Intro: Why Post A Guide?
No reason lol, all the guides on this are just *monkey business*
How To Actually Win. (works On Most Maps)
Do not place anything until you get enough for dartling, once you have enough place dartling so it covers as much ground as possible, or covers the road in the most points.
Once placed and aimed, (click and hold to aim, if you want to have it stay select it and set to "set target")
Eco until you have enough to buy shock and faster barrel, upgrade to 2-3-0 or higher.
Freeze monkey works really well with dartling for crowd control.
sniper monkey kills MOABs really well, my favorite upgrade chains for MOAB killing is 2-0-3/4 and 4-0-2.
How To Kill With Bloons.
there are a few types of rushes that work REALLY well, one of course being the infamous camo purple rushes.
Now, what type of rush you should use heavily, and i mean HEAVILY depends on their defense.
If they are using this only ones marked with an * will help
If they have no fire or explosives, use lead.
If they ONLY have fire and explosives use black.
If they exist, use white ASAP.
* Reinforced MOAB / MOABs ASAP.
If they have fire/explosives but none with camo, use lead-camo round 12.
If they have crowd control but no high damage, use ceramic as soon as it's X2
If they have perma spike, uhh, hmm, you're kinda screwed. Your best hope is to use Reinf DDT spam plus 1-2 Reinf B.A.D.s
I Hope You Liked It And It Helps!
This guide got me to ceramic crucible, if you're lower use it to grind sniper and dartling points.
This guide took me a while, please rate up so i can help more people!
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