Bringing Death
The purpose of this vigor is to lunge yourself forward for a deadly melee attack. Sounds simple enough. However, when upgraded and combined with certain gear/weapons/vigors, it makes you very deadly.
When you are given the mission to go to the impound you have to find the elevator that takes you to shantytown. After moving the railcars you enter an arena and battle some baddies and enter a room with the elevator. Inside the room is an office with Charge locked behind a gate. You can't access it yet; however, when you complete the mission in shantytown and take the elevator back up from shantytown, the gate is broken and you have access to Charge.
As with all vigors, there are 2 upgrades. The first one available recharges your shield, as well as add a couple of seconds of invulnerability upon attack. This is essential on 1999 mode when battling handymen or the Siren. The cost if high, but at $1,600, it's worth it. Save up to purchase. The first upgrade is available once you get to the factory, in the same section where you first get the Undertow vigor.
The 2nd upgrade available adds explosive damage and runs at just $555. Not quite as essential, but in my opinion, still very necessary. This is available once you get to Downtown Emporia.
Bringing Death
Now that you have Charge, lets look at Gear that works well with this vigor. First off, the most important piece of gear in my opinion, is Burning Halo. This gives melee targets a 70% chance of igniting upon melee attack. Significant damage is delivered while burning, and coupled with Charge means many enemies go down in 1 attack. Electric Punch and other electrical gear can help in the same vain, but the enemies are just stunned. Burning Halo takes damage away from the enemies.
As far as weapons go, i couple Charge with a shotgun. Great for taking on handymen or the siren. In a battle with a handyman wait until he's in range, then lunge at him. He will be stunned for a brief second and you'll be invulnerable for a couple seconds, allowing you to unload on his heart for about 2 shots. Then repeat the process until he's dead. Even on 1999 mode if you have your salt meter upgraded to about 8 or more, combined with upgrades with Charge and Shotgun and even the Handyman Nemesis from the Industrial Revolution, this battle could be over in about 10 seconds.
When battling the siren i use Charge AND Devils Kiss, as well as the shotgun. First i lay DK traps where many bodies lay to be resurrected, search for salts VERY quickly, then use the same tactic on the siren as on the handyman. On Easy or Normal, this battle will last about 5-8 seconds. No lie. On 1999 mode the battle lasts a little bit longer, but the key is to be aggressive. Never let off the throttle until she's gone. The fight in the bank presents a little more challenge because after initially being on the ground floor she goes to the high floor to resurrect more baddies. The trick is to throw DK traps onto the second floor as soon as you enter the room to the top right. 1 trap should be enough. As soon as you do that, unload with Charge and shotgun blasts. If you dont defeat her there, she will go to the top right on the second floor where you threw the DK traps(s). If that damage doesnt kill her, either run across the room and go up the stairs, or wait for her to come back down to finish the job.
The last tactic for this vigor is simply just survival. If you find yourself running low on health and your shield is being damaged, use charge to attack someone so your shield can recharge and you'll be invulnerable for a couple seconds. That couple seconds could be valuable because you can find salts/health to help you survive. This has worked well at the intro fight in Downtown Emporia with the handyman, rocket guys and flak cannon guys. You can get spammed from multiple angles simultaneously so keeping that shield charge and being invulnerable to keep your health up to essential.
What gave me the idea for this guide was viewing the forums and noticing that many people dont utilize this vigor. If newer players are having trouble with some fights (e.g. Handyman or Siren) i offer up this tactic because it's the one that works best for me. All in all, the vigors each have their own strengths, which people have exploited. I've stumbled across guides for other vigors and studied people tactics with those vigors and decided to offer the same advice i've been giving to other players with this vigor.
I hope this has helped and feel free to leave comments. feedback is always cool.
Best of luck.
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