How 2 make 10000 $ in 1 hour (No glitching or cheating)

Step 1. Building

First you need to place a lot of Bum Shelters.

For 10000 $ you need like 15 Shelters.

How To Build The Shelters

Tip befor you build them.

Go in your Skill tree and Skill "Better Tools"

This will decrease the material cost of all construction.

After that they only cost you :

1 Aluminum Sheet

2 Cardboard

1 Wood

very ez to get.

Step 2. Buying Cigarettes

Go to a store and buy 20 Cigarettes for 5 $

( If you already build a few shelters, go and buy more then 20 ;-)"

Step 3. Lets Make Some Money

Now you lean back and pay you Creeps with 1 Cigarette to gather you 5$

Everytime you do this, it takes around 30 secondes for them to get 5$

Soooo, if you got 10 Shelter you get 6000$ in 1 hour.

With more Shelters you earn more money.

(every cigarette you buy is 0.25$ btw) so 0.25$ +30 secondes = 5$

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