How Paragons each incorporate their Tier 5s (41.0 Update)

How Paragons each incorporate their Tier 5s (41.0 Update)

How This Will Go.

It's simple really. I will taking a look into every paragon in the game (so far) and I will break down and describe how they both visually and combatively include their Tier 5s into themselves. Some of them will have a dominant Tier 5 while others will be a more balanced combination of all 3. You follow? Good. Now, onto the paragons.

(Note: All pics of the paragons [except upcoming ones] are degree 100)

Fun Fact: Every paragon in the game thus far, one way or another, can have global range

Apex Plasma Master

How Paragons each incorporate their Tier 5s (41.0 Update) image 5

The Dart Monkey Paragon, called the Apex Plasma Master, is a monkey-cyborg who excels in the mastery of plasma manipulation. Ok, maybe not really, but that's something to go off of.

Visual Incorporations The Apex Plasma Master is dominated by the Ultra-Juggernaut with visuals since it's legs and body are huge cybernetic implantations.

The Plasma Monkey Fan Club is almost entirely excluded with visual looks unless you count it's eyes.

Crossbow Master is included from the hood it wears and the huge ballista

Combative Incorporations Just like with visuals, the APM is dominated by the Ultra-Juggernaut since it attacks with plasma-filled juggernauts that split into smaller ones when the hit a wall.

However, Plasma Monkey Fan Club is included combatively with the fact that not only the juggernauts are plasma, but that it shoots 3 of them at once.

Crossbow Master is only included with the APM's attack speed and long range. Otherwise, it's left out.

Glaive Dominus

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The Boomerang Paragon, the Glaive Dominus, is the true master of the glaives and, according to the Dominus himself, one of the most fear-inducing monkeys to the bloons.

Visual Incorporations The GD is a more balanced mixture of all the Tier 5s visually.

It's hood and orbiting glaives (which also count to it's combative ability) come from the Glaive Lord

The cybernetic eye and arm is clearly a wink to Permacharge

It's feather-like clothing and necklace are a nod to MOAB Domination

Combative Incorporations While it may feel that the Dominus is mostly the Glaive Lord, it's actually one of the most well-mixed paragons.

The fact that it's main attack are glaives (which ricochet to other bloons) and, as mentioned earlier, that it has orbiting glaives is indeed Glaive Lord

It's hypersonic attack speed comes from none other than Permacharge

Last, it's anti-MOAB glaive, which it's range is bigger than the regular range, is clearly MOAB Domination. (There's also the fact it fires the glaives straight ahead)

Surprising fact: In update 36.0, the Dominus gained the ability to buff all primary towers with +11.1% attack speed, even other paragons. Not only meaning that the boomerang monkey can now truly act as a "support" tower, but also means he can buff all primary paragons from here on out, including the Apex Plasma Master

Ascended Shadow

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The Ninja Monkey Paragon, Ascended Shadow, is the ultimate assasain for the monkeys. There is no bloon threat this ultimate ninja can't handle.

Visual Incoroporations Ascended Shadow is a bit more complex to see the Tier 5s in visually.

Now, clearly it's hat is from the Grandmaster Ninja.

The green eye, green smoke, and pink flowers surrounding it come from the Grand Sabotuer

Then it's "face" is from the Master Bomber. It's unclear if it is a mask or it's actual face.

Combative Incoroporations Combatively, the Ascended Shadow is another balanced paragon.

It's 8 shurikens (9 with MK) are from the Grandmaster Ninja

Its permanent sabotage effect and debuff on all bloons come from the Grand Sabotuer

Now the big one, the sticky bomb, flash bombs, and the fact the shurikens are all seeking come originate from the Master Bomber.

Fun Fact: Update 37.0 gave the Ascended Shadow the ability to give camo detection to all towers on screen. It is also currently the only paragon that does extra damage to camo bloons (DDTs to be specific)

Navarch Of The Seas

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The Monkey Buccaneer Paragon, Navarch of the Seas, is the greatest ship ever known to the monkeys. As ruler of the seven seas. no bloon dares approach this vessel!

Visual Incororporations The NotS is almost all Carrier Flagship in terms of visuals. The whole thing is basically Carrier Flagship but futuristic.

The only way the Pirate Lord can be seen is in the captain with his eyepatch, hat, and golden tooth.

There is no Trade Empire visible in this boat.

Combative Incorporations Combatively, it's all Carrier Flagship and Pirate Lord with this paragons.

It's 3 mini "space" planes, orange canisters, and the buff it gives to all water towers and Monkey Aces are where you see the Carrier Flagship.

It's grapehead arrow shots, passive hooks, and activated hook, all come from the Pirate Lord.

The only ways that Trade Empire is included is with the buff it gives to Merchantmen and Flavored Trades and the fact it makes money at the end of every round, but those aren't combative to the paragon itself.

Master Builder

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The Engineer Paragon, the Master Builder, is the perfect Engineer. With the Mega Sentries he creates, the bloons wished they were never inflated

Visual Incorporations Sentry Champion is included via the 3 sentry guns seen on the right and upper arms and the claw on the left arm signals SC’s prosthetic arm

Ultraboost can be clearly seen from the Monkey itself in the mech and the "turbo fan" on the mech's back

XXXL Trap seems to represented by the entirety of the mech.

(Fun Fact: The Master Builder is the first paragon without an angry/serious facial expression. He's the only one who smiles)

Combative Incorporations The Master Builder is more of a Tier 6 Sentry Champion more than it is a mixture of all 3 paths

As mentioned earlier, the 3 Mega Sentries the MB creates, which each build their own sentries, is from Sentry Champion

Ultraboost comes from the fact that it Ultraboost itself at the start of every round (just without a visual indicator) However, NK has eluded that they will "fix" the Master Builder to allow it to buff other towers, so stay tuned on this

XXXL Trap is only included from the MB's ability to pin MOAB-Class Bloons in place

Goliath Doomship

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The Ace Paragon, The Goliath Doomship, is the BIGGEST plane to ever fly. It is said that the sight of it flying overhead will make any bloon cower in fear....

Visual Incorporations It appears that the Goliath Doomship is mostly Flying Fortress in terms of visuals.

Sky Shredder seems to only be included by the thrusters on the back of the plane (obtained only at higher degrees)

Tsar Bomba may be included by the plane's bomb-shaped double fuselage, it's color pattern, and the bomb logos on the tail

Flying Fortress is certainly the plane's immense size and overall design

Combative Incorporations In combat, the Doomship seems to be a good mixture of the 3 T5s

Sky Shredder is included with the 12 rockets it shoots in all directions.

Tsar Bomba comes from its ability to summon 3 mini doomships to bombard the map

Flying Fortress is included from the 8 seeking missiles it shoots.

(Fun Fact: The Doomship also shoots out double darts when it is facing the bloons like the Carrier Flagship planes)

Magus Perfectus

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How Paragons each incorporate their Tier 5s (41.0 Update) image 72

The Wizard Monkey Paragon, Magus Perfectus, is the perfect one from beyond. If the bloons knew what other-worldy powers is to befall them...

Visual IncorporationsIt is clear that this paragon is dominated by Archmage in terms of looks. In fact, about everything on the paragon itself is Archmage.

Wizard Lord Phoenix is clearly seen in the dark purple space-esque phoenix.

Prince of Darkness MAY be seen in the form of the dark color scheme of the paragon

Combative IncorporationsOK, this paragon is a complex one, but I won't go off topic. In terms of combat, this guy is a true 5-5-5

Archmage comes from the dark projectiles he fires with the phoenix active and the fact he sees through walls and objects.

WLP is obviously the phoenix, but also the Arcane Metamorphisis ability.

PoD is the entire concept of its mana and its Phoenix Explosion ability that can summon ZOMGs

Fun Facts: Magus Perfectus is the first paragon to ignore Line of Sight at all times, the first paragon to have its sub-tower change with degrees, and the first paragon to have 2 abilities. Also, the amount of particles around the paragon vary depending on how much mana it has available.

Nautic Siege Core

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The Monkey Sub Paragon, Nautic Siege Core, wields the true power of Bloontonium. Having conquered the depths of the oceans, the bloons ought to avoid this sub at all cost!

Visual IncorporationsNautic Siege Core is dominant visually with Sub Commander. The design of the sub itself is unique, but the color scheme of it and and the captain signals Sub Commander. Pre-Emptive Strike is completely excluded unless you're willing to count the barrels that fire the pre-emptive missiles. Energizer can only be seen when the Sub "submerges" and reveals its bloontonium core (although its much easier to see in the portrait

Combative IncorporationsNinja Kiwi has made another true 5-5-5 with this one. The use of Advanced Intel and the Submerge option which allows it to buff all towers and paragons with reduced ability cooldown goes to top path. His Pre-Emptive missiles and Final Strike ability is middle path (however his ability leave bloontonium radiation behind so you can count as both top and middle) and his main attack, airburst rockets, along with his own buff that he gives when Submerged is bottom path.

Fun Facts: Nautic Siege Core is the first paragon that can give 2 different buffs at once and he's the first and currently only paragon whose facial expression changes with degrees. (He goes from a grin to the smile you see him with)

Tack Shooter Paragon

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A Tack Shooter Paragon has been announced for release in Update 46

The picture above is only a fan concept of the Tack Shooter Paragon and is by no means official.

Art created by reddit user u/Trioplane

Reddit post here

More To Come

How Paragons each incorporate their Tier 5s (41.0 Update) image 95

With more paragons on the way, I will update this guide every time a new one comes. I will also add pictures to this guide over time as well. As I said earlier, this guide is informative and not intended to actually contain useful information, just some trivial facts about the paragons.


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