EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups

EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups

The EBAA Wildcat

EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 1

EBAA Wildcat is the best, because it has everythink you need! AA missles, AA cannon, AT missles. And more and more. You can do with it whatever you want. I will type here prefered from me, best setups for it.


EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 4
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 5
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 6
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 7
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 8

Because this setup can kill easily people, destroy light vehicles and flying sh*t

This, can kill 1 person in a sec. Helicopter in ~20 sec. And can demage light vehicles, like bolt.

But it's overheating so don't shoot in loop! This will help us with killing people when our passagers can't.

AT missles are working like AG missles in flying vehicles, but AT are shooting from ground. 2 of the can easily destroy a tank. But they are slowly reloading. Use it with brain. This will be our shield and sword for tanks.

Classic smoke what can i write more?

The .50cal is the best of the guns, that 2nd passager can use. High demage slow overheating, and accuracy. This will be our help form 2nd passager.

This little one shoots 4 granades, that are exploading when they touch the ground. This will be weapon mass destruction


EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 17
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 18
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 19
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 20
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 21

57mm cannon is the best! But only against tanks, light vehicles and helicopters if they are close to you. This can also one shoot pople but in this we have only 11 shoots. This is jus yhe best vehicle destroyer. You think from where i have 3rd badge on it? It's all from destroying vehicles. The best combo is when you shoot to enemy tank 2 AT missles and then attack with 57mm cannon.

AT missles are working like AG missles in flying vehicles, but AT are shooting from ground. 2 of the can easily destroy a tank. But they are slowly reloading. Use it with brain. This will be our shield and sword for tanks.

This type of smoke can blind enemies, but it too can disable LOCK ON on our vehicle.

The .50cal is the best of the guns, that 2nd passager can use. High demage slow overheating, and accuracy. This will be our help form 2nd passager.

This little on is shooting 1 rocket per ~5 sec. It's so good against all vehicles. But the problem is that it have long reloading time, and needs aim bot to hit somethink


EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 28
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 29
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 30
EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 31

EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 32

This, can kill 1 person in a sec. Helicopter in ~20 sec. And can demage light vehicles, like bolt.

But it's overheating so don't shoot in loop! This will help us with killing people when our passagers can't.

AA misles but you are shooting from ground. This will be annoing for helicopters and planes, because our AA are reloading faster.

This type of smoke can blind enemies, but it too can disable LOCK ON on our vehicle.

The minigun will help us with destroying vehicles and killing enemies. It has long time to overheat big rate of fire.

This little on is shooting 1 rocket per ~5 sec. It's so good against all vehicles. But the problem is that it have long reloading time, and needs aim bot to hit somethink

The End

EBAA Wildcat, the best ground vehicle! The best setups image 40

Remember that thease are my propositions, if you want somethink else you can experiment. I just put there for me best setups for some tactics.

Please give like and badge (award) if helped!!!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2709754827					

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