Like most weapons, Gauntlets have a total of 8 moves, excluding Signatures. Knowing the use of these attacks are essential to master the weapon. We'll cover them one by one, discussing their use. This part is especially targetted to people who haven't tried the weapon yet, so feel free to skip this part.
Neutral Light (NLight) is a grounded move where you throw a burst of punches at your enemy. For a light attack, it does more damage than average, but it's very punishable and doesn't follow into any other strings, so it's not going to be your main attack.
Down Light (DLight) is a grounded combo starter where you do a small slam in front of you. It's quick and it will lead into multiple strings/combos, which we will cover later. You will use this attack a lot, including the Gravity Cancel version.
Side Light (SLight) is a grounded string starter. It's quick and it pushes the opponent into the air, so you will have a lot of options to punish them depending on which direction they dodge. You will also use this attack a lot.
Neutral Air (NAir) is an aerial grab move where you throw your enemy to the ground. You will use this attack a lot in your strings/combos, since it doesn't have much force. It's also going to be a very useful tool for offstage games.
Down Air (DAir) is an aerial move where you throw a burst of punches under you. It's like an air version of NLight; it does more damage than average, but it lasts long, so it's very punishable. It also hardly follow into strings.
Side Air (SAir) is an aerial move where you punch the enemy to the side. It's going to be a very useful tool both onstage and offstage, since its range is good. It can also lead into multiple strings. It's a good move to use offstage and onstage. It also adds a lot of horizontal movement, so it can be used as a recovery option.
Recovery (Rec) is a long punch that sends you upwards. It's going to be one of your main kill options, and of course, your main recovery option. You're going to see this move a lot at the end of your strings and combos.
Ground Pound (GP) is also going to be one of your main kill options. It has a lot of force and spikes your enemy. You're going to use a lot of this move in offstage games, and rarely in onstage games. Also, be very careful to not use this move too often, since it's slow and predictable.
True Combos
In this section, we will cover the true combos for Gauntlets. Of course, I will skip some of them, but it's only because they are unreliable. The abbreviations shown in the first section will be used, also having the addition of the Chase Dodge (CD), and the Gravity Cancel (GC). If you do not know what these terms mean, I recommend you to get a bit more experience with the game or look them up on Google.
DLight > NLight
A very simple combo. It adds a bit of damage to your NLight. It's not the most used combo, but it still can be used in competitive play, even though it's not the best option for a DLight followup.
DLight > SLight
Another very basic combo, yet very useful. Nothing much to say about this, except the fact that a dodge read can be done after the SLight to add more damage. We will cover dodge reads in a later section. This combo is mostly used by players who have more reaction time or who like to read dodges. If you're going for more garanteed damage, you can replace it by the next combo.
DLight > Dash > Jump > DAir
This combo is also very useful. It does a lot of damage to the enemy, and opens the possibility for a SLight, Sair or Recovery followup. If you prefer reading people or you can't do this one, the previous combo is for you.
GC DLight > CD > NAir > Jump > Rec
This is by far the most useful combo for this weapon. It does a crazy amount of damage, and is also a kill option. You will use this combo a lot onstage whenever you have the opportunity to do it.
GC DLight > CD > NAir > Jump > DAir
If the enemy still isn't in the kill percent, you can replace your Recovery with a DAir, which adds a bit more damage. Note that the DAir can also be reversed.
The NAir in this combo can be reversed if you're missing space on the stage. Here is an example of DLight > CD > NAir by itself.[]
Note that GC DLight > CD > NAir and Nair > Jump > Recovery by themselves are true combo. So, if you don't have enough space on the stage to do it, or you are scared to be punished by your enemy's teammate in 2v2 matches, you can cut your combo at will.
Also, this combo is very often called a Russian Mafia.
GC DLight > CD > Rec
When your enemy is too much damaged, the Russian Mafia won't work, because your NAir sends them too far for you. If that's the case, you can use this combo. This is also one of the best true combos on Gauntlets..
NAir > GC NLight
Sometimes, the enemy can be quite jumpy. If it's the case, this combo will be very useful.
It can only be done when you do your NAir in the air, but if you do your NAir grounded, check the next combo to see how to followup.
NAir > Jump > DAir
This combo only works if your NAir is grounded. It builds up a lot of damage, and can open some followups opportunities, like SLight or NLight. If your enemy is in kill percent, you can also do a CD Rec towards them.
Side Light Reads/Dodge Punishes
A lot of reads are going to come off your Side Light, since it puts your enemy in the middle of the air. They can dodge in all directions, fast fall, jump, wake up (attack before you followup), or even do nothing. This section will cover all viable options for SLight.
Spot Dodge and Up Dodge
At low elo (Gold-Low Plat), Spot Dodges are going to be common, so here are the punishes for this dodge.
Up Dodge have the same punishes as Spot Dodges, except for SLight > SLight, which you can't do.
SLight > Dodge Read > NAir
If you get this punish, you can transform it into a Russian Mafia. Getting this read will give you a great lead, so take the opportunity whenever you have it. If the enemy is in kill percent, you can followup with SLight > Recovery instead to kill your opponent.
SLight > Dodge Read > Jump > GC SLight
This is personnally my favorite punish for Spot Dodge. After hitting the enemy with your second SLight, you can followup with a Recovery. If the enemy jumps or does nothing after your Rec, you can do a free NAir, which can lead into a DAir, a NAir or a GP. Most people don't know what to do after your Recovery, even at high elo (2500), so this is a very strong punish.
SLight > Dodge Read > Rec
You're going to see this one very often, since it's simple and effective. It is a kill option, so whenever you have the opportunity to do it at kill percent, do it.
Dodge Out
The more you go up from Gold, the more you're going to see this dodge. Some punishes are very similar to the ones for Spot Dodges, except you will have to add a slight momentum to hit your move.
SLight > Dodge Read > NAir
Not the most reliable punish in my opinion since it doesn't happen as often as other punishes, though it still can happen from time to time.
SLight > Dodge Read > Rec
If the enemy is in kill percent, you can change your NAir for a Recovery to kill your opponent.
SLight > Dodge Read > GC SLight
This is, over all the punishes, my favorite one. It's similar to the second punish for the Spot Dodge, but you will use it more often if you're high elo since more people there do Side Dodges than Spot Dodges. As I said for the previous one, you can do a Recovery after your second SLight. Since a lot of people don't know what to do after this, they won't do or Jump, so you can punish that with a NAir, leading into other punishes.
SLight > Dodge Read > DLight > NAir
This is a better option than the first Dodge Out punish. It adds a bit more damage, and you don't have to move to hit this punish.
SLight > Dodge Read > DLight > Rec
Again, if the enemy is in kill percent, you can do a Recovery to kill him.
Down Dodge and Dodge In
This dodge is also going to be more common the higher you go in the rankings.
I included Dodge In's in this section, since the punishes are usually the same, except for the fact that you're going to reverse your attacks.
SLight > Dodge Read > DAir
Very simple and effective punish. It does a lot of damage and keeps the enemy close to you, so you can easily do a followup after your DAir.
SLight > Dodge Read > NAir > DAir
This is not the most common punish, but most people forget that you can do a DAir after your NAir, since it's a true combo. Whenever you have the opportunity, you should do this punish since it does more damage than the others.
SLight > Dodge Read > SLight
After your second SLight of this punish, the enemy doesn't have any dodges, so you are free to do anything you want: Recovery if he's in kill percent, Russian Mafia if he's low damaged, etc.
SLight > Dodge Read > Rec
If the enemy is in kill percent, this punish will kill. If he's not and you still do this punish, you can easily do a NAir or DAir after your Recovery, adding more damage.
What about Diagonal Dodges?
To punish Diagonal Dodges, you have to go to the place where the enemy is heading with his dodge, and do whatever move you want to use to punish: DAir, NAir, Recovery, SAir, etc. Diagonal Dodges are very rare, even at high elo, so you don't have to worry about it too much.
I am having difficulty reading my enemy. What do I do?
If your reads aren't good and you keep mispredicting what your enemy does, you need to play with reaction. After you SLight, do a Spot Dodge. If the enemy goes to the side, you can do a late Gravity Cancel to punish him; if the enemy goes down, you can do a DAir whenever your dodge finishes; etc. This is the technique I personally use, since I have a bit faster reaction time than average.
Gimping is one of Gauntlet's strong points. Its moveset gives a lot of freedom to the user when it comes to controlling your enemy. In this section, we will discover how to gimp effectively.
Wait, what is gimping?
Gimping is the action of killing your enemy offstage early, often by cancelling their recoveries or using spiking/grab moves to force them into the kill zone. Here's an example of a gimp with Gauntlets[] and a gimp with Scythe[] .
Okay, how do I gimp my enemy now?
We can use some specific moves and combos that are more efficient in offstage games. I'm going to list them all, talking about what they can do, and when to use them:
Down Air (DAir)
This attack will send your enemy down, while also doing damage to him. It can easily punish your enemy's wall touches, and a great punish for when your opponent recovers without hitting you. The damage added will make it easier to send your enemy down, so you will very often use this attack. Be careful: the attack is more or less short, so if you miss it, you're going to fall down pretty far, letting your enemy come back onstage and get stage control.
Neutral Air (NAir)
NAir is also an attack you will use very often. It doesn't have much force, so you can easily followup this attack with pretty much anything, like a DAir, GP, Russian Mafia, etc. This attack is very quick, so you can use it to surprise your enemy by fast falling, then doing your NAir. It can also catch your enemy if he succeeds to get above you; by NAiring, you will bring him back under you.
Ground Pound (GP)
GP is your main finisher if your enemy starts to enter kill percent (orange and above), since it has a lot of force. It's also a great punish for when your enemy wall touches. You're also going to use this attack a lot when your enemy runs out of recovery options.
GC DLight > Reverse NAir
This is probably the only True Combo you will use. Sometimes, your enemy tries to avoid you by going around you instead of going directly to you. In these situations, you can use this combo, since it has more range than the other attacks. This attack is better when your enemy is low damage; when he's high damage, use SAir. Also, you may ask yourself "Why a reverse NAir and not a normal NAir?" It's better to reverse your NAir, since it's easier to followup the combo (notably with GP), and also because it keeps you closer to the wall so you can recover.
Side Air (SAir)
This attack is also used when your enemy tries to go around you. It's better to use your SAir when your enemy is at high damage, since it has a lot of force. If your opponent is low damage, use the previous combo.
I messed up, and my opponent is going to come back on stage. What do I do?
If it's still possible, you can use Recovery to attack your enemy and possibly followup with a NAir to bring him back offstage. If you know that your Rec won't hit, simply come back on stage. You don't want your enemy to edgeguard you.
Even after reading this, I still have difficulty to Gimp. What do I do?
This guide will give you an idea on how to gimp, but you won't necessarily instantly learn how to do it. You will need a lot of practice to get good at it. I recommend you to go in Experimental, bringing him into offstage games, and to try to gimp your enemy as much as possible.
Note that gimping will never be your only way to win. It's a kill that you won't get every game. Most of your KOs will continue to stay normal: slowly damaging your enemy until kill percent.
Why do I keep missing my moves?
If you keep missing your moves, you might be going too fast. Gauntlets gimps are slow unlike Scythe gimps, so take your time to come back to the wall, and wait for your enemy to waste their Recovery, dodges, and jumps. Wall touching will also reset all of your recovery options, so do it whenever you need to.
Neutral Game
Since Gauntlets don't have a lot of priority and range compared to other weapons, knowing how to win Neutral is important. In this section, we'll learn what exactly is Neutral game and what moves can be used to win it.
Note that some of these tips are applicable on all other weapons.
What is neutral game?
Neutral game is the moment of a game where no players have stage control, and they have to fight to win it.
For example, here, both players don't have any control over eachother. A lot of the time, whoever pushes the enemy away first will win the neutral game. Gauntlets are pretty strong at winning it, but not as strong as other weapons, like Lance, Hammer, Axe, etc. Knowing how to win neutral can lead into a lot of combos, so it's useful to learn this skill.
How do I win neutral game?
The person who wins neutral game is usually whoever hits the opponent first. A lot of the time, using your SLight, NLight and your DLight combos will do the job, but Gauntlets have a bit of a weak side: stacked battles.
When two people are stacked on top of eachother, the person who has Gauntlets will have more difficulty winning the neutral game, because of its lack of attack area coverage. If you are high level, a lot of people will get on top of you. In these more delicate situations, you can jump and NAir, DAir, or Recovery whenever the opponent gets into the zone of attack. If you do not like this, you can step away a little bit from your enemy and attack him. Note that this is more punishable if it is not done quick enough.
Can't I just... run away?
Most of the time, no, you shouldn't. If you run away, you will face the opposite side of the enemy for a short moment, leaving yourself with no attack opportunities; your enemy will easily punish you. Even if he misses the punish, you'll still be closer to the edge of the map, making you lose stage control.
I am in kill percent, and neutral game seems dangerous. What do I do?
If you're in the red, you shouldn't be taking risks. Even if it means losing stage control, you have to constantly run away from your enemy, staying as far as possible from him, waiting for a safe opportunity to punish.
Other Useful Gauntlets Guides
If you're looking for more useful information, I recommend these other following guides:
(Also, note that watching good players using Gauntlets can help you improve)
In conclusion, Gauntlets is an easy weapon to learn, but a hard one to master. They can be used for damage building, and even killing your enemy. Its gameplay is heavily focused on reads and gimping.
Make sure to ask your questions in the comments, and to like plus favorite this guide c:
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