- Finished -
This guide is now considered finished, it covers all cadeaux.
Feel free to comment if you notice anything wrong in it, so I can correct it.
I double checked quite a few times to see if there wasn't any mistake, but maybe I missed one !
Shadow Man : Remastered came with a lot of new additions to the game, one of them being that there are a lot more cadeaux than in the original. (Thanks to the new levels.)
Some original levels have more cadeaux than they previously had as well, so in this guide I will try to make an exhaustive list to find each cadeau in every level of the game.
Some of the levels are very maze-like and can be easy to get lost into, so there will be text to guide you in addition of the screenshots of the cadeaux's spots themselves.
Also, outside of the first level, this guide will cover most cadeaux in order of appearance, room by room if possible, including the ones where you need an item that you may not have yet.
In this case, I will specify which item you need to get them.
Another thing : most cadeaux are hidden inside metal barrels and vases. On the screenshots, I broke them. This means if you don't see the cadeau shown on the picture, it's probably into a container.
Bayou Paradis - Louisiana [ 32 Cadeaux ]
So let's get started.
When the game begins, just turn to your right, there will be a single cadeau in a small cave. [1/32]
After that, just continue until you reach a pond.
There will be a larger cave at your right.
In there, you will find two cadeaux and a govi. (Don't mind the govi, you can't do anything with it yet) [3/32]
Moving forward into the cave, you will eventually go under a bridge. There is a single cadeau chilling in a small cave right after it. [4/32]
Now you can continue to wander around, just play the game and stuff.
At some point, you wil arrive at a place where you will have to climb on a rope to enter another cave.
A lonely cadeau is waiting for you right there. You can't really miss this one. [5/32]
In the same cave, you will stumble upon another cadeau just lying there. [6/32]
Not long after, still in the same cave, there will be a third cadeau that again, you can't really miss. [7/32]
After exiting the cave, just run into the church to avoid the dogs.
There is a cadeau on the altar in the centre of the church. [8/32] (A cutscene might trigger before you actually reach it, don't worry.)
After the cutscene, a single cadeau is right after Nettie. You can shoot her if you want, she will scold you. [9/32]
Still in the church, in the right room, you will find a box blocking the access of four cadeaux.
You can just push said box, and claim your cadeaux. [13/32]
Now simply exit the church, take care of the dogs and go behind the building.
You will find a small locked cabin. Just behind its fences lies a cadeau. [14/32]
From this point, I should inform you know that you cannot get the 32 cadeaux of this level yet.
You can get 26 at most.
I would recommend going Deadside and coming back much later in the game, as it will make things way easier.
But, if you want to get the 12 remaining cadeaux you can still obtain, just follow the guide.
Go into the shed and drop down.
This will lead you into yet another cave with a lake.
At the bottom of the lake lies two cadeaux. [16/32]
Now go into the underwater tunnel to the right, the one lit by a small lamp. Watch your breath, Mike has many talents, holding his breath more than five second is not one of them.
In this tunnel, there is a cadeau. You can't really miss it. [17/32]
After that, you will end up in a big lake filled with crocodiles. They are a real pain this early in the game, taking nineteen to twenty shots to die. So be very careful and don't let them get close to you, they will kill you in two seconds.
If you manage to get rid of them, behind the submerged house in the distance, a single cadeau is hidden at the bottom of the lake. [18/32] (You will be coming from the blue circled cave)
Backtrack a bit and go into the other house, it will lead you to a small dried pond with three crocodiles. Just avoid them, they're not that dangerous on land. Continue until you reach a cave, watch out for the dogs.
In this cave, there is a cadeau. [19/32]
Continue until you get out and enter another one, there will be yet another cadeau.
You might recognize this one, you could see it from cadeau n°4 but couldn't jump high enough to reach it. Well now it's yours. [20/32]
Drop down and go all the way for the church again, however, stop when you find the first white building.
There are barrels blocking its access, now you can destroy them.
Do so, and it will reward you with two cadeaux. [22/32]
Now go back to the first dried pond where a sunken boat is located. On the side of the boat, there are planks. Destroy them, giving you access to a hole. Drop down into it, you will find a total of three cadeaux in there. There is a sneaky one hidden behind boxes, don't let it trick you. [25/32]
Now go back to the building behind the church and drop down the hole again, this time instead of going into the right underwater tunnel you will go into the left one.
It will lead you to a small gap you can cross by climbing on a rope.
Across the gap are two small houses, there is a cadeau in the one that isn't destroyed. [26/32]
So far, these are the 26 cadeaux you can get this early in the game.
In order to get the last six, you will need l'Eclipser, an item that you won't have in your possession until reaching Shadow level 7 (51 Dark Souls or so).
Nevertheless, if you already have it, you can get these two cadeaux by using the Baton on the altar near the church. [28/32]
And lastly, you will need the Calabash to reach the last four cadeaux of this level.
This item requires Shadow level 9 (95 Dark Souls).
Locate the Vévé near the church (right next to the altar where you used the Baton) and blow it up with the Calabash. Continue down this area and you will stumble upon your last cadeaux. [32/32]
Deadside - Paths Of Shadow [46 Cadeaux]
Now we arrive in Deadside.
There are no cadeaux hidden before the Marrow Gates, so don't mind them before you exit the Gates tunnel.
When you finally arrive in the Deadside itself (So, past the Marrow Gates), there will be a small chasm. At the bottom of it lies three Rada drums.
You need the Marteau (Shadow LVL 7) to sound them.
If you have it, opening the path will give you access to three cadeaux. [3/46]
Now continue down the normal path and you will reach a Vévé drawn on the ground.
Once again, the Calabash (Shadow LVL 9) is required to break it. Below it are 4 cadeaux. [7/46]
Backtrack a bit and go onto the bridge that crosses a bloodfall. It will lead you into a tunnel where three blood tapestries are located.
In order to burn them, you need the Flambeau (Shadow LVL 5), the Asson and Baton do not work.
Behind them, you will find a total of four cadeaux. [11/46]
Exit the tunnel, there will be a wooden dock in front of you. On its right lies a cadeau. [12/46]
Don't climb up yet and go across this level, you will find another cadeau under a bridge. [13/46]
Run around until you get to a blood pond, watch out for the duppies (I think that's their name).
Into the pond, you will find two cadeaux. [15/46]
Once this is done, climb on the dock of cadeau n°12. Continue forward and go right, there will be a cadeau near a rope you can climb onto. [16/46]
Now continue through this path, up to the point you will cross the bridge of cadeau 13th. You will go through a tunnel, then arrive in another zone.
Right under the bridge you're on top of, there is a cadeau. [17/46]
Now go around and go back up, but right before climbing the rope, know that there are two cadeaux in the small nook behind you. [19/46]
Go back to the dock you can climb, go right again then go left. You will find a weird voodoo house above the blood pond. There are two cadeaux inside. [21/46]
This time, you can go left on the intersection where you kept going right.
It'll lead you back to the beginning of the level, but above the drums.
There is a cadeau just in front of you. [22/46]
Don't forget to activate the rope switch if you haven't already, and continue your journey into the Paths of Shadow.
At some point you will find the cartes in a sacred room where you will also find your first govi if you've just started the game.
Behind said govi, there is a block.
If you have the Gad Toucher (Shadow LVL 3), you can push it, revealing two cadeaux. [24/26]
Now go through the Coffin gate, at the bottom of the next room, near the entrance to the Wasteland you'll find a cadeau. Don't miss it. [25/46]
From this point, you'll need Shadow Level 3 to open the next coffin gate that holds cadeaux.
So don't bother reading this part and go into the wasteland section if you don't have the level yet.
In a circular, pit-like room, behind the lvl 3 door, there are 5 cadeaux spread across the room. [30/46]
Near the entrance to the Temple of Fire, there is a pit filled with burning coal.
If you have the Gad Marcher (Shadow lvl 6), you can walk in there and get a total of three cadeaux.
Don't miss the sneaky one hiding below the bridge. [33/46]
Now, all cadeaux from this point requires at least Shadow lvl 4 to access.
Near the access to the Asylum Cageways, there are two cadeaux inside a blood pool.
They can be tricky to see. [35/46]
If you can open the level 5 Coffin gate, there are two cadeaux hiding in the sacred room of the Soleil. (Part of the Eclipser.) [37/46]
Just continue until you reach the Playrooms entrance.
Turn around, bam,there is a cadeau. [38/46]
Now you need to open a lvl 6 coffin gate.
Behind this gate you'll find a big pool of burning coal.
There are four cadeaux spread across : two in the pool, on each side of the altar, two on the wooden platforms. [42/46]
The next two cadeaux are behind two lvl 7 gates.
The first one is located near the Temple of Fire entrance.
Open it, just go forward. Cadeau. [43/46]
The other one is the one leading to the Asylum's Lavaducts.
The cadeau is to the left of its entrance. [44/46]
Well you guessed it, the last two cadeaux are behind the other two gates.
Level 8 gate, Temple of Blood, Cadeau. [45/46]
And finally, level 9 gate, Asylum's Undercity (renamed Fogometers I think in the remaster.)
Just like the two previous cadeaux, right next to the entrance. [46/46]
Deadside - Wasteland [59 Cadeaux]
The third area of the game.
It holds many cadeaux, some of which are only accessible with the Gads. (Touch, walk and swim.)
As soon as you enter, just go straight into the next area.
It's a big lake of blood with Deadwings flying above and dead fishes dwelling in the blood.
The first two cadeaux can be accessed by triggering a rope switch, then climbing said rope to access a small ledge then jumping onto the house nearby to get the other cadeau. [2/59]
Into the blood lake, you can find two cadeaux at the bottom. [4/59]
If you have the Poigne (Shadow level 4), you can climb the bloodfall near the entrance.
There is a single cadeau at the very top of it. [5/59]
Now take a deep dive into the lake and swim into a tunnel.
In here, you'll eventually arrive into a cave where you will be able to push a switch.
Two cadeaux are hidden in this cave, near the switch. [7/59]
Now that you activated the switch, you can enter the house where you jumped on earlier.
It will lead you inside a temple of fire-like chamber.
There are two cadeaux here.
The first, you can easily get.
The other one you need the Gad Marcher (Lvl 6). Or just jump and die. You'll still collect the cadeau. Don't do that if you're going for the Immortal achievement though. For obvious reasons. [9/59]
Just go forward until the next area. Here, stay on ground level, there is a cadeau hidden behind the big cliff in front of you. [10/59]
Now climb on top of said cliff.
There is an altar with three cadeaux up here, just for you. [13/59]
Now, facing the altar, go to your right. The path leading to the Temple of Life.
(This entrance, with the light and stuff)
When you exit the tunnel, turn left and you should come across another voodoo house.
Inside this house, you can find three cadeaux. [16/59]
Simply go back and stay on the upper level, walking on the cloth bridge.
At the end of it is another cadeau. [17/59]
Now drop down and go back toward where you came from (Except you can't get to the entrance now that you're on the lower level, but you get me.)
On this lower floor, you will find a cadeau hidden on an altar in a narrow passage, right below the voodoo house. [18/59]
Now, stay on this lower floor and go into the tunnel that you probably saw when you dropped down from the bridge, it will lead you to the pit below the Temple of Life.
There, behind a cloth walkway, there is a cadeau on an altar. [19/59]
Don't forget to pull the switch in this area. It will spawn a rope leading to the next cadeau.
Once you did that, go back to the cloth bridge in the previous zone. As you probably saw in the cutscene, there is now a rope there that you can grab to cross to the other side.
There is a cadeau next to a govi. [20/59]
If you have the Gad Toucher, proceed into the blue tunnel until you get to one of the Temple of Life's back door.
You'll arrive at a big lava pool, at your left is a block you can push, revealing a room with a govi and a single cadeau. [21/59]
Now, go to the Temple of Life itself (you can access it via the other tunnel you can see when you're on top of the cloth bridge).
This big thing, you can't miss it.
Just proceed into the temple until you come across a large corridor with a platform with spikes on it.
The cadeau is behind, be careful not to fall into the coal. [22/59]
Continue down this path and you'll find another cadeau behind some spikes. [23/59]
You will also notice a burning cube to your right. If you have the Gad Toucher, you can push it and it will grant you access to another cadeau. [24/59]
Now come back in the long corridor and proceed into the temple as normal.
There will be two cadeaux you really can't miss on ledges you have to grab. [26/59]
Again, proceed as normal into the temple.
When you reach this room, if you have the Gad Marcher,
go through the little entrance and a lonely cadeau will be here waiting for you. [27/59]
Go back and jump into the left entrance in the picture (don't go right yet where there's a guy spitting fire at you).
Well eventually going this way you'll arrive in a place where several wallfaces spit fire at you so nevermind.
Know that even if you don't have the Gad Marcher, when you get to this spot :
You CAN make that jump.
It's tricky, you may need to cheese with the quicksaves, but it will give you one extra Dark Soul and a cadeau as well. [28/59]
Of course, if you had the Gad, you can just walk there.
In order to leave, if you're going for the Immortal achievement, just use Luke's bear. Know that it will make the enemies respawn though.
If you don't mind about dying, just jump on the coal. It'll warp you back at the start of the level, so maybe Luke's bear is a better alternative if you don't mind fighting your foes again.
Everything aside, let's get back to collecting cadeaux.
Return to the place with the fireface entrance I told you not to go.
But this time go there and continue as normal.
At some point you'll see this unmissable cadeau on the ledge. [29/59]
Now we're going really far into the game. You can skip to Part 2 if you just began the game.
If you have the Gad Nager (Shadow Level 8), go left into the coal when you see this place.
Swim into the lava pool. There are two cadeaux hidden at the bottom of it. [31/59]
Now climb up, get out of that hot lava, absorb the govi and go into the chamber behind it.
There will be one cadeau waiting for you there. [32/59]
Deadside - Wasteland Part II
Back to the normal route.
Simply explore the temple until you reach a spot where you have to push a block in order to proceed, there will be a cadeau on an altar right there. [33/59]
Proceed in this corridor, you will find two cadeaux, one in the right section, in front of a fireface, the other at the very end, on the left, next to a block you will need to push. [35/59]
Now you will face Yort.
If you don't know what I'm talking about you'll see.
After Yort you will arrive into the core of the Temple of Life.
There will be five cadeaux, one in front of each altar. [40/59]
That's it for the Temple of Life.
Now we will go the other way from the cliff altar near the beginning of the level.
(This tunnel)
Go into it, you will soon arrive into another big zone.
Drop on the lower floor, below a voodoo house, there is a cadeau. [41/59]
Now go up, on the cloth bridge.
Another cadeau, right there. Be careful not to fall. [42/59]
Annnd... That's it for the cadeaux in this area.
Now that I think about it I should have started here, instead of sending you directly to a boss.
Whatever. (Disclamer, do not use this guide as a walkthrough for the game, seriously)
Go back to the cliff altar room, this time take the third tunnel, the one where you need to climb a rope in order to access it.
You will enter a grotto with wooden scaffoldings everywhere, for now don't climb yet and stay on the ground level, just run straight until you arrive into a sacred chamber with a pool of blood.
Into the pool, there is a cadeau. [43/59]
Now you can go up the scaffoldings.
There will be a total of three cadeaux scattered on them and into a chamber with a govi. [46/59]
Now, continue into the sacred chamber and get the Voodoo Asson (Another reason not to follow this guide as a walkthrough because this would have been very useful against Yort), you'll soon arrive at the very beginning of the level.
There are two cadeaux there you probably saw but couldn't get, now you can. [48/59]
Now go to the left, this is the second Temple of Life backdoor. There, after some platforming, you will find a single cadeau on an altar. [49/59]
From this point, every other cadeaux require the Poigne (Shadow level 4) to obtain them. If you don't have it yet, skip through to Asylum.
Go back to the blood lake at the beginning of the level and climb the bloodfall on your right.
Follow the path until you come across a voodoo house. Behind it are two cadeaux, one on each side of it. [51/59]
Backtrack to the blood lake again, this time climb the bloodfall at the left of the entrance.
Yes, the one that had a cadeau on top of it.
Go through the tunnel in here, you will find another blood pond.
There are three cadeaux hidden inside this pond. [54/59]
Now you can go into the underwater tunnel to reach a new zone with a giant windmill.
Two cadeaux are scattered on the ground floor of this zone : one above the blood pond, one behind the windmill cliff. [56/59]
Climb up the windmill, you will find yet another cadeau. [57/59]
Don't forget to push the switch on the windmill at its pinnacle, it will activate a platform in another room that you will use to get a govi.
Speaking of that other room, go back into the closed blood pond, where you found the three cadeaux at the bottom of it.
Go through the tunnel to the right of this room, it will lead you to another blood lake.
At the bottom of this one lies the two last cadeaux. [59/59]
Asylum - The Gateway [40 Cadeaux]
And into Asylum
There are many cadeaux too !
When you enter Asylum's Gateway for the first time, just walk past the first rooms.
There is nothing interesting there yet.
However, if you have the Engineer's Key (Which you will get later in this very level), you can get two cadeaux in the second room if you activate the terminal.
They are in the room to the left, two of them. [2/40]
Now continue up until you drop into Asylum's courtyard.
Again, if you have the Engineer's Key, use it on the console not far from where you dropped.
It will open a shortcut, and there are two cadeaux inside. [4/40]
When you reach the main door, drop down on your right on the walkway.
You will stumble upon a room with a moving platform and many pipes, on one of them there is a cadeau, be careful not to fall into the coal. [5/40]
In the room right after, there will be two cadeaux on the metal catwalk. [7/40]
Proceed until you reach Asylum itself.
This place is a freaking maze, just so you know.
You will drop into a white room with a deadsider. There is nothing there.
Exit this room and enter the one right after it, be careful, this place is filled with Hookmen and early in the game they can be brutal.
There is a cadeau in this room. [8/40]
In the next corridor, there are two rooms to your left. In each room, there is a cadeau. [10/40]
Now continue until you get to this place. Here, go right before going left. It will lead you to a dead end where you will find a single cadeau. [11/40]
Backtrack and go left this time. You will reach a control room with vents you can climb into.
Don't do that yet and check the smaller control room, located behind a door (Not the locked one).
There are two cadeaux inside this room. [13/40]
At this point you can go into the left vent and drop down into a room where you will find the Engineer's Key. Use that key to get out and open the door leading to the train.
Into the train station, if you have the Gad Marcher, you will find a cadeau hiding behind a steel beam on the burning coal. [14/40]
Don't take the train yet, continue into the Asylum. You will reach another control room.
Guess what's hidden in there. [15/40]
Simply run around until the end of the long corridor, don't mind the exit to your right yet.
At the end, a dead-end control room hides a cadeau. [16/40]
Backtrack to that exit, it actually is the entrance of the Asylum. Don't forget to open the doors with your engineer's key to unlock a shortcut, and take those cadeaux on the way. [18/40]
Alright, now if you don't have the Gad Toucher, you can't get the following cadeaux, so you can skip the Gateway.
If you have, drop on the left instead of the right at the entrance and follow the path.
You will have to grab onto firey ledges, but at the end, you will be greeted by to cadeaux. [20/40]
Going up a bit, you will find several rooms with boxes. There are three cadeaux scattered in these rooms. [23/40]
Now you will eventually come through a corridor with a view of the coal room you had to go through. At the end of this corridor, go left.
It will go upward and divides into two choices again. At your left is a control room with a single cadeau, at your right is Asylum's right watchtower with two cadeaux and a govi. [26/40]
Backtrack to the corridor and this time go right (Or just forward), you will go up a ramp.
At the end of it, you will find a cadeau. [27/40]
Don't stop here yet, jump onto the metal beam to reach the other side of this place, you will find another room with four cadeaux inside of it. [31/40]
The 9 remaining cadeaux require the Gad Marcher.
To get to them, go back to the right coal room of Asylum, the one you used to enter it in the first place. Just walk on the coal, and there will be two cadeaux at the other side. [33/40]
Go up again, you will eventually find Asylum's left watchtower. There are two cadeaux inside. [35/40]
Coming from the watchtower, go left first, it will lead you to the wooden catwalk above the entrance.
There is a cadeau there. [36/40]
Now go back and take right this time, you will come across this room with a single cadeau. [37/40]
The next room is the coal room with many pipes, but from above. On a metal beam you can get a cadeau. [38/40]
And well, you guessed it, there are two entries left, each of them leads to a cadeau. [40/40]
The last one will also unlock a shortcut door.
That's it for the Gateway of the Asylum !
Asylum - Experimentation Rooms [32 Cadeaux]
Probably the most tedious level of the game, beating the original Playrooms, that's saying much.
When you reach this place, know that you can jump below the train tracks. Following them will lead you to a cadeau. [1/32]
You have to get across a coal pit in order to progress.
If you have the Gad Marcher, you can find a hidden cadeau behind a metal beam here. [2/32]
Moving into the next area, if you have the Gad Marcher, you will find two cadeaux on the coal floor of the room. [4/32]
By following the regular path, you will come across this ledge with an unmissable cadeau. [5/32]
Again, if you can walk on burning coal, you will find a hidden cadeau on the floor of this same room. [6/32]
Still in the same room, at some point, you will reach a big fan that will pull you into its grasp.
Sadly, there is a cadeau right in front of it, so get it quickly, side-jumping out of it may be useful.
Don't forget to activate a console with your key, it's near a locked door not far from the fan. [7/32]
Again, same room, if you do a bit of platforming and ledge-climbing, you can reach this spot not far from the fan where a cadeau is hidden behind a pillar. [8/32]
Now, following the platforms, you will find the grinder you opened by activating the console.
Destroy the fence and drop into the room.
There, you will find a total of four cadeaux scattered across rooms with boxes. [12/32]
Now, go into the small entry you see on the fourth image.
It will lead you to a control room divided into several floors. Climb up, on the first one you will find a cadeau. [13/32]
Don't forget to explore all of them and activate the consoles, it will open doors in the next corridor !
Speaking of the next corridor, you will now be able to enter its siderooms. (It's the corridor with a big fan shadow on the ground).
The first room on the right has a cadeau in the tank, behind the Trueform. Same for the second room on the left, behind what's left of it. [15/32]
Now you can continue until you appear into a new corridor with another fan and a blood pool.
On the first room to your right, you will meet a Surgeon, but just kill him and take the cadeau. [16/32]
Into the blood pool now, you can find a cadeau too. Watch out for the dead fishes. [17/32]
Don't forget to trigger a console in the surrounding with your key, it will unlock the door leading to the engine we are heading to.
You will have to climb on a rope to get across a giant coal pit with a great engine in the middle.
On the spinning ring of the engine, there is a cadeau. I would recommend having the Gad Marcher to get it, because chances are you are going to get yeeted into the coal because of the speed. [18/32]
Now, at the end of the rope, you will find a cadeau hiding behind some cages. Thought it was safe here but nowhere is safe when Michael LeRoi is looking for you. [19/32]
Now go down the ramp, unlock the console and go left into the vent.
Break the fence to exit and drop down, don't go through the door yet, the room straight ahead has a cadeau for you. [20/32]
Now, go back to the place where you found cadeau number 5 on the ledge. Go on top of this room and go through the door. There, go through another door at your right. This will lead you to this room where inside the ceiling, there's a cadeau. [21/32]
It'll lead you to a room with a rusty valve you can turn to open a door underwater, go there.
After a while, you will be able to go out of the water and will end up in a massive room. Two cadeaux are inside this room, one on the catwalk, one on top of a door you have to jump on. [23/32]
Simply continue your adventure until you reach the outside of Asylum. There will be a cutscene where two Deadwings will fly away. In the room they are guarding, there is a cadeau inside a small tunnel with a coal floor. This requires the Gad Marcher, obviously. [24/32]
Now, go on until you reach a very long white corridor. Go right.
You will find a cadeau there. [25/32]
In the same corridor, at the end of it, there is a SNEAKY cadeau hiding up on a cage. This one is really easy to miss. [26/32]
Now, the last 6 cadeaux require the Gad Marcher.
Go back to the engine room and drop down on the coal. There is a cadeau at the end of the room. [27/32]
Proceed into the tunnel at the left of the room and activate the third ring of the engine, this will create a passage where you will be able to go through.
Below is another cadeau. [28/32]
Now simply go through the only exit available, it will lead you into a control room where you will find a cadeau hidden behind a beam. [29/32]
Go forward, don't forget to unlock a shortcut door on your right and continue until you reach a ramp that goes up in a square where you can hear a Surgeon saying "Pretty".
On the middle level, the door is unlocked, enter that room.
First, climb up to claim your cadeau, then break the fence on the floor to jump onto that creepy Surgeon and steal his cadeau too. [31/32]
Don't forget to unlock these doors too from the inside, even though it doesn't really matter.
Asylum - Experimentation Rooms Part II
Now go up to the very top of this place, you will reach a big white room.
There is a cadeau behind the left pillar in the back. [32/32]
That's it for the Experimentation Rooms. A very confusing level.
Don't forget to drop down the pit and destroy the Trueform to steal its Dark Soul.
After that, unlock the exit and go claim your final prize, the first Violator.
Honestly after such a level, you've earned it.
Temple Of Fire (Toucher) [55 Cadeaux]
Now we arrive in the Temple of Fire.
Before entering the temple itself, know that there are nine cadeaux inside the Shadow path leading to the temple.
If you don't have the Flambeau (Which you can find somewhere around here if you are Shadow level 5), these are the only two you can get.
They are on a ledge that you need to jump on from the top floor, then grab the ledge to get to the other cadeau. [2/55]
Now, go to the Flambeau's room. (If you have the required level.)
Behind the two tapestries of this room, you will find a cadeau. [4/55]
Just explore this section of the Shadow path, you will find three other tapestries you can burn.
They hold a total of five cadeaux. [9/55]
You can now go into the temple itself by diving into a blood pond. There are several dead fishes in there, be careful. When you finally reach the inner temple, go to the bottom of the blood pool.
There will be two cadeaux lying around. [11/55]
In the main chamber of the temple, if you have the Poigne (That you can also find in this area if you have Shadow level 4), one of the bloodfall has two cadeaux sitting at the top of it. [13/55]
If you don't have the poigne yet, just climb all the way to the top of the room and enter the courtyard of the Temple. There are two cadeaux here. [15/55]
Don't forget to push the switch in order to make a platform rise. And watch out of for the Sisters of Blood, they tend to wake up anytime Shadow Man pushes a switch, they're mind connected to them.
Go back to the bottom of the main chamber, and go through the first entrance you can break, the lowest one. It will lead to a room with two cadeaux spread across its corners. [17/55]
Behind the third breakable wall of the main room, you will go through a tunnel that will lead you into a big chamber with a Sister statue. On the wooden beams near the ceiling, you will find two cadeaux at the end of each side of said beams. [21/55]
In the same room, there is a blood tapestry in one of the right corner, above ground level.
Burn it with the Flambeau, it holds two cadeaux. [23/55]
Continue your journey as normal, the next cadeaux are in the highest exits of the main room.
In the one near the entrance to the courtyard, you will find two cadeaux after some spikes and a fireface and a single cadeau hidden behind a blood tapestry. [26/55]
To the top entrance at the opposite of this one, if you have the Gad Toucher (That you get at the end of this level), you will be able to push a block and open a level 4 Coffin Gate to obtain the Poigne.
Assuming you have the Poigne, the other bloodfall in the main chamber leads to two other cadeaux after a short tunnel, as well as a govi. [28/55]
Now, we are going into the Trial of the Gad part of the Temple of Fire.
It's at the top of the five platforms you activated.
Directly upon entering the first room, there are two cadeaux hidden below a Vévé. (Requires the Calabash, lvl 9). [30/55]
If you have the Gad Nager or don't mind abusing Luke's teddy bear to teleport you back to the entrance, you will find a cadeau on each side of the room. [32/55]
Into the next room, there is something completely similar, but it only requires the Gad Marcher.
Two cadeaux again. [34/55]
Simply continue your journey until you reach the Gad sacred chamber.
There you will fight a red Blood Sister, they are quite annoying.
At the end of the fight, push the switches and finally get your Gad Toucher.
Now you can climb on fiery ledges and push burning blocks.
Go left of the chamber, where one of these block is located, push it, it will lead you into a room with two cadeaux on wooden scaffoldings. [36/55]
Get the govi at the end of this area then come back to the Gad chamber, this time go right and climb on the ledges with flames on it.
Through the tunnel, you will reach a new puzzle room with two cadeaux waiting for you. [38/55]
Past this room, you will enter a weird area with five blocks. Behind two of them are some cadeaux, and behind a third one is the exit leading to the govi. Block marked as 1 holds 1 cadeau, block marked as 2 holds 2, and the block marked as exit... Well you figured it out. [41/55]
From this point, you will need at least the Gad Marcher to get the remaining cadeaux.
If you have it, go back to the room with the coal floor and drop on it.
There, take the left entrance (Or the right one if you're coming from the Gad chamber). It will lead you to a room with a big wooden platform divided into several levels with rotating scythes.
Into one of the side room, there is a cadeau. [42/55]
Now take the other entrance into the coal room, it will lead you into a room with wooden platforms as well. Inside this room, there are two cadeaux. Watch out, there is a red Sister here. [44/55]
That's is for the cadeaux that require the Gad Marcher.
Now for the remaining ones, you will need the Gad Nager.
Temple Of Fire (Toucher) Part II
Go back into the room between the lava pool room and the coal room.
There, you can drop down into another lava lake. Take left (If you're coming from the entrance of the Temple, otherwise it's right.)
Just swim until you reach this room with hammers. There are two cadeaux. [46/55]
By the way, you can ignore the whole puzzle of this room and just climb on the edge of the platform where you can find the exit if I remember correctly.
After this room, you will find a maze. There are four cadeaux scattered in it, two above and two inside of it. [50/55]
Now get your govi at the end of this puzzle and go back to the room with the small lava pit.
This time swim to the right. The next chamber wants you to play with the lava level a bit so you can cross a pit and lower it so you can use the baton on an altar.
You will find two cadeaux here. One before the hammers, one after, just before you drop to the beginning of the area. [52/55]
Now use the baton on the altar, it will warp you in the courtyard, where you can jump to get a govi.
Don't stop there, go inside the tunnel, there you will find the last three cadeaux of the Temple of Fire.
Temple of Fire done !
Asylum - Cageways [36 Cadeaux]
Maybe the only Asylum level that isn't an awful maze.
Right at the beginning, you will find three Rada drums.
If you have the Marteau, be sure to sound them, behind the gate lies four cadeaux. [4/36]
Walk past these drums and you will find a blood tapestry. Burn it with the Flambeau, cadeau. [5/36]
Now you can drop down into the cageways. At the top of some boxes where you are, you will see an unmissable cadeau. [6/36]
Find a way out of these cages, facing the train, go left. You will find a box that you can push.
Behind are four blood tapestries. Only three of them holds cadeaux. Four of these little red things. [10/36]
Now come back to the courtyard. Enter the building in front of the train. At the ground floor, you will be able to find three cadeaux. [13/36]
This time you will go inside the train. In the middle of it, you will find two cadeaux guarded by a hookman with a shotgun. [15/36]
Activate the train with your key, this will play a small cutscene and you will arrive into Asylum itself.
Exit the train, to its right, you will find several barrels. Two cadeaux are hidden inside of them. [17/36]
In the same room, over the burning coal pit, there is a catwalk. You can find two cadeaux on it. Avoid falling into the coal if you don't have the Gad Marcher. [19/36]
Now go at the right of the train and grab the ledge until you reach the door that oversees the station, where a hookman shotgunner is probably sniping you.
This door will lead you to a green room where you will find three cadeaux on some pipes. [22/36]
Continue foward until you go down a ramp, there will be a cadeau there. [23/36]
Now go back up, you should see a closed vent door. Open it with your key, this will lead you to a small cathedral where you will find a Retractor, as well as three cadeaux hidden in small rooms at its lower level. [26/36]
You can backtrack to the train station.
This time, using your Gad Toucher, reach the door far in front of the train by climbing on the pipes that are on fire.
It will lead you to a room where you will find two cadeaux on a catwalk above a coal pit, with cages moving around it. [28/36]
From now on, you will need the Gad Marcher to get the other cadeaux on this level.
In the same room, you can climb to reach a ledge on the other side with a govi inside a cage.
The two barrels in front of this door contain a cadeau. [30/36]
Go through this door, you will arrive into a big room where three cadeaux are located.
You may need to activate a moving cage in order to reach them, but if you manage to jump on some pipes, it's unnessecary. [33/36]
Now leaving through the vent or the other door of this room, you will eventually come across a room that reminds me of the water temple in OOT.
Simply jump on the moving platforms, each nook, except the one you came from, has a cadeau.
And there, you will have the 36 cadeaux of the Cageways. This area is quite simple in itself, except for the fact that there are many Hookmen with chainsaw, and these guys are tough.
Asylum - Cathedral Of Pain [37 Cadeaux]
Welcome to the Cathedral of Pain !
Lovely name, in order to access this place you will need to go to Asylum's Gateway, hop into the train and select the lever marked as "3". I didn't know that since in the original that train just brought you here in the first place.
So as soon as you arrive, walk a bit and go to the right, there, go up and you will reach some sort of projection room. Not far from the projector lies a cadeau, and two of them are near the screen on the room below. [3/37]
Go back to the entrance and this time take left, this will lead you down.
You will reach a burning coal duct, on the other side, you can find two cadeaux. [5/37]
In the small room on the side you came from, you will find three cadeaux as well. [8/37]
Now walk until you reach the pit below the train. Just at your right, you should find a cadeau. [9/37]
Also, if you have the Gad Marcher, there is another cadeau hiding behind a beam holding the traintrack, into the coal pit. [10/37]
Backtrack to the beginning of the level and this time go forward on the main path.
You will reach the Cathedral itself, at the core of Asylum.
At the right of the Lizard King room, there is a cadeau. [11/37]
You will notice, on top of the main Lizard gate, four other entrances.
These are the Schism chambers, they all belong to a member of the Five. You will find nine cadeaux in total in these four rooms.
Starting from the left, Milton Pike's room has three cadeaux. Symbol : Two spears.
Then, Jack the Ripper, two cadeaux. Symbol : A blade.
Now Marco Roberto Cruz, three cadeaux. Symbol : A scar.
Finally, Avery Marx, one cadeau. Symbol : A nail. [20/37]
Now, go back to the main chamber and enter Batrachian's room. (Lizard King.)
In his Schism room too, you will find two cadeaux behind the stairs. [22/37]
When this is done, come back to the main room of the cathedral again. Into the big hole, when you're coming from the Lizard King's room, you will be able to notice a small nook that you can jump into, do so, you will slide down and collect two cadeaux. [24/37]
From now on, you will need the Gad Marcher to get the remaining cadeaux.
If you have it, just turn around from where you dropped and go into the pit below the four Schism chambers. You can't miss them, they're all protected by spinning blades.
Right before each room, you will find a cadeau, at the same exact place each time.
This is Milton Pike's one. You shouldn't have trouble finding the other three as it's completely symmetrical. [28/37]
Now go forward into the charcoal, you will reach Batrachian's pit with two cadeaux. [30/37]
You probably noticed on your way to the Lizard King's pit that there is an entrance to your right.
Go in there and climb on top of the pipe that has the spinning blades. This will lead you to a new area, and there are three cadeaux on top of it. [33/37]
When you reach the other side, there should be a Hookman waiting for you.
He's hiding a cadeau in the control room to the left, don't let him get away. [34/37]
Now simply go up, at some point you will reach a small place with rusty walls. There's a cadeau in this room. [35/37]
The last two cadeaux are located at the top of this area, just keep going up until you reach some spinning blades again. They are right behind the steel beam that holds them. [37/37]
And there, you have all 37 cadeaux of this unholy place.
Asylum - Playrooms [36 Cadeaux]
Ah, the (in)famous Playrooms.
As soon as you enter, you will face a large, deep lake of blood.
At the bottom of it, on the left, there is a cadeau hidden. [1/36]
Now swim for a bit and find an underwater tunnel somewhere to the right of this room.
At some point, on a ledge you can climb, you will find a cadeau. [2/36]
Continue forward until you're able to open a metal tunnel within the blood lake, then proceed into said tunnel. You will reach a large room with a wooden catwalk in the middle of it and four floodgates.
At the very end of the room, behind the left floodgate, you will find a cadeau. [3/36]
Go up this room and explore until you are able to make the floodgates move.
This will allow you to continue into the blood, eventually reaching the Playrooms themselves.
When you exit the blood pool, you will face a room we will call Big deep room. At the bottom of this area, there are two cadeaux. [5/36]
Go back to the top of the room and take the door right next to the blood tunnel you came from.
This will lead you into a small storage room where you will see surgeons trying to open a govi through a window, a cadeau is right next to that window. [6/36]
Backtrack to "Big deep room". This time, go through the door at the bottom of it.
You will go through a glass tunnel, proceed right then don't take the left door, just go forward.
This will lead you to a chamber where a Trueform is held up in a cage. There are two cells on your right, open them with the switch that is just in front of them.
In the left cell, a surgeon is guarding two cadeaux.
In the right cell, if you have the Gad Marcher, you will be able to collect a cadeau on some coal. [9/36]
Again, go back to "Big deep room". Now, go through the other door on the top floor, it will lead to a wood bridge above the glass tunnel. Go straight into the next door, then left. Continue down this path, meeting Mandogs on the way, mind you, until you come to a small cathedral with a Retractor.
Below the stairs of this cathedral, you will find two cadeaux. [11/36]
Once this is done, go back to the wooden bridge and dive into the blood beneath. In the right pool, you will find a single cadeau. In the left one, two. [14/36]
Alright, now go into the tunnel that is above the blood, not the one under it. There, climb the bloodfall on your left and you will reach the room where you saw two surgeons and a govi earlier.
On the right table, you can find three cadeaux. [17/36]
Now you can go into the underwater tunnel in the left blood pool. When it divides, go left, both path lead to the same room, though the left one holds two cadeaux. [19/36]
In the next area, exit the blood and explore a bit. Along the path on the right, you will find a cadeau guarded by a Mandog. [20/36]
Go back to the pool, this time go where the surgeon was (That guy probably tried to kill when you were getting out of the blood), there is a console you can switch on that will open a bulk door.
It leads to the blood pool, so go back in it and not far from you, on the ceiling, you should see an opening that wasn't here before. Once you get back on dry land, behind the bulk door, you can find two cadeaux. [22/36]
Simply go through the only door of this small place and you will reach a new area with, yet, another big pool of blood. And cells.
Open the cells with the console not far from them, into the left one, you will find a Surgeon keeping two cadeaux for himself. That's unacceptable. Annihilate him. [24/36]
Now switch the console of the bulk door that's overseeing the blood, go on the top of this room into the next one and make the blood level rise with another console.
Go through the bulk door you just opened and you will reach this area, where you will be able to find two cadeaux at the bottom of the blood. [26/36]
The problem is that now you can't backtrack to where you came from since you dropped from a tunnel. Why is it a problem ? Because the remaining cadeaux are accessed via the room where you made the blood level rise, so have fun in the Playrooms until you manage to get back here.
Once you are, know that this tube :
Everytime, on each playthrough of Shadow Man, I spend thirty minutes trying to figure out how to make the blood level rise to reach it. Thing is, you don't. The blood is simply shallower at the end of the room, allowing you to enter it by jumping.
This will lead you into a long corridor with many cells. Unlock them at the end of the corridor and come back to the first one, where a Hookman is "playing".
YOU CAN PUSH THIS BLOCK. I'm typing that in all caps because this is really not obvious.
Behind it, you will find three cadeaux. [29/36]
Now, simply explore all the remaining cells, in the right one, you will find two cadeaux, in the left one at the end of the corridor, three. [34/36]
The last two cadeaux are in the next area, in a small room where Surgeons are experimenting on a Dark Soul. [36/36]
Finally, you have all 36 cadeaux of this confusing level. The horrendous Playrooms.
Good job.
Temple Of Prophecy (Marcher) [42 Cadeaux]
The second Temple of the game, where you will find the Gad Marcher, allowing you to walk on burning coals.
Directly at the left of the entrance is a level 7 Coffin Gate. Behind it, you will find the Marteau.
If you can open it, get this item and exit the room, it will lead to a single cadeau. [1/42]
Reach the Temple's ground, before entering the first weird door, you will find a single cadeau at the right of the stairs you used to get down here. [2/42]
There's also a Vévé on the ground, but there is only a govi under it.
Continue your journey until you reach the first Statue room. There are four of these rooms scattered in the Temple. Push the switch in this area in order to activate the bloodfalls across the whole Temple. If you have the Marteau, be sure to sound the drums at the top of each fall of this chamber, it will open a path below the statue holding five cadeaux. [7/42]
Now that the bloodfalls are... falling, go back to the first room of the temple with a big pillar in the middle of it. You can now climb on top of this pillar, there are two cadeaux on it. [9/42]
Don't forget to check the two siderooms on the left of this area, each one has a cadeau inside. [11/42]
Continue through the temple the "normal" way, don't go through the inner circle of it yet.
What I mean is simply go back to the Statue room and go forward from here.
You will reach a coal pit. There are two cadeaux on the platforms of this area, watch out for the firefaces. [13/42]
After two similar rooms with fire pits you will end up in the second statue chamber. There are two cadeaux, one of each side of the statue that you can instantly collect. [15/42]
Here again, if you have the Marteau, you will be able to sound the Rada drums and open a path below the statue, allowing you to grab three more cadeaux. [18/42]
Continue through the Temple, you will reach this place, with a cadeau on top of the right wood-like building. [19/42]
You can push the fire block, but don't go in here yet, instead simply follow the most obvious path.
After two other zones with a hammer and a rope you need to climb in order to cross a pit, you will eventually reach the third Statue Chamber.
Just solve the puzzle, here again, you can sound the Rada drums to unlock five cadeaux that are hidden below the statue. [24/42]
I guess you're getting the pattern of this Temple. Three platforming rooms after this, the fourth and last Statue chamber will be waiting for you.
Again, Rada drums. Five cadeaux below the Statue. [29/42]
Proceed further, you will end up in a room with a swinging hammer and an altar on top of a platform. Reach that plaftorm and use the Baton on the altar, this will teleport you to the entrance of the Temple where you will find a govi, one cadeau and a block you can push to unlock a shortcut. [30/42]
Now, use that shortcut to reach the first room with the bloodfall pillar.
We will go through this entrance to reach the inner circle of the Temple.
You will go through several puzzle rooms, when you reach the one with four statues you have to lower with switches, you're in the good one.
In this room, you can find two cadeaux. One in the sideroom, and one on top of the ledge facing the one you came from. By the way, you can jump on that ledge using the switches, saving twenty seconds of your time. [32/42]
Go through the red tunnel, the blue one leads back to the outer circle.
You will find yourself going through several puzzles, stop when you finally reach a maze.
In this maze, you will find four blood tapestries that you can burn with the Flambeau.
You will find a cadeau behind each tapestry. [36/42]
Now simply go on top of the maze, through the A-door, and go right. There, you will, after all this time, get your Gad Marcher, allowing you to walk on all these burning coals you kept seeing if you didn't have it yet.
The last six cadeaux are located at the side of the Gad Room, in front of an A-door each time. [42/42]
And there ! All the cadeaux of the Temple of Prophecy. Honestly, I love the temple levels, they're cool, not headache-inducing like most of Asylum's levels.
Asylum - Lavaducts [32 Cadeaux]
The second to last Asylum level.
This one isn't too much of a hassle, just know in advance that you will require the Gad Marcher for a good chunk of this level and the Gad Nager for the last cadeaux.
As soon as you enter the outer Lavaducts (When the music changes, after a few tunnels in the Paths of Shadow), you will be able to get three cadeaux by jumping on top of some moving platforms on the wall to your right.
Two are on top of a duct, the other is on a pipe at the right. [3/32]
Now drop down to the bottom of the room and go into the left tunnel. There, open the vent doors with your engineer's key, behind the left one is a small storage room that contains two cadeaux. [5/32]
Either backtrack to the top of this area or go through the tunnel at the right, below the moving platforms, preferably use the tunnel as it will allow you to unlock a door.
Using either of these two options, you will come across this room with two cadeaux at the top of some boxes. [7/32]
Be aware that there are many Hookmen grinders in this area, with their rush attack they can quickly overwhelm you, especially with Surgeons shooting at you behind them.
Proceed until your reach the Lavaducts themselves. You can't miss them, it's in the name.
There, you will be able to switch the engine on with your engineer's key. The console is not far away, down a ramp.
Once it's activated, it will start spinning. Use it to reach the next ledge, there is a cadeau on it. [8/32]
Still using the engine's platforms, reach the next ledge with the Surgeons. You will find two cadeaux hiding somewhere around here. [10/32]
In this episode of "How to cheese a Dark Soul", know that when you reach the room down the ramp, you can actually jump on that white pile of flesh (Assuming it wasn't destroyed during the fight with the Hookmen and Surgeons) to grab the ledge of the box and collect a Dark Soul that normally requires the Gad Nager.
This is purely bonus.
Continue down the normal path, you will very quickly arrive in a big chamber that is kind of reminiscent of the one we came across in the Cageways.
There is a total of three cadeaux spread across the platforms. [13/32]
Don't stop there and climb up to the top of this room.
You will find a beam with spinning blades. Avoid them and climb on it, you will find two cadeaux along the way. [15/32]
Now not far from here, there are two pipes with a cadeau on top of each one. The first one is easy to get, the other one, in the U pipe, requires a near pixel-perfect jump to reach it. I would recommend quicksaving on top of the beam so you don't have to climb up the whole thing all over again if you fail. [17/32]
Now either from the top or bottom of this area, you can reach another room when going forward. If you come from the top you'll be able to reach a govi as well. On the ground floor, there are two cadeaux hiding. [19/32]
Go back to the top of the previous room, on the beam with the spinning blades. You'll be able to see a vent to your right. Go into it, this will lead you to a small cathedral with a Retractor.
Behind that small building, you will find a cadeau as well. [20/32]
The twelve remaining cadeaux require the Gad Nager.
If you have it, go back to the Lavaduct main room. From Luke's bear spawn point, dive into the lava and go through the tunnel to the right.
It will lead you to a second Lavaduct, but don't go this far, stop in the middle and you will see some sort of elevator door you can open with your engineer's key.
Go through the ceiling door and you will eventually reach a big room with many boxes. Three cadeaux are scattered across the boxes. [23/32]
Climb up the boxes in order to reach the top of the room, there, go right. You will arrive in a room with a window overseeing the second Lavaduct, there are two cadeaux at its end. [25/32]
You can go back to the weird elevator and swim into the other Lavaduct now.
From here, go into the underlava tunnel facing you, there will be another elevator-like door.
Once you go through it, you will eventually arrive in a green room with many Hookmen grinders, so be prepared. There are two cadeaux hidden behind boxes at the very end of this place. [27/32]
Proceed until you reach the concrete ledge that circles the Lavaduct. On this one you don't need to use the engine, you can simply walk all around it. At the other end from where you came from, you can find two cadeaux. [29/32]
Now all you have to do is to swim into the last tunnel of this duct, the one you didn't go through yet.
You will face another elevator-like door that will lead you to this room.
There is a single cadeau on top of a pipe you can climb on. [30/32]
Using the pipe, go into the vent you see at your right. You will reach a small, dark storage room with the last two cadeaux of the Lavaducts. [32/32]
Congrats, now you should have collected all 32 cadeaux in the Lavaducts !
Temple Of Blood (Nager) [35 Cadeaux]
The last Temple of the game, where you will find the Gad Nager, that allows you to swim in molten lava.
If you have the Calabash, that you will get in this very level behind a level 9 Coffin Gate, as soon as you enter, you will see a Vévé on the ground. Destroy it, there are two cadeaux underneath. [2/35]
Going into the temple's ground itself, you will face a huge chamber with a lava lake.
You will be able to find five cadeaux in this area, three on the small platforms from where you arrived and two on each ledge at the side of the room, where you can push a switch to lower two statues.
Now, if you have the Marteau, go into the small wooden door to your left in this area. It will lead you into a room where you will have to use every Voodoo item in the game to finish the puzzle, including the Calabash (And excluding the Asson.) You don't need to have the Calabash to reach the cadeau though, simply sound the three Rada drums and proceed into the now accessible entrance, you will find a cadeau. [8/35]
Come back to the Temple's main room, this time grab the ledge to the left and climb into the entrance. You will eventually reach another puzzle room with a spinning wheel you have to... spin, in order to access several other rooms. Do the puzzle, toggle the bloodfalls, this will allow you to access three cadeaux in this puzzle room, at the top of two pillars. [11/35]
You can continue down this way, you will reach a corridor with many rotating scythes, at the end of it there is a small pit, two cadeaux are inside. [13/35]
Go back to the temple ground. This time, climb the ledge to the right, it will lead you into a room with many obstacles such as hammers, moving walls and of course a lava pit.
For now, simply use the moving platform to get on top of this room.
Behind you, you can find two cadeaux. [15/35]
Now stay on the top floor and go into the little tunnel you can see at your right. It will lead you to a switch you can push. A hammer will then bring a bridge down in this room. Use that now accessible bridge to climb into a small nook to the right, the jump is rather tricky.
Inside, you will find a cadeau, and it will trigger a secret. [16/35]
If you have the Calabash, proceed on top of this bridge into a new area with not one, two, but eight Vévés drawn on the ground.
Below the one you're on when you reach the room, there are two cadeaux.
Underneath the last at he leftmost of this room, two other cadeaux.
Lastly, on the same row, the one that is at the other end of this area, you will find a small tunnel that will allow you to climb up some stairs and reach a ledge where you will find two other cadeaux as well. [22/35]
Now, you can come back to the room with many obstacles in order to proceed normally into this temple. However, if you have the Gad Nager, know that you will be able to find two cadeaux hiding in the molten lava. [24/35]
Within the next chamber, there is another lava pit. Two cadeaux can be found at the bottom of it, assuming you have the Gad Nager.
Of course, if you can swim in lava, you will notice that you can access another area via a tunnel in this very room. Do so, you will also find two cadeaux at the bottom of it. [28/35]
Proceed into the Temple until you find a chamber where you will have to push a rope switch to cross a large lava lake with spinning scythes. Again, if you have the Gad Nager, you will be able to find two cadeaux lying at the bottom of said lake. [30/35]
Right after this room, you will enter this one, with two statues holding the ceiling.
You will find three cadeaux on the top of the bloodfalls. [33/35]
Don't go for the coal pit yet and enter the last A-door directly in front of you. This will bring you into an area you've already visited, but on the other side. You will find six Rada drums, three of them attached to their respective door. Sound them, behind each door, you will find a cadeau. [35/35]
All the cadeaux are now yours ! Except if you don't have the Gad Nager. Or the Calabash.
But this only is a matter of time, you will get the Gad after going through the coal pit of the statue room.
Asylum - Fogometers [33 Cadeaux]
The last Asylum level. (I'm 100% sure its name used to be Undercity)
Very soon after the start, somewhere to the right, there is a small building in the wall that you can enter. Inside, you can find two cadeaux at the ground floor and two more up a ramp. [4/33]
I Highly recommend using the Flambeau to light the path as this may be the darkest Asylum level.
And also because you will need to burn a blood tapestry at your right not long after you walk through the narrow passage that leads to the other side. Two cadeaux are hiding behind. [6/33]
You will arrive in a big underground room with two buildings you can enter.
The one we need to investigate is the highest one.
Two cadeaux are hidden on the ledge of this structure, one at each side. [8/33]
Proceed into said building, you will stumble upon some sort of big engine room that resemble the one in the Lavaducts, minus the lava. There, you can see an unmissable cadeau on top of some consoles. [9/33]
Now switch the power on, it will make the blades of the engine spin. Use them to go into a vent at the top of this room. This will lead you to another engine room, this one has two sets of blades.
On a small ledge, you will find a cadeau here.
Around the beam of the engine, you can find three of them. [13/33]
Power up this engine too, and use the blades again as platforms to reach the middle vent. Not the top one you came from and the one facing it, the one at middle level.
It will lead you into a grinder room, you will find two cadeaux behind it. [15/33]
Don't drop into it yet. Continue around this area, you will reach a small cathedral with a Retractor inside (the last one). In a small sideroom of this cathedral, you will also find two hidden cadeaux.
Now, drop down the grinder. Don't forget the switch it off first, though !
This leads to a small room where you will find a cadeau. [18/33]
Exit this room, you will be back at the beginning of the level.
From here, simply run forward into the Fogometers until you reach the third large room with round-like buildings. You will be able to climb on top of them using a rope.
At both side of each building, you can find a cadeau. For a total of six. [24/33]
Go through the door of the third building, the highest one. You will find another door you have to unlock, an so on, until you will arrive in the middle big room.
Similar to the previous one, you will find a cadeau on each side of the buildings, except the one you juste came through. [28/33]
Go through that last door on the building, it leads to a room with boxes. There are three cadeaux here, one on some boxes, the other two at the exit. [31/33]
The last two cadeaux of this area are within the next room, on top of the cage of a Trueform. [33/33]
And there, you should have all 33 cadeaux of Asylum's Underci- I mean Fogometers !
Summer Camp, Florida [32 Cadeaux]
A level that was cut from the original game.
The end of it is a pure underground maze, be prepared.
When you enter, simply walk until you reach the entrance of the camp.
Behind the house at your right, near the alligator gate, you can find a cadeau hiding in the bushes. [1/32]
Go through the tunnel until you reach the other end. You will enter a building, there is a cadeau behind a desk, near the door. [2/32]
Proceed into the level until you reach a small cabin that is closed off by planks, there are beds inside. And a cadeau, don't miss it. [3/32]
At some point, you will reach a marsh of some kind with crocodiles in it, be careful.
There are two cadeaux in the shallow waters, one directly at the right, the other one is at the far end of the left area on a small island. [5/32]
You will come across this unmissable cadeau resting on top of a table, right after the marsh section.
In the area after this underground shed, Milton will say hello.
Behind him, you will see a house overlooking a small pond.
No need to say it, there HAS to be a cadeau underwater. Of course there is one. [7/32]
When you reach the summer camp, at some point Mike will make a comment about a remote control, in a room where the text "Teeth bar(r)ed to strip the carcass wet" is written with blood on the wall. Use that remote on the desk, it will open the parking lot's doors.
Backtrack through these doors you opened, it will lead you in front of the theater. There, you can find a single cadeau, hiding near a house. [8/32]
Don't stop here, at your left you will find a small cabin you can enter, there is a cadeau inside.
Also, you can unlock a shortcut by shooting a padlock from here. [9/32]
Now, going back to the theater, instead of going left, go right. On some trash bins, you will be able to find two cadeaux. [11/32]
Proceed into the camp normally, you will have to enter into a vent at some point.
Go immediately right upon entering it, you will find a cadeau. [12/32]
Still in the vent, you will find another intersection, when you need to go up. Go right again, it will drop you in the small area that is blocked by police lines. Two cadeaux for you. [14/32]
Proceed until you reach the movie theater. A lonely cadeau is trying to enjoy the movie, sitting on one of the chairs. You'll have to interrupt it, sadly. [15/32]
In the projector room, you will find a cadeau on top of a big box. [16/32]
As soon as you exit the theater, go right. Behind a trash bin, a cadeau is hiding from your wrath. [17/32]
You will reach a big room with three crocodiles and some water at the bottom of it.
On top of a small boat, cadeau. [18/32]
Not long after this room, you will stumble upon a pretty large lake filled with crocodiles.
I would recommend sniping them from the dock.
You can find two cadeaux within this lake, they're both on its right side.
The first is at the rightmost, the second, at the very far end of it. [20/32]
Now I do believe you need the Eclipser in order to continue, since you have to go through an underwater tunnel that is quite long.
This tunnel will lead you inside the building named "Camp Ocala". Right in front of its door, there is a cadeau on a boat, again. [21/32]
Aaannnd now the fun part. We arrive into the mines. Even though there's only 11 cadeaux in here, it feels like a hundred given how huge the place is.
When you reach the room with green crystals and boxes, you will find three cadeaux.
One is hidden behind said boxes.
The other two are simply on the ledge you need to climb. [24/32]
(On the second pic, the other cadeau is inside one of the barrel. I forgot to break it. Sorry. Alright, in fact I didn't remember it was inside the barrel. I took the screenshot, collected the cadeau, broke the barrel for ammo and found out there was another one.)
OKAY, I got it, here's a picture.
Procced until you reach some sort of well.
Don't jump down, instead try to reach the small edge and jump into the small tunnel right below the entrance. Going right, you will reach some sort of "Asylum's glory" chamber. There is a cadeau here. [25/32]
Know that you can push that block, it will unlock the way to the Accumulator of this level.
Now in this little tunnel maze, you will find a cadeau on the lower level, near a lamp. [26/32]
Now you can drop down the well, or down the Asylum weird thing. You will find a pretty big underground lake at some point, there is a cadeau at the bottom of it. [27/32]
Near the exit of the Asylum Accumulator chamber, you will have to jump through a narrow passage with a little gap. Well, there's a cadeau hiding in this little gap. [28/32]
Above the underground lake, there is a cadeau you can find on a waterfall. [29/32]
Right before Milton's room, there is an unmissable cadeau (That I missed on my first playthrough). [30/32]
Face Milton and stuff. Mostly destroy him, because he's hiding a cadeau in the water beneath his dockyard, where you first drop when you arrive. [31/32]
The last cadeau is behind Milton's Prism Gate. Don't forget about it. [32/32]
And that's it for the Florida summer camp ! Confusing level on the last part. But fun overall.
Down Street Station, London [28 Cadeaux]
Jack's hideout. (This level has an amazing soundtrack of train tracks.)
In the very first room, where you come from the Schism corpse, you can already find two cadeaux. [2/28]
Exit this room, you will arrive in some sewers you may recognize from the first cutscene in the game.
Go right, there is a cadeau in the water. [3/28]
Take a deep dive into the middle pool and proceed until you reach the station itself. You will go through a long stairway that goes around in circle.
When you enter the main hallway, there is a cadeau hidden not far away from you, at your left. [4/28]
Explore the level, at some point, you will reach the tube station.
Inside the train, there are three cadeaux sitting on the benches. [7/28]
Continue down this path, up to the point where a moving train full of passengers will pass by, behind some fences. Not far from here, after a corridor, you will be able to find a cadeau. [8/28]
After pushing a box, you will go down.
Not long after, you're going to find a room with a broken floor where zombie dogs wait for you below.
Two cadeaux are within this pit, so you'll have to deal with said dogs. [10/28]
An elevator will take you up into another tube station further into the level.
You will find a crashed train here.
In each car, you can find two cadeaux. [16/28]
The third train car will lead you to into another sewer-like tunnel, which will lead you into a big room with a ledge climbing puzzle.
In this room, you can find a cadeau on top of one of said ledges. [17/28]
At some point, you will come across a sewer with three sets of blades grinding the water.
Don't go there yet, first, go through the elevator door to your left. It will take you to another sewer area with horizontal blades, behind them, you will find two cadeaux. [19/28]
Keep diving until you reach another underwater room. Two cadeaux lies at the bottom of it. [21/28]
Now you can backtrack to the big grinder room through the elevator.
There is a cadeau below each blade, for a total of three. (You can only see one on the picture, but they're all at the end of each little nook) [24/28]
Now, enter the next room, it's yet another deep sewage water pool. Of course, you will find two cadeaux at the bottom of it, and two others at the bottom of the next one. [28/28]
That's it for Down Street Station ! This level isn't as confusing as it looks, it's just very, very dark.
Plus that train music is awesome.
Salvage Yard, Mojave Desert [35 Cadeaux]
Marco's groovy Yard.
After the cutscene, go left in the salvage yard. There's an area with dogs and big containers.
Behind the left one and the one in front of you, you will find one cadeau each time. [2/35]
At the exit of this area, turn left, there's some sort of concrete pipe, inside, you will find two cadeaux. [4/35]
You will then enter a garage. Next to the right crusher, there's a cadeau. [5/35]
The moment you exit this building, go left, you will find a cadeau hiding in the corner. [6/35]
Proceed until you reach a sandy salvage yard. At the far end of it, there is a cadeau. [7/35]
There is another one inside the house on your left when you exit this small yard. [8/35]
Shortly after, you will go down some stairs and reach a small cave. There's a cadeau chilling on a table at the left of this area. [9/35]
After this small underground section, you will go through a house. At your left, on a box, you will be able to find a cadeau. [10/35]
A bit further, you will comme across the "Show Me Inn". Before going in front of it, go right, you will find a cadeau. And another one you can't access yet, remember it's there. [11/35]
Now, facing the Show me Inn, go at the end of its front courtyard. There's a cadeau hidden behind a wood beam. [12/35]
Proceed inside the building. It's on fire and stuff. You will find a cadeau on the second room, near the window on your left. [13/35]
Going upstairs, you'll reach a room with someone burning. Inside the left room, there's a bathroom with a cadeau in it. Inside the right one, you'll find a bedroom with a cadeau on the bed. [15/35]
From the bedroom, go forward to another bedroom, then a corridor, until you reach another person on fire. You will find a cadeau right in front of a hole. I know it's tempting, but don't jump down yet.
Just know it's there, first, go right. [16/35]
After a few doors, you will come across another hole, with another cadeau inside it, and an Accumulator. [17/35]
Now you can go back to the hole I told you not to jump into and collect your cadeau. It will lead you back to the ground floor of the inn. There, you will be able to find two cadeaux. [19/35]
You can exit the inn. Remember that at your right, there's a cadeau between trash bins you couldn't reach before. [20/35]
You'll reach a little kitchen not far after the inn. In the fridge, you'll find a cadeau, and another surprise. [21/35]
When you arrive in the car maze, know that you will be able to find three cadeaux inside. One at the far left, one at the far right, and one inside the last row at the end of the "maze". [24/35]
Exploring the level, you'll go through a tunnel with boxes. Between them, there's a cadeau. [25/35]
At the end, you will reach Marco's Yard. There, you will find two cadeaux, one directly at your left of the container you just came from, the other at the side of a trash bin, below the speakers blasting the music. [27/35]
Now, go at the other end of his yard, into a small house. You'll find a shotgun and, going through its other door, a cadeau, as well as a padlock you can shoot to unlock a shortcut. [28/35]
Near this area, go through the fence. At the far end, you will find a cadeau. [29/35]
At some point, you will reach Marco's little disco room. Inside the cabin overlooking the room, you can find two cadeaux. [31/35]
Once you disposed of Cruz, when you reach back outside, go right, there's a cadeau near a trash bin. [32/35]
Continuing down this path, you will reach a fenced shed with dogs in it. There's also a cadeau. You will need to roll (crouch while running) to reach the cadeau. [33/35]
The last two cadeaux are behind Marco's Prism Gate. Don't miss them. [35/35]
And that's it for Marco's Yard ! A rather big level, that wasn't here in the original game.
Mordant Street, New York [30 Cadeaux]
Probably the darkest and most confusing level in the game. And very narrow.
Not long after the Schism corpse, you will find two cadeaux on the floor above you. [2/30]
Now this is going to be fun trying to guide you in this hell.
First go find the flashlight, you're going to need it. Facing the elevator, it's the left door.
Once this is done, go through the right door.
After several corridors, you will find a bathroom and a small room leading to the outside.
You can find a cadeau in each of these rooms. [4/30]
Once you're outside, you will find a cadeau under the porch. [5/30]
Shortly after, you'll go back inside after pushing a block. You'll reach some sort of small library.
When you exit the library, at your right, there is a cadeau. [6/30]
At some point you'll need to climb to the floor above you. You will probably notice a box at your left once you're up here. Behind it, you will find a single cadeau. There is also one in the room right after, where you need to go. [8/30]
Proceed until you find another box. In the corner of the room right after, there is a cadeau. [9/30]
Not long after, Avery will drop and start chasing you. Right where he dropped, you can find a cadeau. [10/30]
You will reach an area with lots of holes in the ceiling and canaries flying around. Go right, there's a cadeau. [11/30]
Now you'll notice that you're on the first floor when you reach the main room again. All around this small ledge, you will find a total of three cadeaux. [14/30]
Continue down the main corridor of this floor, you will find two cadeaux. [16/30]
Still on the same floor, you will find the power switch. Right next to it, there are two cadeaux. [18/30]
Now that the power is on, drop down to the ground floor and take the elevator up the second floor.
You will find two cadeaux on the bridge of this floor. [20/30]
You will also notice an area where you will see that the floor is about to collapse. (Spoiler, it will)
Jump on the other side, it will unlock a secret, and there's also a cadeau at the end of it. [21/30]
Proceed until you reach a very tight corridor. In this narrow space, you will stumble upon two unmissable cadeaux, you need to break their boxes in order to continue. [23/30]
Shortly after, you'll arrive in an area filled with blood coming from a bloodfall. Don't climb it yet, instead go right, cadeau. [24/30]
Climb the bloodfall, this leads into a maze with stuff written everywhere on the walls. At your left, there's a cadeau. [25/30]
Further into the maze, you will stumble upon a single cadeau. [26/30]
You should reach some sort of "Bird sanctum". Here, go right, you will find a room with skinboxes and armless victims of Avery. (And also two cadeaux) [28/30]
The last two cadeaux are, similar to the other Five, located behind Avery Marx's Prism Gate. [30/30]
As a fun challenge I did this entire level with FPS mode on. You should try it if you have unlocked this secret, it was fun.
Gardelle County Jail, Texas [26 Cadeaux]
Technically the last level in the game, where you will meet Victor Batrachian.
You're not going to forget about him, he will constantly remind you that he is the Lizard King. But also that ze end is nigh. And that it's sooner than you think.
Anyway, entering the level, simply go right in the prison until you reach the first block.
There are three cadeaux inside the cells in this room. One in a ground floor cell, the other two in two separate cells on the first floor. [3/26]
Not long after you will need a keycard. You can find it in an open area behind the stairs leading to the first floor of the block. At some point you'll arrive in a courtyard with a chopper. Destroy it, but be careful, this thing can drop your health to 0 in a matter of seconds if you stand immobile. Inside the watchtower of the courtyard, you can find a cadeau. [4/26]
You will have to open a door at some point with the key card. This will grant you access to the gym area of the Gardelle Jail. Inside the gym there are two cadeaux on the benches. [6/26]
Following the corridor at the right of the gym, you will find a cadeau behind a prison door. [7/26]
In the area right after, you'll find the shower room. Two cadeaux are hiding in here. [9/26]
Right in front of the shower room there's a ledge you can climb, it will lead you to another courtyard where you will be able to open more doors. Between the boxes, you should find a cadeau. [10/26]
Now drop into said courtyard, at the rightmost, near the fences, you'll find another cadeau. |11/26]
Once you opened the door, come back to the gym corridor and go right, you'll face yet another chopper in Marco's old courtyard. Behind some boxes, you will find a cadeau. [12/26]
There is also a MP5 somewhere on the top floor, I believe.
You need to go into the watchtower of the courtyard, it will lead you down to the next area where you will need to open some doors again. In the cafeteria, you will find a cadeau near one of the tables. [13/26]
Proceed into the kitchen, down the corridor, you'll find a single cadeau below a hole in the ceiling where you need to climb. [14/26]
On the top floor, you'll enter a room with couchs, at TV and later on pool tables. You can find two cadeaux here, one near a couch, the other in front of a hole in the wall, next to the pool tables. [16/26]
Drop down the hole and use the key card somewhere down here. It should open a door leading to Block 2, which is faaaar back at the first chopper courtyard. Go there, until you reach block 2, where Milton used to be. At the top floor of this block, in one of the cells, you will find a cadeau.
You can reach the top floor somewhere by climbing, there should be a hole in the fences. [17/26]
I believe you can drop down a hole in the very same cell. If it's not this one, it's another one on the same floor of this block. This will lead you to several corridors, don't pay attention to the padlocked door it goes back to the beginning of the level, simply proceed until you reach another door you need to open with the key card.
You will then go down an elevator shaft, and Batrachian should finally stop yelling in your ears.
Proceed into this area until you can go into a long corridor at your right. In the right morgue, you can find a cadeau. [18/26]
Continue down this path and go directly right, up some stairs. Cadeau. [19/26]
Now backtrack to the beginning of the corridor you went through and this time continue forward instead of going right. This will lead you to a key card reader that will open the doors of Block 3.
Inside this block, there are 5 cadeaux.
Two on the bottom floor, one at the right, in front of the cells, one at the left, inside the last cell, this will also trigger a secret. [21/26]
Now go on the top floor. In three different cells, you should find a single cadeau each time. [24/26]
The last two cadeaux, as you probably guessed, are behind Batrachian's Prism Gate. [26/26]
And that's it ! You should have collected all 26 cadeaux of the Gardelle County Jail and, probably, all 666 cadeaux of the game.
Hope this guide was helpful, finding each of these little red vases again for the sole purpose of this guide was very time consuming, but eh, at least now they should all be easier to find !
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2474836557
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