The Ultimate Monkey Knowledge Guide

The Ultimate Monkey Knowledge Guide

Before You Read

If you want to see me rank each monkey knowledge in a video format instead of reading it like a nerd then go watch this video instead:

What Is Monkey Knowldege?

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Monkey knowledge can be found on the main menu upon entering BTD6.

after clicking that button you will be greeted with 6 different category's of monkey knowledge. Primary, military, magic, support, heroes and powers.

after clicking on one of these you will find monkey knowledge trees which you will then be able to spend monkey knowledge points on.

When you buy one of these upgrades you're monkeys will be given a permanent buff and that buff will be dependent on what upgrade you buy. These buffs will work in all games apart from CHIMPS games and any challenge that involves no monkey knowledge.

How Do I Get Monkey Knowledge?

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Starting from Level 30, every level up will reward the player with 1 Knowledge Point to use. You can get XP to level up by just playing the game. However you will earn more XP depending on the map and wave you complete. But note that once you start doing freeplay you will be getting much less account XP. So I highly suggest you DON'T DO freeplay if you want XP. You can check your XP progress on the main menu in the top left.

You can also farm XP by playing on an expert map in deflation to do a semi afk XP grind. I highly suggest you don't do this, because it's boring and you would have a much more fun time getting it the traditional way. But if you REALLY WANT TO GRIND then here is a video by Hbomb:

You can also get monkey knowledge points from some achievements. These include:


All for one and one for one

Bloons Master

Monkey Philanthropist

Rising star

A year in the making

Superior Bloons Master

2TC (hidden achievement)

Ultimate Bloons Master

You can also get monkey knowledge by buying it in the store with real world money.

Although I highly suggest you never ever buy these. It's basically a scam. But if you have money to waste then go ahead and buy them I'm not your dad.

Going Over ALL Primary Monkey Knowledge!

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Full Primary Monkey Knowledge Skill Tree:

Ranking Every Single Primary Monkey Knowledge:

Fast Tack Attacks

Tack Shooter attack speed increased by 8%

My Opinion: 7/10if you use tack shooters a lot then this is definitely the upgrade for you and it's the best monkey knowledge upgrade for tack shooter. Giving the tack shooter almost a 10% attack speed boost is crazy good and will really help the tack zone and inferno ring. Unfortunately it won't really help the super maelstrom as you really only get it for the ability

Increased Lifespan

Longer projectile lifespan for Dart Monkey, Bomb Shooter, Tack Shooter, and Glue Gunner.

NOTE: Does not apply to Ice Monkey or Boomerang Monkey

My Opinion: 1/10The amount of times this will come in handy is very very rare. This monkey knowledge would have been useful for Boomerang Monkey's top and bottom path but sadly he doesn't get the buff. So increased lifespan remains a forgotten monkey knowledge.

Extra Dart Pops

Dart Monkeys get +1 pierce to all shots.

My Opinion: 6.5/10For most towers in BTD6 increasing the pierce by just one wouldn't be a big deal. However giving it to the dart monkey, a very cheap tower that does well on the early rounds will help out immensely. Unfortunately this buff becomes much less notable when you get into later rounds or you go for the spike-o-pult upgrades. This also pairs well with the free dart monkey knowledge.

Poppy Blades

Blade Shooter upgrade gets +2 pierce.

NOTE: The pierce goes from 6-8

My Opinion: 5/10I'm going to be honest, I rarely use the tack shooter middle path. But this monkey knowledge would be very useful for big clusters of bloons. The reason why it's only a 5 is because when you get to harder rounds like 63 your blade shooter's attack won't be beating it. It's the ability that will be beating it and fun fact the ability has 200 pierce and you almost never have one blade hit over 200 bloons in it's lifespan making this monkey knowledge almost redundant.

Hard Tacks

Tack Shooter tacks can pop Frozen Bloons.

NOTE: Frozen-popping is now no longer limited to Hot Shots and above or Super Maelstrom.

My Opinion: 8/10This is a really good monkey knowledge because tack and ice are a pretty underrated, decent combo and not having to get hot shots or a MIB to pop frozen bloons is a game changer.

Fast Glue

Glue Gunner 10% increased attack speed.

My Opinion: 5/10Very hard rating this one personally. Fast Glue will give a massive buff to basic glue gunners helping them coat more bloons in the early rounds. This will also really help the top path glue gunner, and it's an okay buff for the bottom path. Unfortunately middle path shoots so fast that it doesn't need a 10% attack speed increase making this knowledge redundant.

Fraggy Frags

Frag bombs get 2 extra frags.

NOTE: Increases number of frags per bomb from 8 to 10. 3-0-2 from 10 to 12, 4-0-2 and 5-0-2 from 16 to 18.

My Opinion: 6/10Not broken but a very useful monkey knowledge to help bomb shooters do more grouped damage and to pop those pesky black boons and damage DDT's.

Cheap 'Rangs

Base cost of Boomerang Thrower reduced by 50.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties. So for example if Boomerang Monkey costs $275 on easy normally then he will now cost $225. And if Boomerang Monkey is $350 on hard he will now cost only $300.

My Opinion: 6/10A very boring knowledge but it is very useful for half cash games, since money will be tight and you need a cheap defense. It can also save you quite a bit of money when you are getting sacrifices for the Boomerang Monkey paragon.

Crossbow Reach

Crossbow range increased.

NOTE: Increases range of the Crossbow and its upgrades by 3

My Opinion: 2/10Increasing the range by 3 is insignificant in basically every single game. You could get this monkey knowledge and I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't see the difference.

Big Inferno

Inferno Ring upgrade gets +3 burst radius.

NOTE: Base Inferno Ring range increases from 35 to 38.

My Opinion: 2.5/10Like the Crossbow Reach monkey knowledge, +3 range is not a lot at all. Although this is a bit better because the tack shooter has barely any range. So this helps him out a little bit better.

Icy Chill

Freeze radius slightly increased.

NOTE: Increases range by +3

My Opinion: 2.5/10Again +3 range is not a big range increase. However the ice tower doesn't have much range so giving a range buff to one of his upgrades helps a bit.

More Splatty Glue

Glue Splatter can affect up to 8 Bloons per shot.

NOTE: Increases Glue Splatter pierce by 2. Does not affect The Bloon Solver unless crosspathing with Glue Splatter.

My Opinion: 5/10A very mediocre Monkey knowledge. More Splatty Glue really does help with the Glue Gunners ability to coat more bloons that are in high dense rushes such as round 63.

Budget Clusters

Bomb Shooter's Cluster Bombs cost reduced by 100.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties: the cost will always be $100 less than normal regardless of the difficulty.

My Opinion: 8/10If you are doing cluster bomb spam strategies then this monkey knowledge would be a 10/10 for you. $100 off per cluster bomb does add up and I highly suggest you get this monkey knowledge if that's your go to strategy.

Extra Bounce

Increase Boomerang Ricochet to bounce up to 80 times.

NOTE: Increases the pierce of ricocheting Glaives, including M.O.A.R Glaives and Glaive Lord, by 30.

My Opinion: 7/10A 30 pierce is very very good. The only downside to this is that sometimes you won't be able to make use of the pierce making this upgrade redundant. But if it uses all pierce then you will be dealing a lot of damage.

Recurring 'Rangs

Boomerangs that return to the Boomerang Monkey will be thrown a second time.

NOTE: This was added in Version 22.0 to replace Ambidextrous 'Rangs. Which is now a built-in feature for the Boomerang Monkey.

My Opinion: 7.5/10This monkey knowledge alone allows the boomerang monkey to do much more damage on early waves and is really able to carry you for quite a while in half cash games. Allowing you to have a cheap defense and you are able to build up farms.

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4 And 4

Dart Monkey's triple shot gets 4 darts every 4th shot.

My Opinion: 4/10Just like the name this gets a score of 4. This is alright for the early rounds but you won't always have the 4th dart hit a bloon and it has a tendency to miss. Making this a bad monkey knowledge unfortunately.

Force vs Force

Juggernaut does +2 damage per shot to MOAB-Class Bloons.

NOTE: This Also applies to sub-projectiles from the Ultra-Juggernaut.

My Opinion: 6/10This +2 damage to MOAB class bloons is not a lot, and I would have rated this monkey knowledge MUCH lower especially looking at the Juggernaut's slow firing speed. However because it also applies to the sub projectiles of the Ultra-Juggernaut it makes it not a terrible MOAB killer especially using it on enclosed maps.

So... Cold...

Ice Monkey's Permafrost upgrade slows by 60%.

NOTE: Increases effect from 50% to 60%.

My Opinion: 5.5/10This monkey knowledge is great for stall purposes so you can charge abilities or boost your income from druid or snipers. However the amount of times I have to stall in real games is not a lot and this monkey knowledge is only really helpful in challenges. Also permafrost is not a great stall in general and it's expensive if you want it to really slow moab class bloons.

Aviation Grade Glue

MOAB Glue slows more than normal.

NOTE: MOAB Glue and Relentless Glue slowdown effect for MOAB-class bloons increases from 37.5% slowdown to 50% slowdown.

My Opinion: 7/10Unlike So... Cold... monkey knowledge, Aviation Grade Glue is an amazing stall that's cheap and reliable. I always get MOAB glue in my games and having a buff that increases that slow by 12.5% is incredible. This slow allows your other towers to have more time to deal damage before they leave their range.

Mega Mauler

MOAB Mauler does more damage per hit.

NOTE: Increases MOAB-class damage by 2. MOAB Maulers will deal 20 damage to MOAB-class instead of 18, non-ability MOAB Assassins will deal 32 damage instead of 30, while non-ability MOAB Eliminators will deal 102 damage instead of 100.

My Opinion: 8/10If you spam MOAB maulers then this monkey knowledge will be a 10/10 for you. This +2 damage is really good considering the splash damage and how cheap maulers are.

Hard Press

MOAB Press special knockback boomerangs push back 30% further.

My Opinion: 8/10Another reliable and great stall for such a cheap price. It's not unheard of to spam 0-2-4 Boomerang Monkeys so you can make sure MOAB class bloons will never make progress. This monkey knowledge will really help on round 98 and other rounds with a lot MOAB's.

Master Double Cross

Allows you to have TWO Crossbow Masters.

My Opinion: 7/10Very very helpful in boss events so you can have 10,000 power! Unfortunately outside of boss events you won't be utilizing this monkey knowledge often.

Big Cryo Blast

Cryo Cannon gets increase blast radius.

NOTE: Increases blast radius by 5.

My Opinion: 6/10Not a bad monkey knowledge but not good either. You can't go wrong by getting it and it can help against spread out bloons and the tier 5 is able to hit DDT's a bit more reliably. But in all honestly it just remains as an average stepping stone upgrade.


Snowstorm freezes Bloons for longer.

NOTE:Snowstorm ability freezes bloons for 1 second longer. Also affects Absolute Zero and its global Ice Monkey buff.

My Opinion: 4.5/10One second is not that big of a difference but it does help for stalling purposes. Not much too talk about on this one just a bad stepping stone upgrade.

Cheaper Solution

Bloon Liquifier cost reduced by 1000.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties: the cost will always be $1000 less than normal regardless of the difficulty.

My Opinion: 6.5/10A very solid monkey knowledge and allows you to have a very cheap defense against a small groups of ceramics. Especially handy on half cash mode.

Violent Impact

Bomb Shooter's Bloon Impact stuns for 25% longer.

NOTE: Increases effect from 1 seconds to 1.25 seconds for Bloon Impact. Bloon Crush effect increased stun effect from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

My Opinion: 8.5/10Such a good monkey knowledge. This allows you to reliably perma-stun bloons allowing your towers to have a lot more time to hit their target in thier range.

Long Turbo

Boomerang Turbo Charge ability lasts 15 seconds.

NOTE: Increases effect by 5 seconds. Also affects Perma Charge's ability.

My Opinion: 7/10Solid monkey knowledge and it really helps your perma charge. It also combines very well with the Bionic Augmentation monkey knowledge allowing it to have a longer time to hit camo bloons.

Bionic Augmentation

While Turbo Charge is active, Bionic Boomerang is able to target Camo Bloons

NOTE: Turbo Charge is the ability meaning that it will only hit camo bloons while the ability is active.

My Opinion: 2/10This Monkey knowledge is basically worthless. by the time you get a 0-4-0 Boomerang Monkey you won't need the camo detection because you will probably have another tower for camo or you have a 0-2-0 village which gives camo detection permanently. Making this monkey knowledge redundant.

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Come On Everybody!

Primary towers attack 5% faster if all are below tier 3, and cost 5% less if all are tier 3 or 4.

NOTE: The 5% attack speed bonus will be voided once any of the Primary Monkeys are upgraded to Tier 3 or above until the conditions are met again. Likewise, the 5% discount will be voided if any of the Primary Monkeys are below Tier 3 or are upgraded to Tier 5, until the conditions are met again.

My Opinion: 6.5/10A bit controversial but I don't think this monkey knowledge is that good. the 5% attack speed buff is minimal and especially because only your tier 2 or lower primary monkeys get the attack speed buff and you won't often notice it. Although the 5% price reduction is great for half cash mode because you save a few dollars.

Bonus Monkey!

Start each game with a free Dart Monkey!

NOTE: You may only choose a single free Monkey Tower per game.

My Opinion: 10/10This monkey knowledge is easily one of the best out there. Starting the game with a free dart monkey is amazing and can carry you through early rounds so you can farm earlier. This knowledge is also amazing in half cash since you don't have to pay anything for one dart monkey.

Bonus Glue Gunner

Start each game with 1 free Glue Gunner!

NOTE: You may only choose a single free Monkey Tower per game.

My Opinion: 9.5/10The Glue Gunner in my opinion is a worse tower to pick than the Dart Monkey in terms of damage and support. Here is a video by Ethan Reid explaining in depth, why the Dart Monkey is better in almost every situation:

More Cash

Increase starting cash by 200

NOTE: This means that the player will start with $850 on all game modes except Half Cash where players only get $425, and CHIMPS where players get $650, as Monkey Knowledge is turned off there. This is also applied before the effects of Double Cash mode, meaning that the $200 bonus becomes a $400 bonus ($200 bonus instead of $100 bonus in Half Cash). As of 18.0, this +$200 extra starting cash is split among all players evenly (+$100 for two-player, +~$66 for three-player, and $50 for four-player).

My Opinion: 10/10A free 200 dollars in any game to start with is amazing and allows you to farm earlier and get more expensive towers much more earlier than you would have normally got them. Such a massive help in every game.

Going Over ALL Military Monkey Knowledge!

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Full Military Monkey Knowledge Skill Tree:

Ranking Every Single Military Monkey Knowledge:

Naval Upgrades

Monkey Buccaneer and Monkey Sub get +1 pierce per shot.

NOTE: Every Monkey Buccaneer or Monkey Sub attack has +1 pierce. Increases pierce of each Monkey Buccaneer dart from 4 to 5. Increases Monkey Sub default dart pierce from 2 to 3.

My Opinion: 7.5/10Really good monkey knowledge for the sub especially. The buccaneer is a nice little buff but you won't see it too often unfortunately. However the sub getting +1 pierce is so good especially considering that the subs main attack homes in on bloons. This means you will see this helping a lot in your games. Especially the earlier rounds.

Airforce Upgrades

Monkey Ace and Heli Pilot get +1 pierce per shot.

NOTE: The default dart pierce of Monkey Ace is increased from 5 to 6 per dart, while default Heli Pilot dart pierce is increased from 3 to 4.

My Opinion: 6/10The pierce on the heli is a nice little buff, but you won't be seeing it utilized all the time. The plane pierce is almost useless to... BUT neva-miss targeting will use that pierce buff a lot making this monkey knowledge very strong when paired with neva-miss.

Elite Military Training

All Military Monkeys get a one-off +1000 XP and earn XP in-game 5% faster permanently.

NOTE: Does not affect account XP. Just Military Tower XP.

My Opinion: 5/10Very hard to rank this monkey knowledge since it's just a tower XP buff for military monkeys. I highly suggest you get this knowledge as soon as you start your play through so you don't have to grind for tower xp as long for military monkeys. Unfortunately once you get all the upgrades for military then this becomes useless.

Emergency Unlock

Activated ability: unlocks locked Dartling Gunners and boost their swivel speed for a short time.

NOTE: When at least one Dartling Gunner is locked to shoot in one direction, an ability will appear that allows the player to automatically unlock ALL Dartling Gunners to shoot at the targeted location. Dartling Gunners also spin faster by 33% for 5 seconds.

My Opinion: 5/10If you are bad at micro then this is the knowledge for you. Now you can unlock ALL Dartling Gunners with a press of a button and you get a swivel speed buff as well temporarily. Unfortunately this doesn't increase damage so it's pretty mediocre

Big Bunch

Grape Shot shoots 6 grapes.

NOTE: Shoots 6 grapes instead of 5 grapes. Also applies to Hot Shot grapes. When interacting with 2-1-0 crosspathing, grapes are actually increased from 10 to 11, not 12.

My Opinion: 6.5/10A good monkey knowledge that helps the buccaneer deal with groups of bloons better. If you use buccaneers for farming or damage then get this because it's solid.

Accelerated Aerodarts

Darts from Monkey Aces fly faster.

NOTE: Darts fly 50% faster.

My Opinion: 4.5/10A very unimpressive monkey knowledge that just lets the darts fly faster. This means that it DOES NOT INCREASE ATTACK SPEED. Still good to have with the bottom and top path ace.

Ceramic Shock

Sniper hits on Ceramic Bloons slow them down briefly.

NOTE: Any hits by Sniper Monkeys on Ceramic Bloons will cause them -90% speed for 1 seconds. Slow effect is the same for all calibres of Path 1. Slow effect can also be applied to Ceramics hit with Shrapnel Shot projectiles.

My Opinion: 8.5/10Very handy monkey knowledge to help with the MOAB's insides or round 40. and also very handy with rounds like 63. Use middle and bottom path snipers to hit as many ceramic bloons as possible.

Breaking Ballistic

Ballistic Missiles do more damage to Ceramic Bloons.

NOTE: Deals +1 damage to Ceramic Bloons, and therefore the base Ballistic Missile attack will deal 6 damage instead of 5 versus Ceramic Bloons. Also affects Pre-Emptive Strike.

My Opinion: 4/10+1 damage to ceramics is not a lot to really make a difference which is why I gave it such a low rating. However it still doesn't hurt to have this upgrade and it does help on rounds like 63 and 76.

Faster Takedowns

MOAB Takedown Ability has 5 second faster cooldown.

NOTE: Ability cooldown of Monkey Pirates and Pirate Lord decreases from 50 seconds and 30 seconds to 45 seconds and 25 seconds, respectively.

My Opinion: 6/10Helpful monkey knowledge especially for pirate lord. This will really help pirate lord beat rounds like 98 considering how many BFB's and ZOMG's there are. It is also nice to have a buff on the

0-4-0 pirate lord.

Targeted Pineapples

Pineapples are only dropped near tracks.

NOTE: Drops Pineapples only near tracks, similar to Bomber Ace's bombs.

My Opinion: 6.5/10This monkey knowledge gets rid of exploding pineapples biggest weakness. Always missing. Because of this monkey knowledge the ace will have a much easier time dealing with grouped bloons and stacking on some extra dps.

Rapid Razors

Razor Rotors pop Bloons faster.

NOTE: Pops 25% faster than normal.

My Opinion: 6.5/10Very solid buff to your heli, allowing them to do quite a bit of extra DPS. Honestly not a broken monkey knowledge but still pretty good. This will also allow your heli to keep up with later rounds. So you don't have to spend as much money on defence.

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Extra Burny Stuff

Burny Stuff pops every second.

NOTE: Napalm from Burny Stuff burns 0.25s faster. By default, will pop Bloons every second instead of every 1.25 seconds. Also applies to napalm from all other variants of this upgrade including crosspaths with Burny Stuff. Blooncineration is also affected by Extra Burny Stuff, but instead pops Bloons every 0.5s instead of every 0.75s. Shell Shock and above with Burny Stuff burns every 0.375s instead of 0.625s.

My Opinion: 8.5/10If the description is too complicated well just know that overall this monkey knowledge is on fire. This is basically turning burny stuff from a small DOT effect to a weaker bloon solver. But still very handy to use and will wreck all bloons except purples.

Cheaper Maiming

Maim MOAB cost reduced by 1000.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties: the cost will always be $1000 less than normal regardless of the difficulty.

My Opinion: 8.5/10Giving the Maim MOAB upgrade a $1000 dollar discount is so good. Because now it's a cheap and reliable support for stunning any MOAB class bloons (apart from BADS). I highly suggest that you get this monkey knowledge point.

Gorgon Storm

Hydra Rocket Storm stuns damaged Bloons for a short time.

NOTE: Rockets spawned from the Rocket Storm ability can stun any bloon including MOAB-class. Stuns bloons for 0.5s per rocket, or 0.1s for MOAB-class. The same applies to M.A.D.

My Opinion: 8/10Giving the rocket storm ability a stun is amazing and highly underrated. This will help a lot in events such as races and it's good to stall so your towers can have more time to hit the bloons or to charge other abilities.

Quad Burst

Airburst Darts split into 4 instead of 3.

NOTE: Also applies for Triple Guns, Armor Piercing Darts, and Sub Commander.

My Opinion: 9/10Sub strategy users drool at the mouth over this monkey knowledge. This makes sub spam amazing. Also bottom path subs benefit from alch buff a lot more too due to the increased amount of projectiles.

Trade Agreements

Merchantman generates +$20 per round.

NOTE: Increased income per round also stacks with percentage income bonuses from Central Market and Monkey City. Bonus +$20 per round also applies to Favored Trades, Trade Empire, and Navarch of the Seas.

My Opinion: 9/10This monkey knowledge is very good for boat farm. Giving the banana farms some competition. Very useful in boss events and half cash mode.

Gun Coolant

Monkey Aces attack 10% faster.

My Opinion: 6.5/10A 10% attack speed buff is nothing to scoff at. This will really benefit the top and bottom path aces. It won't help the middle path much though because you only really get it for the ability. Overall very solid buff

Paint Stripper

Mortar shattering shells removes Camo from DDT Bloons.

NOTE: Allows the Signal Flare upgrade to remove camo from DDTs, and also Shattering Shells to remove DDT fortification.

My Opinion: 8/10Removing the camo from DDT's to me is not that big of a deal since you could just get a 0-2-0 village. However the reason why I am giving it such a high rating is because of the defortification on DDT's making round 99 one of the hardest rounds in impoppable a joke.

Cross the Streams

Where Plasma or Doom beams cross on the track they create temporary plasma pools.

NOTE: Where two Plasma Accelerator or Ray of Doom beams meet, they will create a temporary pool of plasma similar to the Alchemist's Acid Pool. These pools have a special Damage Over Time effect.

My Opinion: 1/10Lets be honest how many times do you get two plasma accelerators or 2 ray of dooms in coop? Because if you are any normal person, you wouldn't ever have 2 of them at once. Also the plasma pool does barely any damage. (WHICH IS WHAT THE KNOWLEDGE DOES BTW). This easily makes this knowledge the worst knowledge point in the entire game!

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Flanking Maneuvers

Sniper, Monkey Sub & Monkey Buccaneer attack 10% faster when set to 'Last' targeting priority.

NOTE: Setting it to any other target priority will remove the 10% attack speed bonus until reverted back to Last.

My Opinion: 1.5/10Even though a 10% attack speed buff is great. Making any of these 3 towers target last will almost always be more of a nerf than anything. It does have it's moments but honestly you shouldn't even bother with this one.


Advanced flight pathing that coordinates multiple Monkey Aces on staggered attack runs.

NOTE: Adds a new flight path called "Wingmonkey" to all Monkey Aces. When a Monkey Ace is set to Wingmonkey, it will fly in a similar way to the Aircraft Carrier's planes.

My Opinion: ?/10This can be a useful monkey knowledge or a steaming pile of monkey poo depending on the map. It is better to do ace micro almost every time but if you can't be bothered at doing micro then you could use this. Just use it at your own risk.

Aeronautic Subsidy

Monkey Ace tier 5 upgrades cost 10% less.

My Opinion: 7.5/10The discounts for these are massive which is really good if you want to get something like a cheap flying fortress. Very helpful in games like impoppable where you could sell most of your towers for a flying fortress if you know it will take home the win.

Charged Chinooks

Chinook Activated Abilities give 25% more lives and cash.

NOTE: Allows the Support Chinook to drop $2,250 and 12 lives. Also affects Special Poperations as well, to $5,625 and 31 lives.

My Opinion: 4/10If you like heli farming in BTD6 then by all means get this one it will really help you out. Unfortunately it's still out shined by farms and buccaneers even with this monkey knowledge. But hey it helps to make a bit of extra money.

Budget Battery

Artillery Battery cost reduced by 600.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties: the cost will always be $600 less than normal regardless of the difficulty.

My Opinion: 3/10a tier 4 getting a $600 dollar price nerf is just not enough especially considering the tier 4 isn't that good in my opinion. Although it's still helpful to have and it can come in handy when playing on maps like moon landing.

Master Defender

Elite Defender has no cooldown.

NOTE: Elite Defender will no longer have a cooldown for its 4x attack speed ability; it will now always trigger the 4x attack speed ability if any lives were lost within the past 7 seconds.

My Opinion: 1.5/10Another absolute garbage monkey knowledge. Any time you leak bloons in the mid or late game you will die. Plain simple. The only reason I didn't give it a 1 is because ezili's totem can activate the elite defender's ability almost nuking anything on screen.

Sub Admiral

Sub Commander affects all Monkey Subs on screen.

NOTE: Sub Commander grants its +4 pierce and double damage buff to all Monkey Subs on screen.

My Opinion: 9/10Sub users are drooling again. This is a very good buff to sub commander as now all subs on screen will be affected by his buff so they no longer have to be in his range. This can help on maps like spice islands or any maps where waters is spread out everywhere.

Military Conscription

Purchase price of first Military Monkey each game is two thirds the normal.

NOTE: Purchase price of first Military Monkey in each game is discounted by 33%. Once any Military Monkey is purchased, all the other price bonuses are voided, even if that specific tower was not used. Can stack with the Advanced Logistic effect.

My Opinion: 10/10This is such a good monkey knowledge. This is very helpful in games like half cash where money is tight and allows more money to be stored for farms.

Door Gunner

Special Poperations Heli allows tier 4 and below Monkey Towers to attack Bloons while in transit.

NOTE: Allows towers that are Tier 4 or lower to attack bloons while carried by the Heli Pilot. They will continue being carried along with the Heli Pilot until placed down with the Door Gunner ability. Then the carried tower can be repositioned to anywhere on the map.

When the Door Gunner ability is active, it also consumes the Redeploy Tower ability. Likewise, using the Redeploy Tower ability consumes the Door Gunner ability. As such, cooldown for Door Gunner is exactly the same as the Redeploy Tower ability. Cooldown for Door Gunner starts once the tower has been placed onto a new spot.

My Opinion: 6.5/10The best tier 4 monkeys to put in the heli is brittle because now you can have a brittle always hitting the bloons in first. My other favourite is a tier 4 boat because if the helicopter is now near any tower their sell value will be increased. Watch this video by Ethan Reid for some other examples like these:

Advanced Logistics

All Military Monkeys base costs reduced by 5%.

NOTE: Stackable with the Military Conscription benefit, though the 5% discount is applied after Military Conscription discount.

My Opinion: 10/10Such a good permanent buff to military monkeys as a whole. It also stack with Military conscription. So if you have that and the more cash monkey knowledge on you can start games with heli on most difficulties.

Big Bloon Sabotage

All MOAB-Class Bloons spawn in a partially damaged state.

NOTE: Decreases the health of all newly-spawned MOAB-Class Bloons by 10% (not affecting bosses).

My Opinion: 10/10This monkey knowledge will help you in every game there is. It is especially helpful in double hp MOAB's mode. This monkey knowledge is probably one of if not the best monkey knowledge in the entire game.

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Full Magic Monkey Knowledge Skill Tree:

Ranking Every Single Magic Monkey Knowledge:


Increased range for the Super Range upgrade

NOTE: Increases range by 10%.

My Opinion: 1.5/10This knowledge does NOT increase the base super monkey range. It only increases the upgrade for super range. Resulting in the smallest range increase you will ever see in your life making this knowledge terrible.

Lingering Magic

Longer projectile lifespan for Wizard Monkey, Super Monkey, Ninja Monkey, and Druid.

NOTE: Projectiles from all Magic Monkeys except Alchemists last for 20% longer. More notably, this MK increases lifespan of Wall of Fire from 4.5s to 5.4s.

My Opinion: 8/10that wall of fire is really good and ninja's seeking shurikens will benefit a lot from this as well. Also wizard monkeys seeking projectiles will also benefit heaps from this knowledge as well. Sadly super monkey and druid do not need these buffs at all making them redundant to have the buff.

Magic Tricks

Guided Magic and Intense Magic cost 25 less.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties: the costs will always be $25 less than normal regardless of the difficulty.

My Opinion: 2/1025 dollars.... 25 dollars is what you are saving.... This is little to nothing making this knowledge terrible and it will always remain as a bad stepping stone upgrade.

Cheaper Doubles

Ninja Double Shot cost reduced by 100.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties: the costs will always be $100 less than normal regardless of the difficulty.

My Opinion: 3.5/10If you like ninja alch then you will like this one. But still it's only $100 saved which is barely any money at all. Yet another bad stepping stone upgrade.

Heavy Knockback

Bloons hit by Knockback from Super Monkey are knocked back slightly harder.

NOTE: Increases knockback potency by 5%. (normal bloons move backward at 30% speed instead of 25%, leads and ceramics slowed to 5% speed for Dark Knight, move backward at 5% speed for Dark Champion and Legend Of The Night, and MOAB-class are slowed to 65% speed)

My Opinion: 5.5/10Not bad but not good. it helps when you want to stall. But there are better options for stalling though if that's the reason why you are getting it and 5% isn't that much. But still usable so I think it's up there.

Hot Magic

All Magic type towers can pop Frozen Bloons.

My Opinion: 9/10Every monkey in the magic monkey category can now pop frozen bloons. This is very very helpful because now basic towers like ninja can pop frozen bloons without an MIB or flash bomb. If you use ice monkeys alot get this one

Speedy Brewing

All Alchemist's potions have 5% faster reload time.

NOTE: Increases attack speed of Alchemist by 5%. Applies to all potions, including support potions. Stacks multiplicatively with the Faster Throwing upgrade.

My Opinion: 9/10IT BUFFS BERSERKER BREW! If you don't know berserker brew is broken and buffing that with knowledge so it can apply it faster will help your alchemist catch up with applying it to other monkeys.

Mo' Monkey Money

Earn 10% extra Monkey Money from game wins on any difficulty.

NOTE: These special Monkey Money bonuses do not apply to CHIMPS or any Advanced Challenges where MK is turned off.

My Opinion: 10/10GET THIS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Buffing monkey money amount forever by 10% will let you get heros, hero skins and more much earlier. If you haven't got this knowledge then grab it now.

Diversion Tactics

Increased chance to distract Bloons from Distraction upgrade.

NOTE: Increases chance of Distraction effect occurring by an additional 5%, to a total of 20%.

My Opinion: 4.5/10it distracts bloons more reliably and that's it. It's still RNG whether you get it or not so I don't really recommend this knowledge. But hey if you have a gambling addiction then go ahead and grab it to make your odds better. Just know it's only a 5% diffrence.

Strike Down The False

Sun Avatar can pop Purple Bloons.

NOTE: Bonus only applies to Sun Avatar, as Sun Temple and True Sun God can pop Purple Bloons naturally.

My Opinion: 5.5/10This monkey knowledge is very useful. However you could just use other monkeys or an MIB to counter them. But hey it's less money you have to spend.

Warm Oak

Heart of Oak cost reduced by 100.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties: the costs will always be $100 less than normal regardless of the difficulty.

My Opinion: 3/10Heart of oak is already pretty cheap so making it $100 dollars less does help but again it's only $100 making this a very small benefit for you as the player.

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Flame Jet

Dragon's Breath flame projectiles move much faster.

NOTE: Dragon's Breath flame projectiles fly 50% faster.

My Opinion: 5/10this does NOT boost his attack speed. Just the projectile movement speed. This can make the dragons breath much more reliable when trying to hit his target. from a far away distance. Still not the most impressive monkey knowledge.

Strong Tonic

Transforming Tonic lasts longer.

NOTE: Increases duration from 20 seconds to 24 seconds. Also applies to Total Transformation.

My Opinion: 3/10Not a big enough duration increase to even be noticeable. But also the middle path alchemist ability is so bad anyway, it's too expensive and the cool down is far too long. Overall this monkey knowledge does not save this ability to make it 'good'.

Cold Front

Ball Lightning hits will freeze bloons 100% of the time.

NOTE: changed from 25% to 100%

My Opinion: 8/10Cold Front turns the 25% random chance to 100% making it a reliable staler to freeze bloons. I highly suggest you get this monkey knowledge.

Arcane Impale

Arcane Spike does extra damage to MOAB-Class and Ceramic Bloons.

NOTE:Deals 17 damage instead of 16 to MOAB-Class Bloons. Deals 6 damage instead of 5 to Ceramic Bloons. Also affect Archmage.

My Opinion: 6/101 more damage ins't a lot and it's not noticeable on the tier 4 however because of arch mages quick attack speed. There will be quite a big power jump for the archmage making this knowledge quite useful.

Acid Stability

Alchemists' acid pools last 5 second longer.

NOTE: Acid pools now last 12 seconds each instead of 7.

My Opinion: 2/10Alchemists acid pool was almost always skipped and this knowledge does not make the upgrade worth it making the upgrade redundant.

X-Ray Ultra

Ultravision allows Super Monkeys to see through and fire through blocking objects

My Opinion: ?/10Really just depends on the map. If the map has a lot of walls then this is very useful but if there isn't then this upgrade is redundant. Overall I still recommend getting the upgrade though .

Deadly Tranquility

Bloonjitsu and Grandmaster Ninja get an extra shuriken per throw.

NOTE: Increases Bloonjitsu shuriken count to 6. Increases Grandmaster Ninja and Ascended Shadow shuriken count to 9

My Opinion: 9/10This makes ninja alch even better. (By quite a considerable amount btw). Which makes this upgrade definitely worth it and I highly recommend getting this monkey knowledge.

There Can Be Only One

There can be only one

NOTE: Allows the True Sun God to transform into the Vengeful True Sun God through an independent sacrifice of The Anti-Bloon and Legend of the Night after being upgraded into True Sun God - keep them out of the Sun Temple's range when upgrading it to True Sun God. Requires maxed out sacrifices on all four sacrifice classes alongside the special independent sacrifices to allow the Sun Temple to upgrade to the Vengeful True Sun God.

My Opinion: 8/10Quite a hard one to rank but I decided to put it at 8/10. Even though the vengeful true sun god is easily one of the best monkeys in the entire game. You will never be getting this in real games unless you are doing a boss event or free play. So unfortunately this monkey knowledge is redundant almost most of the time.

Vine Rupture

Grants Spirit of the Forest Druid a new ability to burst all track vines, doing big damage to all non-lead Bloons. New vines will regrow after each Rupture.

NOTE: Grants the Spirit of the Forest with a second "Vine Rupture" ability. When the "Vine Rupture" ability is activated, all non-Lead Bloons (unless the Spirit of the Forest is nearby an MIB or similar) take 150 damage and are stunned for 10 seconds. Cooldown of 60 seconds.

My Opinion: 4/10Honestly I find it better just to leave the vines on the track. They do much more damage than vine rupture. But also after using vine rupture you have to wait for it to grow back. This is honestly a get out of jail free card just to probably lose the next wave making this knowledge pretty bad imo.

Tiny Tornadoes

Druid tornadoes spawn 3 smaller tornadoes when they expire.

NOTE: does not affect the Superstorm's super tornadoes.

My Opinion: 9/10Can hit stray bloons and send them back. Very helpful in dense bloon rushes such as round 63 and makes the tornado an even better stall than it was before.

Mana Shield

Creates a special shield that absorbs up to 25 lives for free. Recharges slowly each round if no Bloons leak.

NOTE: Mana Shield is unusable for Impoppable Mode.

My Opinion: 10/10This is such a good monkey knowledge to have in the back pocket. Being able to tank lives and then restore that shield is a god send and can be the difference between life or death. Unfortunately it does get useless in much later waves but it's still handy to have.

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Full Support Monkey Knowledge Skill Tree:

Ranking Every Single Support Monkey Knowledge:

Flat Pack Buildings

Banana Farms and Monkey Village cost 2% less and sell for 2% more.

NOTE: Discount and sell values are additive, making the sellback 72% of the original cost of the tower and all upgrades.

My Opinion: 6/10Pretty solid monkey knowledge considering that it allows you to farm earlier and that when a big wave is coming you can sell your farms for a bit more money than you normally would. The village buff is pretty easy to forget but it's nice that it's there.

One More Spike

Spike Factory stacks get +1 spike.

NOTE: Spike stacks can pop up to 6 bloons instead of 5, Bigger Stacks from 10 to 11, Spiked Balls/Spiked Mines/Super Mines from 14 to 15.

My Opinion: 8/10Helps a lot with the spike factory's middle path allowing it to do 1 more damage does add up. It's alright on the bottom path but it's not very helpful for the top path considering the main damage it makes is the explosion. NOT the spikes themselves.

Insider Trades

Monkey Business discount increases by 2%

NOTE: Increases discount via the Monkey Business bonus from 10% to 12%.

My Opinion: 6.5/10This monkey knowledge really helps with super monkey strategies. Just giving a 2% discount can really make the difference when buying something like the sun avatar. Not that bad of a monkey knowledge.

More Valuable Bananas

Valuable Bananas upgrade increases to 30%.

NOTE: This is a 5% increase from what the upgrade usually provides, granting $26 per banana with this upgrade opposed to the usual $25. Banana Research Facility crates plus Valuable Bananas will earn $390 instead of $375. Banana Central's own crates plus Valuable Bananas will earn $1530 instead of $1500

My Opinion: 8/10This monkey knowledge makes it so that the marketplace's best crosspath is actually the middle path. This is because it makes a very slight amount of more money than a top path crosspath and the results become more clearer the further along you go along the bottom path. It also makes quite a bit more money when using the top path banana farm and more money for your banks.

First Last Line of Defense

Purchased price of first Spike Factory each game is $150 less.

NOTE: Applies after difficulty discounts. The first Spike Factory will cost $700 on Easy, $850 on Medium, $930 on Hard, and $1050 on Impoppable.

My Opinion: 5/10a $150 dollar discount is not a lot at all but if you have the more cash monkey knowledge you can buy a spike factory at the start on medium difficulty which is cool.

Bigger Banks

Monkey Banks can hold 2500 extra money.

NOTE: Increases maximum capacity to $9,500 for Banks. Increases maximum capacity of IMF Loan and Monkey-Nomics to $12,500.

My Opinion: 8.5/10Having this monkey knowledge gives you the ability to be able to hold more money. this means that you are able to have a high interest rate and make a lot of money.

Farm Subsidy

First Banana Farm each game costs 100 less.

NOTE: Once first Banana Farm is bought, this discount will be voided. The cost decrease by $100 applies to Medium Difficulty cost; difficulty multipliers are applied after.

My Opinion: 9/10Having $100 off a banana farm is amazing. With this knowledge you are able to start you farming $100 dollars earlier and your farm will start snowballing till you start making insane amount of money.

Vigilant Sentries

Sentry Turrets last longer than normal

NOTE: Increases Sentry Gun lifespan from 25 seconds to 30 seconds. Applies to all Sentries, including from Sentry Expert and Sentry Champion.

My Opinion: 4.5/10Most of the time you aren't going to notice too much of a difference. However this does help the sentry champion quite a considerable amount so keep that in mind.

Monkey Education

All Monkeys XP earn rate increased by 8%.

NOTE: Applies to Experience for tower upgrades and Heroes in-game level ups.

My Opinion: 6/10Get this as early as you can so you can level up your monkeys as fast as possible. But also this increase hero XP earned in games meaning you can have much higher leveled heroes in games.

Backroom Deals

IMF Loan is increased from $10,000 to $12,000 and repay rate is 40%.

NOTE: The increase in profit also applies to Monkey-Nomics.

My Opinion: 7/10If you use IMF loans a lot then get this because it will help you out tremendously. Not a bad monkey knowledge to have in the arsenal. Also Monkey-Nomics goes really well with this monkey knowledge too :)

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Inland Revenue Streams

Monkey Town cash bonus increased by 10%.

NOTE: ncreases cash bonus for Bloon pops from 50% to 60%

My Opinion: 7/10It makes you a bit of extra money which is pretty good. Unfortunately monkey town isn't used much in the meta of BTD6 and people only really use it as a stepping stone for the monkeyopolis. But still a very good monkey knowledge.

Thicker Foams

Cleansing Foam can hit 3 more Bloons before expiring.

NOTE: Increases pierce of each base cleansing foam blob from 10 to 13. With Oversize Nails, cleansing foam blobs increase pierce from 15 to 18.

My Opinion: 6/10Very helpful for the cleansing foam upgrade and can make it be able to decamo, deregrow and delead much more effectively. A solid monkey knowledge.

Very Shreddy

MOAB-SHREDR spikes deal +1 extra damage to MOAB-Class Bloons.

My Opinion: 6/10Average but still quite helpful. Makes MOAB-SHREDR a much more effective MOAB counter.


Call to Arms duration increased by 3 seconds.

NOTE: Increases duration by 3 seconds, from 15 seconds to 18 seconds. Also applies to Homeland Defense.

My Opinion: 8/10A very helpful monkey knowledge that allows you to have permanent up time on your call to arms if you have two of them. It also boosts one of the best abilities in the game allowing your monkeys to do some serious damage to the bloons.

Better Sell Deals

All Monkeys sell for 5% more.

NOTE: Increases sell potency from 70% to 75%. Can stack with other sell buffs and monkey knowledge's.

My Opinion: 9/10A very helpful monkey knowledge that you will utilize almost every game. Especially handy in boss events when you may have to sell your farms for some quick cash.

Healthy Bananas

Marketplaces now produce 1 life per round and Central Markets produce 3.

NOTE: Monkey wall street will still only give 3 lives

My Opinion: 9.5/10Very Very helpful against the boss Lych since he drains lives from you. Without this monkey knowledge the boss event would be much harder than it needs to be.

Big Traps

Bloon Trap can hold up to 530 RBE.

NOTE: Increased from 500 RBE to 530 RBE. Can also affect XXXL Traps, although it's far too insignificant to make a difference.

My Opinion: 4/10It holds more bloons. Unfortunately it's not by a whole lot making this monkey knowledge that impact full but it's still a nice buff to have.

Hi-Value Mines

Spiked Mines cost reduced by 1500.

NOTE: Discount is applied after price multiplier for other difficulties: the costs will always be $1500 less than normal regardless of the difficulty.

My Opinion: 7/10A $1500 dollar price reduction is really good. This price reduction will allow you to either invest that $1500 in farms or more defences making this a really decent monkey knowledge.

Veteran Monkey Training

All Monkeys reload time reduced by 3%.

NOTE: Attack cooldown of all towers are decreased by 0.97x. Therefore, attack speed of all towers becomes increased by approximately 3% (specifically by 3.09%).

My Opinion: 9.5/10A 3% attack speed buff is crazy good to have on all monkeys FOR FREE. I highly suggest that everyone gets this because it will give you a massive edge in the war against the bloons.

Global Ability Cooldowns

All Ability cooldowns for all Monkeys reduced by 3%.

NOTE: Can stack with other cooldown reduction benefits.

My Opinion: 8/10Not as good as an attack speed buff but I still highly recommend getting this as ability cooldowns shortened by 3% is nothing to scoff at. Especially for free.

Bank Deposits

Tier 4 and above Monkey Banks can take deposits from available in game cash.

NOTE: Allows IMF Loans and above to deposit a sum of money into the account via a new "deposit" button in the in-game tower menu. Deposits up to half its remaining capacity per deposit. Can deposit as many times as possible in a single bank, but all deposits require a delay of one round before they count as interest.

My Opinion: 10/10This one little monkey knowledge made the bank one of the best farming methods by FAR! Unfortunately it got nerfed twice making it a bit more reasonable. But I would still say this is one of the best monkey knowledge's.

Going Over ALL Hero Monkey Knowledge!

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Full Hero Monkey Knowledge Skill Tree:

Ranking Every Single Hero Monkey Knowledge:

Heroic Reach

All heroes get slightly increased range.

NOTE: Adds approximately +3 range for all

My Opinion: 5/10One of the worst hero monkey knowledge's and does not benefit that much to many hero's like Adora or Quincy. However it is much better on towers with small range like Sauda and Pat Fusty.

More 'Splody

Heroes' explosives get +2 pierce per shot.

NOTE: Applies only to explosions, benefiting Striker Jones and Captain Churchill much more than other heroes.

My Opinion: 4/10Only helps Captain Churchill and Striker Jones and the buff isn't even that good. Captain Churchill benefits the most from this though because of his fast firing rate.

Ability Discipline

Hero Level 10 Ability cooldowns reduced by 10%.

My Opinion: 7/1010% cooldown reduction is pretty good especially because you will almost always have access to the heros abilities. Quincy, Gwen and Pat Fusty benefit the most from this monkey knowledge. Unfortunately it does not help Geraldo since he has no abilities.

Heroic Velocity

All Heroes' projectile speeds increased slightly.

NOTE: 20% projectile speed is added.

My Opinion: 3/10This monkey knowledge will really only help Adora. Unfortunately everyone else doesn't benefit much from this upgrade and the only ones that DON'T utilize it are Pat Fusty and Adora, making the upgrade redundant.


Hero training costs reduced by 10%

NOTE: Applies only to the amount of money needed to instantly level a hero up, not the heroes' base cost.

My Opinion: 3/10This monkey knowledge is nice to have and it does benefit all heros. Unfortunately you will be rarely ever pumping money into your hero. Making it redundant in almost every game.

Quick Hands

Makes all heroes attack 4% faster.

My Opinion: 9.5/10This monkey knowledge is amazing. A 4% attack speed for all your heros is incredible especially for it being free. Even Benjamin benefits from this by shooting out more bloon trojans.

Self Taught Heroes

Heroes earn XP 10% faster.

My Opinion: 9.5/10Your heroes are going to get to max level 10% faster. THIS IS A BIG DEAL! This can be a god send when you need an upgrade for you hero specifically before certain rounds which your defense struggles against. This benefits all heroes too! No heroes left behind!

Ability Mastery

At level 20, Heroes' level 3 Ability cooldown reduced by 30%.

My Opinion: 9/10Just another reason why max level heroes are so good. With this monkey knowledge you will be able to spam those abilities so quickly. Especially Pat Fusty who is a great hero to have in freeplay rounds because of his buff level 3 ability.

Hero Favors

Heroes' base cost reduced by 10%.

NOTE: Will subsequentially cost $485 Quincy, $810 Gwendolin, $675 Striker Jones, $585 Obyn Greenfoot, $1800 Captain Churchill, $1080 Benjamin, $540 Ezili, $720 Pat Fusty, $900 Adora, $675 Admiral Brickell, $810 Etienne, and $540 Sauda on Medium Difficulty.

My Opinion: 9/10Such a solid monkey knowledge that allows you to place your heroes much earlier in the rounds so they can grind for XP longer. I highly suggest you cop this one.

Empowered Heroes

Heroes start each game at level 3.

My Opinion: 10/10Being able to start the game with an ability is incredible. This is my favorite monkey knowledge for heroes by far. And don't forget that they will get to level 20 sooner as well.

Big Bloon Blueprints

Heroes do +1 extra damage to MOAB-Class Bloons with their base attack.

NOTE: Applies to base projectiles.

My Opinion: 8/10This monkey knowledge benefits Level 8+ Gwendolin, Level 6+ Quincy, Level 4+ Adora and Level 5+ Captain Churchillmuch more than other heroes. This is because of how fast they attack and how many projectiles they fire.

Monkeys Together Strong

Heroes receive 5% more experience per each Hero placed.

NOTE: Can work on any game mode including non-Co-Op games, and can also apply if there's just one hero on the screen. In the case where there's only one Hero on screen, the MK only provides +5%. More heroes increases the increased XP gain to +10%, +15%, and +20% Hero XP, although split among all other heroes.

My Opinion: 8/10This will really only benefit you in coop games but hey a 5% hero xp boost in normal single player games is not bad at all. It also stacks with other monkey knowledge and buffs!

Weak Point

All Heroes deal +1 damage to Ceramic & Fortified Bloons.

NOTE: Applies to all projectiles

My Opinion: 8.5/10This benefits Level 8+ Gwendolin, Level 6+ Quincy, Level 4+ Adora and Level 5+ Captain Churchill much more than other heroes. Although this is still a really good monkey knowledge and it still works with all heroes... (Apart from Benjamin)

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Full Powers Monkey Knowledge Skill Tree:

Ranking Every Single Powers Monkey Knowledge:

Bigger Camo Trap

Camo Trap lasts for 600 Bloons.

NOTE: Camo Trap increases from 500 to 600.

My Opinion: 3/10Camo trap is easily one of the worst powers and this monkey knowledge doesn't help it enough. This just remains as a bad stepping stone upgrade for the powers monkey knowledge tree and is easily forgettable.

Just One More

Road Spike piles have 21 spikes in them.

NOTE: Used to buff to 11 spikes, but since the Road Spikes increased its spike amount from 10 to 20 in Version 2.0, the Knowledge has changed too.

My Opinion: 1/10increasing the spike pile by just one is basically nothing. This monkey knowledge will never matter in any real game and you would only get this for a stepping stone upgrade.

Cheaper Lakes

Portable Lakes now costs 40 Monkey Money.

NOTE: Costs 40 instead of 50. Will still cost the original amount if Monkey Knowledge is turned off while at the Powers store.

My Opinion: 2/10If you like portable lakes then this is good for you because now you can place more of them. Unfortunately it really ends there and decreasing the price by 10 is just not enough to make that much of a difference.

Mauling MOAB Mines

MOAB mine does extra damage.

NOTE: Increases damage from 300 to 400.

My Opinion: 7/10Increasing the powers damage by 25% is actually pretty good. Unfortunately it's on a power which reduces the ranking. BUT since they increased the damage to 400 it can now one-shot fortified MOAB's which is a huge buff to the MOAB mines.

Longer Time Stop

Time Stop lasts longer than normal.

NOTE: Increases effect from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.

My Opinion: 3/10Increasing the time stop by 2 seconds is not a whole lot. Although it does give more time for your towers to attack the bloons. Just so you know when a time stop is active bloons move at 10% speed and towers attack at a 30% speed which is pretty good. Also BAD's and boss bloons are only nerfed to a 30% speed.

Budget Pontoons

Pontoons now costs 40 Monkey Money.

NOTE: Costs 40 instead of 50. Will still cost the original amount if Monkey Knowledge is turned off while at the Powers store.

My Opinion: 2/10Like the budget lakes monkey knowledge, this one does not give that huge of a price reduction leaving at a pretty poor standing for me. But if you need a lot of pontoons then get this.

Supersize Glue Trap

Glue Trap can slow MOAB-Class Bloons, though the bigger the bloon, the more glue is used up.

NOTE: A MOAB consumes 10, a BFB consumes 20, a ZOMG consumes 50, a DDT consumes 20. BADs or Bosses cannot consume Glue Traps, as the Glue Trap has no effect on them.

My Opinion: 6/10A very solid buff to the glue trap and can really help you get the edge in battle. Giving more time for your towers to attack MOAB's is really good and it can help you immensely on rounds like round 40 if your defence is not up to scratch.

Longer Boosts

Monkey Boost lasts longer.

NOTE: Increases effect from 15 seconds to 18 seconds.

My Opinion: 5/10It's okay as a buff. However you aren't going to be getting this for a buff and this just remains as a stepping stone upgrade. Although it can really help you and possibly even save you but it's unlikely.

Powerful Monkey Storm

Super Monkey Storm does more damage.

NOTE: Increases damage by 300, from 2,000 to 2,300.

My Opinion: 6/10Hey a 300 damage increase is pretty good especially when you consider everything on screen will now get hit with 2300 damage. This monkey knowledge basically turns the super monkey storm into might eagle from angry birds 1

Ambush Tech

Tech Bot gains a targeting option to trigger only when Bloons enter a specific track area.

NOTE: De-linking Tech Bot from the selected tower deactivates its target map location.

My Opinion: 8/10Really helpful on abilities like the anti-bloon where you would only want to use it when a bloon comes near. However if even one bloon walks over that specific target area the ability will activate. Most of the time it's good but if something like a red bloon walks over then you will get a wasted ability.

Pre-Game Prep

Start each game with a pile of permanent Road Spikes at the end of the track.

NOTE: This monkey knowledge is able to add more than one pile of Road Spikes, adding a single pile for each exit available. e.g. 4 piles of spikes for #Ouch.

My Opinion: 10/10The best monkey knowledge by FAR on the powers path. I highly suggest you get this monkey knowledge and then max out everything else because this is the only good monkey knowledge. Giving a free tack pile can easily help you on the early rounds and can sometimes even beat round 1 by itself for FREE.

Fit Farmers

Monkey Farmers have larger radius.

NOTE: Increases Monkey Farmer's range by 20%.

My Opinion: 8/10I love the banana farmers power so giving it a 20% range buff is so helpful. Buying this monkey knowledge really helps your banana farmer at reaching those far away farms. 100% get this if you use monkey farmers.

Budget Cash Drops

Cash Drops cost 20 monkey money less.

NOTE: Cash Drops are now 180 monkey money each. Will still cost the original amount if Monkey Knowledge is turned off while at the Powers store.

My Opinion: 4/10a 20 dollar price increase is nice and can really help you get more farms earlier in games. However I still wouldn't suggest getting this unless your monkey money is really tight or you have some monkey knowledge to waste.


Thrive adds 30% instead of 25%.

My Opinion: 3/10Increasing by 5% doesn't sound like much but it can make a big difference if you have a lot of farms on screen. Unfortunately by the time you have all those farms on screen you will be rolling in cash leaving thrive to be redundant.

Grand Prix Spree

Monkey Money cost to enter Races is reduced by 10%.

NOTE: Average saving is 10 monkey money per additional race attempt.

My Opinion: 8/10Hey if you love races then this is going to be saving you so much monkey money. But I highly suggest you get this as your last monkey knowledge because then you will be ready to try races and get a high place on the leader board.

What Paths Should I Max Out First?

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I suggest you get the Mo' Monkey Money from the magic path first. Then you want to get Elite Military Training from the military and then Monkey Education from the support path. After that you can max out whatever path you want. BUT DON'T MAX OUT POWERS FIRST IT SUCKS! I personally recommend you max out these paths in this order:

1. Primary

2. Heroes

3. Support

4. Magic

5. Military

6. Powers


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Thanks you guys so much for checking out my guide on Monkey Knowledge. This is my first guide so I hope you guys like it, lol. Please give a like if you enjoyed the guide and maybe even add it to your favorites. Thanks for reading and if I got anything wrong or you need a question to be answered. Write in the comments, I am happy to help and I will try to respond as soon as I can.

Special thanks to the bloons wiki for some of the information I have gathered.


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