Archery Game S Rank Guide (Kashue's Bow)


I can explain how to do it with words as much as I like, but, in the end, the easiest thing to do is link my video.

The video demonstrates what to do fairly well, but to elaborate anyway:

This is based on the method used by another YouTube user in this video:

However, my method is a refinement of his method, with the intention of making it easier and more reliable.

The most important thing is the bonus for getting all targets. Second most important thing is the hit rate bonus. I didn't stress too much about scoring highly on individual shots.

Notes on specific parts:

0:00​ Get up onto the lower of the two platforms (it looks like there are 5, there are only two), go as far left as possible, and aim directly at the center of the lower metal section of wall. You will spend most of the game without moving or changing your aim, and just shooting whatever comes up.

0:13​ Hitting both targets on the ricochet here is optional, but by far not the hardest shot you'll have to pull off. I started doing it because I was bored with the early sections.

0:24​ The previous video jumps to the higher platform before this shot. I have no idea why, as it is perfectly possible without moving, as shown.

0:30​ By doing a short hop here, we are able to make this shot without having to move or readjust our aim. Not at all a difficult shot.

0:40​ It is possible to snag all three targets with this shot. As you can see, I missed, but that's no issue; I just snag it on the ricochet so I, again, don't have to move or adjust my aim.

0:54​ By far the hardest shot, and the one that will cause you the most resets. In order for this shot to hit the third target your timing has to be perfect. This particular target is REALLY hard to get due to the magnet in front of it, so if you miss this shot, I have no idea how to get it. I just kept trying until I managed to hit it with this shot.

1:00​ And again due to that stupid magnet, we are forced to move and adjust our aim for the very first time in the entire minigame. Drop down the the floor and aim straight to nab both targets with a ricochet, safely out of the magnet's field.


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