-05-2018

Bolt Rollett F-Mill (Chevrolet Camaro 70')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$64.504200K-UP$43.0030 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$114.136200K-UP$76.090
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Engine Type: I6 OHV

145 Hp @ 4175 rpm

294 N.m @ 2405 rpm

Engine Value: 7.679$

Modified Engine Type: I6 OHV

210 Hp @ 4220 rpm

413 N.m @ 2475 rpm

Engine Value: 11,181$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $53.754 $10.750 $35.836 $7.167

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $95.114 $19.022 $63.409 $12.681

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 04-05-2018

Bolthorn Grand Mojave (Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk)

0 KM$170.3281-50K$170.32850K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$308.3021-50K$308.30150K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOCH 4x4

340 Hp @ 5905 rpm

431 N.m @ 5055 rpm

Engine Value: 17.950$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOCH 4x4

662 Hp @ 5950 rpm

819 N.m @ 5255 rpm

Engine Value:$27.184

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $141.940 $28.388

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $256.918 $51.383

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 04-05-2018

Bolthorn Grand Mojave Storm (Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk)

0 KM$186.2211-50K$186.22050K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$325.4431-50K$325.44250K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOCH Supercharged

643 Hp @ 5950 rpm

796 N.m @ 5325 rpm

Engine Value: 19.455$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOCH Supercharged

1246 Hp @ 5970 rpm

1527 N.m @ 5440 rpm

Engine Value: 28,689$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $155.184 $31.036

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $271.202 $54.240

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 04-05-2018

Castor Avalanche (Range Rover Evoque Coupe)

0 KM$185.3521-50K$185.35250K-100K$148.281100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$309.4301-50K$309.42950K-100K$247.543100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

322 Hp @ 6010 rpm

432 N.m @ 3835 rpm

Engine Value: 10.366$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

444 Hp @ 6050 rpm

575 N.m @ 3980 rpm

Engine Value: 14,234$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $154.460 $30.892 $123.568 $24.713

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $257.858 $51.571 $206.286 $41.257

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 04-05-2018

Castor Earthquake (Ford F-150)

0 KM$200.6421-50K$200.64150K-100K$160.513100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$310.6231-50K$310.62250K-100K$248.498100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOCH 4x4

372 Hp @ 5915 rpm

469 N.m @ 5085 rpm

Engine Value: 17.950$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOCH 4x4

723 Hp @ 5955 rpm

893 N.m @ 5275 rpm

Engine Value: 27.184$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $167.201 $33.440 $133.761 $26.752

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $258.852 $51.770 $207.082 $41.416

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 05-05-2018

Castor Earthquake Rex (Ford F-150 Raptor)

0 KM$280.0441-50K$280.04450K-100K$224.035100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$465.4201-50K$465.42050K-100K$372.336100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOCH 4x4

372 Hp @ 5915 rpm

469 N.m @ 5085 rpm

Engine Value: 17.930$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOCH 4x4

723 Hp @ 5955 rpm

893 N.m @ 5275 rpm

Engine Value: 27.184$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $233.370 $46.674 $186.696 $37.339

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $387.850 $77.570 $310.280 $62.056

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 06-05-2018

Chieftain Bandit (Pontiac Firebird Trans Am 77')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$100.858200K-UP$67.2390 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$173.596200K-UP$115.731
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

300 Hp @ 4550 rpm

528 N.m @ 3205 rpm

Engine Value: 10.457$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

582 Hp @ 4585 rpm

999 N.m @ 3260 rpm

Engine Value: 15.196$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $84.049 $16.809 $56.033 $11.206

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $144.664 $28.932 $96.443 $19.288

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 06-05-2018

Chieftain Bandit Shiv (Pontiac Firebird Trans Am 77')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$132.390200K-UP$88.2600 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$185.288200K-UP$123.525
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Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

347 Hp @ 4565 rpm

608 N.m @ 2730 rpm

Engine Value: 12.043$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

479 Hp @ 4580 rpm

825 N.m @ 2795 rpm

Engine Value: 16.037$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $110.325 $22.065 $73.550 $14.710

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $154.407 $30.881 $102.938 $20.587

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 06-05-2018

Chieftain TBX (Pontiac GTO 68'-69')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$98.340200K-UP$65.5590 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$156.316200K-UP$105.614
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

291 Hp @ 4550 rpm

528 N.m @ 3045 rpm

Engine Value: 10.142$

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

520 Hp @ 4580 rpm

916 N.m @ 3090 rpm

Engine Value: 14.296$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $81.950 $16.390 $54.633 $10.926

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $130.264 $26.052 $88.012 $17.602

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jEQNmjDatx42PNhQ


Updated 06-05-2018

Chieftain TBX 2C (Pontiac GTO 68'-69')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$119.336200K-UP$79.5570 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$190.000200K-UP$126.667
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

330 Hp @ 4560 rpm

579 N.m @ 3215 rpm

Engine Value: 10.457$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

640 Hp @ 4585 rpm

1096 N.m @ 3265 rpm

Engine Value: 15.196$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $99.447 $19.889 $66.298 $13.259

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $158.334 $31.666 $105.556 $21.111

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 06-05-2018

Chrysler 300C STR8

0 KM$244.5221-50K$203.76850K-100KNot Found100K-200K$146.713200K-UPNot Found0 KM$356.2481-50K$296.87350K-100KNot Found100K-200K$213.748200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 OHV M

431 Hp @ 5665 rpm

572 N.m @ 4865 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV M

570 Hp @ 5685 rpm

750 N.m @ 4920 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $122.261 $24.452

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $178.124 $35.624

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 26-03-2020

Chrysler Cordoba

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$82.333200K-UP$54.8890 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$122.941200K-UP$81.961
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb OHV A

193 Hp @ 4400 rpm

378 N.m @ 2450 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb OHV A

268 Hp @ 4440 rpm

514 N.m @ 2460 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $68.611 $13.722 $45.741 $9.148

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $102.451 $20.490 $68.301 $13.660

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 25-03-2020

DC Typhoon (427 Shelby Cobra 65')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$121.704200K-UP$81.1350 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$195.296200K-UP$126.871
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

306 Hp @ 4555 rpm

538 N.m @ 3205 rpm

Engine Value: 10.457$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

569 Hp @ 4585 rpm

977 N.m @ 3255 rpm

Engine Value: 15.196$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $101.420 $20.284 $67.613 $13.522

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $162.747 $32.549 $105.726 $21.145

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jEfgbIbUxpWDKELh


Updated 06-05-2018

Delray Custom (Chevrolet Belair 57')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$64.4890 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$114.948
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

330 Hp @ 4560 rpm

579 N.m @ 3215 rpm

Engine Value: 10.457$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

654 Hp @ 4590 rpm

1118 N.m @ 3265 rpm

Engine Value: 15.196$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $53.741 $10.748

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $95.790 $19.158

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jEhfdzp45tTJ0GNv


Updated 06-05-2018

Delray Imperator (Dodge Challenger STR8)

0 KM$218.4941-50K$182.07850K-100K$174.795100K-200K$131.096200K-UPNot Found0 KM$395.5821-50K$395.58150K-100K$316.465100K-200K$237.349200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC

372 Hp @ 5915 rpm

469 N.m @ 5085 rpm

Engine Value: 15.850$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC

720 Hp @ 5950 rpm

890 N.m @ 5275 rpm

Engine Value: 25,084$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $145.663 $29.132 $109.247 $21.849

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $329.651 $65.930 $263.721 $52.744 $197.791 $39.558

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jEkGwZdQqqbFj0dU


Updated 06-05-2018

Dodge Challenger

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$122.083200K-UP$81.3880 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$173.066200K-UP$115.377
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Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

390 Hp @ 4570 rpm

679 N.m @ 2755 rpm

Engine Value: 12.043$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

519 Hp @ 4580 rpm

892 N.m @ 2815 rpm

Engine Value: 16.037$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $101.736 $20.347 $67.824 $13.564

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $144.222 $28.844 $96.148 $19.229

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jEvv65ThWSqWYAoD


Updated 06-05-2018

Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat 2015

0 KM$305.2241-50K$305.11950K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$449.6571-50K$449.55150K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 OHV HEMI B

707 Hp @ 6005 rpm

881 N.m @ 5160 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV HEMI B

1110 Hp @ 6005 rpm

1367 N.m @ 5235 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $254.266 $50.853

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $374.626 $74.925

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2k0zFGlWP7aHm9v7s


Added 26-12-2018

Dodge Charger

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$110.541200K-UP$73.6940 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$180.446200K-UP$120.297
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Engine Type: V8 OHV MAG

375 Hp @ 4520 rpm

350 N.m @ 3255 rpm

Engine Value: 11.768$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV MAG

540 Hp @ 4540 rpm

925 N.m @ 3295 rpm

Engine Value: 15.922$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $92.118 $18.423 $61.412 $12.282

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $150.372 $30.074 $100.248 $20.049

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jEzyqqtGvT0IaT0E


Updated 06-05-2018

Dodge Ram 3500

0 KM$268.8651-50K$268.86450K-100K$215.091100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$406.8171-50K$406.81650K-100K$325.453100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 HEMI B 4X4

395 Hp @ 5490 rpm

542 N.m @ 4110 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 HEMI B 4X4

560 Hp @ 5505 rpm

756 N.m @ 4290 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $224.054 $44.810 $179.243 $35.848

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $339.014 $67.802 $271.211 $54.242

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2lmcuMpPNEonC2ckL


Added 19-05-2019

Dodge Ram SRT10

0 KM$373.4201-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$224.052200K-UPNot Found0 KM$546.7731-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$328.063200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V10 OHV B

517 Hp @ 5750 rpm

712 N.m @ 4420 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V10 OHV B

798 Hp @ 5760 rpm

1074 N.m @ 4495 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $186.710 $37.342

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $273.386 $54.677

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2lnC0PJETqyi0LiqB


Added 21-05-2019

Dodge Viper GTS 2015

0 KM$424.7161-50K$423.15650K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$567.8161-50K$567.21650K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V10 OHV

645 Hp @ 6005 rpm

813 N.m @ 5035 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V10 OHV

1048 Hp @ 6005 rpm

1301 N.m @ 5125 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $352.630 $70.526

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $472.680 $94.536

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Added 26-12-2018

Echos Cobra (Dodge Viper)

0 KM$250.8591-50K$250.89650K-100K$200.716100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$449.5441-50K$449.54450K-100K$359.635100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC

403 Hp @ 5920 rpm

507 N.m @ 5110 rpm

Engine Value: 15.850$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC

765 Hp @ 5955 rpm

944 N.m @ 5290 rpm

Engine Value: 25,084$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $209.080 $41.816 $167.264 $33.452

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $374.620 $74.924 $299.696 $59.939

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Updated 14-06-2018

Elenti Callope (Renault Clio V6 Sport)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$156.456100K-200K$117.342200K-UP$78.2280 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$242.725100K-200K$182.043200K-UP$121.362
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Engine Type: V6 DOHC

264 Hp @ 7130 rpm

312 N.m @ 4500 rpm

Engine Value: 14.468$

Modified Engine Type: V6 DOHC

384 Hp @ 7155 rpm

428 N.m @ 4695 rpm

Engine Value: 20,504$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn,Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $130.380 $26.076 $97.785 $19.557 $65.190 $13.038

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $202.271 $40.454 $151.703 $30.340 $101.135 $20.227

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Updated 06-05-2018

Emden Lotz (Volkswagen Golf VII)

0 KM$134.1181-50K$134.11850K-100K$107.294100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$223.6001-50K$223.59950K-100K$178.880100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

145 Hp @ 5950 rpm

187 N.m @ 4930 rpm

Engine Value: 7,926$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

220 Hp @ 6125 rpm

273 N.m @ 5085 rpm

Engine Value: 13,109$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $111.765 $22.353 $89.412 $17.882

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $186.333 $37.266 $149.067 $29.813

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Updated 07-05-2018

Emden Lotz GT (Volkswagen Golf VII)

0 KM$134.7161-50K$134.71550K-100K$107.773100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$237.5501-50K$237.54950K-100K$190.040100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

180 Hp @ 5740 rpm

240 N.m @ 4825 rpm

Engine Value: 8,511$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

290 Hp @ 5830 rpm

375 N.m @ 4985 rpm

Engine Value: 14,409$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $112.263 $22.452 $89.811 $17.962

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $197.958 $39.591 $158.367 $31.673

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 07-05-2018

FMW Panther (BMW M3)

0 KM$217.9651-50K$181.63750K-100K$174.372100K-200K$130.778200K-UPNot Found0 KM$383.3021-50K$383.30150K-100K$306.642100K-200K$229.981200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC

309 Hp @ 5895 rpm

393 N.m @ 5025 rpm

Engine Value: 15.850$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC

592 Hp @ 5945 rpm

735 N.m @ 5225 rpm

Engine Value: 25,084$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $145.310 $29.062 $108.982 $21.796

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $319.418 $63.883 $255.535 $51.107 $191.651 $38.330

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Updated 07-05-2018

FMW Panther Supersport (BMW M3)

0 KM$273.6121-50K$228.01050K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$410.7611-50K$410.76150K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC Supercharged

584 Hp @ 5945 rpm

724 N.m @ 5300 rpm

Engine Value: 19,455$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC Superchared

1116 Hp @ 5965 rpm

1369 N.m @ 5425 rpm

Engine Value: 28,689$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $342.301 $68.460

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Updated 07-05-2018

FMW Roadster (BMW Z4 Roadster)

0 KM$184.2231-50K$153.51950K-100K$147.378100K-200K$110.533200K-UPNot Found0 KM$289.6281-50K$289.62750K-100K$231.702100K-200K$173.776200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

279 Hp @ 5980 rpm

380 N.m @ 3770 rpm

Engine Value: 10,366$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

388 Hp @ 6035 rpm

509 N.m @ 3920 rpm

Engine Value: 14,234$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $122.815 $24.563 $92.111 $18.422

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $241.356 $48.271 $193.085 $38.617 $144.814 $28.962

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Updated 08-05-2018

FMW Roadster V6 (BMW Z4 Roadster)

0 KM$216.2121-50K$180.17650K-100K$172.969100K-200K$129.727200K-UPNot Found0 KM$335.2281-50K$335.22750K-100K$268.182100K-200K$201.136200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V6 DOHC

264 Hp @ 7130 rpm

312 N.m @ 4500 rpm

Engine Value: 14.208$

Modified Engine Type: V6 DOHC

381 Hp @ 7155 rpm

426 N.m @ 4690 rpm

Engine Value: 20,144$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $144.141 $28.828 $108.106 $21.621

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $279.356 $55.871 $223.485 $44.697 $167.614 $33.522

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Updated 08-05-2018

Ford F350 Super Duty

0 KM$205.4611-50K$205.46050K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$349.1321-50K$349.13150K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 SOCH Boss

381 Hp @ 5410 rpm

586 N.m @ 3610 rpm

Engine Value: 17,233$

Modified Engine Type: V8 SOCH Boss

671 Hp @ 5420 rpm

980 N.m @ 3700 rpm

Engine Value: 29,024$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $ $0 $171.217 $34.243

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $290.943 $58.188

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2kDWz0LKJf03lJQPD


Added 05-06-2018

Ford F350 Super Duty 2WD

0 KM$193.1761-50K$193.17650K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$336.8471-50K$336.84750K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 SOCH Boss RWD

381 Hp @ 5410 rpm

586 N.m @ 3615 rpm

Engine Value: 15,533$

Modified Engine Type: V8 SOCH Boss RWD

671 Hp @ 5420 rpm

980 N.m @ 3700 rpm

Engine Value: 27,324$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $160.980 $32.196

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $280.706 $56.141

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EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2kEdZqmTbp_9meKhQ


Added 13-06-2018

Ford GT40

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$176.192200K-UP$117.4760 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$282.117200K-UP$188.094
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Engine Type: V8 OHV Windsor Race

335 Hp @ 5730 rpm

450 N.m @ 4730 rpm

Engine Value: 13.867$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV Windsor Race

583 Hp @ 6340 rpm

755 N.m @ 4840 rpm

Engine Value: 22.736$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $146.827 $29.365 $97.897 $19.579

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $235.098 $47.019 $156.745 $31.349

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 08-06-2018

Ford Mustang

0 KM$268.8571-50K$268.85750K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$394.7161-50K$394.71650K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOCH Coyote

437 Hp @ 6560 rpm

544 N.m @ 4200 rpm

Engine Value: 18,395$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOCH Coyote

747 Hp @ 6570 rpm

884 N.m @ 4405 rpm

Engine Value: 29,244$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $224.048 $44.809

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $328.930 $65.786

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Added 12-06-2018

Ford Mustang Mach 1

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$148.278200K-UP$98.8510 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$222.834200K-UP$148.556
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Engine Type: V8 OHV 385

370 Hp @ 5050 rpm

611 N.m @ 3405 rpm

Engine Value: 13.357$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV 385

637 Hp @ 5065 rpm

1016 N.m @ 3485 rpm

Engine Value: 22.731$

Can be found at: Auctions, Junk Yard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $123.565 $24.713 $82.376 $16.475

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $185.695 $37.139 $123.797 $24.759

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 19-06-2018

Jeep Grand Cherokee STR8

0 KM$259.5401-50K$259.53950K-100K$207.631100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$405.2831-50K$405.28350K-100K$324.225100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 HEMI

469 Hp @ 5975 rpm

626 N.m @ 3440 rpm

Engine Value: 15,468$

Modified Engine Type: V8 HEMI

688 Hp @ 5995 rpm

890 N.m @ 3535 rpm

Engine Value: 20,964$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $216.283 $43.256 $173.026 $34.605

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $337.736 $67.547 $270.188 $54.037

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jFn5CxiukKHbUdTK


Updated 09-05-2018

Jeep Willys Civilian

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$32.7560 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$51.024
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Engine Type: I4

60 Hp @ 3330 rpm

147 N.m @ 2160 rpm

Modified Engine Type: I4

82 Hp @ 3365 rpm

196 N.m @ 2200 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Junk Yard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $28.077 $4.679

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $42.520 $8.504

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jFr0rczLSGcjeh_R


Updated 27-03-2020

Jeep Willys Military

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$35.3150 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$55.303
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Engine Type: I4

60 Hp @ 3330 rpm

147 N.m @ 2160 rpm

Modified Engine Type: I4

82 Hp @ 3365 rpm

196 N.m @ 2200 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Junk Yard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $30.270 $5.045

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $46.086 $9.217

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jFt7jH25X41hfAc_


Updated 27-03-2020

Jeep Wrangler

0 KM$146.5831-50K$146.58350K-100K$117.266100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$220.5711-50K$220.57050K-100K$176.456100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V6 DOHC

285 Hp @ 6025 rpm

368 N.m @ 4860 rpm

Engine Value: 15,553$

Modified Engine Type: V6 DOHC

370 Hp @ 6050 rpm

470 N.m @ 4930 rpm

Engine Value: 19,169$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $122.153 $24.430 $97.722 $19.544

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $183.809 $36.761 $147.047 $29.409

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jFwTe6zRGw1gggDX


Updated 09-05-2018

Katagiri Katsumoto (Honda Civic Coupe)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$45.309200K-UP$30.2060 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$84.003200K-UP$56.002
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Engine Type: I4 SOHC

108 Hp @ 5085 rpm

168 N.m @ 4185 rpm

Engine Value: 6,906$

Modified Engine Type: I4 SOHC

160 Hp @ 5280 rpm

239 N.m @ 4285 rpm

Engine Value: 10,659$

Can be found at: Auctions, Junkyard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $37.758 $7.551 $25.172 $5.034

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $70.003 $14.000 $46.669 $9.333

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jF1gIf-C5NWE8HYf


Updated 09-05-2018

Katagiri Katsumoto XTec (Honda Civic Coupe)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$74.679200K-UP$49.7850 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$136.777200K-UP$91.184
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

189 Hp @ 5755 rpm

251 N.m @ 4845 rpm

Engine Value: 8,511$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

305 Hp @ 5835 rpm

393 N.m @ 5000 rpm

Engine Value: 14,409$

Can be found at: Auctions, Junkyard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $62.233 $12.446 $41.488 $8.297

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $113.981 $22.796 $75.987 $15.197

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Updated 29-04-2018

Lotus Elise S1

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$46.927200K-UP$31.2850 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$71.276200K-UP$47.517
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

117 Hp @ 5305 rpm

171 N.m @ 4445 rpm

Engine Value: 7,831$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

152 Hp @ 5445 rpm

216 N.m @ 4525 rpm

Engine Value: 10,934$

Can be found at: Auctions, Junk Yard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $39.106 $7.821 $26.071 $5.214

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $59.397 $11.879 $39.598 $7.919

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 30-04-2018

Lotus Esprit S1

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$50.916200K-UP$33.9440 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$73.360200K-UP$48.907
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

179 Hp @ 6450 rpm

214 N.m @ 5285 rpm

Engine Value: 8,699$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

250 Hp @ 6570 rpm

289 N.m @ 5460 rpm

Engine Value: 11,378$

Can be found at: Auctions, Junk Yard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $42.430 $8.486 $28.287 $5.657

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $61.134 $12.226 $40.756 $8.151

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Added 30-04-2018

Luxor Bowen (Cadillac Coupe Deville 67')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$91.276200K-UP$60.8500 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$156.576200K-UP$104.383
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

291 Hp @ 4550 rpm

528 N.m @ 3045 rpm

Engine Value: 10.142$

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

520 Hp @ 4580 rpm

916 N.m @ 3090 rpm

Engine Value: 14.296$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $76.064 $15.212 $50.709 $10.141

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $130.480 $26.096 $86.986 $17.397

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 13-05-2018

Maserati MC Stradale

0 KM$256.2961-50K$213.58050K-100K$205.036100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$382.3821-50K$318.65250K-100K$305.905100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC

450 Hp @ 6510 rpm

510 N.m @ 5630 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC

893 Hp @ 6530 rpm

991 N.m @ 5935 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $170.864 $34.172

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $254.921 $50.984

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 10-03-2019

Maserati Quattroporte

0 KM$255.4361-50K$255.43650K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$400.5311-50K$400.53150K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 Twin-Turbo DOCH

530 Hp @ 6085 rpm

655 N.m @ 5195 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 Twin-Turbo DOCH

1180 Hp @ 6130 rpm

1430 N.m @ 5350 rpm

Can be found at:Car Salon, Auction

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $212.864 $42.572

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $333.776 $66.755

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2lHZtJvJTv0npQDAX


Added 11-03-2019

Maserati Sebring

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$135.474200K-UP$90.3150 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$207.789200K-UP$138.526
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Engine Type: I6 SOHC

275 Hp @ 5385 rpm

375 N.m @ 4745 rpm

Modified Engine Type: I6 SOHC

496 Hp @ 5400 rpm

666 N.m @ 4935 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $112.895 $22.579 $75.263 $15.052

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $173.158 $34.631 $115.439 $23.087

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 05-03-2019

Mayen M3 (Audi A3)

0 KM$174.4091-50K$174.40850K-100K
Not Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$304.8081-50K$304.80750K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

308 Hp @ 6000 rpm

415 N.m @ 3815 rpm

Engine Value: 10,366$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

424 Hp @ 6045 rpm

552 N.m @ 3960 rpm

Engine Value: 14,234$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $145.340 $29.068

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $254.006 $50.801

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jGBv4R38DHgGffxZ


Updated 13-05-2018

Mayen M3 4x4 (Audi S3 Quattro)

0 KM$195.6311-50K$195.63050K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$325.1121-50K$325.11150K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC 4x4

308 Hp @ 6000 rpm

415 N.m @ 3815 rpm

Engine Value: 10,656$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC 4x4

424 Hp @ 6045 rpm

552 N.m @ 3960 rpm

Engine Value: 14,814$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $163.025 $32.605

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $270.926 $54.185

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jGEUpt0SReuUVDaX


Updated 14-5-2018

Mayen M6 (Audi A6)

0 KM$121.3091-50K$101.09150K-100KNot Found100K-200K$72.784200K-UPNot Found0 KM$218.6221-50K$218.56250K-100KNot Found100K-200K$131.173200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

180 Hp @ 5740 rpm

240 N.m @ 4825 rpm

Engine Value: 8,511$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

294 Hp @ 5830 rpm

379 N.m @ 4990 rpm

Engine Value: 14,409$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $60.654 $12.130

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $182.125 $36.437 $109.311 $21.862

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jGJBiVmt8Ndrtscl


Updated 16-05-2018

Mayen M8 (Audi A8 Or Lincoln Zephyr MKZ)

0 KM$204.3641-50K$204.36450K-100K$163.491100K-200K$122.618200K-UPNot Found0 KM$349.9871-50K$349.98750K-100K$279.988100K-200K$209.991200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC

309 Hp @ 5895 rpm

393 N.m @ 5025 rpm

Engine Value: 15.850$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC

602 Hp @ 5945 rpm

747 N.m @ 5230 rpm

Engine Value: 25,084$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $170.304 $34.060 $136.243 $27.248 $102.182 $20.436

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $291.656 $58.331 $233.324 $46.664 $174.993 $34.998

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jGMDr8JPa86pNjv8


Updated 22-06-2018

Mayen M8 R (Audi A8 Or Lincoln Zephyr MKZ)

0 KM$339.7361-50K$283.15550K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$476.7541-50K$397.29550K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC Supercharged

584 Hp @ 5945 rpm

724 N.m @ 5300 rpm

Engine Value: 19,455$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC Superchared

1133 Hp @ 5965 rpm

1390 N.m @ 5430 rpm

Engine Value: 28,689$

Can be found at: Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0

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Updated 22-05-2018

Mazda RX-3

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$78.410200K-UP$52.2730 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$115.146200K-UP$76.764
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Engine Type: ROTARY 2

115 Hp @ 5415 rpm

162 N.m @ 4605 rpm

Modified Engine Type: ROTARY 2

151 Hp @ 5770 rpm

206 N.m @ 4695 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Junk Yard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $65.342 $13.068 $43.561 $8.712

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $95.955 $19.191 $63.970 $12.794

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jGUTZ9fFr-eUBQ51


Updated 12-11-2018

Mazda RX-7

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$107.011200K-UP$71.3400 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$$165.247200K-UP$110.164
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Engine Type: ROTARY 1

291 Hp @ 6600 rpm

351 N.m @ 5265 rpm

Modified Engine Type: ROTARY 1

375 Hp @ 6710 rpm

443 N.m @ 5340 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Junk Yard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $89.176 $17.835 $59.450 $11.890

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $137.706 $27.541 $91.804 $18.360

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 12-11-2018

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

0 KM$531.7321-50K$443.11050K-100K$425.385100K-200K$319.039200K-UPNot Found0 KM$739.5781-50K$616.31550K-100K$591.662100K-200K$443.746200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC M159

558 Hp @ 6655 rpm

636 N.m @ 5505 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC M159

895 Hp @ 6690 rpm

1000 N.m @ 5650 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $354.488 $70.897 $265.866 $53.173

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $493.052 $98.610 $369.789 $73.957

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No need no livery


Added 28-01-2020

Mercedes-Benz W113 Pagoda

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$92.174200K-UP$61.4490 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$141.471200K-UP$94.314
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Engine Type: I6 M130

169 Hp @ 5840 rpm

244 N.m @ 3830 rpm

Modified Engine Type: I6 M130

238 Hp @ 6310 rpm

324 N.m @ 3965 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $76.812 $15.362 $51.208 $10.241

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $117.893 $23.578 $78.595 $15.719

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2o22IbaUdMhtALsOG?e=NJeOzb


Added 26-01-2020

Mercedes-Benz W124 500E

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$86.299200K-UP$57.5320 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$126.522200K-UP$84.348
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC M119

326 Hp @ 5340 rpm

480 N.m @ 4190 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC M119

487 Hp @ 5485 rpm

699 N.m @ 4280 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $71.916 $14.383 $47.944 $9.588

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $105.435 $21.087 $70.290 $14.058

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2o2Y3SGz7UU9su19k?e=AhoSaH


Added 24-01-2020

Mercedes-Benz W126 560SEC

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$75.988200K-UP$50.6590 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$108.990200K-UP$72.660
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Engine Type: V8 OHV M117

389 Hp @ 5045 rpm

589 N.m @ 4145 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV M117

633 Hp @ 5070 rpm

948 N.m @ 4195 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $63.324 $12.664 $42.216 $8.443

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $90.825 $18.165 $60.550 $12.110

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2o3G_rLoDSKRTeLUR?e=WGh0BC


Added 27-01-2020

Mercedes-Benz W198 300SL

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$100.0510 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$140.155
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Engine Type: I6 M186

250 Hp @ 5050 rpm

382 N.m @ 4095 rpm

Modified Engine Type: I6 M186

390 Hp @ 5090 rpm

584 N.m @ 4185 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Junk Yard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $83.376 $16.675

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $116.796 $23.359

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2o3jayntE8NDDbGF4?e=zDkW1X


Added 28-01-2020

Mioveni Urs (Dacia Duster)

0 KM$105.9841-50K$88.32050K-100K$84.787100K-200K$63.590200K-UPNot Found0 KM$190.1481-50K$190.06250K-100K$152.118100K-200K$114.088200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 SOHC 4X4

108 Hp @ 5085 rpm

168 N.m @ 4185 rpm

Engine Value: 7,195$

Modified Engine Type: I4 SOHC 4X4

160 Hp @ 5280 rpm

239 N.m @ 4285 rpm

Engine Value: 11,239$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $0 $70.656 $14.131 $52.992 $10.598

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $158.385 $31.677 $126.765 $25.353 $95.074 $19.014

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jGcwWW_ghCZes7aj


Updated 12-11-2018

Olsen Grand Club (Mercedes-Benz GLK)

0 KM$232.9001-50K$232.89950K-100K$181.490100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$380.4041-50K$380.40350K-100K$303.483100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC 4X4

309 Hp @ 5895 rpm

393 N.m @ 5025 rpm

Engine Value: 17,950$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC 4X4

601 Hp @ 5945 rpm

746 N.m @ 5230 rpm

Engine Value: 27,184$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $194.083 $38.816 $151.242 $30.248

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $317.003 $63.400 $252.903 $50.580

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Updated 27-05-2018

Pagani Huayra

0 KM$702.5071-50K$702.50650K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$883.6231-50K$883.62250K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V12 SOCH Twin Turbo

721 Hp @ 5655 rpm

1001 N.m @ 3710 rpm

Engine Value: 22,302$

Modified Engine Type: V12 SOCH Twin Turbo

1313 Hp @ 5685 rpm

1790 N.m @ 3870 rpm

Engine Value: 36,050$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $585.422 $117.084

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $736.352 $147.270

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 27-05-2018

Pagani Huayra Tempesta

0 KM$748.1421-50K$747.91450K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$910.6611-50K$910.43250K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V12 SOCH Twin Turbo

721 Hp @ 5655 rpm

1001 N.m @ 3710 rpm

Engine Value: 22,302$

Modified Engine Type: V12 SOCH Twin Turbo

1313 Hp @ 5685 rpm

1790 N.m @ 3870 rpm

Engine Value: 36,050$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $623.262 $124.652

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $758.694 $151.738

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 29-04-2018

Pagani Zonda Revolucion

0 KM$643.0321-50K$643.03250K-100K$514.425100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$813.8971-50K$813.89650K-100K$651.117100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V12 DOHC

800 Hp @ 9195 rpm

730 N.m @ 5220 rpm

Engine Value: 22,260$

Modified Engine Type: V12 DOHC

1429 Hp @ 9200 rpm

1209 N.m @ 5570 rpm

Engine Value: 35,825$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $535.860 $107.172 $428.688 $85.737

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $678.247 $135.649 $542.598 $108.519

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 31-05-2018

Plymouth Barracuda 426 Hemi 71'

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$123.787200K-UP$82.5240 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$179.670200K-UP$119.780
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425 Hp @ 4810 rpm

664 N.m @ 3960 rpm

Engine Value: 11.198$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV HEMI SHAKER

565 Hp @ 4825 rpm

877 N.m @ 4015 rpm

Engine Value: 15.432$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $103.156 $20.631 $68.770 $13.754

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $149.725 $29.945 $99.817 $19.963

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 21-06-2018

Plymouth Roadrunner 426 HEMI

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$104.485200K-UP$69.6560 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$151.677200K-UP$101.118
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Engine Type: V8 OHV HEMI

425 Hp @ 4810 rpm

664 N.m @ 3960 rpm

Engine Value: 10,763$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV HEMI

584 Hp @ 4825 rpm

907 N.m @ 4020 rpm

Engine Value: 14,997$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $87.071 $17.414 $58.047 $11.609

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $126.398 $25.279 $84.265 $16.853

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 18-06-2018

Plymouth Roadrunner 440 70'

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$93.318200K-UP$62.2110 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$142.155200K-UP$94.665
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Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

390 Hp @ 4570 rpm

679 N.m @ 2755 rpm

Engine Value: 12.043$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

537 Hp @ 4585 rpm

922 N.m @ 2820 rpm

Engine Value: 16.037$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $77.765 $15.553 $51.843 $10.368

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $118.463 $23.692 $78.888 $15.777

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 19-06-2018

Porsche 911 Carrera 4S (991) (2016)

0 KM$393.1801-50K$393.18050K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$557.4151-50K$557.41450K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: B6 Twin Turbo

420 Hp @ 6500 rpm

519 N.m @ 4060 rpm

Modified Engine Type: B6 Twin Turbo

677 Hp @ 6555 rpm

800 N.m @ 4305 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Saloon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $327.650 $65.530

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $464.512 $92.902

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2kk6q5QUdB2DVmjqH


Added 27-10-2018

Porsche 911 RS America (964) (1993)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$256.830200K-UP$171.2190 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$391.593200K-UP$224.950
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Engine Type: B6

262 Hp @ 6345 rpm

325 N.m @ 4865 rpm

Modified Engine Type: B6

479 Hp @ 6380 rpm

566 N.m @ 5120 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $214.025 $42.805 $142.683 $28.536

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $326.328 $65.265 $187.459 $37.491

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2kkWiBnc2c5LvTv36


Added 16-10-2018

Porsche 911 Turbo S (964) (1993)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$266.185200K-UP$177.4570 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$402.681200K-UP$268.454
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Engine Type: B6 Turbo

362 Hp @ 5785 rpm

490 N.m @ 4535 rpm

Modified Engine Type: B6 Turbo

667 Hp @ 6385 rpm

859 N.m @ 4670 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $221.821 $44.364 $147.881 $29.576

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $335.568 $67.113 $223.712 $44.742

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2kkKY0AuBEigXnPEY


Added 14-10-2018

Porsche Carrera GT (2003)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$404.880100K-200K$303.787200K-UPNot Found0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$561.037100K-200K$420.906200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V10 DOHC

612 Hp @ 8040 rpm

590 N.m @ 5830 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V10 DOHC

991 Hp @ 8075 rpm

918 N.m @ 6230 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $337.400 $67.480 $253.156 $50.631

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $467.531 $93.506 $350.755 $70.151

All Parts List with Prices:



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Added 21-10-2018

Rino Piccolo (Volkswagen Up)

0 KM$80.8861-50K$80.88650K-100K$64.708100K-200K$48.531200K-UPNot Found0 KM$137.0071-50K$137.00650K-100K$109.605100K-200K$82.203200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

124 Hp @ 5845 rpm

162 N.m @ 4875 rpm

Engine Value: 7,926$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

187 Hp @ 6090 rpm

236 N.m @ 5025 rpm

Engine Value: 13,109$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $67.405 $13.481 $53.924 $10.784 $40.443 $8.088

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $114.172 $22.834 $91.338 $18.267 $68.503 $13.700

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jG7fl5hYZuC37nIB


Updated 21-06-2018

Rino Piccolo ECOTEC (Volkswagen Up)

0 KM$82.0141-50K$82.01450K-100K$65.611100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$140.1931-50K$140.19250K-100K$112.154100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I3 DOHC

85 Hp @ 4880 rpm

134 N.m @ 4095 rpm

Engine Value: 8,222$

Modified Engine Type: I3 DOHC

127 Hp @ 5245 rpm

192 N.m @ 4210 rpm

Engine Value: 13,131$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $68.345 $13.669 $54.676 $10.935

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $116.827 $23.365 $93.462 $18.692

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 23-06-2018

Royal Bianco (Fiat Punto)

0 KM$91.7791-50K$91.77950K-100K$73.423100K-200K$55.066200K-UPNot Found0 KM$170.5071-50K$170.50650K-100K$136.405100K-200K$102.303200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

131 Hp @ 5880 rpm

171 N.m @ 4895 rpm

Engine Value: 7,926$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

199 Hp @ 6105 rpm

249 N.m @ 5045 rpm

Engine Value: 13,109$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $76.483 $15.296 $61.186 $12.237 $45.889 $9.177

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $142.089 $28.417 $113.671 $22.734 $85.253 $17.050

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jHB5TdVWU-fXBQ22


Updated 25-06-2018

Royal Bianco ECOTEC (Fiat Punto)

0 KM$94.1911-50K$94.19150K-100K$75.352100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$175.7441-50K$175.74450K-100K$140.595100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I3 DOHC

133 Hp @ 5010 rpm

215 N.m @ 3915 rpm

Engine Value: 8,577$

Modified Engine Type: I3 DOHC

208 Hp @ 5145 rpm

323 N.m @ 3990 rpm

Engine Value: 13,656$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $78.493 $15.698 $62.794 $12.558

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $146.454 $29.290 $117.163 $23.432

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jHFC9IDj6IhLjgp1


Updated 28-06-2018

Royal Crown (Ford Mondeo)

0 KM$125.2221-50K$125.22250K-100K$100.177100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$249.5091-50K$249.50850K-100K$199.606100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

180 Hp @ 5740 rpm

240 N.m @ 4825 rpm

Engine Value: 8,511$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

294 Hp @ 5830 rpm

379 N.m @ 4990 rpm

Engine Value: 14,409$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $104.352 $20.870 $83.481 $16.696

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $207.924 $41.584 $166.339 $33.267

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jHIqn-0_rxiHWDNj


Updated 29-06-2018

Royal GTR (Mercedes-Benz SLK)

0 KM$253.4761-50K$253.47650K-100K$202.617100K-200K$151.956200K-UPNot Found0 KM$443.2441-50K$443.24450K-100K$354.432100K-200K$265.816200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC

340 Hp @ 5905 rpm

431 N.m @ 5055 rpm

Engine Value: 15.850$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC

663 Hp @ 5950 rpm

820 N.m @ 5255 rpm

Engine Value: 25,084$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $211.230 $42.246 $168.848 $33.769 $126.630 $25.326

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $369.370 $73.874 $295.360 $59.072 $221.514 $44.302

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 01-07-2018

Sakura GT20 (Toyota 2000GT)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$101.851200K-UP$67.9000 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$177.213200K-UP$118.142
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Engine Type: I6 DOHC

150 Hp @ 6595 rpm

173 N.m @ 5660 rpm

Engine Value: 9,199$

Modified Engine Type: I6 DOHC

256 Hp @ 6940 rpm

280 N.m @ 5905 rpm

Engine Value: 14,566$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $84.876 $16.975 $56.584 $11.316

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $147.678 $29.535 $98.452 $19.690

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jHQgXhOzlpx9rwNw


Updated 02-07-2018

Sakura Moon (Mitsubishi Eclipse)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$103.940100K-200K$77.754200K-UPNot Found0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$192.685100K-200K$144.513200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

180 Hp @ 5740 rpm

240 N.m @ 4825 rpm

Engine Value: 8,511$

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC Turbocharged

294 Hp @ 5830 rpm

379 N.m @ 4990 rpm

Engine Value: 14,409$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junkyard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $86.617 $17.323 $64.795 $12.959

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $160.571 $32.114 $120.428 $24.085

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jHZqCZ5UL17nLvib


Updated 02-07-2018

Salem Flamo (Ford Pinto 71'-80')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$52.218200K-UP$34.8120 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$97.368200K-UP$64.911
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Engine Type: I4 SOHC

114 Hp @ 5020 rpm

176 N.m @ 4200 rpm

Engine Value: 6,956$

Modified Engine Type: I4 SOHC

166 Hp @ 5130 rpm

249 N.m @ 4300 rpm

Engine Value: 10,779$

Can be found at: Auctions, Junkyard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $43.515 $8.703 $29.010 $5.802

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $81.140 $16.228 $54.093 $10.818

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jHfZM91S8OabyKRi


Updated 04-07-2018

Salem Flamo 6B (Ford Pinto 71'-80')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$57.417200K-UP$43.3770 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$108.463200K-UP$72.308
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Engine Type: I6 DOHC

150 Hp @ 6595 rpm

173 N.m @ 5660 rpm

Engine Value: 9,199$

Modified Engine Type: I6 DOHC

256 Hp @ 6940 rpm

280 N.m @ 5905 rpm

Engine Value: 14,566$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $47.848 $9.569 $36.148 $7.229

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $90.386 $18.077 $60.257 $12.051

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 05-07-2018

Salem Kieran FWD Turbo (Ford Sierra)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$93.272200K-UPNot Found0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$133.916200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: I4 DOHC

180 Hp @ 5740 rpm

240 N.m @ 4825 rpm

Modified Engine Type: I4 DOHC

292 Hp @ 5830 rpm

377 N.m @ 4990 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Junkyard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $77.727 $15.545

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $111.597 $22.319

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2kzqIRNumwiDrHHo7


Added 18-11-2018

Salem Kieran (Ford Sierra)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$68.815200K-UP$45.8760 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$124.791200K-UP$83.193
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Engine Type: I4 SOHC

114 Hp @ 5020 rpm

176 N.m @ 4200 rpm

Engine Value: 6,956$

Modified Engine Type: I4 SOHC

169 Hp @ 5135rpm

252 N.m @ 4305 rpm

Engine Value: 10,779$

Can be found at: Auctions, Junkyard, Barn

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $57.346 $11.469 $38.230 $7.646

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $103.993 $20.798 $69.328 $13.865

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 05-07-2018

Salem Spectre (Ford Mustang)

0 KM$246.2071-50K$246.20650K-100K$196.965100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$388.5401-50K$388.53950K-100K$310.832100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC

372 Hp @ 5915 rpm

469 N.m @ 5085 rpm

Engine Value: 15.850$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC

724 Hp @ 5955 rpm

894 N.m @ 5280 rpm

Engine Value: 25,084$

Can be found at: Auctions, Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $205.172 $41.034 $164.138 $32.827

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $323.783 $64.756 $259.027 $51.805

All Parts List with Prices:



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Updated 07-07-2018

Salem Spectre SR (Ford Mustang GT)

0 KM$249.7441-50K$249.74450K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found0 KM$422.8031-50K$422.80350K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC Supercharged

703 Hp @ 5950 rpm

868 N.m @ 5345 rpm

Engine Value: 19.455$

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC Supercharged

1362 Hp @ 5970 rpm

1667 N.m @ 5455 rpm

Engine Value: 28,689$

Can be found at:Car Salon

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $208.120 $41.624

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $352.336 $70.467

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jH4h8qCM37ONy-Xg


Updated 07-07-2018

Salem Spectre Fastback (Ford Mustang 67')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$84.636200K-UP$56.4240 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$150.820200K-UP$100.546
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

306 Hp @ 4555 rpm

538 N.m @ 3205 rpm

Engine Value: 10.457$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

594 Hp @ 4585 rpm

1018 N.m @ 3260 rpm

Engine Value: 15.196$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $70.530 $14.106 $47.020 $9.404

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $125.684 $25.136 $83.789 $16.757

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jHuK9s36ILZpVls3


Updated 08-07-2018

Salem Spectre Fastback 289 (Ford Mustang 67')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$91.796200K-UP$61.1970 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$173.694200K-UP$115.796
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Engine Type: V8 OHV Windsor

218 Hp @ 4495 rpm

412 N.m @ 2550 rpm

Engine Value: 12.797$

Modified Engine Type: V8 OHV Windsor

384 Hp @ 4545 rpm

703 N.m @ 2590 rpm

Engine Value: 22.671$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $76.497 $15.299 $50.998 $10.199

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $144.745 $28.949 $96.497 $19.299

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2kFtvDyJX1znQwp6_


Updated 30-06-2018

Salem Spectre Fastback 500 (Ford Mustang 67')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$121.591200K-UP$81.0610 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$163.167200K-UP$108.778
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV Supercharged

498 Hp @ 4285 rpm

936 N.m @ 2825 rpm

Engine Value: 13,812$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV Supercharged

942 Hp @ 4305 rpm

1752 N.m @ 2835 rpm

Engine Value: 18,131$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $101.326 $20.265 $67.551 $13.510

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $135.973 $27.194 $90.649 $18.129

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jH8UkO7ctoaKSsP3


Updated 08-07-2018

Sceo LX550 (Chrysler 300C)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$153.018100K-200K$114.763200K-UPNot Found0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$266.785100K-200K$200.089200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V6 DOHC CHG

251 Hp @ 7075 rpm

300 N.m @ 4475 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V6 DOHC CHG

429 Hp @ 7155 rpm

472 N.m @ 4765 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $127.515 $25.503 $95.636 $19.127

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $222.321 $44.464 $166.741 $33.348

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2lX36xfYRcrriPMZ0


Added 28-04-2019

Sceo LX550 S (Chrysler 300C)

0 KM$217.1501-50KNot Found50K-100K$173.719100K-200K$130.290200K-UPNot Found0 KM$375.8181-50KNot Found50K-100K$300.654100K-200K$227.490200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOCH AXK

403 Hp @ 5920 rpm

507 N.m @ 5110 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOCH AXK

785 Hp @ 5955 rpm

968 N.m @ 5295 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $144.766 $28.953 $108.575 $21.715

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $0 $250.545 $50.109 $189.909 $37.581

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2lWzWMZUAEmdr0e5Q


Added 27-04-2019

Sceo LX550 SC (Chrysler 300C)

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$194.196100K-200K$145.647200K-UPNot Found0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100K$328.539100K-200K$246.404200K-UPNot Found
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Engine Type: V8 DOHC Supercharged

762 Hp @ 5955 rpm

939 N.m @ 5360 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 DOHC Supercharged

1476 Hp @ 5970 rpm

1806 N.m @ 5465 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $161.830 $32.366 $121.373 $24.274

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $273.783 $54.756 $205.337 $41.067

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2lXQuf3mAoNK889of


Added 27-04-2019

Smith 1500 (Ford F-100 56')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$44.3960 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$80.968
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Engine Type: I6 OHV

145 Hp @ 4175 rpm

294 N.m @ 2405 rpm

Engine Value: 7,679$

Modified Engine Type: I6 OHV

210 Hp @ 4220 rpm

413 N.m @ 2475 rpm

Engine Value: 11,181$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $36.997 $7.399

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $67.474 $13.494

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jQC_FVYal6iOV8AS


Updated 08-07-2018

Smith 1500 XL (Ford F-100 56')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$69.3670 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$113.498
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

306 Hp @ 4555 rpm

538 N.m @ 3205 rpm

Engine Value: 10.457$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV

594 Hp @ 4585 rpm

1018 N.m @ 3260 rpm

Engine Value: 15.196$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $57.806 $11.561

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $94.582 $18.916

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jQFwdEzYVDGxa_n-


Updated 11-07-2018

Tempest Magnum (Dodge Charger Daytona 69')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$107.215200K-UP$71.4760 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$174.232200K-UP$116.155
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Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

269 Hp @ 4545 rpm

492 N.m @ 3040 rpm

Engine Value: 10.142$

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

482 Hp @ 4575 rpm

852 N.m @ 3085 rpm

Engine Value: 14.296$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $89.346 $17.869 $59.564 $11.912

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $145.194 $29.038 $96.796 $19.359

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jQLq0uEkyCkRPz4H


Updated 11-07-2018

Tempest Magnum Flatface Proto (Dodge Charger Daytona 69')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$123678200K-UP$82.4520 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200KNot Found200K-UP$122.781
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Engine Type: V8 OHV 6P

361 Hp @ 4565 rpm

631 N.m @ 2740 rpm

Modified Engine Type: V8 1 Carb. OHV

594 Hp @ 4585 rpm

1015 N.m @ 2835 rpm

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $103065 $20613 $68.710 $13.742

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $102.318 $20.463

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2kz7W1cuF8HU-h0hd


Updated 22-11-2018

Tempest Magnum SC550 (Dodge Charger Daytona 69')

0 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$141.746200K-UP$94.4970 KMNot Found1-50KNot Found50K-100KNot Found100K-200K$191.998200K-UP$127.999
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Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV Supercharged

498 Hp @ 4285 rpm

936 N.m @ 2825 rpm

Engine Value: 13,812$

Modified Engine Type: V8 2 Carb. OHV Supercharged

942 Hp @ 4305 rpm

1752 N.m @ 2835 rpm

Engine Value: 18,131$

Can be found at: Auctions, Barn, Junk Yard

Selling Prices

STANDARD Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $118.122 $23.624 $78.748 $15.749

MODIFIED Car Value Restoration Bonus Selling Price $159.999 $31.999 $106.666 $21.333

All Parts List with Prices:



EXCEL(smaller file size without pictures)!AkY0fgntWDR2jQTiISZPhiPxQIgo


Updated 12-07-2018

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