Most Important, 80% Win Rate, My Girlfriend Dumped Me After This One
SUPPORTSBlossombronze and silver is all about supports and NOT playing them
ok so lemme get this str8, most supports in silver or bronze are completa spazzatura. (that's complete garbage in italian) (and yes i googled it).
"but why mr. ?" you might be asking
well mostly because in this game supports require skill, and since you came to this guide, I can just assume you are not gold yet and you are a complete failure as a moba player (don't worry I am too) so even if you DO have the skill to play these supports your mentally challenged teammates will be way too bad to know how to play around you.
ok now that that's out of the question im going to proceed by enlightening you with individual information about each of the characters in the support role:
(make use of "died to the support lul" in all chat)
so this annoying lesbian faun has a thing for and also has a thing for healing her teammates using plants . you will want to play defensively, place your tree in the middle of the fight and let your teammate do the talking. what makes one of the best supports is that not only she has two healing abilities (one of them aoe) but she's also really slippery, like, really. no thug escapes prison better than this girl. when anyone gets near you, you can hop (space) away and if you see stuff coming your way... GUST! (r ability) to deflect any harm coming your way. as easy as that.
now for loadouts:
did you really think I was going to play her to give you loadouts?
maybe later.
but consider these:
spring growth - puff - growing power(works great in 2v2) - pollen - bountiful tree (3v3) - hop and skip (must have) - nature's presence - cautious(specially if the enemy has more than one melee) - kindhearted
puff can get you out of sticky situations since it pushes you away, pollen adds to your cc.
cautious or nature's presence work great with hop and skip, since the bonus that they give can be used twice, and also hop and skip grants you extra escape capabilities.
kindhearted makes you heal more, specially in 3v3 (the more people, the more heals duh). bountiful tree makes your right click aoe, so not only your tree but you can also heal your entire team with your rmb. and finally growing power gives you a substantial amount of DAMAGE! the best thing a support could have. okno
why is this guy even here? i dont even consider this guy a support he is a melee at this point
quite literally.
ok so as I said can heal but you can totally overlook his healing ability and focus on the damage part and the enemy adc. what you want to do is use your space to get close, use your empowered left click and LISTEN (read) CAREFULLY:
you have to... no wait let me write it in a way that you will remember
that your q gets triggered
i repeat:
because it resets your empowered auto attack
so you have two in a row
so the combo would be:
space - aa - q - aa -> gtfo
got it?
but please do remember to heal your teammate, because if you don't they will flame you, and we don't want that do we? also use lunar strike before engaging because the petrify is great, and it lasts two lifetimes so you can set up for the combo and make some tea in the process. your prismatic strike (r ability) is a great gapcloser when you don't have your space and it does good damage so remember to use it. is one of the best supports to play too
the man
this is your usual loadout including damage, healing, etc.
radiance - saros cycle - lethal slash - gravity - sunscreen
radiance heals, great! saros cycle and lethal slash are not optional, they add to his incredible damage capabilites. gravity (why the f is it named like that? light has no gravity) is just to make sure you hit your ultimate and sunscreen shields a bit of damage when you're going all in, wich is most wonderful
but now you have the OTHER loadout, wich is great
boogie boy bam bam (why did i call it that wtf is wrong with me)
this is a full-offensive thing, and you only use it if you already have a support on your team, ON-LY, O-N-L-Y if you ALREADY have A SUPPORT, grrrreat
lethal slash - saros cycle - sunscreen - celestial cycle - illumination
if you actually read the battlerites it's self explanatory and it's not like typing is as fun as drawing you know
also i won't eat your dog if i see you playing this because this mf is a melee as i said
just don't
CONS- you have to stay behind your team in order to dissipate enemy pressure from you, since you can be easily focused by two individuals and they WILL make your day miserable.
PROS- has man boobs.
your loadout with vagooba face will look like this:
lord of the flies - egg carrier - spores - scourge - swarm queen
ok so the deal here is more defensive-ish avoid battle-ish . you do so by making use of scourge, wich allows you to get inside an extra target. combining that with spores, you can jump between your allies not only to avoid damage, fighting, cc, etc. but also to increase damage output or you can get into enemies to reduce the damage of a big move, for example. swarm queen allows your queen to stay alive longer so you can heal more, remember to place her in the middle of the fight so she can soak up damage, heal and zone.
save your panic to lay pressure off and dont waste it
remember that your left mouse button attacks heal, so when your teammates are fighting take a step back to heal them using that
Ok so she's like the worst support rn, she's playable in this elo if you're good at her but meh.
she has no escape, her only method of running from the 2000 mph shifu coming at her is her roll (R ability) but it has a considerable cd and it wastes energy. also her panic takes half an hour to cast so if your enemy counters it consider yourself doomed.
that said, her ulti does really good damage
but she's garbage.
of course.
aquagirl... really peculiar support indeed.
as harmless as she may seem she is actually a very skilled sharpshooter with her ak-47 and also very aggressive, stand in front of your mentally blocked teammate to save them from some damage and make use of your (actually pretty decent) auto attacks. your charged lmb is great and also silences.
even if you want to stay in the front line, you don't want to take any unwanted damage, that's why i'm going to give you the "fish girl thinks she's jade" loadout:
(aka every pearl loadout but with rippling waters)
rippling waters - fountain - spring water - tsunami - tasty fish
just shoot through the big bubble and that's it, you damage, they don't
multi purpose bubble i summon you
coming soon: cancer silence pearl loadout
What You SHOULD Be Doing With Your Life
Jadegetting a girlfriend or a degree, but if you insist in playing battlerite competitively then here is my advice:
what you SHOULD PLAY:
-easy damage, high skill ceiling but can be effective even if you have 0 mechanics or you play with your feet
as my favorite playstyle is the "annoying sniper lady" one, wich basically specializes in spamming your right mouse button, using the ambush battlerite, wich resets the cooldown of snipe (rmb) when you activate your Q ability (stealth), that way you can use two snipes in a row.
to combo with that, we will be taking the gunslinger battlerite to reduce the cooldown on your Q (stealth) that way even further reducing the window between each snipe. deadly focus increases the damage on your snipe so why the ♥♥♥♥ not, and the last two battlerites will be the "energy farming", both of them buff your Space (blast vault), they increase the stun duration of your blast vault to one second and also makes your next revolver shots deal extra damage and harvest extra energy. if you land all your shots before reloading after the blast vault, you will get one bar worth of energy. that bar should be used in your ex Q (smoke veil) to get away from melee threats and reposition to continue using your snipe ability safely
you can make your own loadout and play a different playstyle but this is my loadout:
deadly focus - gunslinger - concussion bomb - ambush - blasting pistols
-I climbed with this guy
-the heart is the strongest muscle
your loadout should have a decent amount of both damage and sustain capabilities, this is my loadout and the one I recommend the most:
adrenaline rush - axe and shield - mobile defence - rampage - the red axe
this will boost your damage and keep you alive well enough, remember that when facing you want to have the sound of your game on so you can hear when she's about to fire her charged shot even if she's invisible. this goes for every champion in this list
-this dude is very easy to play and very forgiving
-use riposte for nice cc, dueling and disruption pontetial
-use aerial strike, do not engage with your jump. I reiterate: DO NOT initiate with your jump, use it to chase slippery targets like , or
-completely brain dead
your loadout as will have a bit of everything, you want to have riposte and aerial strike for a better engage and as said previously, you want to save your jump for later and not use it to engage. you will also need a bit of sustain and Dragon Mastery, wich gives you a free dragon palm after you land your first one, wich is great for displacement and to fight enemies when the arena is closing down.
invigorate - riposte - aerial strike - dragon mastery - royal descent
-tons of damage
-transforms into a giant fist of lava that does exactly 0 damage
-nice escape tools
is a very versatile champion regarding the loadout, I won't leave you an exact one but I'll recommend that you create your own loadout based on these battlerites:
combustion, heat, wild fire, fire ward, ember fire(really strong), eruption, inferno, magma and raging fire
your E ability (molten fist) does no damage but it's a tiny dash with decent cooldown that pushes enemies away, use that to punish melee characters when they initiate with their main gapcloser ability so you can save your space (searing flight) for later, like when engages with his space (heavenly strike) or with her space (spring). you can even use this ability to push opponents into the closing arena
-shields that do damage
-damage makes more shield
as your loadout will be a mix of (who would have guessed?) damage and shields, so your loadout will look something like this:
electric conduction - overcharge - lightning rod - hammer time - torrent
with the overcharge battlerite, you'll be able to inflict Static in many enemies at the same time, use this to your advantage by following up with your R ability (charged strike) to get a big ass shield. remember to dodge 's ult with space (spring) and you can also avoid abilities like 's E (flamestrike) or another 's E (thunderclap) with your own E since it acts like a tiny jump
-like a more offensive
-good damage if left unchecked in the backline of the enemy team
-bs sustain with shift+lmb
- smash
's basic combo is R - E - Space - RMB - AA (lmb) but you will have to guess where your target is going to land after your E, also note that you must exclusively use your R (smack) to knock enemies into a wall to incapacitate them. note that the incapacitate effect breaks after the target is damaged, but it will give them time to prepare mentally for the ass whopping they are about to receive
your loadout with will look something like this:
smash - squash - giant - frenzy - crumble
this will add a nice damage to your kit
if you are facing a useless support like lucie just counter her fear [E (panic flask)] and start hitting her and she will eventually die
-this guy is so op wtf
-i am groot
i don't know much about maokai here but his loadout should be something resembling to this:
branch out - fearsome uprootal - neurotoxin - whiplash - regrowth
so with this loadout you are going to be the most annoying get-in-your-face individual ever.
the enemy team is going to ♥♥♥♥ on your doormat next week, since you'll be tanking with regrowth,neurotoxin and fearsome uprootal, while dealing decent damage with whiplash and branch out. your role will be to get into the enemy's face and make time for your brain dead teammates to do something, apply as much pressure as possible and cc the enemy with your burrow (Space), root grip (Charged LMB) and both evil clutch( Q ability) and entangling roots (E ability). remember that your R (barbed husk) is a really good ability and it actually deals a ♥♥♥♥ ton of damage, should always be considered when you or an ally is in the middle of the enemy team or taking fire from more than one in a big fight.
ah, ze , der schwule attentäter. i used to hate this guy but after playing him he's great
-all about that life
-only assassin in the game so not much of a choice
ok so i'm going to make this quick:
ze combo- ze jump, ze hit enemy 4 times, ze take some distance and jump again, hit 4 times, use E, dann you use q, hit 4 times.
that's one of the combos but if you didn't get das bild yet, you basically want to prioritize just resetting your passive and hit while it is active(4 auto attacks) your jump and q resets your passive and staying out of combat for a couple seconds also does
venom strike - frog strike - triple strike - lethal toxins - frog frenzy
don't even consider any other build since using any other battlerite is a waste of damage and every non-offensive battlerite shouldn't even be in the game
consider mending toxin, spit spit spit and cut to the chase
Last Few Things
my last few tips are these:
you know the orb? that big ball floating in the middle of the arena? it doesn't bite, shoot it.
after you win a round, always say "gg ez", that will drastically increase your success percentage for the next round.
if you lose the next round after that mute the enemy team
i think this should be going without saying, SHOULD be, but SAVE YOUR COUNTER FOR HEAVY PROJECTILE ATTACKS like jade's sniper shot, destiny's laser shot thingy, iva's rocket, ashka's balls of doom
nice strategy is to cancel those kinds of abilities to bait out counters or shields too
also you can dodge the poison on croak's ultimate with simple jump abilities like freya's spring or raigon's heavenly strike.
always remember to use your ex abilities, since they normally provide utility, extra cc, or sustain.
one great example is Jade's ex invisibility, wich gives her a bigger speed boost and also gives nearby allies a shield, allowing you to escape and support your allies in the process, and for no more than just one bar of your precious energy.
any non-constructive critiques related to my drawing skills will be taken as a form of jealousy, thank you, have a good day.
you can add me on steam if you like and my name in battlerite is kiruzaki but i play in south america server so if you're a brasileiro que fala portguês o un wacho pistola que habla español add me.
But seriously, I appreciate any kind of constructive feedback and please do leave a comment so I can know what everyone thinks. Thank you for reading my guide and good luck in the arena.
I wanted to thank you all for the kind comments you leave, I know it's mostly a memey guide but I do take it seriously and I appreciate your words.
ring ring ring ring ring BANANENTELEFON (that's banana phone in german)
Edits And Guide Updates
this section is just to point out changes made to the guide
EDIT 1-12/8/2017
-Added more description and loadouts for every champion under the "what you SHOULD be doing with your life" section and added pestilus in the mix as well
-Added Sirius and Blossom as the only playable support characters under the "most important, 80% winrate, my girlfriend dumped me after this one" section
-Added the thank you message at the end of the guide, under the "disclaimer" section
(I swear I tried to make a blossom drawing for the "most important, 80% winrate my girlfriend dumped me after this one" section but it looked like satan himself so maybe later)
EDIT 2-12/10/2017
Ok so I played a bit more Thorn and I realised the loadout that I left before was complete garbage so I'm changing it to something more well-rounded.
-Changing Thorn's Loadout under the "what you SHOULD be doing with your life" section.
-Displaying Notes and actual changes differently under here, in the "edits and guide updates" section so it's easier to process .
(not like anyone reads this it's just for me to keep track)
So I was playing a ranked game with ashka, I hop in and I see the enemy team: Varesh and Jade (smh). Then I look at my teammate, Lucie. (♥♥♥♥). I'm surprised to say she was really good, AND we won the match, that is some next level ♥♥♥♥, I don't believe it.
Or maybe the enemy team was playing with their elbows (wich is most likely the case since they were not the most skilled individuals, but still...) and that's why we won.
-Added another thank you message under the "disclaimer" section.
EDIT 3-12/11/2017 12:03 AM (lul)
Ok so after mentally preparing to play the cancer that is pestilus for 15 minutes I actually played some matches. Turns out the loadout I gave you before was complete garbage so I'm changing it.
-Tweaking Pestilus's loadout under the "what you SHOULD be doing with your life" section.
Also I ran out of space for more stuff in the "what you SHOULD be doing with your life" section so that's not good, if I want to put in a new champion I'll probably have to make a new section, since cutting out content for each individual champion is NOT an option.
-you better hold your pants because I'm making new drawings and you know what that means
EDIT 4-12/14/2017
-Total rework to the "most important, 80% winrate, my girlfriend dumped me after this one" section
no, i'm not going to describe it in detail here just go and see it
I stopped playing battlerite but I'll try to get back on it. Those damn support players were in my ranked games so I guess I got pissed. lul.
And I just noticed I didn't add lucie, I made the drawing but I didn't add her to the guide, so that, under the "most important, 80% winrate my girlfriend dumped me after this one" section. sorry hehe
EDIT 5-12/22/2017
eyy it's christmas boiiis
My sincere best wishes and I hope you go against many lucies in your ranked games
damn you battlerite devs for adding another ranged champion after the last one was already ranged
also I added boldness for the utmost importance and fish grill (as requested by many) under the "most important, 80% winrate my girlfriend dumped me after this one" section
I get tired of writing this huge name every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time ^
so? maybe poloma next? I'm not sure how the drawing should be like that's why I didn't add her yet.
EDIT 6-12/29/2017 omg year is ending
added croak, too lazy to write it, go check it
EPIC EDIT 8/16/2018
-wtf did someone just comment on my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ guide i didn't even remember this was a thing.
i stopped playing battlerite and actually i've stopped playing everything. I won't continue this unless I start playing this thing again but hey I doubt it. have a good day lads
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