Navigating Rodia Castle (first visit)

Navigating Rodia Castle (first visit)

Find The Princess (red)

1. enter the castle from the front door or from the secret underground entrance

2. at the end of the first hallway, there are three doors. ignore the left side door. the middle door leads to some stairs. the right door leads to a big empty hallway that eventually leads back to the jail.

3. take the middle door at the end of the hall

4. throw a pot at the top of the stairs so the guard looks to the right. ignore the door closest to him and go through the leftmost door

5. follow the hallway southwest behind the guard and go through the next door

6. follow the next guard through the hallway southeast through the next door to a square room

7. make your way from the topleft of the room to the topright and go through the fancy looking door

Break Out Of Jail (blue)

1. get thrown in jail

2. dig up the dirt spot to reveal a switch

3. move the stone block onto the switch to open the door

4. move one of the boxes to reveal a crawlspace with a chest that has a key

5. use the key to escape the jail area

6. go up the stairs

7. don't even try to pass the first guard you see. just push the block out of the way and go through another crawlspace

8. go through the underground area and you'll come out at the three doors in the first hallway

The Royal Relic (green)

1. after rescuing the princess, push a vase into the wall in the princess's room, to open a secret door

2. go through the secret door to get a dungeon key and come out through the kitchen (the leftmost door in the first hallway)

3. go through the center door in the first hallway

4. go up the stairs and through the main door (earlier we went left here, but go through the other door this time)

5. turn right and follow the path through another door, then up some stairs and through the locked door

6. defeat all the spiders here and you'll get the relic as a reward

Owl Village Key #2 (yellow)

1. after rescuing the princess, backtrack to the first hallway and go right this time

2. follow the empty hallway until you get to a square room, then go through the top left door

3. at the end of this hall, there are two pressure plates. you need to tell Luna to stand on one, then you stand on the other

4. in the next room, color match the three movable vases with the vases on the pedestals. this will reveal another hidden door

5. play the owl song


Navigating Rodia Castle (first visit) image 31
Navigating Rodia Castle (first visit) image 32
Navigating Rodia Castle (first visit) image 33
Navigating Rodia Castle (first visit) image 34

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