Credit Map created by: notGayAtall
Workshop link:
This guide wouldn't of been possible without my friend Dire who found the blowtorch for me.
Intro If you're here and you haven't tried the map blind yet, I highly suggest you do so for the best experience.
Tips - You don't need to spin the mystery box
- The MR6 is your best friend
- Spaz 12 is a must
- You can skip the widows wine machine (and its cheaper)
- Stamin-up makes everything easier
- Don't blow the napalm zombies up on yourself or your friends (or do)
- Lower the round, the better
- Customize BO3 weapon Attachments
- Panzers will always drop max ammo's
Step One: Get The HVK
Get 1600 Points and buy the HVK off the wall
Step Two: Kill The Panzer
On Round 4 a Panzer will spawn, kill it before going to round 5
- If you're good with timing nades you can toss them as he's finishing his drop to do big damage to him.
- If you have trouble timing nades make sure to train, focus on the zombies in front you and save one to take him out.
Once you kill him he'll drop a max ammo
Step Three: New Area, Power Switch And Speed Cola
At the start of round 5 a barrier will disappear opening a new area
Move to the end and jump on the rock
Jump onto the roof of the shed, fall down and shoot the power switch inside, this will turn on speed cola.
Step Four: The First Challenge
Move to the starting point and a rock should block your back, some music will start and the barrier will disappear, only way forward is up.
TIP: Partway up, two panzers will spawn, throw nades to weaken them (There is also a 3rd that spawns near the top)
Step Five: Soul Box And PHD Power
After getting to the top there will be a tablet in front of the door, fill it with souls and some text will show when you've completed it.
TIP: Once the door is open its best to get a crawler
This is what will show up once it's filled:
Shoot powerline to turn on PHD
Step Six: Get PHD
Parkour halfway up the tower and buy PHD (it is required for the next step)
Step Seven: Get The Next Challenge
Get to the top of the tower.
Jump from top of the tower to the crane.
Get to the roof.
Step Eight: Challenge #2 And Juggernog
Continue moving through the roof and onto the platform below.
A rock is going to rise, wait for it to finish then continue on the path.
Knife Jug machine to turn it on
Push through zombies, one panzer will spawn
Step Nine: Ice And Pap
Buy trip mines, throw it on the ice patch and have a zombie detonate it.
Jump down and push the power switch, this will open pap
Step Ten: Challenge #3
Go up the ice path and interact with the summoning key to lower the rock.
Go to the start of the challenge and a rock will block the path behind you.
TIP: You move slow, zombies will spawn behind you the further up you get and panzers will spawn. Highly recommended you use Death & Taxes for this part.
Step Eleven: Parkour And The Spaz
Once you're up throw a grenade here
This will knock down part of the pillar, you must jump on it and onto the other side
(Optional) Trade whatever weapon that isn't the Death & Taxes for a Spaz 12
Hit the button to allow the pillar to move
Parkour your way to the far pillar across from the plate.
**EDIT** You can just wall run on the right to the next area (Thanks to the map creator for the correction)
**OLD** To get on the plate you will need to do a slide jump then slide again to get onto the plate
Step Twelve: Challenge #4
Jump into the ring, it'll be slippery and you'll get some panzers, nothing hard here.
Step Thirteen: Slide Jump Link
Go along the mountain side and up to initiate the link.
TIP: Falling down the cliff brings you back to PHD, there's a lift at the top of the tower that can bring you back up (Thank you map maker for pointing this out)
Initiate the link and make your way to the link switch (you have only 9 seconds to link it)
TIP: Get a crawler, run through mid and chain slide jumps
This is the box that lifts up during link:
This is where you need to link to:
Step Fourteen: Challenge #5 (Soul Boxes And Widows)
NOTE: This is a good time to PAP the Spaz if you haven't already (or any weapons that aren't), there is a pap machine up there with you.
After linking, a lift will open next to the MP-40 wallbuy
There will be 3 soul boxes to fill
WARNING: As this is a challenge segment you will be faced with a lockdown, and this portion has Napalm Zombies. Best weapon to use against them is a bullet weapon and get headshots!
OPTIONAL: You can buy widows wine by mantling onto the rock (Thanks to the map creator for the info)
**OLD** OPTIONAL: You can buy widows wine by doing a double slide jump, then mantle onto the rock
Step Fifteen: Zombie Slide
Note: After completing challenge #5, a lift will open (use this is you need to rebuy perks)
There will be a hole in the wall that you can crouch through (shoot it if its covered by ice)
Looking through you'll see a open door and a barrel, shoot the barrel (note: you have to fill all the soul boxes beforehand)
Go up the stairs where the summoning key is, this will start challenge #6
Step Sixteen: Challenge #6 (Soul Box & Wunderfizz)
TIP: Death & Taxes is good for this part
Once you're at the summoning key music will start playing and a rock will rise locking you into the area. After some time the floor will disappear dropping you onto a slide, use Death & Taxes to get through the hoard.
Once you land onto the section below, a bunch of panzers will spawn. Ideally try to kill them and the zombies in the middle to fill up the soul box.
Once the round is reduced to a couple zombies spin the wunderfizz to get Stamin-up, it'll make a future step much easier.
Step Seventeen: Bamboo Climb To The Summoning Key
After the soul box is filled a area will open up (to the left of wunderfizz)
Climb the bamboo from the right side almost to the top, then look at the platform you need to get to and jump.
Interact with the summoning key and a lift will open up (to the right of wunderfizz)
Step Eighteen: Challenge #7 (Fire Area)
TIP: Best is a bullet weapon for this section
Once taking a lift you will be brought to the next challenge. Be careful not to stay in the lava too long as you take damage. The goal is just to push up to the end.
TIP: Napalm zombies spawn during this challenge so take it slow, they don't spawn infinitely.
Step Nineteen: The Last Soulbox
Once you get to the end of Challenge #7 there will be an egg, fill it with souls and it'll open up the next area. Drop down once done.
TIP 1: Soul collection area isn't far on this one so kill the zombies pretty close to the egg
TIP 2: Zombies that are lit on fire explode on death and do damage to the player
Step Twenty: Challenge #8 (The Hell Hole)
Once the egg is filled, drop down to the next challenge
Lots of zombies will spawn, make sure you keep your distance when killing them, after some time panzers will spawn, take them out ASAP as there isn't a lot of room to move
After a bit a rock will rise out allowing you to get to the next area
Step Twenty-One: Run Off The Cliff With Mach Speed
TIP: Make sure you or one of your teammates has 40,000 points for the next part
Shoot 3 canisters to get a speed boost (order doesn't matter but will give the power up on the 3rd one you shoot) [Redoable if speed boost runs out]
*EDIT* (Thanks to Captain Drixx for the correction)
With speed boost go on top of the rock and use the platform to run across
Go down the slide and you'll be at the next part
Get a head start and run off the cliff onto the next platform (best to do this at an angle as you lose significant speed once you fall off)
Step Twenty-Two: Challenge #9 (Survive The Lab)
Open the 40,000 point door and it'll start a survival segment, napalm zombies will spawn in this lockdown so be careful.
Step Twenty-Three: Find The Blow Torch
After you get past the lab challenge a door will open.
Go inside and on the bottom left a blue blowtorch will appear. Pick it up (there will no interaction prompt) and put it on the damaged pipe, the water will rise allowing you to get to the exit and onto the final challenge.
Step Twenty-Four: The Final Challenge
This is the final challenge, jump down and a big survival section will start. Both Panzers and Napalm zombies will spawn.
After some time the staircase will open up, interact with the computer to give tree-fiddy and you've beaten the map.
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