Ways Towers/Upgrades Can Attack or See Through Obstacles

Primary Monkeys

Dart Monkey: While this tower cannot see or attack through obstacles at all, bouncing spike balls from the top path and Paragon can go around them.

Boomerang Monkey: Both 5-x-x and x-x-5 can attack through obstacles, though only bottom path can do so directly.

Bomb Shooter: Both middle path and bottom path may attack through obstacles. However, bottom path is only indirectly, and middle path requires ability usage.

Tack Shooter: Both top path and middle path can attack through obstacles. Top path does so automatically at Tier 5, while middle path requires an ability use.

Ice Monkey: Only middle path is able to see through walls, and it will not pop Bloons.

Glue Gunner: Only middle path is able to attack through walls, and it requires an ability use.

Military Monkeys

Sniper Monkey: This tower is unable to attack directly through obstacles. However, the middle path may bounce to Bloons behind any obstacle.

Monkey Sub: The middle path can attack through obstacles, but only tier 4 and higher, and only MOAB class. Tier 4 requires an ability use, and tier 5 attacks automatically for MOAB class Bloons.

Monkey Buccaneer: The top and middle paths can attack through obstacles. Top path does so automatically tier 4 onwards. Middle path requires an ability use and MOAB class Bloons.

Monkey Ace: This tower can always attack over obstacles.

Heli Pilot: This tower can always attack over obstacles.

Mortar Monkey: This tower can always attack over obstacles.

Dartling Gunner: Only the bottom path may attack over obstacles. However it must be tier 4 onward and the obstacle can only be up to a certain height.

Magic Monkeys

Wizard Monkey: All three paths may attack over obstacles, but in different ways. Top path can see through obstacles at 1-x-x. Middle path may put walls of fire over them with a top crosspath, or past x-4-x. Bottom path may place reanimated Bloons over them as well.

Super Monkey: All paths may see and attack through obstacles with the right Monkey Knowledge and a bottom path crosspath. Without it however, only 4-x-x onward may see over shorter obstacles. Bottom path can teleport as well, negating them entirely.

Ninja Monkey: Only middle path's ability may target Bloons through obstacles. Otherwise, this tower cannot see or attack through obstacles.

Alchemist: This tower's attacks and buffs can always go over obstacles.

Druid: Only middle path may attack through obstacles, and only x-3-x onward.

Mermonkey: This tower cannot see or attack through obstacles. Bottom path's totem may be placed over them however, given enough range.

Support Monkeys

Banana Farm: While this tower cannot attack nor see through obstacles, it is still able to place bananas on the other side of them. This only matters for top path Sub Monkeys.

Spike Factory: This tower is always able to see and place spikes over obstacles.

Monkey Village: This tower is always able to influence other monkeys over obstacles.

Engineer Monkey: This tower cannot attack or see over obstacles. However, Cleansing Foam, Sentry Guns, and Bloon Traps may be placed over them.

Beast Handler: This tower can always see through obstacles, and may put animals over them as well. However, only the bottom path animals may attack over obstacles.


Quincy: He cannot attack or see through obstacles. However, his level 10 ability, Storm of Arrows can.

Gwendolin: She cannot attack or see through obstacles. However, both of her abilities can.

Striker Jones: He cannot attack or see through obstacles. However, his level 3 ability, Concussive Shellcan.

Obyn: At all levels, he can shoot through obstacles.

Rosalia: Starting at level 7, Rosalia can be placed onto the track, and can see and shoot over obstacles.

Captain Churchill: He cannot attack or see through obstacles. However, his level 10 ability, MOAB Barrage can.

Ezili: At all levels, she can shoot through obstacles. Also, both of her abilities can be used despite any obstacles in the way.

Adora: At all levels, she can shoot through obstacles.

Etienne: At all levels, his drones can see through obstacles, and despite being dart related projectiles, even shoot through them.

Sauda: She cannot attack or see through obstacles. However, both of her abilities can.

Admiral Brickell: While she cannot see or shoot through obstacles, her Sea Mines can.

Psi: At all levels, they can attack through any amount of obstacles.

Geraldo: He cannot attack or see through obstacles. However, he can place Shooty Turrets behind obstacles, and Genie Bottles can see over them.

Corvus: At all levels, Corvus' spirit, and all of his other attacks, can attack through obstacles.

The following Heroes cannot see or attack through walls in any way:


Pat Fusty

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3319481443					

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