This guide was Built in hopes people can use it in the future, since there is no actual guide for this game.
Seems alot of players had no care for this game and developer neglecting, but for those who play free, or just paying for enjoyment to play.
if you played similar games this one, and its no different in terms of mechanics.
Achievement Review
100% Achievement Difficulty 9/10 - Because your Gated from everything with very low population if you have a Solid party of 5 friends its possible, a Duo much more difficult, Solo Impossible
Completionist Time: for Straight Achievements without things stopping you less than 300hours...
Is there PVP: Yes, it starts at Lv 28 in matchmaking, its a Battlefield 10vs10 or 3vs3 warlord arena
Casual Play: Up to story if your zoom through with no Knowledge its about 30-40hours up to level 26...
Story becomes absolute Difficult in the Post Game of the Timeless jungle and beyond. they didnt completely finish the story. nor complete the world.
This May be a Incomplete guide, and still in progress since there so much.
Early Tips N Tricks To Know
Theres alot of things this game that Everything is Grindy, and a learning curve.
[Expand your bags]Bag pieces (4 = 1 slot) Bag Tickets (+1 slots)
Completing Quests, Main Quests will provide Bag Tickets & EXP, Skill EXP, & Star Seeds.
Bag Pieces can be found Through out the world. im not gonna lie there is ALOOOT....
[Movement Speed Buff]20min buff that gives you about 50% movement speed about almost equal to Berserk buff
it stacks with every buff
Location: [Carzacor Plaza] - Next to the Guild Register
Location: [Navarra Plaza] - At the Giant statue next to the Reputation Quest Deliverer.
[Harvest & Tradeskill EARLY] - Early Blessings & Potential Maxing
The Grindest Part, and the most difficult part of all games is the grinding. you might not think tradeskills are worth it, but when people are making Elixir of Blades III, or other ATK % Potion... Food etc.... just so they can 1shot there foes, it makes alot of difference.
Leveling wont seem to be a problem but you will have difficulty with Elite foes in a later time. at higher levels.
[Region Quests Early as possible]After you clear Narvarra & Carzacor Campaign quests will be Shrinked only to Elite Bosses only. you will be stuck killing Elite bosses for the rest of your in game life. its best to do this Early as possible.
i dont know why the developers made it to where the Campaign controls all your Region quests.... but thats what they did.
Max level is 45 - Skills Level 30 - Class Skill level 20+
Bless Altar daily Free Potential[Check Potential Section] potential will help you grow slowly its a mini buff puzzle
Star Seeds FarmingYea i know you wanted something on Star Seeds.... Farming Dungeons/Quests will yield you Star Seeds as well as Weekly purchase, there will be a section [in progress[
Utilizating your map legend highlightsHands down the most handy, Highlighter in game, however it doesnt light up "All Characters" lol but a Great majority, its super useful i strongly recommend using this
Giving the Poor begger Food
[1st Location]: Carzacor - lower Ribus River Bridge (Next to the Fisherman's Starting Questline)
as long as you have [Stingy Meat] your inventory you can gain a Blessing from the begger... you might see them as just a NPC
[2nd Location]: Narvarra - Roughclaw Village Telepost/Lake Azos area
[3rd Location]: Tristezza Bridge - Next to the Third Eye Cultists
Giving The Wandering Beggar FoodWanders the Roads
Gives Protection of Physera
"Defense +300 Boost"
Classes & Races
CrusaderRace: Human & Ippin
Weapon: Sword & Shield
Armor: Heavy "Plate Armor"
Class is Oriented as a Melee up Close in Person type Class, Inflicting Debuffs on your foes.
They act as Tanks....
Playstyle Speed: Moderate
Damage: Moderate
Skills: Moderate ..... Straight forward Class. Cant go Wrong.
BerserkerRace: Verg only (Skills Preview shows Human as a available race too)
Weapon: Axe & Totem
Armor: Heavy "Plate armor"
Beserkers are Up Front Combat, who Leap attack there foes & Whirlwind them..... Calls forth "Berserk" to enhance its power.
Playstyle Speed: Slams & Pushes & Spins
Damage: Slow - Fast.... Charge Attacks - Slow But strong.
Skills: Moderate ... Recommend Like Ranger. its Fun
Race: Elf only
Weapon: Bow & Quiver
Armor: Medium "Leather"
Rangers are Ranged, Use a Versatile range of skills, to Barrage your foes with Arrows.
Playstyle: Fast, has [quiver ammo], Manuver moves, Rush shots, Charge shots
Damage: Moderate
Skills: Requires timing..... Recommend for Everyone to play.
Race: Human or Elf
Weapons: Staff & Orb
Armor: Cloth "Robes"
Mage are Ranged who can Devastate the Battlefield, with Arcane Lightning, to Blizzard Storms, or Dropping a Meteor on there Foes
Playstyle: Arcane & Fire & Ice Magic, Slow Cooldowns High Dmg.... has [Mana]
Damage: Slow - But Strong
Skills: Practice needed....
Race: Elf
Weapons: Daggers
Armor: Medium "leather"
Assassins utilize stealth, to sneak away or Sneak attack there foes... utilizing the effects of HIT n RUN.
Playstyle: Hit n Run... Rush, Scatter, Debuffs, Ambush.... BEST AT PVP WEAK at PVE (dont ask me why)
Damage: Weak & Strong.
Skills: Takes Practice Like Mage... in PvE monsters will notice your stealth, some wont. alot of utility like ranger... but its all upclose melee.
Race: Ippin or Human
Weapon: Staff & Orb
Armor: Clothing "robes"
Priests Slow Down, Burn, Weaken your Foes while Buffing your Allies, and act as Healers & Tanks at a Range.
Playstyle: Beneficial to All Parties.
Damage: Weak to Moderate.(again Beneficial), starting out Weak. they become Moderate late game.
Skills: A Little Practice... hands down Best with DUNGEONS
Class: Crusader
Crusader Skills:
Crusader Combo:
Valor - Crusader Build
[Powerful Shout]: Using Shout-type combos and Skills activates Final Strike (Full Charge) for 3 to 8 seconds, Increase Dmg +30 to 125% (Lv 20)
[Brave Assasult]: Hitting Enemies with Final Strike (Full Charge) Decreases cooldown for Strike types 30% to 100%
[Concentrated Power]: Enables Final Strike to charge up to 2 times (Lv 1) to 3times (lv 10), and Skill level +0 (Lv 1) +2 (Lv 10), Pulls 8 (lv 1) to 2 (Lv 10) or more with [Chain of War] will charge the skill once
[The Eternal Warrior]: increase Dmg of Strike Skills +30% (lv 1) to 100% (lv 20), Defense +225 (lv 1)
to 5000 (Lv 20)
Wolf - Crusader Build
[Fang of the Wolf]:
Class: Berserker
Berserker Dynamic
the Character has 3 types of moves
[Shock] - Focus's and Heavy Long Attacks that Knockdown
[Sweeping Slash] - Fast, Wide Attacks
[Roar] - Shout, to Disorient your Foes or Provide buffs to allies!
Skills - Combos - Blessings are all interconnecting with each other...
Featured Class Skill: [Berserk] can be changed after lv 30 if you wish
Beserker Skills
Berserker Combos
Berserker Class Skills
Valor Berserker Build:This Build Primarily Focuses on Skills [Leap attack] [Whirlwind] & [Berserk].... Secondary is Using Slash related Skills, since it loves Slashing... its great for Starting out. it can crush foes early game.
What does this Build Do? When you hit a Foe it reduces Cool down on [Whirl Wind]
[Leap attacking] will also reduce it and [Berserk]
[Hit Combos will also Boost its Effects]
[Whirlwind] - Causes Bleeding to foes. and is much stronger amplified by all other skills
[Any Hits] - Will provide Blade wind buff 10x stack, which gives whirlwind an % of DMG for 20seconds.
[Blade Wind] - "Successful hits" Whirlwind has 20% (Lv 1) to 65% (Lv 20) of applying [Bleed Status] - Dmg over Time (DOT) for 10seconds up 3 stacks (3times) Bladewind lasts 20seconds stacks up 10 times, each Stack grants Whirl Wind Dmg 6.5%
[Rushing Storm] - Hitting with Combos activates [Rushing Storm] Extending the Duration of Whirl by +1 second, it Stacks up 1 (Common) - 10 times (legendary) ALL Stack Buffs will be consumed apon [Whirlwind] hitting a target, All Combo related attacks will have a 10% (Lv 1) to 65% (Lv 20) chance of giving [Whirl wind] Cooldown - 1 second
[Eye of the Storm] - Hitting with [Leap attack] Cooldown of [Whirl Wind] by 16% (common) to 100% (Legendary) using [Berserk Rage] Will reset your cooldown of [Whirl Wind] While adding 1 (Lv 1) to 10stacks (lv 20) of [Blade Wind] & [Rushing Storm]
[Avatar of the Storm] - Increases your ATK Power of All Slash types combos 15% and Critical hit Rate 1% (lv 1) to 10% (Lv 20)
Wolf Berserker BuildWolf build - arguebly one of the best, or is the Best. with Critical hits, you can crush Most foes with ease.
This Build Primarily Focuses on [Shock] - [Shoulder Slam] - [Furious Earthbreaker] OR [Guillotine] - [Relentless Cleave] - [Whirl Wind]
The Build doesnt kick off till your least at Lv 7 - 10 ish.
[Preheat] - Shoulder Slamming a Target, applies [Pre Heat] - for 3 seconds (lv 1) to 15seconds (Lv 20)
[Relentless Cleave] and [Furious Earthbreaker] (without Using Rage) will be Charge Level 3 when Effect is active
[Charging Grasp] - Hit target with combo and Whirl Wind will Decrease [Relentless Cleave] & [Furious Earthbreaker] (Without Rage) by 5% (lv 1) to 45% (lv 20)
[Deep Impact] - [Shoulder Slam] Cooldown Decrease by 100%, [Shoulder Slam] Damage Increase by 110% (Lv 1) to 500% (lv 20)
[Beating Earth] - All Shock Type Combos & Skills increase Dmg by 15% (lv 1) to 80% (lv 20) and Max Stamina +5 (lv 1) to +20 (Lv20)
Lionheart Berserker BuildThe Blessing again is arguably one of the Best, like Wolf... its Potentially Shocky lol
This Build Primarily focuses on [Guilotine] - [Relentless Cleave] - [Whirlwind] - [Optional]
[Beastlord's attack] - Using Shock - type combos & Skills Give [Attack Warning] Effect for 4 seconds (lv 1) to 15seconds (lv 20). Using Slash type combos activate [Beastlord's attack] increasing Critical hit Rate 25% for 5seconds stacks up to 4times
[Beastlord's Advance] - Using Slashing type combos & Skills gives [Attack Warning] Effect for 4 to 15seconds. Using Shock type Combos Activates [Beastlord's Advance] Attack Speed 2.5% for (8seconds to 24 seconds) up to 4times
[Consecutive Strike] - Hits with skills apply Consecutive Strike Effect for 7 (lv 1) to 20seconds (lv 20), Increases attack power by 2% can stack up to 10 times
Unleashing the Wilderness - Decrease cooldown for ALL Skills 5% to 25% Increase Critical Hit Damage 2.5% to 50%
Crescent Moon BerserkerThis Build is all about the Rage (litterally), its Tankish, and Designed for you to stay in Rage mode, while keeping your HP High.
Best used with Union to recieve the maximum Defensive
[Raging Binge] - Reducing Cooldown & HP Consumption of Rage: Extinction by 25% (lv 1) to 85% (lv 20) & Charge time by 50%, While Rage Hits Fully charged, Grants ATK Speed by 15% Atk Power 50% (lv 1) to 150% (lv 20)
[Surpress Pain] - Overpower skill can be Charged up to 2 times, if Overpower hits, with Raging hunter & Blood Leech Applied, Will extend 0.7seconds (lv 1) to 4seconds (lv 20) for each target up to 8 targets (Lv 1) to 20 target (lv 20)
[Overcome Pain] - Attacking with Blood Leech Applies 27.5% (lv 1) to 100% (lv 20) chance to Decrease [Warcry] skill by 2seconds, Enemies reduce in movement when hit with Rage: Extinction will so be stunned for 2seconds (lv 1) to 3seconds (lv 20)
[Imposing] Increase Warcry Skills by 20% (lv1) to 100% (lv 20) and Defense +225 (lv 1) to 5000 Defense (lv 20)
Class: Ranger
Class: Assassin
Class: Mage
Class: Priest
1 - 83 Bag Piece Chests
South Sperios - Starting Zone to Carzacor HarborChest #1 - At the Bed at the Start
Chest #2 - in the Farm house
Chest #3 - At Pyre Camp (cant miss it)
Chest #4 - buried in the rocks of the Wolf cave
Chest #5 - in the water, you will see a Sign that says "dont dive" (just jump)
Chest #6 - on the path to Carzacor harbor
Chest #7 - when you reach Carzacor harbor in the bushes next to the wall
Chest #8 - On the Boat in the harbor
Chest #9 - on the wall.... Edge of the harbor
Chest #10 - next to #9 just a little further down. at the bottom of the hill
Carzacor CityChest #11 - on your way to Don Deigo, under the Archway!
Chest #12 - to the RIGHT of the Marketplace manager (in the Flower patches)
Chest #13 - Ordo University "Tiny Chest" behind the Bench
Chest #14 - To the Left of the University outside at a corner (big chest)
Chest #15 - you gotta Climb up the Painted wall and jump on top of the building your treasure in the faceless territory
Chest #16 - hiding in the back back corner of the faceless area... n
Chest #17 - at the Mount Stables, next to a pile of Hay!
Western Hills to South Farmlands up the Ribus RiverChest #18 - Western hill North, Part of a side quest by the bard.
Chest #19 - Shield Maiden Elite Boss, north of her.
Chest #20 - Climb the crumbled stone walls, to reach the chest in the ampitheater
Chest #21 - Southwest ampitheater area, out in the open, easy grab. behind a Large tree.
Chest #22 - Gallopa's Farm area - behind the farm house
Chest #23 - Cricket Tunnels, Easy access.
Chest #24 - Deeper in the Cricket Tunnels! South of #23
Chest #25 - Next to a Rock in the bushes. in the boar area.
Chest #26 - Next to the Giant, Shore Cliffside, hiding in the bushes
Chest #27 - Carzacor outskirts where the faceless & Bandits roam.. easy to find.
Start of Ribus Bridge to Alicorno Forest Up to Eastern FarmlandsChest #28 - North of the bridge. next to the Ribus Turtles - in the Foxtail patch
Chest #29 - South West - of [West Alicorno Telepost] - with the bandits
Chest #30 - South of [Unicorn Watcher] Telepost - Hiding the bushes up the hill
Chest #31 - South of Piarlo's Farm, behind the house.
Chest #32 - North of the [Piarlo's Farms telepost] Next to the wall, disguised as a bush
Chest #33 - North of #32, to the Ribus River, the River is hanging out next to a Row of Gathering materials
Chest #34 - North of [Castra Magnus telepost], hiding in the Left corner.
Chest #35 - Middle of [Castra Magnus] - South of Undead Treant - Under the Ruins
Chest #36 - NorthEast of [Undead Treant] and North of [Messenger of the Void] (dont fight him), Chest is Disguised as a Pile of Skeleton remains.
You Are Now 36/250 Found Chests!!
To Narvarra CityChest #37 - On your way to Soulpyre, its on the Road
Chest #38 - hiding at the Buzzard Nest
Chest #39 - Along the Road next to a Pile of Dead bodies. buried chest.
Chest #40 - Just before the City Gates, its in a open space with Prarie Jackals
Chest #41 - soon as you Enter the gate - Right Side - "TINY CHEST" on the cart
Chest #42 - Narvarra Palace - at the top of the stairs before the office, on the ledge... becareful not to fall.
Chest #43 - Next to Olvera hiding in alleyway. "Buried"
Chest #44 - Next to the Dye Artisan "HOWEVER" - its behind the Buildings.
Chest #45 - Past Starseed merchant. "tiny Chest" northeast of the Bag merchant. along the wall
Narvarra CityChest #46 - Veteran's Club Up stairs hiding in the corner
Chest #47 - Narvarra cemetary stuff in back corner of the church
Chest #48 - Outside the gates, also stuffed in the backcorner wall
Eastern PirariesChest #49 - South of the mailbox - heading out of narvarra, Buried Chest Camo'ed into the ground.
Chest #50 - is Next to the Dustwind bandit Leader. hes technically guarding it
Chest #51 - Above the Dustwind Den, in a "Grave-Stone" on the Hill
Chest #52 - North of #50 & #51, With the Dustwind bandits.
Western BarrensChest #53 - Harpy Den area, Buried Chest, next to horses, n harpies.
Chest #54 - "Castro's Ranch" Buried in Piles of Hay
Chest #55 - "Castro's Ranch" Next to the Wanderer, in the Pool of Water.
Chest #56 - little north of Stone of Stone Zephyr. small chest in the Shed
Chest #57 - Bandit area. up on the Boulder next to the entrance. Jump down from the Archway.
Western PrariesChest #58 - Narvarra Lake, Shabiki outpost north of it.
Chest #59 - Right Next to #58
Chest #60 - Navarra Military Camp, West of the Telepost, Ring of Water Area.
Dead BarrensChest #61 - North east of [Ragmane's Entrance telepost] you will find a corpse and a Chest
Chest #62 - East of [Ragmane's Entrace], Next to "Warding Gnoll Warchief"
Chest #63 - West Far Side of Dead Barrens, Roughclaw territory, Has Gnolls n Goblins guarding it, climb the boulder, jump on the platforms, its in the middle platform
Congratulations your 63/250 !!! onto Gnolls Waste!
Gnolls Waste - Dead Barrens to the west sideChest #64 - [Entrance to the Waste telepost] - in a pond.
Chest #65 - [Goblin foreman] northwest ish, its in the barrel which is next to the tree
Chest #66 - [Ragmane territory] chest is in a pile of boxes, "TINY CHEST"
Chest #67 - [Goblin territory] - next to a tree, by a Wooden fence. easy to see. big chest
Dead Barrens East to Lake AzosChest #68 - above the hyena pit, next to a tree & in a Bush "Big chest"
Chest #69 - Rough Claw territory (East), under the pillar.
Chest #70 - At [Stone Zephyr] near it. hiding in a bush
Chest #71 - near Soulpyre, to the west, hiding behind the boulder.
Chest #72 - Bashal area, next to Aiden, in the lily's hiding.
Drysand barrens area Left to RightChest #73 - "TINY CHEST" on a gravestone.
Chest #74 - Big Chest sitting in the trees, [goblin territory] next to sand minions
Chest #75 - Big Chest sitting next to the "Jumbo King" - Elephant
Jade ReachChest #76 - Shabiki Village - Little to the West. Easy to see big Chest
Chest #77 - Far East. Siting next to a Giant Palm. near Dreamscale shamans
Chest #78 - Near #78, a little parkour, climbing walls On the Right Side to get this Chest
Chest #79 - South of the jade reach by the temple buried in the dirt
Chest #80 - SouthWest of Jade Reach Easy to grab
Chest #81 - Next to the Greenwarden, you will need to climb a bit of the cliff to claim your chest.
Chest #82 - Next to Fishing hotspot Easy to Find.
Chest #83 - Next to the road, by the fairys, behind a tree. easy to find.
Gnolls Waste 83/250!!!
84 - 166 Bag Piece Chests
Border of Tristezza - Hunter hillChest #84 - right next to the telepost camp. up on a ledge.
Chest #85 - in the building next to the beds.
Chest #86 - up on the Castle wall, guarded by hoodlum bandits
Ruins of SorrowsChest #87 - next to Trees, at a Gravestone. next to some skellys.
Chest #88 - behind the Wall, opposite side of the telepost. there is a small opening to it.
Chest #89 - by the Refugee camp easy to find
Chest #90 - next to a pack of zombies, disguised as a Bush.
Chest #91 - Past the Field of corpses. at the end of the road.
Road to TristezzaChest #92 - on top of the building you will have to climb up and jump to it.
Chest #93 - next to a tower, in a Bush, can be a little difficult to see.
Chest #94 - West of the telepost, hiding in a bush, next to a boulder
TristezzaChest #95 - this one is a bit tricky... you need to walk along the edge to pick this one up
Chest #96 - this one is outside behind the castle of Rosso.
Third eye Cult areaChest #97 - Right Next to the Soulpyre.
Chest #98 - in the Army of Third eye Cult members
Dimensional RiftChest #99 - hiding the corner of a Wall. small Chest
Chest #100 - Past the Cyclops to the left, chest sitting on a rockmound
Chest #101 - next to the Alter of Physera
Chest #102 - Next to #102 / Alter next to packs of Mutated animals
Chest #103 - hanging by the wall, and pack of Rift Monsters. on the far side.
North to SperiosChest #104 - Along the Road, in the Camp. Easy to grab
Chest #105 - Along the Road before you reach the Soulpyre.
Chest #106 - Near Soulpyre at the Dog Race Circuit. in the shed.
Chest #107 - Past the Dog Circuit at the Horse Stables. Easy to grab
Chest #108 - Far East side, near Owl bears, tiny chest in the open.
Sperios Districts - East to SouthChest #109 - Industrial District - in the smithy house. "Near telepost"
Chest #110 - Near Telepost "In the Golden Scale Inn" - Chest is upstairs.
Chest #111 - near the Alter of Physera, in the flower patch
Chest #112 - Very South End of Sperios, side of the building, theres a walkway to reach it.
Sperios Districts - Center moving NorthwestChest #113 - in the Sentinel's Hub, Big chest next to the table
Chest #114 - right side of the plaza area, its in the grass camo'ed
Chest #115 - North of #114, hiding in a bush
Chest #116 - Near the Telepost, up the stairs, in the bushes, next the grass hedge.
Chest #117 - in the Noble's District theater, its hanging off the left side of the room, in a corner, you need to hope ledge and hug the wall.
Chest #118 - West side of the flower garden before you reach it, its Next to the stairs.
Sperios Noble Districts - North to East sideChest #119 - Flower garden far end cant miss it.
Chest #120 - #119 Parallel to it. opposite side
Chest #121 - Sorza's Palace, Up the Stairs in the office. sitting on the table
Chest #122 - by the Overseer telepost Up the stairs in a patch of flowers
Chest #123 - South of the telepost, its hiding in another office room, behind a object.
Chest #124 - East of the telepost, well, northeast bridge, jump off it, and run along the Back of the buildings
Northern Sperios bottom to the top Chest #125 & #126 - Both are hanging off the Rocks, just a gap off of each other.
Chest #127- Up the hill to the right. disguised as a bush.
Chest #128 - Near the telepost, hiding on top of the stable house. it will take some jumping to get.
Chest #129 - down by the docks near telepost. easy to grab.
Chest #130 - in the tavern, behind the bar. easy grab.
Chest #131 - in the quarry, gotta jump up the Bricks, to the top.
Chest #132 - Right side of Quarry up in the Wood Mill.
Before Padana VillageChest #133 - right on the docks before cross into Padana region.
Into Padana VillageChest #134 - Right by the Gate, right by the telepost cant miss it!
Chest #135 - Next to the soulpyre, right next to the building. smal chest
Chest #136 - Under a Pine tree, by Deers n Wolves. in a Open field of Ore/Trees
Into Asgra VillageChest #137 - Pack of Rampspike Wolves, up on the rocks (south of telepost)
Chest #138 - SouthWest of #136, Right next to the well, Disguised as a bush
Chest #139 - in the field, guarded by the captain.
Chest #140 - Northeast - Around a Pack of Spiders, and Deer
Chest #141 - North in the Burn down village, around a pack of spiders, in a burn building.
Into Goldstone AscentChest #142 - Sitting above the Alter, on the rocky side, hiding in bushes.
Chest #143 - Sitting on a Bone Pile. might be difficult to see, its a big chest.
Chest #144 - in the "Griffon Nest"
Chest #145 - in the Inn Top Floor, by the beds.
Around Mount MargraveChest #146 - Farmer's Footbridge, just under it. walk down the rocks.
Chest #147 - Past the Bridge to the trees, up on the rocky Cliff like #141.
Chest #148 - "Mistwind Grove" up on the hill, at the giant tree, disguised as a bush
Chest #149 - Little north of the soulpyre, up on the cliff disguised as another bush!
Chest #150 - In NightRunner Territory. its in the open, guarded by them.
Chest #151 - Southeast of Night Runner territory, hanging off the cliff. right by a waterfall
Chest #152 - Nightrunner Storage Area - Up top of the cliff, above there buildings.
Chest #153 - Along the road to Kannus Mountains. easy to find. "hiding as a bush"
Kannus Mountains - Bee Whistling GorgeChest #154 - in the camp easy to find
Chest #155 - on the rocks next to camp, top of the boulders.
Chest #156 - Middle of the Whistling gorge next to the ladder, might be difficult to climb.
Chest #157 - along the path of Rotus Road, east to find, under a Pine tree
Habatti Scout CampChest #158 - up the Wooden Steps near the tower. Easy to find
Chest #159 - In the camping tent, easy to find
Chest #160 - Little difficult to Grab, in the Wooden tower.
To Habatti TerritoriesChest #161 - South of the telepost, easy to grab, by the building
Chest #162 - over by the buzzards, easy to grab
Chest #163 - Follow the loop around path or if you want rush up the hill, its Buried on the boulder
Chest #164 - you can Climb up to, or Go to #164, and jump across.
Chest #165 - Follow the Road to the deer trail and slowly make it to the rocky Edge.
Northern SlopeChest #166 - before the hill up, easy to find, its another bush
Chest #167 - SItting Next to the [two-headed Wyvern] easy to grab
167 - 255 Bag Pieces Chests
Stonemist mountains +Beryl MinesChest #167 - little north of Telepost on the boulder. easy to grab
Chest #168 - along the road easy to grab
Chest #169 - in the Deep part of the Beryl mines (far east) faceless assassins roaming.
Chest #170 - up on the boulders, inbetween. it might be difficult to spot.
Chest #171 - Sitting in a Wyvern's Nest (far north)
Rutus Defense Line Chest #172 - Difficult to grab, its between the building and the wall. easy to find
Chest #173 - Giant Chest under a Pine Tree, Disguised as a bush, easy to find
Chest #174 - other side of #173, sitting out in the open, by a Dead tree.
Chest #175 - Along the road, its behind the wood barricaded debris.
Chest #176 - Cliff of the Rutus monk territory, along the big cliff surface. easy to find
Chest #177 - Part of the Main Campaign, you will find it at the top of the monastary.
Kannus Valley - Skaa Refugee CampChest #178 - Along the Road Under the Tree, Easy to Find
Chest #179 - Along the Road Up the Hill, Under the Tree, Easy to Find
Chest #180 - Skaa Village, Up top on a Cliff, on a Graveyard.
Chest #181 - Skaa Village, Behind Blacksmithing Forge, inbetween the barricades
Chest #182 - Ironfist basin, Disguised as a bush, easy to find.
Chest #183 - Shadehills, in the burnt building burried with a pile of sticks.
Chest #184 - Next to #183 up the hill northeast. hiding in the bushes, Guarded by faceless
Kannus Valley - Nightspire grounds!Chest #185 - Guarded by Hellbulls n Imps Watch out, Easy to grab
Chest #186 - Theres a Hill on the Northern side of the swamp that will take you to this chest!
Chest #187 - Easy to Find Tiny Chest South of #186.
Chest #188 - by the Soulpyre, Under a Tree.
Chest #189 - Gideon's Tower. - in the back of the tower
Chest #190 - Gideons's Tower - East side of #188 in the lower back area
Kannus Valley - Skaa VillageChest #191 - Disguised as a Moldy Pumpkin Easy to find
Chest #192 - Hiding behind a building, South of #191
Chest #193 - Behind on Giant Gylph Stone, easy to find
Chest #194 - up the tower, buried under wood. South of #193
Chest #195 - along the road West of the [Southern fork telepost]
Kannus Valley - Drei'zinen ruinsChest #196 - Thumb of the Stone Colossus. easy to grab
Chest #197 - Up the River Inbetween some rocks, easy to grab
Chest #198 - South of the Field Boss in the Ruins... easy to grab
Beorun - Road of Silence & East BeorunChest #199 - Coming into Beorun along the road, easy to grab
Chest #200 - Road into Aurdenn, next to the demons and humans fighting each other. Under a tree.
Chest #201 - Aurdenn Village, Right by the Docks, Easy to find, Hop on the building.
Chest #202 - Aurdenn Village - East, on the road, easy to find
Chest #203 - Aurdenn Village - East behind a building, easy to find
Chest #204 - South of the Village, in a field of Demons
Chest #205 - Past the [Phantom Duke Issac] - right by the building
Chest #206 - Up on the Walls, will take some jumps. & your mount, with practice
Beorun Upper - Aurdenn ForestChest #207 - Easy to grab, just dont fall in the river, stay close to the bridge, and fall off it. its under.
Chest #208 - Easy to grab, up on the hill, past the eyebeasties.
Chest #209 - Easy to grab [south of the telepost],
Chest #210 - past an Army of Faceless Trainees, inbetween the 1st n 2nd gate.
Beorun - NorthWest sideChest #211 - Next to the bridge,
Chest #212 - Under a Tree, South of the Woodcutter camp telepost.
Chest #213 - Northern beorun, Garden of nightmares, next to the deadtrees, easy to find
Chest #214 - far back near the [knight of Regret]
Beorun - SouthwestChest #215 - Follow the path up to the chest.
Chest #216 - Next to a [Field Boss "Mantis"] becareful it can slice you!
Chest #217 - Similar to #215, path starts at the Union Camp.
Chest #218 - Far West hiding behind a huge boulder.. easy to find.
Ostium - East SideChest #219 - Along the Road "Hidden" in a [secret tunnel!!] - Will be difficult to find!
Chest #220 - Eastern Skittering Forest - in the Giant Tree
Chest #221 - Eastern Skittering Forest - East of the giant Tree
Chest #222 - Ostium's Starlight theater - Easy to find!
Chest #223 - At the boss [Dragonnewt Warrior] Careful [ ! ] hes got minions!
Chest #224 - theres a small hill, than you gotta climb various of boulders it will be difficult!
Chest #225 - [blackshale pass] - by roaming hellbulls and imps. East of #224
Ostium - North West SideChest #226 - #227 [Ostium Fortress] Behind a building, under a tree, disguised as a bush
Chest #228 - by the walls, under a tree, disguised a bush
Chest #229 - in the Ecology Research camp, Easy to find
Chest #230 - [Skittering Forest Lake] - by the shack behind to fence, in the ferns
Chest #231 - [Skittering Forest Lake] - up the hill, may be a glitchy. under a tree
Chest #232 - [RedShroom Valley] - Past the Spiders, and Faceless.
Chest #233 - [Redshroom Valley] - Opposite side of #232
Ostium's Quarry!Chest #234 - [STARTS] where the Pile of Blocks are, and head up the ledges.
Chest #235 - Little to the left Across ladders & Platforms. easy to reach
Chest #236 - Up a Ramp, on some Concrete blocks, easy to reach
Chest #237 - climb up to a Ramp, than drop off it, to a lower platform to claim your Chest
To Eidolon ForestChest #238 - [pinewind woods] - sitting on the Hill. buried in rocks, to blend in. easy to find
Chest #239 - [Along the road] - Easy pick up
Chest #240 - [Niarian Cemetary] - in a shed, becareful of zombies and dryads
Chest #241 - Southwest of the telepost - in a burnt house, becareful of Ghosts n spectres
Chest #242 - near the telepost - at the base of the tree, easy to find.
Southwest to Middle of Eidiolon ForestChest #243 - [South east Eidolon Forest] - in the shed, guarded by ghosts
Chest #244 - [Rosewood digsite] - in the camping tent
Chest #245 - up the road, to the West, a army of demons sit in wait, easy to find chest.
Chest #246 - North of Rosewood, Right next to the pack of unicorns
East side of Eidolon ForestChest #247 - Past the Slimes & Crocdiles (hostiles), Chest is Chilling with Grass around it.
Chest #248 - [Burnt Fairy Tree] In a Giant Pool of Slimes, Easy to reach. Easy to find
Chest #249 - [Ancient ruin Digsite] - Near the Third Eye cultist, easy to reach
Northern Eidiolon Forest (Right to left)Chest #250 - [Rabin Farmstead] - guarded by a swarm of hellhounds.
Chest #251 - Near the Flame Desert giant (north side), Easy to find
Chest #252 - Near Telepost - in Village, easy to find
Chest #253 - West of Telepost - in the Shed, easy to find
Chest #254 - North West... North of #253... Easy to find
Chest #255 - At the End of the Eidiolon Forest, Beware the hydras.
256 - 315 Bag Piece Chests
Timeless Jungle - Oathkeeper BoskChest #256 - Base of the WaterFall, easy to find.
Chest #257 - [Webfoot village] - in the village, easy to find
Chest #258 - near the Field boss - hiding in the grass, by the tree
Chest #259 - near the field boss - in the water pond,
Chest #260 - off the road, southeast of the field boss, hiding off the rocky hill +bushes
Chest #261 - Little off the road, next to the village, easy to find. in a bushy patch
Timeless Jungle - Red Sun to Forgotten Marsh Chest #262 - [stardust Quarry] - next to 2 quarry miners, it will take a bit of climbing
Chest #263 - [stardust quarry] - at the mining site. easy to reach
Chest #264 - [red sun settlement] - EAST its hiding in the bushes
Chest #265 - [red sun settlement] - South, its in a pile of rocks
Chest #266 - West of #265, base of the 2 spiral trees.
Chest #267 - [Forgotten marsh] North of the trees, in a Watery marsh, beware of swamp monstas.
Chest #268 - [Forgotten marsh] North West of the trees, near another giant tree. easy to reach.
Timeless Jungle - Forgotten Marsh (West) to Forest of UmbraChest #269 - [Forgotten marsh] - On the rocks, easy to find
Chest #270 - [Forgotten marsh] - Shabiki Village, easy to find, in the trees.
Chest #271 - [Forest of Umbra] - East. South of telepost, Under Trees. easy to find
Chest #272 - [Forest of Umbra] - Middle, under a tree, in a bush, easy to locate.
Chest #273 - [Forest of Umbra] - North, near tribute hunters. easy to grab.
Chest #274 - [Forest of Umbra] - West, near the road. Easy to find.
Chest #275 - [Forest of Umbra] - SouthWest, along the road easy to find.
Zankala - Albando shoreChest #276 - sitting on the Ship Wrecked Ship
Chest #277 - Siting on the alter, its a little buggy, attack than pick up
Chest #278 - Sitting next to the Wyvern Field boss just up the hill a little
Zankala - Azurethorn to Kuat Run TempleChest #279 - [Azurethorn enterance] Off the side the road a little, easy to find, disguised as a bush
Chest #280 - [Azurethrorn Forest] off the road. Easy to find, buried on a boulder.
Chest #281 - [Azurethorn roads] Along the road, easy to find
Chest #282 - [Kaut Temple] sitting on the porch, disguised as a braiser
Chest #283 - [Kaut temple] near the temple itself, in one of the buried buildings, difficult to climb.
Chest #284 - [Kaut temple] inside the temple to claim it
Terra'Sol VillageChest #285 - Can find this chest in Terra Sol temple. Easy to find
Zankala - Lake Stonemoss to Primal ForestChest #285 - [North of stoneMoss lake] - Climb up the tree, and reach the chest
Chest #286 - [at Stonemoss lake] - sitting behind the Union bulletinboard, easy to grab
Chest #287 - [ankasa Jungle] - hiding inbetween a piece of wall, careful not to alert raptors
Chest #288 - [Primal forest] - Next to the dinosours
Chest #289 - [Primal Forest] - Near the Soulpyre, its a mountain of bones to climb for it.
Zankala - Sombera Forest to Shimmerscale MinesChest #290 - [Sombera Forest camp] - behind the dead monster
Chest #291 - [Sombera Forest Road] along the road to the mines
Chest #292 - [Outside Shimmerscale mines] this one is a tricky, its on the tracks, difficult to climb
Chest #293 - [Shimmerscale mines] - One of the tunnels on the right, you will be surrounded.
Chest #294 - [Shimmerscale mines] at the very END of the Mines
Ivory Dunes - Dawnstar CanyonChest #294 - [Golden Refugee camp] in there shrine area, buried with rocks, easy to reach
Chest #295 - [next to Deathtail Sovereign] - Its close to this giant scorpion, grab an go!
Chest #296 - [along the road] - up a little hill, beware of poachers.
Ivory Dunes -Dawnstar Canyon - West sideChest #297 - [Along the road] - disguised a bush
Chest #298 - [Brownie Burrows] - this one is at the very end of the road, sitting near the throne
Chest #299 - [Brownie burrows] - its at a rock bridge beware of stone throwers, it blends into the ground.
Chest #300 - [along the Road to madann] - Pull away the soldiers first, than run to claim the chest.
Ivory Dunes - Madann (careful hostile territory) till ALL Campaign is completed.This entire area is hostile, so you will most likely die, its alot of running away and running back to get the chest.
Theres archers (who shot fast), and Soldiers who swing slow
Chest #301 - chilling in the corner of the past the [mount merchant]
Chest #302 - in the bushes, and trees, next to 4 guards. [north of the telepost]
Chest #303 - chilling near a citizen's house, guarded by 2 patrol guards.
Chest #304 - outside the temple, easy to reach, easy to find.
Ivory Dunes - Dawnstar Canyon - East Side
Chest #305 - [Right next to telepost] ya cant miss it
Chest #306 - [East of telepost] - Desert Murderer, he will aggro as soon as he sees you. hes slow
Chest #307 - [Jagged Pass] - along side the road will be difficult with the undead.
Chest #308 - [Jagged Pass] - at the very end of the path, left side of the alter
Chest #309 - [Temple of Twilight] - On the right side of the path, easy to find
Ivory Dunes - North Desolate Sands
Chest #310 - [Valley of the ancients] - telepost, little north of it. on a cliff
Chest #311 - [Valley of the ancients] - Northeast, by the Stairs.
Chest #312 - [Unblinkning Oasis] - Near the Oasis, West of the Alter of Physera.
Chest #313 - [Unblinking oasis] - in the farm
At the Very End 314 / 4 bag pieces = 78 . 25 Bag Slots, (3 missing Chests) potentially i was unable to find. or dont exist. +1/-1 the unreachable in ostrium quarry
Quest: Bag Merchant Upgrade
*NOTE* - You can Upgrade to +75 Bag Slots = Leading to the title "Hoarder"
Your Remaining 12 bag pieces left over is your grand reward
Congratulations you have 100% -ed all Bag Piece Chests!
Ancient Chest Locations
Ancient Chests Respawn - 12hours after Someone picks it up!
Prepare yourself for all the locations.... there may be even more out there.
Since alot of players including new players, to Veteran players, will grab it when find a chance... or they will get Greedy of course and nab them all... not surprised. anyways.
Also when Server Resets they might have been all Spawn back up.
These are Highly Sought after.... Mainly because people will buy them, people just horde them, use them etc.... so many reasons.
Gnolls Waste
North Sperios
Harvesting Large/Corrupted Nodes Locations
Harvesting RulesAll "Large/Corrupted Nodes" - Spawn every 24hours apon [PLAYER] Harvesting/Mining/Logging the Last amount. meaning if you dont finish it, it will stay till all has been harvest.
# of Large Nodes hiding, is about an average of 4 - 5
# of Harvests per Node about 30-70 its different for each Node
If Corrupted has Spawned in place of the large node. than you will have to wait 24hours for the large node to spawn there. (after taking care of the corrupted node)
Gnolls Waste
Ruins of Tristezza
South Sperios
North SperiosPadana Ruins
Kannus Mountains
Kannus Valley
Timeless jungle
Ivory Dunes
Smuggler Locations
Pattern: 4 Hour intervals??
"Spawns Immeditately after Reset"
How long Does Each Merchant Stay: 4hours
Demolished District Area - Carzacor
Narvarran Military Camp - Narvarra
Lake Azos (near Roughclaw village telepost) - Narvarra
Rosso Castle Entrace (hiding near the enterance) - Tristezza
Race Dog Track - South Sperios
Asgara Village (Northeast) past the spider fields - Padana Ruins
Habati Scout Camp (In the Camp) - Kannus MountainsLocated on thursday
Skaa Village - Kannus Valley
Skittering forest West (near the Shed) - Ostium
Red Sun Dock (in a shed) - Timeless Jungle
Red Sun Base (in a camping tent) - Timeless Jungle
Outside Rabin Village Southeast in the fields - Eidolon Forest
Tame Locations
Region Quests
Region Quests Objectives:
-Find n Location
-Boss Slay
Lv 1 - 15 [Wolf Pack] - South Sperios"Eliminate 4 Wolves"
Lv 3 - 18 [Epidemic Prevention]"Cure 8 Sick Horses" - interact
Lv 3 - 18 [Grain Heist]
"Take 8 bags of grain" - interact
Variant - [???]
"Install 8 traps" - interact
Lv 3 - 18 [Child's Fear]"Kill 8 Roving Spectres"
Variant - [Unwelcome Guests]
"Kill 8 bandits"
Lv 3 - 18 [Vigilante Justice]"Defeat 7 Faceless thugs"
Lv 3 - 18 [Suspicious Papers]"Kill 8 Footpads or Bandit patrols"
Lv 3 - 18 [Taste like Chicken]"Kill bugs for 8 Bug Carcasses"
Lv 3 - 18 [Vermin Extermination]"Eliminate 10 Mole Crickets"
Variant - [Proactive Pest Control]
"Smash 8 Cricket Eggs"
Lv 3 - 18 [Faceless Agents]"Defeat 8 Bandits & Faceless Underling Leader"
Lv 3 - 18 [Ghost and Gourds]Day, its just boars, NIGHT - Spectres spawn
"8 Harvest Ripe Pumpkins"
Variant - [Tusked Terror]
"Kill 10 roughscar boars"
Lv 3+ [Saint's Test] - Elite Field Boss"Defeat the Shield Maiden"
Lv 3+ [Double trouble] - UNIQUE FIELD BOSS"Defeat the Grassland Giant"
All Crusades, have Certain objectives or Certain Conditions to trigger them, some take a quick interaction some, demand a Quest, Some Demand Killing a # of specific monsters.
this will show you how there objective & What they give you for doing it.
Campaign Story
Lv 1 - 10 Carzacor to NarvarraLv 11 - 25 Tristezza to PandanaLv 25 - 30 Kannus MountainsLv 31-35 Timeless Jungle to ZankalaLv 35-40 Zankala to Ivory DuneLv 40-45 Beorun to Eidolon Forest
beyond that? thats the whole campaign????? there is alot of mystery to this game unsolved.
Tutorial [Story]: Lv 1 - 2 Taelos Islands
Honestly this should of been part of the actual tutorial vs the Dream-state Tutorial with all max level and Lv 40 (temporary) and fixed skills fixed weapons etc to move the story along.....
Tutorial: Void Twisted Cyclops
Win or Lose: the Story will Progress, Gideon will show up and the Area will be filled with darkness
If you choose the die it wont impact you..
If you choose to play the Prologue - there is nothing of important other than a Story of a young adventurer attending the festival, than being attacked by rampaging demons and Gideon who busts into a church to murder your priestess lol While you Flee to Sperios on a Griffon... pretty interesting
If ya choose the skip it - you wont know other than reading your [Quest Log], and Wake up in Sperios
Prologue: Taelos Islands
There are No Merchants what so Ever here.... Except Main Story NPCs, NPCs who somehow look the same all over the Blessed World (they used the Same NPCs)
Where is Taelos Island, even on the original Map, doesnt exist.... its a [?????] location
If it were that resembles it is somewhere in the Southeast (FAAARR) part of it.... dont think the griffon would be able to fly non-stop to sperios lol over 50miles while wounded.....
So your Quest [The Taelos Festival] Begins helping Foy attend the Festival
[you Encounter Olvera] - shes your star seed giver... She offers you a [Document]
[Documents] are Located in your [Quest Log], they are also known as "Letters" in achievements.
Demea the High Priestess
You explain to her about the dream, and she tells you to meet her at Night to talk about it (However she doesnt live that long) while the faceless. Diego's Knights, all in a temporarily delcoration of peace.
Mask and TragediesGained a Level up
-you talk to Foy
-find the orbs (3)
Gain a buff after all 3 "you feel a Warmth of Telaeos"
Now you evasdrop on the Faceless.... than it begins! [the Faceless] are parading as a Troupe for the Festival Play.... however surprises awaits.
You Attempt to Warn Demea, she tells you to Run and Talk to Diego about the situation
[Cutscene] Gideon's Infiltration, Battle, Summoning Demons
Now its you have to save NPCs and Defend yourself....
Rough of Some Demons n Faceless and you Escape! with Diego with sheer luck
[Cutscene]: the Escape"Foy comes to save you from gideon" Gideon Injures Foy (He Survives and Sleeping) [Touch of Telaeos Quest]Diego's Griffon Snatches you as he manuvers out of Telaeos, while Gideon's General shoots fireballs at him.
Reminds me of Final Fantasy 9 gone to the Dark Side.... if ya wanna look at it that way
[Story]: Carzacor Lv 2 - 9
If you skip tutorial (Optional) you will be Level 2 and your Main Quest begins
I will spare the Crazy Long Length indepth how to and make it quite simple.
alot of Main quests
-Hunt-Kill Monsters or Enemy NPC / Go To Location / Pick up item / Talk to NPC / Heal or Give NPCs items
you wake up at the edge of South Sperios, on Marco's Farmlands.... Marcos & his Son helps aids you
you encounter the faceless agents along the roads, and various parts of Carzacor and majority of the Harbor area and you dispatch em. and you make your way to the Kingdom of Carzacor to Meet [Don Diego] & [Professor Orfina]to help you on your quest.
you go on a quest to seek out memories of the "blessings" you came with 1 of your memories of "Valor"
you got through to Farmlands (South west side) to observe the faceless actions to use the power of the undead, however the Faceless Red Crystals caused the Undead a infinite loop of there previous battle thought and go on a rampage
you are sent to stop them with Professor Ofina to stop them in Carzacor.
the Faceless Flee to Navarra to excute there next set of plans
as its part of your "Main Campaign Story" it cannot be avoided.... To Navarra
[Story]: Navarra Lv 9 - 15
After the Crisis in Carzacor you make yourself west to the Desert this part of the Story is quite short....
All the Bandits want to overthrow the king and Sided with the Faceless.... however the faceless goal of this area is to take out the Princess
[Don Deigo] & [Professor Ofina] give you a Letter to give to the King of Navarra, you get Redirected to the Court Mage [Tatina Sorza] who is also a Princess.. She helps you
You go Talk to [Don Deigo] about the Crisis here in Narvarra shortly after the letter
you got on a Journey to KIll a Bandit Chief, & Find a Trail of Gnolls, and you needed to recover the Orders that got carried off by the Harpy Queen so you get Sent that direction to retrieve them
than you Rush off to [Castro's Farm] to Stop the Outlaws there from destory the farm
and one of the outlaws got caught.
so you make your way to the Outlaw Fortress to find out there is Faceless! [with a cutscene]
After the Assassination Attempt...
Gideon Shows up!
he plans to a All Out Assasult and doesnt care who dies in the process ...
You encounter Blightfang, he will help you in the battle ahead
As you warn the King, you tell him of all that has happened since you arrived.... and Blightfang wishes to aid you...
So you go into Gnoll territory to Kill Gnolls..... Save a Trader from being eaten by Gnolls.
and Report back to the King's General
The King tells you more trouble is afoot, and sends you to Disrupt the alliance between Goblins & Gnolls.
You Rough up a Gnoll Messenger for his Secret letter and Deliver it to Blightfang.
Brightfang mentions that the Gnolls will use Red Sand and will cause Devastating damage. so you as the hero must stop them.
after talking to Marco, he gives you a Map on where all 3 Warchiefs are... and you pretty much go 1 of Kill them.
Light the becon to draw out the rest of the Gnoll leaders
[The Service of the Crown] your Big final Quest
Gideon Summons a Ogre Chieftain to support the monsters
After you defeat him, the bloody battle is over
Obtain your [Blessing of the Lionheart]
it should be simple
[Story]: Gnolls Waste Lv 16 - 20
after reading [Don Deigo]'s Letter from his messenger, he sends you to Gnolls Waste.
beyond the WastelandYou travel to talk with Marco, about the Faceless behind the Gnoll Invasion.
Than you talk with Steelfur the elder his Old Gnoll friend
an infiltrate mission n Listen in the Convo
a [Cutscene] between faceless mage & Gnolls, mage takes em out
You Kill the mage and he drops his Scroll
"A Priceless Gem" - you go to Lake Azos where the mage hidden the gem and recover it, you return to marcos, he confirms that the faceless was behind the Gnoll army attack in Narvarra and sends you to the Adell Traders where [Don Diego] is.... with a Message
SideQuest - A New Friend -> Union is Fully Unlocked
Dungeons [Single] [Arena] [Lair] [Dungeon]
This is a [Matchmaking] Mechanic which Require 2 or 5th players
Conditions:-Have the Right level (Lv 5 - 40)
-Enough Gear Score (34 - 834)
"must have the Quest" -> This is a troubling condition among things... but can be overrided
[The Quest Trick] -> Accept Arena/Lair/Dungeon Quest -> Enter Single Arena/Lair/Dungeon -> once you are in the Instance ABANDON THE QUEST
are "1-Time Only" meaning you only get 1 shot, The Developers to make it Repeatable.... or Even Show where these Quest. This forces low population people look countless hours to find a single group running dungeons....
All Bosses are Scaled to Highest Character level...... Another Problematic Flaw...
Also another annoying flaw is doing low level dungeons & Exp isnt worth the fight... Example a Lv 40 doing Holy Trial Lv 5, and ending up fighting a Lv 40 Boss, that only gives out 400exp.... its Depressing
All Bosses are Fixed level to the dungeon level, its treated as if you were to play a normal dungeon fight....
leaving a Dungeon/Abandoning a dungeon will prevent you from accessing "Matchmaking" for 5mins its a annoying Debuff to say the least, and it stacks the more you abandon.
Level 5 Holy Trial
Carzcor - Redford - Ancient Ampitheater - Next to a Telepost
Level 7 Emperor of Roots & Level 10 Mercenary
Carzcor/Navarra/Sperios/etc - Sorza Knight - Next to a Telepost
Level 13 Gnolls Triumvirate
Crafting [Tradeskills]
This chapter is about Crafting a little complicated? fear not.
all items crafted provide Exp, and those go to levels, it may be annoying but most stuff doesnt take alot....
You can Massive Crafting, after you gathered a Ton of Ore, Logs, Grass... etc
The catagories of ingredients fit in this
Blacksmithing - Crusader & Berserker class Armor/weapons - Uses Ore Primarily/Logs
Shaping - Ranger/Assassin class armor/weapons - Uses Leather/Logs
Enchanting - Mage/Priest class armor/weapons - Uses Cloth/Logs
Alchemy - Uses Grass/Potion bottles/etc
Cooking - Uses Meat/Fish/Fruit/Grass etc
Level 1 - 5Iron Ore or Iron ore + Elite Boss souls recipes. +10exp/+25exp...... Crafting 50+
Till you get Silver Ingot Recipe & Gold Ingot Recipe Needed for Exclusive Weapons you will need to Bulk up on 30-50+ Crafting of this... its alot of Ore. will also help you hunt Lilyathne Blessings.
Level 5 - 10
Level 1 - 5Same way as Black smithing Using Leather (slain from animals)
till you unlock the Flexible Lumber this will help you Level up and also needed for Exclusive Weapons
Level 1 - 5 Same way as Blacksmithing and Shaping using Cloth (slain from humans)
Level 1 - 5Alotta Luminos Grass to make regular potions, this is rather easy..
[Alchemy is Fun]: achievement should be activated after this 30 potion craftings.
Level 1 - 11Gold Budget 65,000 Gold, Craft Lunch boxes 1000+ Lunchboxes with +25exp exp yields 25,000 Exp...... should take about 20mins.....
Fastest Tradeskill to max out... Buy 2500 Stingy meat (24gold) Cook "Grilled Meat and Cheese Lunchbox" Very easy and it will take some time.
Know all those Grass & Fruit you collected.... well they make excellent Food
Raisin Bread -> Apricot Bread (+5 to 15% more Speed harvesting)
Level 11 - 12Not that its really Needed or Required alotta recipes are needed to be obtained...... so it doesnt help much. comparably to the lower ones. getting them is another story.
Will Require you to go to "Dungeon" -> "Timed Dungeon" to hunt all these down in a 5 player Dungeon.... so it will be hard to get them
Cooking MasteryPromotion Quest!
Fishing - Poesidon
We love to Fish, Fishing is available after save the villagers at the harbor. @ Lv 2-3
Rods..Resistance: 30 [Effect Bonus: Sensitivity + 1 to 5]Common Fishing Rod - Location: Fishing Tool Merchant
Sturdy Fishing Rod - Location: Fishing Tool Merchant (50 Region Trophys) = 50 fishing Region quests
Green Piece - Location: [Campaign]: The Spear of Salvation award.
Golden Fishing Rod - Location: Fishing Tool Merchant (20 Fishing Competition Trophies) - 10 to 4 Weeklies ..2 Fishes, & 1st 2nd 3rd Ranking in the Fishing Competition
Silver Star - Location: 100% All Fishing Achievements
Crafted Fishing Rod - Location: Crafting, Lv 12 Blacksmithing Recipe - Found In Ancient Chests
Reels.. Torque: 80 [Effect: Casting Distance 15 to 24m] Wooden Sperios Reel - Location: Fishing Tool Merchant - 50 Region Trophies
Alloy Sperios Reel - Location: Fishing Tool Merchant
Wooden Conquest Reel - ??????
Golden Sperios Reel - Fishing Tool Merchant - 20 World contest trophies
Red Sperios Reel - Crafting, Lv 12 Shaping - Found in Ancient Chests
Wire.. Tension: 50 [Tension +4 to +16] Animal Tendons
Common Line - Location: Fishing Tool Merchant - 50 Region Contest Trophies
Shiny Line - ???????
Steel Fishing Line - Location: Fishing tool Merchant - 20 World Contest Trophies
Crafted Nylon Line - Location: Crafting Lv 12 Enchanting Recipe - Found in Ancient Chests
Bait [Helps Catch Small & Medium+ Fishies!]Small Worm - Fishing Tool Shop, 200gold each will help you catch [1cm Fish to 50cm fish]
Special Cut Piece - Crafting: Cooking Lv 1, 8 Stringy Meat [15cm fish to 60cm fish]
Cheap Compound Bait - Crafting: Alchemy Lv 1 3 Lumios Roots + 5 Leather Scraps
Fishing Gear Enhancement[Rod Resistance] +2 Per level
[Reel Torque] +1 Per level
[Line Tension]: +1 per level
[Tier: Common +0 to +5]: 6 Regional Trophies (100% Successful)
[Tier: Uncommon +0 to +5]: 12-24 Region Trophies (80% success rate)
[Tier: Rare +0 to +5] 15 - 45 Region Trophies (60% Success Rate)
[Tier: Epic +0 to 5]: 30 - 180 Region trophies (40% Success Rate)
[Tier: Legendary +0 to +3]: 3 - 30 World-Wide Trophies (20% Success Rate)
All Fishing Effects!![Sensitvity] - Adds Additional Time for the Fish to stay on the Hook!!!
[Resistance] - Reduces the Tension!! or Dmg Reduced to the Wire.
[Casting Distance] - the More Distance the further you can throw
[Torque] - Faster you Reel in the Fish!!! More Speed Faster Catch!
[Tension] - HP of your Wire. Colors it will become before it breaks, Colors: White - > Yellow -> Red....... This Allows you to Catch Bigger Fish, and Rare-Eeer Fish!!! Higher the level + More HP the Fish available.
[Wind Compass] - Wind Direction in effect, up to .1 to 3ms
[Bait time] - Time it takes a Fish to bite the bait (Food/Blessing can reduce it)
[Fish Size] - This Affects Fishes Health
Fish Tips
[Know the Wind Direction] - Little importance otherwise you will miss your mark
[Aim for the Blue Pool] - Means Bigger Fish, as well Rare-errr Fish, and Dented Chests!
[Reeling IN] - when the Fish Icon is "GREEN" Reeel! if you see a "RED [!}" STOP REELING you will Eat your Wire HP, if you keep reeeling.
[If its a Left Right UP Down Action during Mid Reel] -> its Most likely a BIG FISH or B: Dented Chest.... and will be tough.... Mess up the Action, you will lose your Fish X_X.
[Use the Blessing] - honest the blessing quest may be tough, but the Fishing Blessing is worth the Fishing.... vs Fishes!
+Tension Boost = More HP & Fish Size increase
[Food Buffs] at Lv 12 cooking you can get a slight boost to help you fish vs [Bait time] not much help.
[Beginner's Luck] - 20min Buff
Increases your Luck at catching Fish Somehow????
Tested n Proven, it can Boost your RNG Uncommon's and Rares Much More easily
Vs Fishing Competition Very Effect.
Vs Glass Bottles/Dented Chests - Almost never exist.
Fishing to give you a indication of what you got in quality
Common - Uncommon Fish 50% HP to [!]
Uncommon Fish 70% [!] 40% [!]
Dented Chest or Rare Fish [Action timer] x2
Salvaging Fishes[Common] - Gives Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly
[Uncommon] - Gives Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe
[Rare] - Gives Scale / Fin / Loin / Belly / Cheak meat / Roe / Pearl
Any Fish over 40cm = 1 Pearl
Any FIsh over 100cm = 2-3 Pearls
Fishing Competition
HIGHLY suggest Doing EVERY WEEK !
Tomorrow's Fisherman - Poseidon
This is a Straight forward.......
[Catch 100cm Fish] - Gain a Reel Item.... You will need a Really High Reel to Get a 100cm - 60 of Fishes
[The Rest Catch Ocean/Coast Fish] - 100 Fishies
[Catch 10 Bitterlings] - Rather Easy to obtain
And the Silver Star Rod is yours!
Bait Vs Fish
Certain Fish love Certain Bait, unless your aiming for Glass bottles n Chests,
Bait:-Small Worms - Available on all Vendors
-Special Cut piece - 8 Stingy Meat Cooking lv 1 (can buy Stingy meat on vendors)
-Compound Bait - Luminos Roots x3 + Leather Scraps x5
-Small Fish Meal Lump - Estate Grocery Market Lv 1+
-Meat Chop Piece - Estate Grocery Market Lv 1+
Favorite Bait For Each Fish (Slight RNG improvements on Desired Catch)
Upper River:ballan wrasse- 1st special cut - 2nd cheap compound
barracuda- all bait
cherry anthias- 1st cheap compound - 2nd special cut
yellowsail red bass- 1st special cut - 2nd cheap compound
golden butterfly- 1st special cut *
leopard mandarin- 1st special cut
Rivers:tidepool gunnel- 1st special cut *
panther puffer- 1st cheap compound *
spiny chromis- 1st special cut
striped beryx- 1st special cut - 2nd cheap
threespot angelfish- 1st special cut - 2nd cheap compound*
-Summer Fish: Rivers- (August - September Only!)Clown Anemonefish
Red seabream- 1st special cut*
Lower River:Ocean Perch - all bait
tropical silverside- all bait
yellow chromis- 1st cheap compound - 2nd special cut
cigar wrasse- 1st special cut - 2nd small lump fish meal
splendid alfonsino- 1st cheap compound - 2nd small worm
Blackmouth angler- 1st cheap compound- 2nd small worm*
Lake:ambon puffer- 1st small worm - 2nd cheap compound
blue tang- 1st cheap compound - 2nd special cut
black banded hogfish- 1st small worm - 2nd special cut
whitetipped mackerel- 1st special cut - 2nd small worm
golden damsel- 1st cheap compound*
Koi- 1st cheap compound*
Ocean:half chromis- all bait
trumpetsnout- all bait
polkadot loach- 1st special cut - 2nd cheap compound
forktail large eye bream- 1st small worm - 2nd cheap compound
bitterling- 1st special cut *
Estate Pond:Longfin trevally- 1st cheap compound*
Fishing Locations
Fishes Locations!!!Upper River - Kannus Valley (West) - Beorun (Northeast)Ballan Wrasse - small worm
Lower River - Cazacor, Tristezza, gnolls waste/timeless jungleOcean Perch - Small Worm
Tropical Silverside - Special Cut Piece/Small Worm
Yellow Chromis - Special cut piece/Small Worm
Cigar Wrasse - Special Cut piece "Blue Pool"
Splendid Alfonsino - Small Worm "Blue Pool"
Rivers (Middle) - North n South Sperios"Summer Fish Exclusive" - Rare & Epic Tier in the Fishing Hole!
Clown Anemonefish
Large Eye Dentex
Jewel Fish
Tidepool Gunnel - Small Worm
Panther Puffer - Small Worm
Striped Beryx - Special Cut piece "Blue Pool"
Spiny Chromis - Special Cut piece "Blue Pool"
Coasts/Ocean - Timeless Jungle/Zenkala areaHalf Chromis - Small Worm
Trumpsnout - Small Worm
Polkadot Loach - Speical Cut Piece "Blue pool"
Forktail Large-Eye Bream
Bitterling - Special Cut piece "Blue pool"
Lakes - Ostium, Skittering Forest, Padana - Mount Margrave Ambon Pufferfish - Small Worm
Blue Tang - Small Worm
Black-banded Hogfish - Small worm "Blue pool"
Golden DamselFish - Special Cut Piece "Blue Pool"
Everywhere/Any Fishing location
[Glass Bottle] - Common - Any Bait
[Dented Chest] - Uncommon - [Blessing of Sirania] - Any Bait
[Luxurious Chest] - Epic - any Bait
[Prestige Quests] & [Reputation]
Prestige Questing:
- 4 Region Quests to Claim your Reward!
Alternate: 5 Quest pieces per Region x3.....
Prestige Quest - The Federation
Delivery Quests - Ordo University - CarzacorCarzacor Mushroom Caps (x21) - Raging Mushrooms - East of the Ancient Ampitheater
Haunted Fragments (x27) - Spectres - Castra Magnus - Near Undead Treant
Delivery Quest (Lv 9+) - Kingdom of Narvarra - NarvarraBuzzard Feathers (x15) - Buzzards - Romica Trail (north)
Bandit Patch (x15) - Bandits - Dustwind Den
Delivery Quest (Lv 15+) - Ardell Traders - Gnolls wasteCrocodile Leather - Lake Crocodiles - Lake Azos
Shining Scales - Giant Andacondas - Jade Reach
Delivery Quest (Lv 17+) - Count Rosso - TristezzaTristezza Keepsakes - ALL UNDEAD FOES - Tristezza territory
Third Eye Necklace - All Cultists - temple Ruins area.
Delivery Quest - Herbati Tribe - Kannus Mountains
Delivery Quest - Jungle Tribal Alliance - Timeless Jungle
Delivery Quest - Madann - Ivory Dune
[Union] Factions
Unions Begin in Gnolls waste saving a Wayward Ippin (Lv 16+) during your main quest: Marco's Message....
whats its use: to Provide 7day buffs for a period of time, you can "faction up" in all of them and each will provide [Union Benefits] these will help you out very well.
Union: The Sentinel
Union: The Artisan Society
Union: The Court of Ravens
Union Traits
Level 0 Traits: Costs 100 & 300
[Unflinching Defense] +300 Defense
[Blessed Libations] +10% Duration on Elixirs & Panaceas
[Champion's Challenge] +20% Aggro increased From Enemies
[Indomitable Will] +1 Free Recovery in Dungeons, lair, Arena 1 time per day (Resets at 6am)
Artisan's Society:
[Iterative Analysis] +10% Increase to Crafting XP
[Medicinal Bounty] +20% HP Restoration in Gathering
[Improvement Harvest] When Gathering, 5% to Obtain 1 Bonus item 1% to obtain +2 Bonus items
[Field Work] +20% XP Gain, when Harvesting Logs/Ores/Grass
Court of Ravens:
[Sense Weakness]: +5% PvP Critical Hit Rate
[Illegal Additives] +10% Healing potions Effectiveness
[Public Infamy] +20% Notoriety Gain
[Street Brawler] +500 PvP Defense
Level 2 Traits: Costs 500 & 2000
[Subtle Strategist] -20% Aggro from Enemies
[Adaptive Stance] 25% Chance of being hit.. Increase Defense +250 for 5 seconds
[Inspring Leader] +20% Faster Revival
[Bonus Provisions] +20% doesnt consume any Healing potions
Artisan Society
[Union Discount] - Allows you 90% discount on [Artisan's Special Lunchbox]
[Unparalleled Productions] +10% to Obtain +1 Item on Cooking or Alchemy items.
[Flawless Efficiency] +10% chance of no consuming Crafting materials on Cooking/Alchemy items
[Time is Money] +2 Movement Speed for 5 seconds on Every harvest
Court of Ravens
[Feigned Innocence] -20% Notoriety gain (Reduces)
[Blood Thirst] Restores HP equal to 1% of Successful Critical hits ! *HANDY*
[Dueling Instincts] -30% Critical hit Dmg recieved
[Ambush Fighter] Maintaining Peace state least 1 min +300 PvP dmg for 2seconds at the start of next combat
Level 4 Traits Costs 3000
[Fitness Routine] +10 Maximum Stamina
[Stand and Fight] +30% Faster Revival
Artisan Society:
[Animal Training] Allows you to Gather while Being on your mount *USEFUL*
[Tough As Nails] +5% Maximum HP
Court of Ravens
[Rogue's Agility] +10% to restore 30stamina on Every Dodge/Evade
[Murderous Intent] +200 PvP Atk Power!
Leveling Factions up[Faction Quests]
[Faction Crusades]
[Side Quests] - with the Faction's Icon on it!
Faction Quests
6 Quests per day..... From Collect, Kill, interact Quests...
Carryover to the Next Day? - Yes -
Do they Stack? - No -
Does your Reputation Cap - Yes - (keep it in mind)
Faction Crusades
Joining the Artisan SocietyBegins:
[A New Friend] -> [Loraines's Test]: She tells you need 3 letters of merit in order to join the Artisan Society.. Your 1st Letter Begins here
[to Tristezza] -> [High-steak Interview] You listen in the conversation and you find out your friend is unable to be hired by the Artisan Society.
[Food for Thought] - you cook a lunch for your friend.
[In Search of the Masters] -> [a Master Blacksmith]: simple talk quest, in the northern camp of tristezza.
[An Abrasive Personality] -> Purchase the Slime Mucus & have 5 silver ore
its a drag on Series of Tristezza's talky quests afterward, Crafting.....
You get sent off to hunt Undead for a Ghost bloom, and lastly
you head to Sperios Who will give you full access however
You must talk to the Union Crier - Hidden Quest giver
Estate & Taming [Story Related]
Building your Estate & Taming for Mounts happens at the "After you battle Gideon" part of the story
you will be Level 26-35 around this point.
its also a "Main Quest Side Quest"
Leveling up your Estate Effectively
Step 1: Have 3 Characters with Estates
Step 2: Have each of them have Workers that Farm Construction stones..
Step 3: Buying Blueprints (Grocery/Talior/Smith etc & Constructions stones)
Step 4: Transfer All Construction Stones/Wood/ Blueprints to MAIN
Step 5: Rotate Blueprints and Re-Construct them.... network 400 / 800exp
Exp Gain:
From Orchard & Mine blueprints x5 stones/wood (10k Star Seed each) - 400exp
Grocery/Smith/Carpenter/Talior/alchemist Station x10 stones/wood (25k star seed each) - 800exp
4k star seeds for Construction material x 10
Recommend hiring workers for Collecting Construction Stones & Wood to help your budget..
& Or Running Dungeon - [Lairs] for Blueprints (RARELY EVER DROPS)
Estate Construction UpgradesBuilding Construction Costs:
Lv 0 - 1 Common/Uncommon - Blueprint + 10 construction Stone & Wood
Lv 1 Uncommon Tier - 50 Construction Stone & Wood
Lv 2 Rare Tier - Rare Blueprint + 100 Construction Stone & Wood
Lv 3 Epic Tier - Epic Blueprint + 200 Construction Stone & Wood
Lv 4 Legendary tier ?
Lv 5 Mythic Tier ?
Taming - Animal PenYou can Start this at anytime... once you have your estate... you will need Whistles or [Capturing Animal] to help you
Rare Tames
In Specific Locations much Like Anicent chests (12hrs)
Giant Panda - 6 Hours
Moonwind Lioness - 6 Hours
Goldenwave Ordia - 12 Hours
Razortusk - 12 Hours
Crimson Pillager - 24 Hours
Ghost Stag - 24 Hours
Exclusive Weaponry & Common Enhancement [Crafting]
This is a Special "Level-Weapon" that grows with you, through Crafting
Early as you can begin is [LEVEL 12]
Crafting your Eternal WeaponYour Materials
- Your Weapon (Unequiped)
- 500 Stelliarite Ore - Location: Timeless Jungle & Zenkala
- 575 Holy Spring Water - Location: ALL ELITE BOSS REGION QUESTS
- 58 God's Tears - Reputation Reward, 16 Region Quests per week, per Faction
- 16 Magic Bead Shards - Warrior Talent Shop - Location: 1 player/2player/5player Dungeons
- 30 Ruby - Location: All Ore Locations
- 15 Magic Beads - Time Limited Dungeon 2 player/5player only
- 30 Gold Ingots - (300 Gold Ore)
- 30 Flexible Lumber (300 Flexible Logs)
- 20 Silver Ingots (200 Silver Ore)
- 45 Iron Ore
- 75 Thin Branches
Crafting Recipes
Growing your WeaponThis is where it gets more Fun this will require you to use growth crystals
[Weapon Level = Character level] Max level is 45
Level 1 - 5 x5 growth Crystals -> Common
Level 5 - 10 x5 Growth crystals -> Uncommon
Level 11 - 20 x15 growth crystals -> Rare
Level 21 - 30 x200 growth crystals -> Epic
Level 31 - 35 x2000 growth crystals -> Legendary
Level 35 - 40 x5000 growth crystals -> Mythic
Common Enhancement[Tier: Common +0 to +5] 3000gold, Uncommon Equipment Upgrade stone
[Tier: Uncommon +0 to +5] 10 weapon fortification stones (uncommon), Rare Equipment Upgrade Stone
[Tier: Rare +0 to +5] 5 Weapon Fortification Stones (Rare), 1 Epic Equipment Upgrade Stone
[Tier: Epic +0 to +5] 10 Weapon Fortification Stones (Rare), 1 Legendary Upgrade Stone
[Tier: Legendary +0 to +5] 5 Weapon Fortifaction Stones, 1 Mythic Upgrade Stone
[Tier: Mythic +0 to +5] 10 Fortification stones.
[Field Bosses] "World Bosses"
ALL BOSSES SCALE: but what interesting fact they all have a "early level" you can engage them before they start scaling by Level & Gear Score
HP Incremental By Level is about +1million HP ish
Gear Score: 150+
he doesnt have a Crazy HP threshold, or Changes his patterns he does the same moves.
-Swings, Jump slams, Shouts-
Gear Score: ???
Void Twist Harpy Queen
Gear Score: ??
Gear Score: ???
Gear Score: ???
Gear Score: ????
Gear Score: ????
Gear score: ????
Gear Score: ????
Gear Score: ????
Blessing Of Valor - Carzacor StoryAfter you reach Level 13 Blessings become Unlocked each at a time
All are Connected to the Main Story... either way you will unlock them all.
Each Blessing has a Class Variants but i will show you how to unlock them. Level them. how you build them is up to you
This one is a easy Fun Simple Task to Unlock the blessing, you Run around the Dog Track in [Sperios]
its a simple game of Dodge and make 1 lap.
Despite being Late to the Game, its Semi-Purpose is to collect mounts, and Affects your Estate.... So you will be farming Crowds of Critters for this one. its simple too. nothing Rare or crazy outta this one.
This Fishing Quest comes with 3 letters and a long quest line, of Fishing...
Recommend a +5 Reel to accomplish this mission.
otherwise its also Good farming Dented Chests forever. i ended up with 10 Blessings before i got the Cigar Fish which is a Royal Pain Medium Fishy (Medium Fishies are Rare/hard to catch)
Alchemy Mission is a Quick Fetch Quest to Brew a "Quest Item" Alchemy level 1
[Blessings] - Leveling THEM UP!
Leveling Each BlessingLeveling Blessing of the Lilyathne 60 breaths totalthis one is rather simple and yet annoying.... *Elite* Treant (Logs), Golems (Ore), Parasitic Plants (Grass) Springs out of the Ground to kill you... the odds of Spawning is about 1%
Lv 1 -> 5 Lv 2 -> 9 Lv 3 -> 14 Lv 4
Effective Gathering Strategy:So if your Gathering - have lots of % gathering speed (Step 1)
Have multiple Players across each region (step 2)
Call out when you landed any 3 mini gathering bosses (Step 3)
Profit Step 4 everyone shares in the wealth
Gathering speed items are on Shoulder n Arms
Apricot Bread - Cooking Lv 5 (Gives great Gathering speed)
Union Trait - Artisan Society (if your aligned) Give "Mount Gathering" at lv 4
meaning you can Gather + Mount lol
alternate Gather boost, Double Item gathering
and or you can applify your gathering blessing too
Good Luck
-Added Notes-: Fresh Low level characters, can score 5 blessings early or up to 10, as long as they dont put any "levels in", i find it weird, the more you level the odds of Spawning Decreases as you level up your Blessing.
Large Nodes have a Greater Odds (55-95%)
Leveling Blessing of the Sirania 60 Breaths totalThis one is Pure Fishing Grindy, and as you might guess this, its have the fish Bite and Reel it in.
Gotta Reel in alot of [Dented Chests]
There like the "Rare Fish" or Close to Rare fish. and will have a long lifebar.
it will take you hours, if your lucky to get a Dented Chest per hour at most? or least 2-3 per day
leveling Blessing of the Paetion, 120 Breaths totalthe trick to this one, i completing the dailies, but each dailies rotate for each "Crafting" so if you got material to spare it can be completed
-Blacksmithing, Shaping, Enchanting, Cooking, gives you 4 total blessings Daily-
4 Dailys, will take 30 days at the quickest
Much Like Taelos Strategy"you have to have it in your Inventory" doesnt mean you have to craft it ....
Black Smithing Turn ins:
-interogator Gauntlets (easy)
-Shield of the mountain
Shaping Turn ins:
-Night Owl headdress (easy)
-Night Owl Gloves
Tailor Turn ins:
-FateSpinner Headdress (Easy)
-Helidoom of the mountain
Cooking Turn in:
-Fish Cake Curry
-Oyster Pie
-Veggie Dumplings
Leveling Blessing of the Baraka 30 Breaths totalThe Dailys for this, is Tame a Specific Creature..... basically you get a whistle and beat up alot of Animals.... 30 dailys to complete.
Super Easy Strategy[Estate Side Quest]
"FREE WHISTLE & HIGH CAPTURE RATE" + stacks with whistle (See Estate Section !)
Grab the Daily Quest and complete it!
Whistle up / Braska Blessing (Ups Capture rate)
Any Skills that Barrages with Dmg.... were going for hit over Dmg....
More Hits = Capture Checks.
Leveling Blessing of the Taelos 30breaths totalSame as Paetion except Alchemy, you get 1 per daily, 30 dailys and you 100% this blessing
Effective StrategyThe Quest Says "OBTAIN" doesnt mean you have to Craft it as long as these items are your inventory or more .... you can automaticly turn it in
-Healing Potion I
-Elixir of Flowing
-Elixir of Downstream
-Elixir of Upstream I
-Elixir of Bull I - Can Be bought at Reputation merchant*
Leveling Blessing of Valor/Wolf/Lionheart/Crescent Moon
Common Tier - Any Monsters Drop it, for All 4 Blessings
Blessing 1 -> 3 -> 5 (9) x4 (Each Catagory) x4 (Each Blessings)
Uncommon Tier - Breath Altar, Market Place Avg: Star Seeds 10-25k.
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 5 (10) x4 per Catagory x4 per Blessing
Rare Tier - Fusion Any Uncommons x5 = 1 Random Blessing (Rare)
1 -> 3 -> 5 -> 7 (16) x4 per Catagory x4 per Blessing
Epic Tier - Fusion Any Rares x5 = 1 Random Blessing (Epic)
2 -> 3 -> 5 -> 7(17) x4 per Catagory x4 per Blessing
Legendary Tier - Fusion Any Rares x5 = 1 Random Blessing (legendary)
2 -> 3 -> 5 -> 7(17) x4 per Catagory x4 per Blessing
Potential [Cross-Account]
This is a Unique little Boost of a Ability, its Recommend to Pickup your Freebie potential Every daily.
Found at [Menu] -> [Ancient Altar] -> [Bless Breath] -> [Potential]
Mix n match and create your Ultimate Honeycomb...and you are stuck with only 1 template make it count. unless you wish to buy more
you can Gain tickets weekly however 1,500 warrior talents total
Archivist - Letters
These are little miscellanous Pick up off the ground type of items, there hiding all over
Camps & Towns & Cities & Villages...
Journey Home Page #1 South Sperios, Commerical District - Library SectionJourney Home Page #2 - Carzacor, Ordo University Opposite side of MilesJourney Home Page #3 - Narvarra, Castro's Ranch next to CastroJourney Home Page #4 - Narvarra, West Patrol Camp at SoulpyreJourney Home Page #5 Kannus Mountains, Next to SoulpyreJourney Home Page #6 Tristezza, Refugee campJourney Home Page #7 South Sperios, Commerical District next to dye trader & telepostJourney Home Page #8 - Zenkala, Sombera Forest, in a shack by SoulpyreJourney Home Page #9 Kannus Mountains, Skaa Village, Tower! "BONUS: 90% Fall dmg"Journey Home Page #10 - Carzcor, Ancient Ampitheater next to SoulpyreJourney Home Page #11 Ostrium, Starlight TheaterJourney Home Page #12 Beorun - Federation Garrison
Journey Home Page #13 Padana, Northern outpost Next to Soulpyre Journey Home Page #14 Timeless Jungle, Red Sun Base, Edge of the Dock Journey Home Page #15 Gnolls Waste - Leafwind teleport North till you hit a treeJourney Home Page #16 Eidolon Forest, Rabin Village
Talbor Tammit #1 - South Sperios, Commerical District Next to telepost/MerchantTalbor Tammit #2 - Carzacor, Ordo University +1 more book next to "Miles!"Talbor Tammit #3 - Navarra, Veteran's Club Go all the way up stairs!Talbor Tammit #4 - Gnolls Waste, Jade Reach telepost northTalbor Tammit #5 - Tristezza, Rosso Castle upstairs on the benchTalbor Tammit #6 - Carzacor, Gallopa's Farm Next to the telepost Talbor Tammit #7 Kannus Mountains, Hive CliffsTalbor Tammit #8 Kannus Valley, Skaa Refugee Camp "+2 more books! next to the guard"Talbor Tammit #9 Timeless Jungle, Red Sun DockTalbor Tammit #10 - Zenkala, Linli Islands Next to telepost/Soulpyre
The Titan's Tale
All 6 Stories are hidden in the Skaa Village, and several more miscellanous ones
Miscellanous PickupsNarvarra's Palace - in the Office Room +3 More Papers
Carzacor Plaza - Next to the Bag Merchant + 1 scroll
[Tower Of Darkness] - Boss Rush
This was added recently and Accessible at Anytime.... However this is a Gear Score Required & Level Scaled Based Area... Each Boss will 1shot you if your not the required score.
Anyway the Tower of Darkness "Phase 1" they released up to 10 Bosses.... Phase 2 possibly 10 more???? anyway its a mystery within itself.
Location: Tristezza - Next to mount merchant & Monster hunter merchant
Battle #1: Lv 18+ Black KnightGear Score: 600
Reward: 1 [Dark Matter]
Actions: Pulls you in... takes a 2 second Melee Swing........... (thats it...just dont get hit)
Battle #2: Lv 18+ Undead TreantGear Score: 600
Actions: Ring-AoE - Tree Barbs, 3 Line attacks, Throws a Bone, Gets Close Shadow attack AoE
Battle #3: Lv ?? Kobald ForemanGear Score: ????
Bugged Foe: he will Stun you first, with a Rock... than Fling you into the Air, and your Instant killed... and the Mini-Dungeon instantly closes...
Battle #4: Lv ?? Noxious Ghoul
Battle #5: Lv ?? Desert Decimator
[Corrupted Ore/Tree/Shrub] & Oathkeepers
This is a Hidden Quest - Monster Hunter Like Quest.... the award is [Gift of Taelos]
First indication hint
Second Indication hint: has Spawned
[Example: Corrupted Shrub]
HELPFUL TIP:-USE THE MOVEMENT BUFF- Blessing in Carzacor you will need this if you want to deliver the Ore Chunk to the Taelos Oathkeeper
You can do this up to 3 TImes. till the Next Corrupted Resource spawns.
Gear lv 18+
Treasure Shibiki (Must Read)
[UNIQUE FOE] - Treasure Shibiki, Honestly Never Spawns - ??????????
[Options] -> [Tutorial Guide] -> [Other] -> [Treasure Shibiki], as soon as you select this, he will spawn all over the world!!!!!!????
Treasure Shibiki
He lasts about 5mins, and hes a tough bugger to fight lol
All he does is Run away which is no Big deal but hes a HP sponge full of Loot.
-Fortifcation stones (armor n weapons) Uncommon
Star Chaser shibiki
-Star Seed Chests
More Bless Unleashed guilds
- All Guilds
- Bless Unleashed Guide 138
- Bless Unleashed Guide 137
- Interactive Map for Bless Unleashed
- Brief simplified overview of Crusader Valor 2021
- How to enjoy Bless Unleashed in 5 simple steps
- My Videos: Dungeons, S Rating [Max] Time Dungeons
- Come funziona il crafting
- BlessU
- Make Star Seeds Quick & Easy