Easy way to make big money.


Make some Small Flowerpot to plant onion. You need 5 scrap and 2 nails to build each Flowerpot.

Make some money enough to buy one pizza and one hotdog.

(gather alchemical ingredients, expensive material, or hit some vending machine. sell them to pawnshop)

Make Cooking Station. You need 8 wood, 4 nails, and only 2 alminum sheet.

Make Bum's Special. The pawnshop buys this for 66.66 dollars.

Buy more pizza and hotdog. Plant more onion. Make more Bum's Special.

Sell them all to pawnshop.

You can get your money as much as you like.

You can make more money if you get skill 'Discount Coupons'.

The Seller sells food at half price to you.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2592168932					

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