Big Bloons
Win with Pat Fusty on 10 games.
WHAT YOU NEED for big bloons:
- Pat Fusty
Play the game normally while having Pat Fusty equipped.
Alchermistman And Bloonacleboy
Gain 900,000+ damage from Bloon Master Alchemist in a single game before round 100.
WHAT YOU NEED to do damage:
- Bloon Alchemist Unlocked
Also Preferably:
- Glue Gunner Bottom Tree
- Ice Monkey Middle Tree
- Bomb Shooter Bloon Crush Unlock
- Alchemist Middle Tree
- Monkey Village Middle Tree
Actual Guide:
I did this achievement on Logs.
Use Banana Farms to start farming out some economy, for the most part you can use any defense but get a Bloon Alchemist as soon as you can. Place the Alchemist closer to the start of the track, and start placing things to slow down the excess bloons. Ice Monkey middle tree and Glue Gunner bottom tree can be used to slow down extensively just make sure they cover a lot of track. Same with the Bloon Crush Bomb Shooter, though try to get it to shoot in a straight line and get all of those towers in the radius of the Monkey Village Middle Tree. (For the most part you will not get a lot of pops for the Alchemist until about round 70 where it'll start to pick up more. At the end of the track I would suggest placing large amounts of defense in case some bloons slip through (good protection against DDT's is a VERY good idea).
You are able to leave the game once you reach the set amount to claim the achievement and hop back into the game if you are wanting to finish.
Josh's Constant
Beat any Expert Map on Chimps with $40,870 or more spent on one Spike Factory.
WHAT YOU NEED to spend $40,870:
- Spike Factory - Bot Tree Tier 5 - Mid Tree Tier 2
- (Recommended) Dark Castle Map Unlocked
- Most Unlocks for Sub Monkey
- Most Unlocks for Alchemist
- Most Unlocks for Monkey Village
The guide for this would be insanely cluttered and long, I would recommend searching the guide up on youtube. Ethan Reid has a really good playthrough for this from May 9th, 2021. (I would link it but it might be against guide rules).
Strangely Adorable
Build a Vengeful True Sun God with a max level Adora in range.
WHAT YOU NEED for angry Adora:
- Adora
- VTSG Monkey Knowledge (magic tree)
- All Tier 5's for Super Monkey
Actual Guide:
Play the game like normal, go into freeplay if need be aswell. Upgrade the Sun God to a VTSG with an Adora in range.
Place sacrifices in the first radius before upgrading to Sun God. Need 3 of the 4 categories with $50,000 spent in each. Sacrifice.
Place down the other two Tier 5 Super Monkey's OUTSIDE OF THE RANGE
Place sacrifices in the radius before upgrading to True Sun God. Need 4 of the 4 categories with $50,000 spent in each. Note that some towers upgrades might be cheaper in cost, place multiple if need be. Sacrifice.
Golden Ticket
On Candy Falls, click the Oompa-Loompa monkeys in order to complete the song.
WHAT YOU NEED to click Oompa-Loompas:
- Select the map Candy Falls, any difficulty
- Do not press start.
Actual Guide
Click In Order:
1. Top Right Tree Bunch
2. Gingerbread House Door
3. Middle of the Chocolate Waterfall
4. Top Left Tree Bunch
5. Chocolate Spiral Stick
- (The right side of the river, the chocolate spiral sticks lining the grass click the second from the bottom)
6. Bottom Right Tree Bunch
7. Water Wheel Connected to the House
8. Bottom Left Tree Bunch
Once done clicking you can exit the map and grab the achievement.
Mo Heroes, Mo Problems
Complete any tier Odyssey with no hero equipped before starting.
WHAT YOU NEED for the Odyssey:
- Un-equip the hero in the Monkey Selection screen before starting the Odyssey.
Play the Odyssey like you would normally, easiest difficulty is recommended since you only have to go through 3 maps instead of 4-5.
Chunky Monkeys
Win 10 games with towers that have big footprints.
WHAT YOU NEED for chunky towers:
- Any big footprint tower
- Medium difficulty or higher.
Actual Guide
- Monkey Buccaneer
- Monkey Ace
- Banana Farm
- Spike Factory
- Monkey Village
- Super Monkey
- Heli Pilot
- Mortar Monkey
- Caveman Monkey (on map Frozen Over)
- Pat Fusty
- Captain Churchill
Placing any non-big footprint towers will not grant progress. Do not place one on accident.
Play on easy difficulties if you want to run through the achievement faster.
Stubborn Strategy
Win 100 games on maps that have removable obstacles without removing the obstacles.
WHAT YOU NEED to not destroy obstacles:
- Literally do not click on the objects you can remove.
Just play the game, if you see a removable obstacle just do not remove it. You will get this over time. If you cannot wait, just play a map that you enjoy over and over that has obstacles in it.
Complete a game on Chimps Difficulty with only ever placing 2 monkey towers.
- Boomerang Monkey - Top Tree - Bot Tree
- Dartling Gunner - Top Tree - Mid Tree
- Resort Map Unlocked
Actual Guide:
The Boomerang Monkey will go at spot 1.
The Dartling Gunner will go at spot 2.
First place the Boomerang Monkey, get it to (200) then to (202). Place the Dartling Gunner next and upgrade to (110).
(You should aim to use manual control for Dartling Gunner, softer rounds can use locked aim).
Boomerang Upgrade (302)
Boomerang Upgrade (402)
Dartling Upgrade (230)
Dartling Upgrade (240)
Boomerrang Upgrade (502)
Dartling Upgrade (250)
Bill Greates
Send $500,000 to a co-op player in one go.
WHAT YOU NEED to send money:
- Reach $2,500,000
- Have at least one co-op member
Actual Guide
Can be done on any map and is quicker on easier difficulties.
Start farming as quick as possible, get as many Banana farms as you can fit into an area with a centralized Monkey Village, (try to have a secondary village to expand the radius of the first later on). Upgrade all your farms first to (300) and then get them all to (320), once they are all upgraded I would recommend upgrading your first Monkey Village to (104) so it can reach the other Banana Farms. Upgrade your secondary Monkey Village to (100) for the increased range. Start upgrading all of your Banana Farms to get (420) until they are all upgraded. Place down an Monkey Engineer (040) and Overclock the centralized village (you can use the overclock to check for the cost of consuming the farms before doing it otherwise around $60,000 should be enough since it is $5,000 per farm) Aim to have around 8-10 farms consumed by the village when you upgrade it to a (105) Monkeyopolis. Once you get that you can place down more (420) farms around the village, and also get a (520) Monkey Farm.
You can also use the co-op teammates money to help climb to $2,500,000 by passing it between players.
Get a Monkeyopolis and play the game until you reach the required amount.
Perfect Paragon
Create a 100 degree Paragon.
WHAT YOU NEED to Sacrifice:
- 200,000 Power Units
- Hero Geraldo (for singleplayer).
- Easy Difficulty (cheaper prices).
Geraldo is still very useful and will make it easier in co-op play, but the achievement is unachievable without him in singleplayer since the max power without him is 160,000 (166,000 if going for the Dart Monkey Paragon). You need 200,000 Power Points to be able to create a tier 100 Paragon.
Ways to Earn Power Points (P):
Tier 5 Tower: Grants 6000P Per Tower - 50,000P Cap
(note that all towers must be of the same type as the paragon you are making).
Non-Tier 5 Tower: 100P Per Tower - 10,000P Cap
(note that all towers must be of the same type as the paragon you are making).
180 Balloon pops OR $45 earned from Farms, Merchants, Etc.: 1P - 90,000P Cap
(note that both pops and money both count towards the cap).
Geraldo Paragon Totem: 2000P Per Totem - No Limit
Cash spent on Sacrificial Towers OR Cash invested when creating the Paragon: 60,000P Cap
Sacrificial Tower
- ( Paragon Price / 20,000 ) = Cash needed to be spent on Sacrificial Towers for 1P.
Invested Cash
- ( ( Paragon Price x 1.05 ) / 20,000) = Cash needed to be invested per 1P.
Actual Guide:
Personally, I have not worked with the new system too much. There are many calculations you could make to get to Degree 100. I would recommend personally doing this achievement on Cubism, it leaves a lot of room for Banana Farms and towers in general for placing. Do note that this achievement is a lot easier with other people, allowing you reach the Power caps much faster and whatnot. Also USE GERALDO, it will just be the best way to reach Degree 100.
Not Lacking Critical Information
Achieve 25,000 Critical Hits.
WHAT YOU NEED to hit crits:
(at least one of the following):
- Sharp Shooter (Dart Monkey)
- Robo Monkey (Super Monkey)
- Crossbow Master (Dart Monkey)
- Tech-Terror (Super Monkey)
- The Anti-Bloon (Super Monkey)
Actual Guide:
Play the game normally, you will get it slowly through playing. Otherwise go onto a map you enjoy playing and place the monkeys listed above at the start of the track. Super Monkey will be faster than the Dart Monkey overall.
Thank You For Reading!
Consider leaving an Award. Would be much appreciated.
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- All Guilds
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- How to Quickly Grind the Stubborn Strategy Secret Achievement **NO MONKEY KNOWLEDGE**
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- The Cabin Easter Egg
- Looking at: Tier 5 Towers
- Alternate Rounds