Emote on Kor's Platform

Emote on Kor's Platform

Battle Pass Mission

Emote on Kor's Platform image 1

This particular mission is a very easy one although some players have no idea where that platform is.

The maps where this works it's in the Blackguard Keep Small and the BlackGuard Keep.

Blackguard Keep Small

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You can only get this map by playing 1vs1 matches. This is the smaller version. The Kor's platform is the one in the left, it's a moving platform. You just need to go on top of it and use any emote and when the match ends you should get the mission completed. Some people report having some issues, so just to be safe emote more than once in different parts of the platform.

Blackguard Keep

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You can only get this map by playing 2vs2 matches like Friendly 2vs2 and Ranked 2vs2. The Kor's platform is the one in the left, it's a moving platform. You just need to go on top of it and use any emote and when the match ends you should get the mission completed. Some people report having some issues, so just to be safe emote more than once in different parts of the platform.

In my case I completed it in the BlackGuard Keep in a Ranked 2vs2 Match. You have to be patient til it appears.

Kor's Lore

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In case you are wondering how you could obtain this information, if you go check the legend's lore of Kor you can find a quote that explains this. You can read it below:

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2573627244					

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