Extending the HUD

Extending the HUD


Extending the HUD image 1


nano customStats.js Then insert this:

/** @param {NS} ns **/ export async function main(ns) { const doc = eval("document"); const hook0 = doc.getElementById('overview-extra-hook-0'); const hook1 = doc.getElementById('overview-extra-hook-1'); const hook3 = doc.getElementById('overview-extra-hook-1'); while (true) { try { const headers = [] const values = []; headers.push("Karma"); values.push(ns.heart.break()); headers.push("ScrExp"); values.push(ns.getScriptExpGain().toPrecision(5) + '/sec'); headers.push("ScrInc"); values.push(ns.getScriptIncome()[0].toPrecision(5) + '/sec'); hook0.innerText = headers.join(" \n"); hook1.innerText = values.join("\n"); hook3.innerText = values.join("\n"); } catch (err) { ns.print("ERROR: Update Skipped: " + String(err)); } await ns.sleep(1000); ns.atExit(() => { hook0.innerHTML = ""; hook1.innerHTML = ""; }); } } You can run it with:

run customStats.js It should look like this:

(The color may be different, that's just the theme)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2791204396					

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