Focus on the most profitable server


Basic usage:

(item in a bracket is what you should do in the real life, not what you should type into this game)

nano early.5.45GB.ns (paste the code into editor) (press Ctrl+S in your real life computer) run early.5.45GB.ns Advanced usage, to farm a specific server:

run early.5.45GB.ns (enter the target's name name here) The script enables auto-completion, you could type

run ea(press tab) n0(press tab) which equals to type

run early.5.45GB.ns n00dles ---

what you should paste in nano:

(the link is not treated correctly, but that's OK since even the steam conveted version works.)

/** * This script is mainly come from steam user @PG SDVX, * I just modify the part tells us "how to choose a correct target" * Mem cost: 5.45GB since I deleted a lot of functions. * some further optimize techniques(e.g., exec another program and exit itself.) could be done to shrink the memory usage. * But I may not do that. * * Special Thanks to @PG SDVX who create the framework and allow me to re-use the code. * you could find @PG SDVX's work at * */ /** @param {NS} ns**/ export async function main(ns) { const min_server_ram = 0; const home_ram_reserve = 0; //const calc_mathod = 'HIGH PROFIT'// should be one of ['HIGH PROFIT',' HIGH EXP '] const calc_mathod = ' HIGH EXP '// remember to disable the line above when active it. //const calc_mathod = 'N00DLE ONLY'// not test yet // configs above could be modified before scripts run. // Note: changing configs above have no effect for running scripts. // things below is constants, which should NOT be changed unless the constant are incorrect. const GWH_mem_usage = [1.75, 1.75, 1.7] const script_memory_usage = 5.45 const weaken_reduce = 0.05; //Welcome to the Auto Farm part 2: Electric Boogaloo - Advanced Edition //This script is a little more complicated to explain easily, it dedicates high RAM servers to attack high profit servers //This is also set and forget, your EXEs and hacking level are reacquired each second, so new servers are added without needing to reboot it //Well I hope this brings you ideas, knowledge and or profits :D function info(t, s) { if (t == 'MM') { return ns.getServerMaxMoney(s) } if (t == 'MA') { return ns.getServerMoneyAvailable(s) } if (t == 'MR') { return ns.getServerMaxRam(s) } if (t == 'UR') { return ns.getServerUsedRam(s) } if (t == 'NPR') { return ns.getServerNumPortsRequired(s) } if (t == 'RHL') { return ns.getServerRequiredHackingLevel(s) } if (t == 'SL') { return ns.getServerSecurityLevel(s) } if (t == 'MSL') { return ns.getServerMinSecurityLevel(s) } } function calc_method(server) { if (calc_mathod == 'HIGH PROFIT') { return Math.floor(info('MM', server) / info('MSL', server)) } else if (calc_mathod == ' HIGH EXP ') { return info('RHL', server) * info('RHL', server) / info('MSL', server) } else return server == 'n00dles' } ns.disableLog('ALL'); const arraySort = (arr) => arr.sort((a, b) => b[0] - a[0]) var files = ['/scripts/grow.ns', '/scripts/weak.ns', '/scripts/hack.ns'] var exec = ['grow', 'weaken', 'hack'] for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) { await ns.write(files[j], '/** @param {NS} ns**/\nexport async function main(ns) {await ns.' + exec[j] + '(ns.args[0])}', 'w') } var exclude = [''] //Servers names that won't be used as hosts or deleted var servers; var hosts; var targets; var exes; var tarIndex; var loop; var hType; var tmp; var act; var extra; var cycle = [0, '▄', '█', '▀', '█']; if (false) { brutessh(); ftpcrack(); relaysmtp(); httpworm(); sqlinject() } const checkM = (c, d) => eval(c < ns.getPlayer().money / d) function str(s) { if (s.length > 17) { return s.substring(0, 14) + '...' } else { return s } } async function scanExes() { for (let hack of ['brutessh', 'ftpcrack', 'relaysmtp', 'sqlinject', 'httpworm']) { if (ns.fileExists(hack + '.exe')) { exes.push(hack) } } } function log(extra) { if (cycle[0] >= 4) { cycle[0] = 0 } cycle[0]++ ns.clearLog(); ns.print(extra) ns.print('╔═══╦════════════════════════════════════╗') tmp = targets.slice(0, 12) ns.print(`║ ${cycle[cycle[0]]} ║ ` + calc_mathod + ' BALANCE ║') for (let t of tmp) { if (!act[t[1]]) act[t[1]] = '-' ns.print(`║ ${act[t[1]]} ║ ${str(t[1])}` + `${ns.nFormat(info('MA', t[1]), '0a')} / ${ns.nFormat(info('MM', t[1]), '0a')} : ${ns.nFormat(info('MA', t[1]) / info('MM', t[1]), '0%')} ║`.padStart(36 - str(t[1]).length)) } ns.print('╠═══╩════════════════════════════════════╝') ns.print(`║ EXE ${exes.length}/5 ║ HOSTS ${hosts.length} ║ TARGETS ${targets.length}`) ns.print('╠═════════════════════════════════════════') } async function scanServers(host, current) {//Combined scan and check for (let server of ns.scan(current)) { if ((info('NPR', server) <= exes.length) && host != server) { { for (let hack of exes) { ns[hack](server) }; ns.nuke(server) } if (info('MM', server) != 0 && info('RHL', server) <= ns.getHackingLevel() && info('MSL', server) < 100) { targets.push([calc_method(server), server]) } if (info('MR', server) > min_server_ram && !exclude.includes(server)) { hosts.push([info('MR', server), server, Math.floor(info('MR', server) / GWH_mem_usage[1])]) } servers.push(server) await ns.scp(files, 'home', server) await scanServers(current, server) } } } async function hackAll(aiming_target) {//Dedicates high RAM servers to high value ones var sum = 0 for (let host of hosts) { sum += host[2] } extra += 'Threads for weaken or grow: ' + sum sum *= weaken_reduce extra += '\nweaken effect : ' + sum for (let host of hosts) { if (tarIndex > targets.length - 1) { tarIndex = 0; loop = true }; let target = aiming_target //targets[tarIndex][1]; function fRam() { let f = info('MR', host[1]) - info('UR', host[1]) if (host[1] == 'home') { return Math.max(f - home_ram_reserve, 0) } else { return f } } if (info('SL', target) > info('MSL', target) + Math.min(5, sum)) { hType = 1 } else if (info('MA', target) < info('MM', target) * .80) { hType = 0 } else { hType = 2 }/* if ((hType == 0 || hType == 2) && fRam() / info('MR', host[1]) > .13 && fRam() > 4) { tmp = [Math.ceil(fRam() / 1.75 * .8), Math.floor(fRam() / 1.75 * .15), Math.floor(fRam() / 1.75 - (Math.ceil(fRam() / 1.75 * .15) + Math.floor(fRam() / 1.75 * .80)))] if (tmp[0] > 0) { ns.exec(files[0], host[1], tmp[0], target) } if (tmp[1] > 0) { ns.exec(files[1], host[1], tmp[1], target) } if (tmp[2] > 0) { ns.exec(files[2], host[1], tmp[2], target) } } } tarIndex++// */ var tmp = Math.floor(fRam() / GWH_mem_usage[hType]) tmp > 0 && ns.exec(files[hType], host[1], tmp, target, 'auto') if (!loop) { if (hType == 0) { act[target] = 'G' } else if (hType == 1) { act[target] = 'W' } else if (hType == 2) { act[target] = 'H' } else act[target] = 'U' } } } ns.tail() while (true) {//Keeps everything running once per second servers = [] targets = [] hosts = [[info('MR', 'home'), 'home', Math.floor((info('MR', 'home') - script_memory_usage) / GWH_mem_usage[1])]] exes = [] tarIndex = 0 loop = false act = {} extra = '' await scanExes() await scanServers('', 'home') targets = arraySort(targets) hosts = arraySort(hosts) if (ns.args.length > 0) await hackAll(ns.args[0]) else await hackAll(targets[tarIndex][1]) log(extra) await ns.asleep(1000) } } export function autocomplete(data, args) { return [] } There are more plugins in, advanced users may get better experience using that one.


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