BB3's Bible

BB3's Bible


Like the latest edition of the tabletop (Blood Bowl Second Season Edition), BB3 uses the new BB2020 ruleset. Here are the key changes if you're coming from BB2:

Agility is now split into Agility and Passing. The new Agility is used to dodge, leap, pick up the ball and catch a pass. Passing is only used to throw the ball or throw a player.

Agility, Passing and Armor are presented as a score to reach, such as 4+, instead of a raw characteristic, such as 3.

You have more control over the upgrades of your players. Rather than fixed levels and random rolls, you now spend SPP on different bonuses with different costs: Primary skills, Secondary skills and characteristic upgrades. See the section PLAYER SKILLS for all details.

Rerolls are no longer limited to one per turn. You can now burn as many rerolls as you have during a turn, though a roll can never be rerolled more than once.

Any player can now jump over a prone or stunned player, but not over an empty square or a standing player.

Interceptions allow the player to either catch the ball himself as usual, or deflect (scatter) it instead.

Go For It (GFI) has been renamed Rush. The rule is unchanged, it's only a cosmetic change.

Fouls are now affected by friendly and hostile Guards.

The kickoff table has been updated.

Winnings are no longer random: their calculation includes the total Dedicated Fans of both teams and the amount of TDs that your team has scored.

Team rosters have been updated. See the section TEAMS below.

New skills have been added and many existing skills have been updated. See the section SKILLS.


The game currently includes 12 teams, presented below in alphabetical order. According to the roadmap, additional teams will be introduced on a regular basis through a season system.

You can spend up to 1.000 K when creating a new team. You need to hire at least 11 players. The cost of team rerolls will double after the creation of the team, so you'd best buy a couple of them for cheap at this stage.

Black Orcs

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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 12 Goblin Bruiser 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Thick Skull A GSP 45 K 6 Black Orc 4 4 4+ 5+ 10+ Brawler, Grab GS AP 90 K 1 Trained Troll 4 5 5+ 5+ 10+ Always Hungry, Loner (3+), Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate S GAP 115 K Rerolls: 60 K. Special rules: Badlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleThis team isn't for beginners as it requires to coordinate two very different groups: solid but slow frontliners and agile but fragile stunties. Successful offensives will demand careful planning, with Black Orcs using Grab to create gaps in the opposing lines for the gobbos to exploit. Gobbos can also support the destructive work of their big brothers by fouling any downed opponent.

Suggested buildsFull frontline

1x Troll

6x Black Orcs

5x Goblin Bruisers

2x Rerolls

Total: 1000 K

Three rerolls

6x Black Orcs

6x Goblin Bruisers

3x Rerolls

Total: 990 K

Chaos Chosens

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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 16 Beastman Runner 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Horns GSM AP 60 K 4 Chosen Blocker 5 4 3+ 5+ 10+ - GSM A 100 K 1* Chaos Troll 4 5 5+ 5+ 10+ Always Hungry, Loner (3+), Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate SM GA 115 K 1* Chaos Ogre 5 5 4+ 5+ 10+ Bone-head, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate SM GA 140 K 1* Minotaur 5 5 4+ - 9+ Frenzy, Horns, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Unchannelled Fury SM GA 150 K * A Chaos Chosen team may only include a single Big Guy.

Rerolls: 60 K. Special rules: Favoured of Chaos Undivided / Khorne / Nurgle / Slaanesh / Tzeentch (choose one). Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleThis classic team focuses on grinding down the opposition with its above average ST and AV supported by its general access to Mutation and Strength skills. Your many Beastmen can and need to fill various roles: ball hawk with Wrestle and Strip Ball, ball snatcher with Sure Hands and Big Hand, cage pillar with Block, Guard and Stand Firm, blitzer-surfer with Frenzy and Juggernaut...

Be careful with your rerolls during the first games as your team suffers from a severe lack of native skills.

Suggested buildsDefense

1x Chaos Troll

4x Chosen Blockers

6x Beastmen Runners

2x Rerolls

Total: 995 K


1x Minotaur

3x Chosen Blockers

7x Beastmen Runners

2x Rerolls

Total: 990 K

Three rerolls

4x Chosen Blockers

7x Beastman Runners

3x Rerolls

Total: 1000 K

Chaos Renegades

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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 12 Renegade Human Lineman 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ - GM AS 50 K 1 Renegade Human Thrower 6 3 3+ 3+ 9+ Animosity (all team-mates), Pass, Safe Pair of Hands GMP AS 75 K 1 Renegade Goblin 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Animosity (all team-mates), Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty AM GP 40 K 1 Renegade Orc 5 3 3+ 5+ 10+ Animosity (all team-mates) GM AS 50 K 1 Renegade Skaven 7 3 3+ 4+ 8+ Animosity (all team-mates) GM AS 50 K 1 Renegade Dark Elf 6 3 2+ 3+ 9+ Animosity (all team-mates) AGM PS 75 K 1* Renegade Troll 4 5 5+ 5+ 10+ Always Hungry, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate S AGM 115 K 1* Renegade Ogre 5 5 4+ 5+ 10+ Bone Head, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate S AGM 140 K 1* Renegade Minotaur 5 5 4+ - 9+ Loner (4+), Frenzy, Horns, Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Unchannelled Fury S AGM 150 K 1* Renegade Rat Ogre 6 5 4+ - 9+ Animal Savagery, Loner (4+), Frenzy, Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail S AGM 150 K * A Chaos Renegade team may include up to three Big Guys from these four options.

Rerolls: 70 K. Special rules: Favoured of Chaos Undivided / Khorne / Nurgle / Slaanesh / Tzeentch (choose one).

PlaystyleWhile fielding three Big Guys sounds fun, this team is actually hard to run. Expensive rerolls combined with negative traits like Animosity and Loner and an absence of positive skills means that Turn Overs are to be expected. On the bright side, the roster offers a lot of variety and everyone has access to Mutations.

Your two dedicated ball handlers, the thrower and the dark elf, suffer from Animosity. The thrower lacks Sure Hands, but given the team's dire need of rerolls, you may want to give him Leader as soon as possible.

The human linemen have very reasonable characteristics and cost, and they're the only players of your team who don't suffer from Animosity. They can be used to carry the ball around and perform a Hand-off when the time is right.

The orc and skaven have both the same exact cost than the human linemen. They trade an increased MA or AV for a decreased AV or MA. The fast skaven can serve as a scorer or blitzer. With his high AV, the orc has a dual purpose: cannon fodder and babysitter for the troll (Really Stupid) and/or the rat ogre (Animal Savagery).

The goblin can be thrown by the troll or the ogre, providing an alternative playstyle. He can also be built as a fouler or as a dodger with Two Heads.

Suggested buildsThree Big Guys

1x Troll

1x Ogre

1x Minotaur / Rat Ogre

8x Linemen / Orc / Skaven

1x Goblin (12th player)

2x Rerolls

Total: 985 K

Three rerolls

1x Troll

1x Ogre

1x Thrower

1x Dark Elf

7x Linemen / Orc / Skaven

1x Goblin (12th player)

3x Rerolls

Total: 995 K

Dark Elves

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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 12 Dark Elf Lineman 6 3 2+ 4+ 9+ - AG S 70 K 4 Dark Elf Blitzer 7 3 2+ 4+ 9+ Block AG PS 100 K 2 Dark Elf Runner 7 3 2+ 4+ 8+ Dump-off AGP S 80 K 2 Assassin 7 3 2+ 5+ 8+ Shadowing, Stab AG PS 85 K 2 Witch Elf 6 3 2+ 5+ 8+ Dodge, Frenzy, Jump Up AG PS 110 K Rerolls: 50 K. Special rules: Elven Kingdoms League. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleThe Dark Elves mix the speed and agility of elven teams with an agressive edge. Frenzy will allow you to create gaps and surfing opportunities. Dump-off means that your Runner can take a blitz without giving the ball to the opposition. Stab can perform well against low AV blodgers like Gutter Runners and other Catchers. And the humble, skill-less linemen can adapt well to most roles.

The high cost and low-to-average AV of your players will require an Apothecary for league play.

Suggested buildsApothecary

2x Blitzers

9x Linemen

2x Rerolls

1x Apothecary

Total 980 K

Passing oriented

1x Runner

4x Blitzers

6x Linemen

2x Rerolls

Total 100 K

Surfing oriented (author's build of choice)

1x Witch Elf

3x Blitzers

7x Linemen

2x Rerolls

Total 100 K


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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 12 Dwarf Blocker 4 3 4+ 5+ 10+ Block, Tackle, Thick Skull GS A 70 K 2 Dwarf Blitzer 5 3 3+ 4+ 10+ Block, Thick Skull GS AP 80 K 2 Dwarf Runner 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Sure Hands, Thick Skull GP AS 85 K 2 Troll Slayer 5 3 4+ - 9+ Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull GS AP 95 K 1 Deathroller 4 7 5+ - 11+ Break Tackle, Dirty Player (+2), Juggernaut, Loner (5+), Mighty Blow (+1), No Hands, Secret Weapon, Stand Firm S AG 170 K Rerolls: 50K each. Special rules: Old World Classic, Worlds Edge Superleague. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleSlow and steady, the dwarves shine in defense thanks to plenty of starting skills and a high average AV. Remember though to keep two blitzers behind your line to handle anyone able to jump over it. On the offense, unless the opposition has been grinded to dust, you'll have to cage and push your way to the end zone. Keep in mind you have "only" 8 turns to reach it!

The deathroller is a highly expensive machine able to crunch whatever stands in its way, including Big Guys. Give it Multiple Block and enjoy the slaughter... until it's sent off due to being a Secret Weapon.

Suggested buildsInfantry formation

2x Troll Slayers

2x Blitzers

2x Runners

5x Blockers

2x Rerolls

Total: 970 K

Tank assault

1x Deathroller

2x Blitzers

8x Blockers

2x Rerolls

Total: 980 K

Elven Union

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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 12 Elf Lineman 6 3 2+ 4+ 8+ - AG S 60 K 4 Elf Catcher 8 3 2+ 4+ 8+ Catch, Nerves of Steel AG S 100 K 2 Elf Blitzer 7 3 2+ 3+ 9+ Block, Side Step AG S 115 K 2 Elf Thrower 6 3 2+ 2+ 8+ Pass AGP S 75 K Rerolls: 50K. Special rules: Elven Kingdoms League. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleHere's the quintessential high AG, low AV team. It stars excellent Catchers with the characteristics and skills required for the role, though they will need protection.

The general fragility of this roster make the Apothecary a mandatory investment for league play.

Suggested buildsLeague play

1x Thrower

1x Catcher

2x Blitzers

7x Linemen

2x Rerolls

1x Apothecary

Total: 975 K

Exhibition game

2x Thrower

2x Catcher

2x Blitzers

5x Linemen

2x Rerolls

Total: 980 K


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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 16 Human Lineman 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ - G AS 50 K 4 Human Blitzer 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Block GS AP 85 K 4 Human Catcher 8 2 3+ 5+ 8+ Catch, Dodge AG PS 65 K 2 Human Thrower 6 3 3+ 2+ 9+ Pass, Sure Hands GP AS 80 K 3 Halfling Hopeful 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A GS 30 K 1 Ogre 5 5 4+ 5+ 10+ Bone Head, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate S AG 140 K Rerolls: 50K. Special rules: Old World Classic. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleThe strength of the human team lies in its amazing versatility. They're able to outrun bashy teams, strong-arm agile teams, and take on everything in-between. The addition of Halflings on this edition opens up two extra options: fouling and team-mate throwing.

Suggested buildsMelee oriented

1x Ogre

1x Thrower

4x Blitzers

5x Linemen

1x Halfling Hopeful (12th man, fouler)

3x Rerolls

Total: 990 K

Passing oriented

1x Thrower

2x Catchers

4x Blitzers

5x Linemen

3x Rerolls

1x Apothecary

Total: 1000 K

Imperial Nobility

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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 12 Retainer Lineman 6 3 4+ 4+ 8+ Fend G AS 45 K 4 Bodyguard 6 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Stand Firm, Wrestle GS A 90 K 2 Noble Blitzer 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Block, Catch AG PS 105 K 2 Noble Thrower 6 3 3+ 3+ 9+ Pass, Running Pass GP AS 75 K 1 Ogre 5 5 4+ 5+ 10+ Bone Head, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate S AG 140 K Rerolls: 70K. Special rules: Old World Classic. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleLike its Bretonnian ancestor, the roster of the Imperial Nobility is dedicated to the running game. Its set of native skills helps the team to go where they need go and prevent the opposition from doing the same. However the downright average characteristics of the players and the low AV of the linemen in particular make this team a challenging option for newcomers to Blood Bowl, while the standard Human team represents a better candidate to learn the ropes.

Suggested buildsSafety

1x Blitzer

1x Thrower

4x Bodyguards

5x Retainers

3x Rerolls

Total: 975 K


1x Ogre

2x Blitzers

1x Thrower

1x Bodyguard

6x Retainers

3x Rerolls

Total: 995 K

Bretonnian Classic

2x Blitzers

4x Bodyguards

6x Retainers

2x Rerolls

Total: 995 K


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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 12 Rotter 5 3 4+ 6+ 9+ Decay, Plague Ridden GM AS 35 K 4 Pestigor 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Horns, Plague Ridde, Regeneration GMS AP 75 K 4 Bloater 4 4 4+ 6+ 10+ Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Plague Ridden, Regeneration GMS A 115 K 1 Rotspawn 4 5 5+ - 10+ Disturbing Presence, Foul Appearance, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Plague Ridden, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Tentacles S AGM 140 K Rerolls: 70 K. Special rules: Favoured of Nurgle. Access to Apothecary: no.

PlaystyleNurgle teams represent a twisted version of the traditional Chaos teams designed for veteran players with poor hygiene. They don't make a beginner friendly choice due to their limited offensive capacity, expensive rerolls and lack of first tier skills. However they shine in defense. Distubing Presence and Tentacles make them great at ruining the plans of the opposition, while Foul Appearance and Regeneration grant them extra resilience. They also have access to exceptionnally cheap markers and foulers: the Rotters.

Suggested buildsDefensive

1x Rotspawn

4x Bloaters

1x Pestigor

5x Rotters

2x Rerolls

Total: 990 K


3x Bloaters

4x Pestigors

4x Rotters

3x Rerolls

Total: 995 K

Old World Alliance

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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 12 Human Lineman 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ - G AS 50 K 1 Human Blitzer 7 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Animosity (Dwarf and Halfling), Block GS A 90 K 1 Human Thrower 6 3 3+ 3+ 9+ Animosity (Dwarf and Halfling), Pass, Sure Hands GP AS 80 K 1 Human Catcher 8 2 3+ 5+ 8+ Animosity (Dwarf and Halfling), Catch, Dodge AG S 65 K 2 Dwarf Blocker 4 3 4+ 5+ 10+ Arm Bar, Brawler, Loner (3+), Thick Skull GS A 75 K 1 Dwarf Blitzer 5 3 4+ 5+ 10+ Block, Loner (3+), Thick Skull GS A 80 K 1 Dwarf Runner 6 3 3+ 4+ 9+ Loner (3+), Sure Hands, Thick Skull GP AS 85 K 1 Troll Slayer 5 3 4+ - 9+ Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Loner (3+), Thick Skull GS A 95 K 2 Halfling 5 2 3+ 4+ 7+ Animosity (Dwarf and Human), Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A GS 30 K 1* Altern Forest Treeman 2 6 5+ 5+ 11+ Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Take Root, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate, Timmm-ber! S AGP 120 K 1* Ogre 5 5 4+ 5+ 10+ Bone Head, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (1+), Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate S AG 140 K * An Old World Alliance team may only include a single Big Guy.

Rerolls: 70 K. Special rules: Old World Classic. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleWhile mixing the human and dwarf rosters might sound like a good idea, the Old World Alliance is actually a disappointing cocktail. The key positionals are available in very limited amounts. Animosity between Humans and Halflings plagues their coordination in offensive drives. All dwarf elements are Loners and their blockers have been badly nerfed.

Suggested buildsOgre / Dwarves / Humans

1x Ogre

1x Dwarf Blitzer

1x Dwarf Blocker

1x Human Blitzer

1x Human Catcher

1x Human Thrower

5x Linemen

3x Rerolls

Total: 990 K

Low TV for Star Players

1x Treeman

2x Haflings

8x Linemen

2x Rerolls

Total: 720 K


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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 16 Orc Lineman 5 3 3+ 4+ 10+ Animosity (Orc Linemen) G AS 50 K 4 Big Un Blocker 5 4 4+ - 10+ Animosity (Big Un Blockers) GS A 90 K 4 Goblin 6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty A GSP 40 K 4 Orc Blitzer 6 3 3+ 4+ 10+ Animosity (all team-mates), Block GS AP 80 K 2 Orc Thrower 5 3 3+ 3+ 9+ Animosity (all team-mates), Pass, Sure Hands GP AS 65 K 1 Untrained Troll 4 5 5+ 5+ 10+ Always Hungry, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate S AGP 115 K Rerolls: 60 K. Special rules: Badlands Brawl. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleOrc teams manage to be both competitive and novice friendly. Their affordable cost and high average AV mean that they don't really require an Apothecary to run unless they face Claw-heavy opponents.

Suggested buildsMobility

1x Untrained Troll

2x Goblins

4x Blitzers

4x Big Uns

2x Rerolls

Total: 995 K


1x Thrower

3x Linemen

3x Blitzers

4x Big Uns

3x Rerolls

Total: 995 K


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Roster Max Name MA ST AG PA AV Starting skills Primary Secondary Cost 16 Skaven Clanrat 7 3 3+ 4+ 8+ - G AMS 50 K 4 Gutter Runner 9 2 2+ 4+ 8+ Dodge AG MPS 85 K 2 Skaven Blitzer 7 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Block GS AMP 90 K 2 Skaven Thrower 7 3 3+ 2+ 8+ Pass, Sure Hands GP AMS 85 K 1 Rat Ogre 6 5 4+ - 9+ Animal Savagery, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail S AGM 150 K Rerolls: 50 K. Special rules: Underworld Challenge. Access to Apothecary: Yes.

PlaystyleWhile the Skaven players aren't as agile as Elves, they're faster and cheaper. Their secondary access to Mutations opens up interesting specialized roles: Blitzers can benefit from Horns or Claws, Gutter Runners can use Two Heads to sneak between the lines or Extra Arms / Very Long Legs to intercept enemy passes. The Gutter Runners are the stars of the team and will score most of the touchdowns. They'll also attract a lot of heat! The team's low AV will requires reserves to avoid losing an attrition battle.

Suggested buildsSafety

1x Thrower

2x Blitzers

2x Gutter Runners

7x Clanrats

3x Rerolls

1x Apothecary

Total: 985 K


1x Rat Ogre

1x Thrower

2x Blitzers

2x Gutter Runners

5x Clanrats

3x Rerolls

Total: 985 K


Players gain SPP (equivalent to XP in other games) from the following actions:

scoring a touchdown: +3 SPP

making an accurate Pass caught by the target team-mate: +1 SPP

throwing a team-mate and having them land safely: +1 SPP

deflecting an opponent Pass: +1 SPP

intercepting an opponent Pass: +2 SPP

causing a casualty in the opponent team with a Block action*: +2 SPP

getting the random MVP award at the end of a game: +4 SPP* casualties caused by non-Block actions such as fouling, stabbing, using a chainsaw or pushing the player into the crowd do not grant SPP.

These SPP can be spent to receive a permanent upgrade in the form of a skill or a +1 bonus to a characteristic (MA, ST, AG, PA or AV).

Player level Random Primary Primary pick or

random Secondary Secondary pick Random Characteristic 1st advancement 3 SPP 6 SPP 12 SPP 18 SPP 2nd advancement 4 SPP 8 SPP 14 SPP 20 SPP 3rd advancement 6 SPP 12 SPP 18 SPP 24 SPP 4th advancement 8 SPP 16 SPP 22 SPP 28 SPP 5th advancement 10 SPP 20 SPP 26 SPP 32 SPP 6th advancement 15 SPP 30 SPP 40 SPP 50 SPP

As you can see, gaining a random skill is half the cost of choosing a specific skill. It's not completely random either: before rolling, you choose from which category it will be pulled. Note that you can't get the same skill twice, and you can't upgrade a skill such as Mighty Blow (+1) to Mighty Blow (+2).

If you rolled a random Characteristic bonus and you don't like the result, you can instead choose a Secondary skill.

There are 5 categories of skills, with 12 skills in each category: Agility, General, Mutation, Passing and Strength. In addition there are 28 traits. Traits are skills that are native to a player and can't ever be gained or lost.

General Skills

Block: this Skill allows the Player who possesses it to not be Knocked down when a Both Down is chosen on a Block action.

Dauntless: when this Player attempts a Block or a Blitz on a target whose ST is higher than his own (before any Assists, but after other modifiers), a D6 result is added to the ST of the Player. If the total is superior to the target's ST, the ST of the Player is increased to be equal to that of the target.

Fend: an opposition Player who pushes this Player cannot Follow up. Cannot be used after a chain-push, nor against a Player who has Ball & Chain or Juggernaut.

Frenzy (mandatory use) each time this Player carries out a Block action, he must attempt a Follow up each time it is possible. He must then attempt a second Block action against the same target. A Player with this Skill cannot have Grab.

Kick: if this Player is the kicker of the Ball at Kick-off, you can choose to halve the deviation of the Ball by D6/2, rounding any fractions down.

Pro: during his activation, this Player can Re-roll a dice except for Armour Value, Injury and Casualty tests. On 3+ on a D6 he can Re-roll his dice.

Shadowing: this Player can use this Skill when an opponent leaves a Square that he was Marking. Roll a D6 + MA of this Player - MA of the opponent. On a roll of 6+, or on a natural 6, this Player can move into the vacated Square without a Dodge roll.

Strip Ball: when choosing pushed back on a Block action against a Player carrying the Ball, the latter falls into the destination Square and Bounce.

Sure Hands: this Player can Re-roll a Pick up test. Moreover, the Strip Ball Skill cannot be used against this Player.

Tackle: prevents opposition Players in Squares Marked by this Player from using the Dodge Skill.

Wrestle: this Player uses this Skill on a Both Down result when he is the initiator or the target of a Block action. Instead, the two Players are placed Prone without taking into account the other Skills they may have and no Turnover is caused.

Agility Skills

Catch: this Player can Re-roll all Catch tests.

Defensive: during the Turn of your opponent, any Player Marked by this Player cannot use the Guard Skill.

Dirty Player (+X): during a Foul action performed by this Player, the result of the Armour Value or the Injury test can be modified by the amount shown in brackets after the Skill.

Diving Catch: this Player can attempt to Catch the ball if it lands in his Tackle Zone as a result of a Pass, a throw or a Kick-off. Moreover, he gains +1 to catch an Accurate pass if he is in the target Square.

Diving Tackle: if an opposition Player succeeds in an Agility test when trying to leave a Square Marked by this Player, you can use this Skill. Your Player is placed Prone in the Square freed by the opponent. The opponent deducts 2 from his Agility test.

Dodge: once per Turn and per activation, this Player can Re-roll a failed Dodge test. Moreover, this Player can choose to use this Skill when he is the target of a Block and the result is a Stumble.

Jump up: if this Player is Prone, they can stand up at no cost. Moreover, if they are Prone during their activation, they can attempt a Jump up and perform a Block. To do this, they must succeed an Agility test, with a +1 modifier. If they fail, they remain Prone and their activation ends. This Skill may still be used if the Player is Prone or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Leap: this Player can Jump over any Square during his Movement Allowance, including a Square occupied by a Standing Player. Moreover, it reduces any Agility penalty by 1 for any attempts at jumping (to a minimum of -1).

Nerves of Steel: cancels the Marking modifiers on a Pass, an attempt to Catch the ball or Interfere.

Safe Pair of Hands: if this Player is Knocked down or becomes Prone while carrying the Ball, you may place the latter in an adjacent Square. This Skill may still be used if the Player is Prone.

Sidestep: if this Player is pushed back, you (not the opposition Manager) choose an adjacent unoccupied Square as destination.

Sneaky Git: this Player is not Sent off on a natural double during an Armour Value test when he commits a Foul. Moreover, his activation does not end after a Foul, and he can continue to move.

Sprint: this Player can attempt to Rush three times instead of two.

Sure Feet: once per Team Turn during his activation, this Player can Re-roll the D6 during a Rush.

Mutation Skills

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Big Hand

This Player ignores Marked and Pouring Rain modifiers during a Pick up test.


When a Player with this Skill Knock Down an opponent, the latter's Armour Value is always broken on an unmodified result of 8+.

Disturbing Presence (mandatory use)

When an opposition Player attempts a Pass, Throw Team-Mate or Throw Bomb action, or he tries to interfere with a Pass or to Catch the ball, he applies a -1 modifier for each Player within 3 Squares who has this Skill, whatever the state of these Players.

Extra Arms

+1 on Pick up and Catch tests or when he tries to interfere with a Pass.

Foul Appearance (mandatory use)

When an opposition Player declares a Block action or a Special action against this Player, the action is lost on a D6 result of 1. This Skill may still be used if the Player is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their Tackle Zone.


On a Block during a Blitz, this player gains +1 ST.

Iron Hard Skin

The Claws mutation cannot be used against this Player. This Skill may still be used if the Player is Prone, Stunned, or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Monstrous Mouth

This Player can Re-roll each failed Catch. Moreover, the Strip Ball Skill cannot be used against this Player.

Prehensile Tail

-1 on Dodge, Jump up or Leap tests for an opponent who tries to leave a Square Marked by this Player.


When an opponent tries to leave a Square Marked by this Player, roll a D6 +ST of the Player -ST of the opponent. On a roll of 6+, or on a natural 6, the opponent remains where he is and his Move ends.

Two Heads

+1 on Agility tests during a Dodge.

Very Long Legs

This Player reduces by 1 the Agility penalty on Jump up tests. Moreover, +2 is added to attempts he makes to Interfere with a Pass. Also, he ignores the Cloud Burster Skill.

Passing Skills

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+1 on PA tests for a Quick pass or Short pass.


+1 on PA tests for a Long pass or Long bomb.

Cloud Burster

When this Player tries a Long pass or a Long bomb, you can force the Reroll of a successful Interfere by the opposition Manager.


If this Player is the target of a Block action (or of an action that replaces a Block) and he is carrying the Ball, he can immediately make a Quick pass that works normally except that it cannot lead to a Turnover.


When this Player performs a Move or Blitz action, and he is carrying the Ball, he can choose to abandon the Ball. The Ball can be placed in any of the Squares just vacated. The Ball does not bounce and there is no Turnover.

Hail Mary Pass

When this Player performs a Pass action (or a Throw Bomb), the target can be any Square on the Pitch. A Pass action using this Skill is neither accurate, nor can it be intercepted by an opposition Player. Cannot be used in a Blizzard.


Grants a Team reroll if one or several Players with this Skill are on the Pitch. This reroll is lost if the Players with the Skill are removed from the Pitch before its use. Can be carried over to extra time if not used. Can't be lost because of a Halfling Master Chef.

On the ball

This Player can move 3 Squares, whatever his MA and respecting Move rules, when there is a Declaration by the opposition Manager of a Pass action or use of the Dump-off Skill. This Skill can be used after the Kick-off by an Open player.


This Player can Reroll a failed Passing Ability test on a Pass action.

Running Pass

If this Player makes a Quick pass, his activation does not end once the Pass is resolved.

Safe Pass

If this Player fumbles a Pass action, he keeps the Ball and his activation ends.

Strength Skills

Arm Bar: if an opponent, Marked by at least one Player with this Skill, fails a Dodge, Leap or Jump over test, +1 is applied to Armour Value or Injury tests.

Brawler: on a Block Declaration, but not on a Blitz, this Player can Re-roll one Both Down result.

Break Tackle: once per activation, after a Dodge test and if his ST is 4 or less, the result can be changed by +1. If it is 5 or more, it is changed by +2.

Grab: when this Player performs a Block action, this Skill prevents the use of Sidestep. Moreover, if during a Block (but not a Blitz) the target Player is pushed back, any Square adjacent to the target can be chosen. A Player with this Skill cannot have Frenzy.

Guard: this Player offers offensive and defensive Assists, no matter how many Players are Marking him.

Juggernaut: when this Player performs a Block during a Blitz, he can choose to consider a Both Down result as a pushed back. Moreover, under these same conditions, the target of the Block cannot use the Fend, Stand Firm and Wrestle Skills.

Mighty Blow (+X): when an opponent is Knocked down following a Block by this Player, you can change the Armour Value or Injury test by the amount between brackets. This modifier can be applied after the test. This Skill is not usable with Stab or Chainsaw.

Multiple Block: on a Block, but not a Blitz, this Player can attempt a Block action on two Players he is Marking, by reducing his ST by 2 for this activation. The Block actions are simultaneous and are resolved independently of the result of each one.

Pile Driver: when an opponent is Knocked down by this Player following a Block, this Player can attempt a free Foul action against the opponent if he is in an adjacent Square. This action ends the activation and places the Player Prone.

Stand Firm: this Player cannot be pushed back.

Strong Arm: +1 on PA tests for a Throw Team-Mate action. A Player that does not have the Throw team-mate Trait cannot have this Skill.

Thick Skull: on an Injury test against this Player:

- On an 8 (or 7 if Stunty): Stunned

- On a 9 (or 8 if Stunty): KO

- Other results are unchanged.

Trait Skills

Always Hungry (mandatory use) during an attempt to Throw Team-Mate, on a D6 result of 1: the Throw Team-Mate fails and the Player tries to eat his Team-mate. Attempt at eating: on a D6 result of 1, the Team-mate is Dead without possibility of an Apothecary.

Animal Savagery (mandatory use) after declaring an action, on a D6 result of 1-3 (with +2 if the declared action is a Blitz): an adjacent Team-mate is Knocked down. Only causes a Turnover if the victim was carrying the Ball. During an Armour Value test, the opposition Manager can use the Mighty Blow Skill if your Player has it. The Turn of the Player stops immediately if no Team-mate is adjacent. This Player loses his Tackle Zone until next activated.

Animosity (mandatory use) activated when this Player attempts a Hand-off or a Pass to a Square occupied by a Team-mate of the listed type. On a D6 result of 1, the action fails and the activation of this Player ends. Animosity does not target Star Players.

Ball & Chain (mandatory use) a Player with this Skill can only perform this action during his activation. This action imposes a special Move on the Player, forbidding him to carry or pick up the Ball. If this player enters a Square occupied by any other Standing Player, he must resolve a Block action. This Skill may still be used if the Player is Prone or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Bombardier: this Player can throw a bomb during his activation if he is already Standing and he has not yet moved. It does not use up the Pass Declaration for this Turn, and works like a Pass. The bomb explodes in the Square where it is if the throw fails, if it is not caught by a player or, on a roll of 4+, when it is caught. Any standing Players hit by the explosion are placed Prone. On a roll of 1-3, after it has been caught, the Player must throw the bomb.

Bone Head (mandatory use) on the activation of this Player, on a D6 result of 1: the Turn of this Player ends, and he loses his Tackle Zone. If this player was attempting a Declaration that was usable only once per Turn, it is lost.

Chainsaw (mandatory use) this action can replace a lone Block action or one that is part of a Blitz or a Foul. On a D6 result of 1: the Player injures himself. On other results, the target is hit. In all cases, an Armour Value test is made. All Armour Value tests caused by, or suffered by, the Chainsaw carrier have a +3 modifier.

Decay (mandatory use) +1 on tests made on the Casualties table against this Player.

Hypnotic Gaze: target an opponent who is Standing adjacent and who has not lost his Tackle Zone. This Player carries out an Agility test with -1 for each Player Marking him. If the test is successful, the opponent loses his Tackle Zone until his activation.

Kick Team-mate: once per Turn, as well as a Pass or a Throw Team-Mate action, this Player can attempt a Kick Team-mate action on an adjacent Team-mate with the Right Stuff Trait. This works like a Throw Team-Mate but, in case of failure, the target is automatically removed from the Pitch and an Injury test is made, treating Stunned as KO.

Loner (X+) (mandatory use) if this Player wants to use a Team re-roll, roll a D6. If the result is equal to or greater than the figure between brackets, this Player plays normally. On any other result, the first result is kept and the Team re-roll is lost. This Trait may still be used if the Player is Prone or has lost their Tackle Zone.

No Hands: this Player cannot take possession of the Ball nor attempt any action that would lead him to take possession of the Ball.

Plague Ridden: once per Match, if an opponent with an ST of 4 or less, and without the Regeneration, Decay or Stunty Traits suffers a Dead result following a Block or Foul by this Player, a new Lineman is placed in the Reserves box.

Pogo Stick: this Player can Jump over any Square during his Move, including a Square occupied by a Standing Player. Moreover, it reduces any Agility penalty by 1 for any attempts at jumping.

Projectile Vomit: replaces Block. Target an adjacent Standing Player and roll a D6:

1: the Player is covered in his own vomit.

2+: the target is covered.

In all cases, make an Armour Value test without modifier on the victim. If successful, the target is Prone and undergoes an Injury test.

Usable only once per Turn. Incompatible with Frenzy and Multiple Block.

Really Stupid (mandatory use) when this Player is activated, roll a D6:

1-3: the Turn of this Player ends and he loses his Tackle Zone. If this Player was attempting an action usable once per Turn, it is consumed.

4+: play normally.

The roll is made with a +2 bonus if, at least, one Team-mate without this Trait is adjacent.

Regeneration: on a Casualty, roll a D6:

1-3: the Casualty is applied.

4+: the Casualty is cancelled and the Player is placed in the Reserves box.

This Trait may still be used if the Player is Prone, Stunned or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Right Stuff (mandatory use) if this Player has an ST of 3 or less, he can be thrown by a Team-mate with the Throw Team-Mate Skill. This Trait may still be used if the Player is Prone, Stunned or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Secret Weapon (mandatory use) when a Drive involving this Player comes to an end, he is Sent off for having committed a Foul.

Stab: Stab can replace the Block action (including during a Blitz without moving after using it). An Armour Value test is made against the target. If the test is successful, the target becomes Prone and an Injury test without any modifier is made. Several Players can use this Skill during the same Turn.

Stunty (mandatory use) on Agility tests for a Dodge, this Player ignores the -1 Marking penalty on the Square he has just occupied. Bombardier, Chainsaw and Swoop cancel this advantage.

However, an opposition Player gains +1 on his Agility test when he Interfere with a Pass by this Player. This Trait may still be used if the Player is Prone, Stunned or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Swarming: at the start of a Drive, after the Kick-off, D3 Players with this Trait can be moved from the Reserves box onto the Pitch (the limit of 11 Players can be exceeded). They cannot be placed on the Line of Scrimmage or in a Wide Zone.

Swoop: if this Player is thrown by a Team-mate, you choose the scatter direction.

Take Root: when this Player is activated, after Declaration of his action, a D6 is rolled. On a roll of 1, this Player cannot move from the Square he occupies until he is Prone or Knocked down or the Drive ends. He may perform any valid action that does not include a Move.

Throw Team-Mate: if this Player has an ST of 5 or more, he can attempt a Throw Team-Mate action on a Team-mate with the Right Stuff Skill.

Timmm-ber!: if this Player has an MA of 2 or less, he gains +1 in Stand up tests for each adjacent Team-mate. A natural roll of 1 is always a failure. This Trait may still be used if the Player is Prone or has lost their Tackle Zone.

Titchy (mandatory use) +1 on Agility tests during a Dodge. However, if an opponent Dodge into the Tackle Zone of this Player, it does not count towards Agility tests.

Unchannelled Fury (mandatory use) when this Player is activated, after Declaration of his action, a D6 is rolled (with +2 if the action is a Blitz or a Block). On 4+, this Player continues his action normally.


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General advice Manage your luck. Start your turn with actions which don't require dice rolls, like standing up and moving without dodging. Then execute the key actions of your turn such as blitzing and moving the ball, and finally the mundane stuff like blocking for the sake of blocking. Remember that the odds of double skulls are 1/36: it will happen!

At team creation, always purchase 2 or more team rerolls. They're much cheaper at this stage and will prove very useful for all your matches.

When levelling up players, avoid TV (team value) bloating. Most linemen aren't meant to drive your TV to the roof with situational skills or expensive characteristic upgrades. Block and either Dodge or Guard are probably all they need.

Keep an eye on the turn timer. If you get too comfortable with the time allowed, you may find yourself scrambling to execute your last actions.

Keep an eye on the turn counter. On turns 7 and 15 you need to move at least one player in position to score on the next turn.

Further readingHere are three fan-made sites providing excellent advice to pick, play and develop your teams.

- GrumBBL:

- Blood Bowl Tactics:

- Blood Bowl Srategies:

About this guideLet me know if you have any suggestions or questions! If you've learned anything from this guide, feel free to upvote / favorite / award it.

And if you enjoy turn-based games, visit Turn-Based Tactics, the largest Steam group dedicated to the genre, run by gamers for gamers.


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