Let's be honest; semi-aquatic means twice as many predators! And without something as capable as a Lurdusaurus Stomp, Ichthyovenator is in need of a pick-me-up.
Key Concepts
- Quick bursts of Crouch aid in very sharp turning. Say no to ♥♥♥-riding.
- Right click is a ranged attack, it costs more Ability and does the same Damage, but can catch annoying Pteras when jumping and Velos when crouched.
- Ichthy can combine 2-3 attacks at once in the water near the surface. Bait things there. Ask me to teach you how to combo if I am playing Ichthyovenator. Predatoria does not intend to fix this; I reported it. You can check the tester bug report channel history as I stepped down from Tester. I submitted a video regarding more than one Ichthyovenator concern (as well as Apatosaurus using water to quickly turn and whip, Lurdusaurus combat, and I believe some Kronosaurus ones too). Check with your server owners.
- Bruiser Talent is worthless in terms of INJURY unless 1.8 or higher, even then it doesn't do much. I had to be 3.5+ for it to actually be crippling at all. It is important however because it makes tail hits do full Damage at 3/3.
- Farm Friendly Fire reduction; it is useful as always.
- Holding Shift and spacebar while pressing WASD allows you to change jump direction. This is most useful for getting swooping Ptera with right click. Other species can do this too. This along with using water to turn was okay'd by Pred (in my tester bug report regarding combo attacks) and are not considered exploits, along with combo attacks. Again, I have reported these things as bugs before I quit Tester. Check with your server owners.
While you have the "advantage" of both land and water this honestly just means twice as many predators and you are not exactly a very capable or strong species. See the note above on combos. Check with your server owners regarding combo attacks and jump-turning.
StrategyWater ambush is likely crucial. Most apex players can be baited into or near water. Attack them when they turn to leave. Attack them when they turn around after drinking. Bruiser at a high Growth can be used to cripple Speed Acrocanthosaurus. Sadly ♥♥♥-riding is a default combat mechanic as all apexes except Mosasaurus are not balanced.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesNimble Footed (if you don't have this, quick bursts of Crouch can aid in fast turning), Powerful Legs (used to jump over them) is unexpected and can give an advantage but is an accessory Talent, Thick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see MOSASAURUS).
Power Scale1.0 Acrocanthosaurus = 1.6 Ichthyovenator due to Bleed and default "apex damage"
StrategyHave the strongest pack member sneak in then aim for the neck after the others have gone in first to distract the tail. Stomp has a small hitbox and very rarely lands a hit. The tailwhip hithox is extremely bugged. "Distractors" should keep one half to two thirds of their body length away from the tail... or they will get hit. See the screenshots.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesThick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see Mosasaurus), Stoic (Knockback reduction, makes tanking Tailwhip - which you should not be getting hit by - easier), Intimidation from largest of pack if necessary. Necrophobia may not be allowed; check with your server owners.
Power Scale1.0 Apatosaurus = three 1.5 Ichthyovenator
StrategyVery fast. Ambush likely to be crucial but there have been some cocky Elasmosaurus players. Stay near ocean floor/lake bed and Dart up from below or where you are hidden. Very weak, should not be able to kill you! While their bite auto-aims, they are again very weak, multiple Darts around them can overwhelm any aquatic species.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesBruiser at a high Growth to cripple speed (smart Elasmosaurus will try to escape).
Power Scale1.0 Elasmosaurus = 0.7-0.8 Ichthyovenator
Ichthyovenator (other)
StrategyBe a higher Growth.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesBruiser at a high Growth to cripple speed (smart Ichthyovenator that are smaller will try to escape).
Power ScaleN/A
StrategySave up on Stamina and air. Dart through aquatic species to overwhelm them. You must be a moving target, Lunge is very difficult to aim and often (should) miss. Kronosaurus as the apex of the sea are better to hunt in pairs or groups to overwhelm them further. Travel along the ocean floor to ruin their Lunge too; make them hit rocks or hills instead. Travel along the ocean floor in general, even if you are not anticipating a Kronosaurus attack.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesThick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see Mosasaurus).
Power Scale1.0 Kronosaurus = 1.5 Ichthyovenator
StrategyHighly unreccommended to hunt unless you can catch one (adult) or two (young) on land. Do not get caught in front of it. Cannot defend its behind and Nimble Footed (turn rate increase) does very little for Lurdusaurus. Lurdusaurus are much more capable in water. For quite some time, Lurdusaurus have also been able to combine its left and right click attack at the same time underwater, sanctioned by Pred too.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesStrong Bones (Lurdusaurus does a lot of default Injury), Thick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see Mosasaurus).
Power Scale1.0 Lurdusaurus = 1.5 Ichthyovenator
StrategyWater ambush is crucial, very fast and smart Megalosaurus will try to run. Somewhat strong in packs, especially with Sharp Teeth, and will take turns tanking / attacking. Quick Crouch bursts if a Megalosaurus tries to ♥♥♥-ride an Ichthyovenator; reverse their attack. You cannot ♥♥♥-ride Ichthyovenator, or at least should not be able to if they know what they are doing.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesBruiser at a higher Growth (Ichthyovenator who does the most Injury should launch initial ambush), Thick Hide to cancel Sharp Teeth (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see Mosasaurus).
Power Scale1.0 Megalosaurus = ~0.95 Ichthyovenator
StrategySave up on Stamina and air. Dart through aquatic species to overwhelm them. To be extra safe, attack in a pair in case one of you is grabbed. Grab and Thrash are relatively weak. Mosasaurus should not try to drown other aquatics or semi-aquatics unless their opponent is a small Growth. So hope that they default to Grab.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesSlippery (drains their Ability Power while they're using Grab on you faster; this while left-clicking will make them drop you very fast), Thick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus).
Power Scale1.0 Mosasaurus = 0.9 Ichthyovenator
StrategyYou need Stoic, 3/3 at the least. Otherwise do not bother. They are hardly worth Injury or death by Fall Damage for as little gore as they drop. Even then you do not know if the Pachy will have an inherit to counter your only-3/3 Stoic.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesStrong Bones to reduce Injury from Pachycephalosaurus-induced falls, Bruiser at a higher Growth to try and reduce their speed (Ichthyovenator who does the most Injury should launch initial ambush - though only one Ichthy should be needed), Stoic with full points (3/3+) or strongly reconsider hunting.
Power Scale1.0 Pachycephalosaurus = 0.6 Ichthyovenator
StrategyLike Lurdusaurus, beware of their Stomp. While their Stomp does more than Lurdusaurus, Parasaurolophus Stomp drains a lot of Ability Power. A fast / immediate kill is recommended. Water ambush as they turn to leave, jump onto their behind. Avoid Parasaurolophus who are close enough to intervene before you can kill a temporarily lone one. Report Apatosaurus who chaperone Parasaurolophus down to water. It is not allowed.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesStrong Bones to reduce decent default Injury from Parasaurolophus, Thick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see Mosasaurus), Bruiser at a higher Growth (Ichthyovenator who does the most Injury should launch initial ambush).
Power Scale1.0 Parasaurolophus = 1.35 Ichthyovenator
StrategyIf actually hunting, watch ambush. Use Swipe (ranged attack) on land to cover more range while trying to hit smaller animals or flying Pteranodon when they dive down at you. New Pteranodon is more balanced in terms of flight and more able to be hit. Most interactions with Pteranodons however are likely going to be them rule-breaking, attacking with food. Sorry Ptera players but you know it's true! Search "ptera" in #reports-bob; this statement is not intended to offend. Screenshot their skin at the least (or name if you can get it) or ask a staff member in the pack (like myself) to get their name and take care of them.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesThick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see MOSASAURUS), Powerful Legs (accessory Talent, allows you to jump higher to catch them with a Swipe).
Power Scale1.0 Pterandoon = 0.6 Ichthyovenator
StrategyWater ambush is likely crucial. Most apex players can be baited into or near water. Attack them when they turn to leave. Attack them when they turn around after drinking. See recommended fear list; probably avoid large Combat Tyrannosaurus. For some reason, Tyrannosaurus also has Sharp Teeth paired with high default Damage... meaning they deal more Damage. Preferably have two large Ichthyovenator or even three. Take out apex players before they can get the upper hand with Damage. Surprise or scare them.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesThick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see Mosasaurus), Damage Increase (to take out the Tyrannosaurus before it can do too much), Strong Bones (defend against default high Injury Damage).
Power Scale1.0 Tyrannosaurus = 1.7 Ichthyovenator
StrategyAnkle-biters. Luckily, Ichthyovenator is able to kill players who try this on it. Just use quick bursts of Crouch or remain in Crouch while right clicking, using Swipe. Useless to hunt, give less than most bones picked off gore spawns. You will likely only have to kill them if they're being a pain.
Recommended Talents And Other NotesThick Hide (reduce Damage from lower Growth animals, Ichthyovenator should never hunt another animal that has a higher Growth unless it is a Velo, Ptera, Elasmo, Pachy, or slightly larger Megalo, experienced Ichthyovenator can hunt a slightly larger Mosasaurus, see MOSASAURUS), Nimble Footed (not really necessary, Ichthyovenator's Crouch has a sharp turn radius and Swipe will catch Velociraptor on your ankles).
Power scale
1.0 Velociraptor = 0.5 Ichthyovenator
Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/5639-beasts-of-bermuda.html
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