Why Did I Waste My Free Time To Do This?
Mainly because I've loved this series since I was a kid, wanted to make my first steam guide and didn't see anything on this topic. But also because I did the 100% for the first two games "Arkham Asylum" and "Arkham City" before moving onto this game (as you should) and was disappointed to find my controls felt wrong. I couldn't understand why they were changed so I initially thought changing them might make unlisted actions annoying to perform. Thankfully, I've played lots with the "updated" Arkham Knight binds (Arkham City default binds) to make sure they work fine with the new mechanics/combat actions and I can confirm they do.
Arkham Knight VS Arkham City (Default KB+M)
These are the default controls of both games side by side. The binds are ordered as they appear in Arkham Knights settings. In between the two control schemes I've put a "=" "x" or "/" to show which binds are the same, which are different, and which actions aren't present in both games.
The only Action I've listed that doesn't appear in the settings is the "drop down" action because it partially inspired me to do this. I never saw a prompt during the first half of my play-through of Arkham Knight that tells you the drop down action is "Q". Why they changed it after the first two games is a mystery to me. (more on this below).
Updated Controls
These are the binds I use to make the controls feel like Arkham City. With these controls all the binds are the same between the games with the exception of "drop down" and the disarm take down (I still marked disarm as being equal).
I bind the disarm action (Special Takedown 3) to "T". In Arkham City it's "Y" but I personally don't like having a gap between my takedown buttons. Compared to the default its far more natural if you're coming from the previous games.
"Enter/Call Batmobile" can be bound to any unused key that you want since we need "E" for '"Special Takedown 1". Personally I find the side mouse buttons to be very convenient, I bind both to make it even easier to call/enter quick.
"Select Batmobile Remote" can similarly be bound to any key you prefer since we need "=" to make "Select Remote Control Batarang" the same bind as it was in Arkham City. I use "Alt + =" because both of these actions are only really used/needed in specific situations, usually for puzzles, so keeping both on the same key separated by alt is convenient.
Then just change the binds for "Select Disruptor" and "Select Line Launcher" to their Arkham City counterparts. There wont be any overlap for these.
The "Drop Down" action isn't listed in the control settings for either of the games but it can be rebound in Arkham Knight though its not of much use to do so. If you want to for some reason though, the "Cape Stun/Gadget Secondary Use" alternate bind controls this. I haven't tested whether it affects any other actions or not. Unfortunately, setting it to left control as it was in Arkham City will remove your crouch bind.
Closing Statements
Hopefully somebody can find even the slightest bit of use for the guide. I refuse to believe I'm the only person who hated the default controls for Arkham Knight after playing the previous games. If you're reading this for some reason, you're a real one. I know that because you're reading a guide made in 2025 for this old a** game. Thank you.
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3433061037
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