The strategy presented in this guide will help you to both :
• Build a character of 10+ Stamina during a fight (Adrenaline Achievement)
• And play more than 20 cards in a single turn (Quick Hands Achievement).
The only prerequisite is to unlock Weasels and to be familiarized with the main game mechanics. This also implies a bit of luck (you need a character with the Loremaster Talent). Hopefully, you can try this even before encountering the first boss.
This will also alloy you to build a powerful team comp, able to apply a lot of bleeding stacks on enemies.
First Step: Weasel Duo
Begin with a team of two weasels.
• Save money for recruits only, as the one with a Talent may be a bit more expensive than expected. You also need to recruit at least a third Weasel later in the game!
• When the game offer to upgrade Stamina, do it on the same Weasel. Such Events are:
Sparring Partner (Increase Stamina by 1 for 350fl); Courage (A random character gains 1 Stamina or Will for 15 damage to Vitality) or Pray (One character of your choice gain 1 Stamina).
• Make sure your Weasels have also 2 or more Will. This will be very handy to cast a lot of Concealed Blade if you are short on cards.
It's also a good idea to increase XP gains, to get the most of (the more talents your characters got, the more it will gain extra Stamina from it). So choose Events accordingly.
Second Step: Recruiting
• Recruit a character with Loremaster. I got a Haze with it from the The League Event which is one of the earliest way to recruit powerful characters with two talents. If you are unlucky, you can still wait for the mandatory Tavern Event, just before encountering each boss.
Loremaster Description: Every time you draw a talent card, the wielder gains 1 stamina. Banish.
• Don't forget to recruit a third Weasel as soon as possible, or even more later in the game! There is an achievement for having a full team of 6 characters anyway.
• Don't forget to equip a Light Armor on the Weasel with the best Stamina amount (preferably). The +1 Stamina will make things a lot easier.
• When choosing passives and skills, go for the ones allowing you to Draw more, like Patient and the ones giving you extra Stamina or Will like Energetic or Blessed. Those are "agnostic", i.e. common for all races. The more your draw, the easier you will play more than 20 cards in a single turn!
Third Step: The Fight
• Wait to draw the Loremaster card and play it immediately. As soon as your deck will be shuffled and full again, wait for a turn with a lot talent cards. The Weasel with the best Stamina statistic will hopefully reach 10 or even more. This is easier if you have a full hand of 10 cards, so don't hesitate to play Skill cards which allow you to draw more or stack the Preparation status effect, like Calculating Strike.
• You still can offer more Stamina to your Weasel with cards like Butcher (Ruin card). It gives you +1 Stamina when used, up to +3 if played for free!
In this screen below, my Weasel reached 12 Stamina and I still haven't played the Butcher card yet!
Then for the Quick Hands Achievement, simply play as many cards as possible and feel free to spam Consecrated Blades with your Weasel team if needed!
Here I reached 26 played cards on this turn:
Other Achievements
Forfeit a character card choice.
Begin a new game and when leveling up a character for the first time, choose to dismiss a talent with the red option at the right part of the screen.
Win a combat with a combined Party Vitality of 3 or less.
Simply start a new game with a single character. During the first fight, choose to defend only (5 armor). Since, the enemy attacks deal 8 damages and you mitigate 5, you will eventually reach 3 or less HP.
I hope you have found this guide useful, if so please consider rating this guide!
Also feel free to check my other achievement/walkthrough guides here.
Thank you!
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