How to disable FPS lock and skip intro scenes

How To Remove The Intro Scenes

Head into the Batman: Arkham Knight folder and look for the "Movies" folder.

e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Batman Arkham Knight\BMGame\Movies

Once there, look for two files: "Intro_BM3Logo_fire.usm" and "nv_logo.usm". Rename these two files into literally anything else, such as by appending .OLD to the end of each of the files. This way, you'll be able to restore the files should you decide to undo the tweak.

Booting up the game should lead you straight to the start screen. Enjoy!

How To Remove The FPS Lock, And Change It To 60FPS

As Batman: Arkham Knight is a console port, its developers, for one reason or another, have capped the game's framerate to 30FPS by default. There is no way to uncap this framerate lock within the game itself so you'll need to edit a configuration file within game's folder.

Go to the Batman: Arkham Knight folder and find the "Config" folder

e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Batman Arkham Knight\BMGame\Config

Open the following file with a text editor like Notepad: BmSystemSettings.ini

Press CTRL+F to search, and paste the following line:


Press "Find"

Now edit the 30.000000 value to set desired your desired FPS.

If you want to cap the game at 60FPS, the string should look like:


Save the file.



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