The Complete History of the Bloon Wars

The Complete History of the Bloon Wars


Once upon a time in a faraway land there was a settlement of monkeys, simple monkeys who didn’t think about what they did but simply did it. The monkeys ate bananas, used bananas as their currency and used bananas as their power source by extracting a chemical compound known as Bananite from them then, super charging it thus creating energy. They lived an easy life expanding and growing, that is until the bloons came.

The first bloons formed in about the year 700 BO in the rubber pits (BO stands for Before Obin) When a gas known as Heliumind formed bubbles in a huge pit of rubber mixed with some other chemicals creating the first bloons. This phenomenon continued for a very long time creating an almost unlimited supply of bloons.

These bloons armored themselves with multiple layers of rubber so as to make themselves more resistible to the common stick or thorn. However, after a time the new bloons being created by the phenomenon were no longer sentient! This is because there was a chemical missing that was required for the bloons to be sentient; that chemical was Bananite.

The bloons that weren’t sentient could still be controlled by making an obvious path for the dumb bloons to follow, the sentient bloons quickly took use of this forming search parties to look for the Bananite. The bloons found the Bananite they were looking for in bananas. However, they found strange creatures as well; these were the monkeys.

Both sides sent out a respective negotiation group which were supposed to meet with each other. The bloons sent some of their smartest bloons and the monkeys sent one of their oldest cave monkeys named Quincy the First. However, a great snowstorm came up and froze both negotiation parties, no one can say what would have happened for sure if they had finished the meeting. Unfortunately for the monkeys, the blueprint for the weapon (which was called a club) the cave monkey used was lost.

Both sides blamed the other for the losses that each had had. The bloons gathered their massive armies of non-sentient bloons and went to attack, and the monkeys perfected the perfect weapon against them: The Dart.

The Dart

The dart was invented by an aspiring young monkey whose name was Alexadrious D. Monkey (a very common last name in those times), but everyone just called him Doc. Dr. Monkey (as we will now refer to him) found an easy way of making these darts and immediately started mass producing them. But suddenly Dr. Monkey disappeared for a while saying that he had a special project he needed to work on.

The darts worked okay but the monkeys were still struggling with clumps of bloons, that’s when an engineer monkey came up with the idea for the tack shooter and bomb shooter. The tack shooter shot out tacks from all sides taking out bloons on all sides, and the bomb shooter (which for some reason looks a lot like a cannon) shot bombs which detonated popping all bloons the explosion touched.

The bloons were still pushing though because of the yellow bloons which moved very fast (it wasn’t until later that they came up with the pink bloons). One monkey tried to escape by going on top of a mountain and eating only frozen bananas. The monkey got tired of it after a while and came down. Boy, was that monkey surprised when he started fighting the bloons again: The bloons that came close froze up.

Strangely, every monkey mother wanted to send their children onto mountains to only eat frozen bananas ‘for the good of monkey kind’ it got so bad they had to put an age minimum on how old the monkeys had to be.

The war continued with the monkeys pushing back using their new towers. Then the bloons created black bloons and white bloons. Black bloons were immune to explosions and white bloons were immune to icy effects and both deployed two yellow bloons.

The monkeys needed help and fast, that’s when Dr. Monkey returned. Dr. Monkey had created a potion that could turn a normal monkey into a super monkey, making them throw darts super-fast. He quickly came up with the idea of making the towers stronger by upgrading them.

The first bloon war was officially in full swing. The final battle ended on a zigzag path when the bloons sent 50 waves of varying bloons trying to overwhelm the monkeys. The monkeys just barely defeated the bloons both sides regrouped and built up their defenses preparing for the second inevitable war.

At this point it might be good to explain things a bit. The monkeys’ defense was operated by certain monkeys known as commanders. These commanders were chosen from among the monkeys who were good at strategic planning. The commanders chose where each monkey would be positioned, and which monkeys would be upgraded.

These commanders received war funds for each layer of bloon popped; this would allow the commander to hire more monkeys.

The monkeys that were hired could also be let go. The way this happened was that all the upgrades and weapons they received would be surgically removed and put on standby for the next monkeys that would be hired. A certain amount of war funds was given to the commander for the loss of defense the monkey was worth. The monkeys were not hurt in any way by the taking of their upgrades and weapons.

Commanders were trained with a special strategy test. The said commander would be placed on a platform and would strategically throw powerful darts at stationary balloons that the other monkeys had set up. The commander would only have a certain number of darts to throw and would be required to pop a certain number of the bloons.

The puzzles would get harder and harder involving more and more mechanics such as walls, bouncy walls, and special balloons which could grant special abilities or privileges to the commander. The commander would continue until they either finished all the tests or failed trying to do so.

Okay, you may be wondering how these bloons could have multiple layers. Let’s dive into bloon autonomy for a little bit.

Bloons are created when a bubble of Heliumind forms in a special mix of rubber and certain chemicals combine creating blobs; these are the ‘brain cells’ of the bloon (if Bananite was in the mix the bloon then becomes smart). The bubble floats to the top of the mixture, emerges, and it now a fully formed bloon. The bloon can then dip itself back into the liquid mix creating another layer. The first layer stays inflated only long enough for the next layer to take shape. The first layer settles to the bottom of the bloon.

This process repeats until the desired layer is acquired. When the bloon’s outer layer is popped or damaged beyond repair the bloon reinflates itselves next layer thus being preserved.

Next, the reason bloons have different colors for different layers is because of their rank. The bloons are a very strict species even if they are dumb. They require bloons of a certain layer to have specific colors so as to identify them.

How does this work with bloons not having eyes? (And no googly eyes aren’t real eyes) Bloons sense things around them using a method much like echo location, except they can also determine the color of said object along with its size and how far away it is.

Now that I’ve explained those completely useless facts we can move on.


Now where was I? Ah yes, the regrouping. The monkeys were trying to come up with new ideas to counter the stronger bloons their enemy would doubtless throw at them. But try as they might, they couldn’t come up with anything.

Not until a young monkey by the name of Geraldo accidentally spilled some nails on the track in his hurry to get out of the way of the bloons. What he found amazed him: The bloons had gone down to the ground and popped themselves on the nails!

The monkeys didn’t know this but non-sentient bloons are naturally curious creatures going towards anything that seems out of place on or above the track (they don’t dare go off the track and disobey orders). Geraldo told the other monkeys about his findings, and they quickly adopted the new weapon.

Later Dr. Monkey suggested they try glue to slow the bloons down and believe it or not it worked! Becoming a super monkey was a big deal around there, but one monkey wanted to try a different costume instead of the normal blue and red. The monkey tried red and yellow. Dr. Monkey hated the costume.

So, instead of giving the monkey the super potion he gave him a curved stick a said to go throw the stick at the bloons. The monkey thought it was some kind of test, so he went out and threw the stick at the bloons and after popping a few bloons the stick came back to him in a curved arc. And so, the Boomerang monkey was born.

The bloons were also regrouping and they had some nasty surprises in store for the monkeys: Lead bloons which couldn’t be popped by sharp objects and contained two black bloons. Rainbow bloons which contained two black bloons and two white bloons. Ceramic bloons which had to be chipped away at and then had two rainbow bloons inside.

Yes, the bloons were ready for this war.

The battle was rough and both sides suffered major losses but, in the end, the bloons had the upper hand and gained territory until both sides withdrew from the fighting for a short time.

The monkeys had some ideas on how to improve their defense. There was the catapult but that wasn’t cool enough, so they added spikes to the ammunition.

There was the monkey beacon which was basically just a house with a dish on top which if upgraded enough could give you the most powerful ability ever! Cell service. And with this cell service you could call all the super monkeys at one time to tell them that you were grilling so that they’d come down and pop all the bloons for you.

Of course, you still had to pay for the banana burgers which cost a crap ton but usually it was worth it.

And then there were the pineapple bombs. Now you may not know this but if you place a pineapple down just right it will explode after three seconds destroying everything around it. These Pineapples were really handy against the new lead bloons if you didn’t have a bomb shooter nearby.

Also, a notable happening one of the super monkeys had bad vision, so he had to get surgery. But when the doctor heard that he wanted laser eye surgery he thought the super monkey wanted to be able to shoot lasers from his eyes. And so, a new upgrade came into being for the super monkey. Yes, the monkeys were ready for whatever the bloons had in store, or so they thought. Unbeknownst to the monkeys the bloons had hatched a brilliant plan. The bloons had been going about making new tiers for the bloons because monkeys got +1 money for every layer popped, they decided to make the next layer as big as they could, so big in fact that it could withstand the full force of the super monkey storm. The bloons had created a MOAB (Massive Ornery Air Blimp).


The monkeys had trouble at first but then they found a trick. The non-sentient bloons as you may remember had to follow a track or some sort of guideline. So, the monkeys made their own tracks and forced the bloons to go through them. Now that the monkeys could literally choose the field of battle it started turning the tide in the monkeys’ favor.

Then the MOABs came.

The fact that even a storm of super monkeys hungry for justice (and banana burgers) couldn’t defeat it was discouraging to say the least, but the new laser eyes upgrade helped a lot.

In the end the monkeys held the bloons off just enough to wear out the bloons’ rushes.

Both sides went back to the drawing board to think up new ideas (well, actually only the monkeys went back to the drawing board because the bloons couldn’t draw they might’ve done an idea circle thing or something, I don’t know) and boy did they come up with some ideas.

I’ll start with the bloons’ ideas.

The bloons needed more power and what was more powerful than the MOAB? To make the MOAB more powerful would either mean that they’d have add even more sub-bloons that came out of it, or they’d make an even bigger MOAB that contained the other ones.

They decided to do both.

For adding more sub-categories of bloons they decided something was missing between yellow bloons and black and white bloons. This bloon would be their fastest bloon yet and it would be colored that of death and destruction: Pink.

Next, they thought about how it made no sense that black bloons and white bloons would come out of a rainbow bloon; that just doesn’t make any sense. So, they made the black and white bloon (later renamed the zebra bloon. Fun fact the zebra bloon wasn’t named after the animals known as zebras. It was named that way because the bloons noticed how close black and white bloons got after that and called the black and white bloon ‘the bro’. But since the bloons can’t talk very well everyone everyone thought they were saying ‘zebra’ the name stuck. And now you know how zebras got their name.) Of course, it still didn’t make much sense that black and white bloons went into rainbows, but the bloons didn’t much care at that point.

For the even bigger MOAB they went with a red giant they called the BFB (Brutal Floating Behemoth) which truly was huge. And just to be mean they painted a ‘No Monkeys’ picture on the top (no idea why they did it there, the monkeys weren’t even able to see it!).

But the bloons needed something else, something sneaky. They’d tried the lead bloon but the problem with that was that everything could see it, but if they can’t see it, they can’t pop it. Problem solved. Originally named the camouflage bloon then renamed the camo bloon (because of branding issues). This bloon couldn’t be seen because it had a few different shades of the same color in a blotched pattern and it contained two pink bloons. The monkeys definitely wouldn’t see this coming.

Well, the monkeys needed more firepower. So, they started making a military. The idea started when a monkey by the name of Striker Jones overloaded a bomb shooter with too much gun powder. The resalting was a bomb shooter pointing straight upwards. A few modifications later the mortar was up and running.

No one knows why the mortar has a monkey to manually press a button to fire in the exact same spot over and over again, but the bomb shooter still needed to have super advanced targeting to track where the bloons were going: Perhaps it will remain a mystery forever.

Another monkey was very keen on the idea of having a military; that monkey was Captain Churchill.

Churchill organized monkeys to help fight whereas before monkeys joined because that was the only way to ensure that their town wouldn’t get destroyed.

I mean, this guy was legit: He got pirates to work for him while at the same time creating the first airplane and teaching monkeys how to use it! And so, the first semblance of a military became part of the constant struggle against the bloons.

Have you ever thought about the difference between plasma (the fluid part of blood) and plasma (the super energized particles)? Good, it would be weird if you had. Anyway, the doctors who did one super monkeys blood transplant hadn’t thought about it either. And so, the plasma monkey was born.

Well, the military was good but a few thoughtful nature enthusiasts had just caught onto something bigger: Magic. Now, magic isn’t exactly what you’d think it would be, it’s not that weird force energy thing that’s everywhere, no, not even close. Magic was a specific way of manipulating the energy that already exists around you.

Okay, let me explain: Everywhere you are there is always some sort of energy around you pulling you this way and that such as potential energy, kinetic energy, gravity, time. Anyway, energy can be swapped out for other kinds of energy. Example: If you have a bat which you are swinging (potential energy) and you hit a ball the energy changes from potential to kinetic energy thus propelling the ball away from you.

These monkeys found a way to directly change whatever energy was currently around them into whatever energy they so wished to use.

Of course, this ‘magic’ had limits: The energy could only be changed into something similar which is why most magic has something to do with nature and the sun and all that kind of stuff. Well, there’s your science lesson for the day.

So anyway, these magic monkeys (later called apprentice monkeys, and even later called wizard monkeys) shot blasts of the most basic energy they could at the bloons thus popping them (man, things got way more complicated from just 'dart pop bloon').

The monkeys furthered their defenses even more with the glue gunner which used the power of monkey glue (which for some reason looks a lot like nacho cheese) to slow the bloons and if upgraded could pop them over time.

Plus, they added a MOAB mauler upgrade to the bomb shooter which dealt massive damage to MOABs. This upgrade came about when Striker Jones decided that bomb shooters weren’t cool enough, so he painted them to look like bees.

Turns out there was an incident where a bee got inside of a MOAB and destroyed it for the inside out. So, now all MOABs are scared (and thus weak) of anything that looks like a bee.

Also, probably unimportant but the dart monkeys really wanted more upgrades for some reason, so they combined it with the spike-a-pult.

And last and debatably least came the banana farm. Finally, the monkey farmers had made a farm small enough to fit on the battlefield.

The farm created money each round automatically so that more monkeys could be hired or upgraded. It was helpful but impractical as it took up a lot of space still and could only give a maximum of 500 per round (later they made another upgrade that could give 2000 per round but that wasn’t until the middle of the war).

4th War

Both sides were ready for the next war, and it began on a ridiculously long road the monkeys had made for just such an occasion.

The monkeys went well for many of the waves the bloons had sent until they got news that a supposed bloon that no one could see was terrorizing a local city.

A monkey had popped it and two pink bloons suddenly appeared. Eventually, it got under control, but they couldn't afford many more getting through.

The monkeys quickly created a bloon senser and sure enough there were the new camo bloons ‘popping’ up. They quickly made some upgrade improvements so that some of the towers could see these camo bloons.

The war raged on both sides pushing to their utmost. In one battle the bloons almost overwhelmed the monkeys, until a friendly bear came along. The bear took down a nearby bees’ nest and convinced the bees to help pop the bloons.

Throughout the war the monkeys continued to add to their defenses.

They even miniaturized a nail making factory which was simply called the spike factory.

Not everyone liked the spike factory (hard as that is to believe) Striker Jones didn’t particularly like them after he stepped on the track near one of them to pick up a banana peal that he had thrown there (Cpt. Churchill was very strict about picking up).

After that Jones just stook to explosions (much safer).

Next came the dartling gunner. The dartling gunner could shoot quite fast across the entire battlefield with its darts. However, it had terrible aiming and even after they added an upgrade to improve its aiming, they still stunk.

Turns out the gun itself wasn’t the only part that had a bad aim: For some reason every single monkey had a terrible aim with the guns.

The commanders didn’t know what to do, what could they do? That’s when the ‘mouse’ incident happened.

One day in the middle of a battle a mouse showed up. The dartling gunner immediately started shooting at the mouse. More bloons popped that day from dartling gunners than any other day before that.

The commanders looked into it, and it turns out that all the monkeys who had been trained to be dartling gunners were either afraid of mice, hated mice, or were mouse hunters by profession (and yes, that’s a thing).

The commanders secretly made a remote-control mouse that they could control from their vantage point. The mouse had a magnetic reflector so that if any darts did get close, they’d just go around. The plan worked surprisingly well and dartling gunners became one of the best towers against the bloons.

The war continued to rage on, both sides exhausting all their resources against the other. There wasn’t really an ending, it just kind of subsided over time until both sides were just completely done.

It had been a long and tedious war and the monkeys were getting bored. Engineers were getting tired of being on the outside of the war and most other monkeys thought it was time to move on. After this 4th war ended things would get a lot more hectic: The phase of development was beginning.


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The phase of development started when Dr. Monkey came up with a new way of training the Commanders.

Instead of getting them to solve puzzles by throwing darts at balloons he made a simulator that would allow the commander to test any combination of towers, bloons, and areas: He called it the ‘sandbox’. The Sandbox gave commanders good ideas on how certain combinations would work and what could make their strategy better.

The commanders came up with all sorts of ideas like abilities (which could make the towers do super cool stuff for a short time), multiple upgrade paths to get more diversity between the towers (at a certain point monkeys can only be advanced the way they’ve been upgraded. A sun avatar can’t be turned into a cyborg), and finally convincing the other monkeys that commanders should get an actual salary of monkey money that they could use outside of fighting the bloons.

Monkey spies had intercepted a plan from the bloons to make it so that all bloons could have the property of camo on them. The monkeys quickly put together a group of highly trained monkeys wearing red pajamas and masks that could see these camo bloons. These new monkeys were called ninjas. The ninjas threw star shaped blades called shurikans which did the exact same thing as darts but looked much cooler:

Ninjas were the coolest thing; saving monkeys from bloons those monkeys couldn’t see. However, their popularity went down quickly when a new weapon was invented: The Gun.

Now I know they already had dartling gunners but after the mouse incident the monkey military only hired monkeys to be dartling gunners that were deathly afraid of mice which made it a not quite as admirable a position.

Plus, this new kind of gun could shoot super-fast (it couldn’t reload super-fast, but it shot the bullet super-fast) which made it so that no bloon could dodge the bullet.

Because of this these new gunners took on the name of snipers. Everyone wanted to be a sniper. There were tons of them (especially during the later part of a battle) partly because they could shoot all the way across the battlefield like the dartling gunners but unlike the dartling gunners they could attack the bloons by themselves.

The snipers could also pop 2 layers of a bloon each shot. Now, you may be wondering how this works since a bloon has only 1 layer inflated at a time. The answer is actually quite simple: Since all the layers are connected through the reinflating system if you damage the current layer enough the damage will transfer onto the next layer.

After snipers were added monkeys wanted somewhere to hang out. So, Striker Jones changed the monkey beacon into an actual hut. Just knowing that the hut is there gives the monkeys a little boost.

After that Cpt. Churchill wanted more firepower, so he turned to the engineers to help. The engineers brought him the blueprints for 2 new towers: The Submarine, the bloon chipper, and the Helicopter (for some reason engineers aren’t very good at counting).

Churchill quickly put the new towers into use and found out a special property of the helicopter. Due to the special navigating system of the helicopter, it was pulled towards the electromagnetic field of the robotic mouse that the commanders used to control the dartling gunners.

They figured out the problem and fixed it, but some commanders kept the helicopters unchanged.

One night Striker Jones sneaked into the engineers’ design studio and made some modifications to everything he could get his hands on.

The next morning the engineers woke up to find that missile/bomb upgrades had been added to the dartling gunner (hydro rocket pods), the submarine (ballistic missile), the airplane (Spectre), the spike factory (Spiked Mines), and helicopter (Apache Dart Ship). They even found designs for a new weapon the ninjas could use: The Flash Bomb.

The engineers had no idea what to do with the designs except implement them, so they did.

After all that excitement the engineers were pretty restless and wanted to continue doing things for the cause.

Cpt. Churchill said he would let the engineers join the fight if they could come up with something powerful enough. After much experimentation the engineers came back with sentries. These little bots shot nails at the bloons to pop them and were incredibly easy to make. Churchill hired them on the spot.

After that Dr. Monkey learned how to turn monkeys into cyborgs without killing them (don’t worry no monkeys were severely injured). However, one monkey was not pleased with these technological advancements.

Ezili, a powerful monkey apprentice (that’s what they were called now) sensed the unbalance between technology and magic. She quickly searched for more uses of magic.

Ezili found a magic connection to fire while researching with a fire enthusiast named Gwendolin. After that Ezili learned how to wield lightning. She shared her discoveries with the rest of the magic monkeys, and they quickly put the knowledge into use.


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It was about this time that rumors started going around about a powerful being that would appear when some monkeys were about to be overpowered.

Legend has it that a supermonkey with the sun avatar upgrade became so connected to the sun that he became one with it, and wherever the sun shone he would have power.

Ezili and a fellow magic researcher named Adora looked into it and found immense traces of power where the sightings had been.

Ezili dropped out of the search then saying the rest of the magic monkeys needed help. The truth is that she was probably afraid of what they had found, she gets that way with anything that’s more powerful than her (don’t tell her I said that).

Adora continued her search and actually found a way to connect a sun avatar to this ‘Sun God’ as people were starting to call it by creating a powerful enough signal. However, the signal was so powerful that it drained the power from all nearby monkeys to feed it even more (much like the unemployment method they used). The power they received though was so intense that they had to make a giant golden temple around it (actually I don’t know if they really had to make it golden, but it did look cool).

See what I mean? Anyway, this temple channeled power strait from the center of the sun making it by far the most powerful tower at the time. Adora continued her research on the subject devoting herself completely.

But now it is time to check back on the bloons who were indeed struggling with the new advancements the monkey had made.

The bloons were still recovering and their bloon spies were bringing back nothing but bad news. They needed something big, really big. They could do that; they’d done it before after all with the BFB.

So, they created the mighty ZOMG (Zeplin of Mighty Gargantuaness), made it the color of a swamp and painted a skull on top (again, why on top?). But they needed something more, something sneakier… Wait, that sounds familiar, doesn’t it? The camo bloon of course!

They simply put the camo property on all the other types of bloons (besides MOABs; they didn’t have enough camo paint).

And the bloons were definitely having trouble coming back after being popped, so they made bloons that could ‘regrow’ themselves. They shaped these bloons like the most strange and mysterious thing they knew of: A Heart.

It was time to wage war again, and the bloons were ready.

5th War

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Well, it turns out the bloons weren’t as ready as they’d imagined.

They rarely gained any ground, and when they did it didn’t last very long. The camo bloons were countered by the ninjas. The ZOMGs were powerful but the sun temples were more so.

The monkeys didn’t get as much money in later waves of bloons but no thanks to a monkey named Benjamin the monkeys had banks (I honestly have no Idea how those banks worked but they did). The regrow bloons were countered by the bloon chippers (man, those things scared the bloons). The bloons weren’t easily beaten but no one could deny their being beaten.

They retreated back to the rubber pits for more scheming. The bloons were almost hopeless: The only thing that could beat the monkeys was the monkeys... But wait… That’s it! The bloons had to turn the monkeys against themselves. But how would they do that?

It turned out the monkeys would provide the solution themselves.

A monkey known as Professor Evil came to the bloons with a solution to their problem.

Professor Evil was originally a monkey baron but was banished for kidnapping a monkey princess (for political power reasons).

The deed was found out when a monkey who was the princesses boyfriend hijacked a blimp and traveled to his evil layer and defeated him.

Professor Evil had no sympathy for his kind and immediately struck up a deal with the bloons.

Professor Evil traveled back to Monkey Lane and presented monkey kind with a disguised gift: The ability to create their own bloons.

Professor Evil was accepted back and the monkeys started experimenting with the bloons.

The dummy bloons couldn’t attack other bloons but they were still good for sport.

One day Professor Evil called the most achieved monkeys in the land: Cpt. Churchill, Striker Jones, Ezili, Adora, Gwendolin, Benjamin, and a new hero named Quincy (who for some reason was very passionate about his parentage).

Professor Evil posed a simple question to them: Which is better; a monkey apprentice or a bomb shooter? Churchill, Striker Jones, and Quincy went with the bomb shooter, and Ezili, Adora, and Gwendolin went with the Apprentice.

Benjamin didn’t care: He was too busy watching videos of a wrestler named Pat Fusty doing one armed pushups.

There was immediate division between them: War was inevitable. Each monkey started making dummy bloons to attack the others and put together groups of monkeys to fight against the bloons sent at them.

The 2nd Monkey Civil war had begun, and this one wasn’t about the morality of a chicken sandwich.

Dr. Monkey was confused as to what was happening since he wasn’t at the meeting, so he made a group of special ops agents he called the COBRA (Covert Ops Battles Response Agents) to help him figure out what was going on. Professor Evil got a hold of these agents and persuaded them with food to join his side: So now it was about the morality of a chicken sandwich.

The COBRAs sabotaged the battles causing more destruction and mayhem.

Monkey kind was tearing itself apart, and the bloons weren’t even lifting a fing… Wait, they don’t have those do they… Well, the bloons weren’t doing anything, but they would be soon.

The Loss And The Win

Their chance came after a particularly brutal battle between Ezili and Striker Jones. Bloon spies sneaked in and took one of the most valuable possessions the monkey had: The Bloon chipper blueprint. The bloons hurried off with it deep into their land and hid it in a well-protected cave.

When the monkeys woke up the next morning and were shocked to find the blueprint missing. They quickly formed temporary alliances to try and retrieve the blueprint.

They sent out spies and ninjas to try and capture information. They found where the blueprint was, but it was to late: The bloons had surrounded that area completely and scouts had reported seeing some sort of huge dark shadow that was gone a moment later. The spies even claimed that there were giant unique MOABs that were super strong and had special abilities. Most of the monkeys didn’t believe the spies, but it was clear that the monkey spies were shaken.

It was at this time that Dr. Monkey remembered hearing something about a settlement of monkeys traveling into that land led by a king of a few monkeys who were trying to get away from the civil war.

The monkeys then tried contacting the settlement. First, they sent a helicopter, but that was taken down. Next, they sent a squad of trained engineers in, but they were captured. Finally, in a last effort they sent a small fleet of submarines, but when the sub commander a certain admiral Brickell was taken down, they lost contact with the other subs.

The monkeys lost hope of ever contacting the settlement, for all they knew the settlement wasn’t even there anymore.

They went back and tried to clean up the huge mess they’d created. Bloons were everywhere, towns were destroyed, and it looked like the reports the spies had brought back were true. The ninjas reported seeing these DDTs (Dark Dirigible Titan) Which were as fast as a pink bloon and as resistant as lead.

The ‘heroes’ that had been at the meeting when this had all started were embarrassed (except Benjamin) and no one was quite ready to trust them.

Benjamin worked on getting the economy back up single handedly, and two new heroes stepped up to defend against the bloons: Sauda and Pat Fusty.

Sauda was an elite swords monkey who had started out as a chef. Her butcher knife skills were so good she singlehandedly saved an entire village from destruction.

Pat Fusty, as previously mentioned, was a wrestler who one night found himself face to face with a MOAB. Thinking that it was a challenger he took it down with just a hug. Benjamin contacted both of them and they got to work.

Professor Evil was found and re-banished, villages were set back up, Benjamin passed Dr. Monkey up in wealth without any discernable income source, and life kind of went back to normal.

Dr. Monkey as a side job had been helping super monkeys who had learned the art of flying and throwing darts at the same time. This was needed because bloons aren’t limited to the ground, in fact, they are actually more easily controlled and can do more intricate things while in the air. The only reason the bloons didn’t use the airspace more is because there’s very little there for them to gain. But the ones that did go there the special supermonkeys and Dr. Monkey took care of. Dr. Monkey would advance their powers by harnessing the blobs (see bloon autonomy) thus making the supermonkeys more powerful.

The things that happened in the sky hadn’t really been a problem at all… Until a little after the spies had come back with the reports. Soon giant strange bloons started appearing in the sky. Supermonkeys were captured, planes didn’t reach their destination, and monkey aces and helicopter pilots were afraid to fly.

The new bloons were called BOSS bloons (Bloon of Superlative Strength) and they were powerful. Pat Fusty and Sauda couldn’t do anything, so Dr. Monkey took things into his own hands.

Dr. Monkey called together a group of incredibly powerful monkeys: The Wizard Lord, The Great Ninja, A monkey gunner, a techno Terror, and a super powerful flying fortress. Dr. Monkey sent them out, but he knew they wouldn’t be enough, they needed a hero.

A supermonkey named Supermonkey filled the required place.

Dr. Monkey sent Supermonkey on a mission to free two of the other supermonkeys from various traps that they’d been caught in.

The plan worked and the 3 supermonkeys traveled to where the source of the BOSS bloons were coming from. There they met a cybernetically advanced ZOMG that was incredibly powerful. The battle was tough but, in the end, the supermonkeys won. They came home to much praise and rejoicing.

There was a semblance of peace in the land for the first time in a long time.


But the peace would not last, and it was all because Dr. Monkey had no friends. Well, Dr. Monkey did technically have friends, but not good friends, not friends you could hang out with or talk about your interests with. Dr. Monkey was what one would call lonely.

So, he did what any self-respecting scientist would do: He built a giant machine to solve his problems.

The machine could open up portals to different worlds allowing him to search for a friend.

The first portal opened up to a strange world where the monkeys were fighting an X war. There had been so many wars that the monkeys there had lost count of them.

The monkeys used strange techniques to defeat the incredibly large arsenal of troops the bloons sent at them.

The monkeys used charge towers which would charge up attacks and wait for unlucky bloons to pass. They used plasma monkeys which were a modified version of the supermonkey. And finally, they used something Dr. Monkey never would’ve thought of, Alchemist Monkeys.

Dr. Monkey had never thought of using his powers of alchemy on the battlefield. The thought appealed to him. If the monkeys here could use alchemy on the battlefield, why couldn’t his world?

Dr. Monkey wished the monkeys there ‘good luck’ and went back to his world. However, Dr. Monkey had made a huge mistake: While he’d been talking with the other monkeys some curious bloons had wandered into his portal, and these weren’t the dumb bloons that had to follow a path.

These new bloons traveled to the rubber pits and conversed with the overlords of the bloons there. Fortunately for the monkeys many of the strange bloons from the X world were made of a different type of rubber meaning the bloons couldn’t replicate them. However, the bloons knew where they could.

The bloons quickly hatched a plan.

One night a large battalion of bloons overwhelmed Dr. Monkey and turned on his machine.

They all quickly went through the portal but were surprised to find themselves in a completely different world from the X world.

Dr. Monkey knowing what the bloons were planning had switched the world to a different and completely random world with coordinates he had randomly come up with. He closed the portal, but he knew couldn’t just leave this different world to the mercy of the bloons.

The next morning, he got together a team of adventurous monkeys that weren’t afraid of going into the strange world: Max, a dart monkey teacher and an inventor, Cassie, the daughter of a pirate lord, 4C Charlie, a bomb enthusiast, Sai, a ninja master, Sam, a mischievous wizard, and finally Supermonkey, the one and same who defeated the cybernetic ZOMG.

The team split up to look for help.

The only one who found it was Max; everyone else either got captured or sidetracked.

The ‘help’ were some adventurers named Finn (a sword wielding skinny legged bloon popper) and Jake (a yellow shape shifting dog thing). Together they fought the bloons and got the other monkeys back together.

The only problem was that the bloons were evolving. The magical energy of the place had been working strange things upon the bloons.

Some that should have been popped came back as zombie or ghost bloons, and some created strong shields or energy resistant barriers around them. And finally, the bloons had a new champion: The BAD (Big Airship of Doom). Not only was the BAD immune to takedown abilities it was just plain scary. The BAD contained 2 DDTs and 3 ZOMGs and was by far the most powerful bloon that they’d manufactured.

The bloons forced Lemongrab (a resident of that world) to make them a portal back to their world. The bloons quickly set about making plans for attacking the monkeys again.

Okay, let’s recap what’s going on. The bloons accidentally went to a different world (which was named Ooo by the way). Dr. Monkey sent in monkeys to stop the bloons from terrorizing Ooo. The bloons evolved and some of them went back to their world with designs for some of the new bloons and a BAD.

Meanwhile in the monkeys’ home world a new magic wielder named Obin had arisen and created a group of followers named Druids. These druids had powers much like the wizards except more nature-ish.

Also, Geraldo (remember him?) had sued the monkey military for using his idea of placing nails and glue on the track. Geraldo won the suit but let the military keep spike factories in exchange for being hired.

The monkeys were already fighting a war with the bloons in another world, and they had a war brewing right next door.

The only good news was that the settlement that they couldn’t contact before had grown and fought its way back to the main area with the help of admiral Brickell.

All the greatest heroes that weren’t preoccupied joined together in counsel to determine what to do next.

In the end they decided that the only option was to fight. But for that to happen they would need a lot of development.

All the engineers in the land came together and made upgrade after upgrade. Dr. Monkey trained monkeys in the way of alchemy. Wizards were even taught dark magic. Adora became bold enough to try and summon the true essence of the sun god and succeeded.

And that’s when the bloons attacked.

The End

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The monkeys were in chaos.

Cpt. Churchill and Striker Jones worked together to reorganize the monkeys.

The first BAD came and was barely taken down even with the help of the sun god.

BFB after MOAB came. ZOMG after DDT rampaged. And worst of all the BADs.

The monkeys were losing battle after battle, and many were giving up hope. But just about when the monkeys were going to give up something miraculous happened.

One day after the bloons had just about defeated the monkeys a BAD came and the monkeys fled, all except for two small children. One was the son of an engineer, and his name was Etienne. The other was a strange child whose only power was their mind: Psi.

Both were afraid but their fear gave them strength, and with that strength they defeated the BAD.

The victory was small in the scheme of things, but it gave the monkeys hope.

The monkeys slowly but surely pushed the bloons back. The war wasn’t over, but the monkeys had the upper hand: Courage.

The monkeys eventually set up a strong line of defense to stop the bloons from getting into the monkeys’ land.

After that things began to settle down. The war still raged on at the border, but monkeys no longer feared for their lives.

Things still had to be settled between the monkeys, and they tried to do it peacefully. However, there was a small civil conflict when Ezili accused Obin of stealing secrets of magic from the Wizards. Obin denied the charge and some battles followed, but those battles died down when Benjamin suggested their conflict be resolved with sports.

The sports were basically the same as the battles except it was more controlled and fare. Well, until Agent Jericho came in… But that’s a story for another day.

The monkeys lived fairly peaceably and after a while there began plans for another settlement to be deployed. But, who can know for sure; for that will be in the future…


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