Arcade Spirits 2: Character guides + Achievements

Arcade Spirits 2: Character guides + Achievements


Here are some tips before you start:

The typical dating-sim history back-scroll is turned off for your first playthrough on purpose. If you wish to go back and see what people said or did if you miss anything, you must press esc and go to "history". This method also works on choice menus where the HUD is not visible.

Therefore, it is strongly advised that you play your first run completely blind, and in whatever style you truly want to play. Then go back with the scroll wheel function in later runs to easier woo people. (Especially because Iris does a very competent job of signposting who you're doing well with for the first few chapters anyway!)

Note: Your scroll wheel now works for older saves that didn't have the feature activated - meaning you can go back to choices where you wish you'd saved earlier, and you can scroll back to some degree.

Additionally: There is no skip button, as it is currently broken and the devs are aware of that. BUT "Auto" with a "Fast Text Speed" and a small "Auto-Forward Delay" acts similarly to a skip button.

Your rival, Hunter, is a secret romanceable option. I personally recommend romancing him first, as he does not have a right or wrong personality type, and therefore you need to go back in the timeline less for him. Save the 6 team members for when you have the scroll wheel and can redo decisions.

You can turn off the personality indicators or romance during the tutorial. You can also gain some early personality points for not skipping it.

Sometimes, the "correct" choice for a character in dialogue may not be their personality type. But keep in mind, unless it is an x circle choice, there aren't any "wrong" answers that will stop you from being able to romance anybody, so don't panic too much.

Character Profiles

If you've played the first Arcade Spirits, you'll be familiar with the "Personality Index" of this game - and you'll be pleased to know it's exactly the same as the first one.

If you haven't played it, I'll help fill you in. Like other dating sim games with stat management, certain choices will be locked behind basic requirements in your personality. And certain characters will respond better to certain personality types.

There are 5 personality types: "Kindly", "Gusty", "Steady", "Quirky" and "Flexible" (also known as basic in the first game). The first 4 typically gain a positive response from others more often, but Flexible often prevents you from gaining negative if you're unsure.

Each of the 6 "Main" romance options have two leading traits that they prefer (With one "Leading" that they prefer over the two):

Grace: Steady + Kindly

Domino: Quirky + Kindly

Locksley: Gutsy + Kindly

Jynx: Gutsy + Steady

Zapper: Gutsy + Quirky

Rhapsody: Steady + Quirky

Hunter (Rival Route)

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This game is fairly simple, so for the most part, I won't be making full-on step by step walkthroughs for each character. However, users have reported difficulty with Hunter, so his will be the most advanced.

The general idea for Hunter is to spend time with him at every chance. When you see his icon (by default, a wreath) on the map during your free periods throughout the game, you need to visit him.

You can romance him as a hostile or a friendly rival. Your personality type does not matter either, as long as you're not overly aggressive towards him, especially in the later chapters where he is actively trying to be civil back to you.

On top of visiting him when you can, Iris will often ask you if there is anybody you're interested in so far. Every single time, tell her that there is someone who makes you feel warm. But when presented with only the option of your six teammates and a cross - click the cross. This is often a "No spoilers, Iris" dialogue variation.

Some other options throughout the game you may want to click are;

"I should call hunter."

"I'll be cheering you on."

"I'm one step ahead of you, Iris."

For a while, it may not seem like it's working. Don't panic! In Chapter 5, Iris will ask you "Whom do you want to share your heart with?" - Hunter will be an option here, as long as you've been visiting him at every opportunity in the mini-map free time. Clicking him should start you on his route. Which has fairly obvious signposting going forward from that point.

Suggestions (Not confirmed things that you might simply want to do in the route): Ask the journalist for help instead of the police, the woman in black, or the rebels Use your Ult on Hunter in the final battle

Successfully romancing Hunter will grant you the achievement:

Hunt and Seek - Romance the Rival

Grace And Jynx (Route)

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For this route, your best bet is to act "Steady" and "Kindly" which is a mix of both Grace and Jynx's personality types - ensuring you pick the "Steady" option when you're given an intense personality choice.

The reason you pick these is because Jynx's "Gutsy" personality directly contradicts Grace's "Kindly" trait, so if you lean too far into that one, you can make Grace dislike you if she's around. And obviously, you choose "Steady" because they both share that personality.

Note: Do not go into this route taking to turns clicking between the Kindly and Steady options. As mentioned in the intro, sometimes the "correct" answer is not their personality type - and for these two, you need every interaction to count because you're trying to woo two people, not just one.

At times, it is absolutely worth being "Gutsy" to Jynx, as Grace won't be present to dislike it. Keep in mind who is in the room for your dialogue choices, but also who you play with, ensuring you alternate between Grace and Jynx.

This route may seem difficult to juggle the two, but Iris will be there to help you at the level conclusion to visibly show you who you need to focus on a little more.

For people who need more help, here is a step by step guide (I won't talk about situations they aren't impacted by):

Level 1 -

I won't do a step by step for this level. Go full Steady and Gutsy for Jynx interactions, and Kindly/Steady for Grace interactions. Alternate Steady/Kindly for other options to just boost your personality at first. Make sure your first impressions of Grace/Jynx are hearts, but simply tick the other teammates. Whoever comes out and gets you during your "I'm not a winner" monologue likes you the most, so play FoD2 with the other one.

Level 2 -

Pick whoever's team name you had a lower relationship with - it should be Jynx

Crimson Tiger or PizzaYums!

Iris, no federal crimes

We don't need it; we can rely on our own skills

MAP: Visit Grace and Jynx. You're a professional virtual racer. Can't driving skills simply be taught?

Maybe Iris should drive cars, instead? She seems compassionate enough to make the right choices.

MAP: Visit Ben and Matt for bonus points. How should I be managing finances and expenses and things, to avoid problems?

To be honest? Probably sitting alone in my dark apartment all day, grinding on ladder.

If we keep our focus and win this, <team name> will rise to the top

MAP: Visit Jynx. Can I get you anything? Maybe I can find a chair. Or ask for one.

Hell no. Be demanding! You're a queen; insist on being served as such.

MAP: Visit Grace. RPGs are kind of like tactical puzzles, so it makes sense.

I can follow the logic.

Level 3 -

MAP: If you visit Iris. Iris, no. No hacking friends. Stop that.

IF YOU VISIT GRACE: It wouldn't be a perpetual pajama party. We also need to work as a team.

IF YOU VISIT JYNX: If this is a question of disability access in the new place, we can accommodate.

It's good business to help an esports team on the rise.

MAP: Visit Ben and Matt. I just can't Jynx and Grade out of my mind

IF YOU HELP GRACE. Kindly option. -> Take a shortcut. -> DON'T rip the box out of his hands

IF YOU HELP JYNX. Agreed. Relaxing is an important part of all the training we'll be doing. -> Don't tinker with the firmware. -> I'm really looking forward to spending more time with you, if you want that.

It's hardly fair, but it could be good training. I'm in.

Purposefully lose the match to Jynx and Grace.

Level 4 -

I'm disappointed to say the least

You say that, but I doubt you have my best intentions at heart.

MAP: Visit Jynx. Anything to help with that FOMO? -> Blood and war!

MAP: Visit Grace. Friends helping friends, right?

Iris:There is someone who makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. -> Jynx. --no, Grace. Jynx. Grace...

MAP: Visit Grace. How Indie are we talking?

MAP: Visit Jynx and Zapper. I talked to Jynx earlier, and she really wants that fast cars 6 record.

Level 5 -

I'm way ahead of you, Iris. -> Definitely. I'm asking Jynx or Grace on a date tonight!

MAP: Visit Jynx and Grace.

I don't know enough about guilds to say.

I say be the witch you want to see in the world.

MAP: Visit Jynx and Locksley. How about you sit on my lap, and I work the pedals for ya? -> Trust, but verify.

MAP: Visit Grace and Zaaper. That's why we need to come back every year!


I'd love to go on a date with you both!

You are now "on" their route, and there's very little you can do to mess it up now. Just don't be a jerk and use Iris' helpful character summary at the end of the levels to veer yourself gently back on course if you lean too hard into either personality trait, or person.

Completing the route unlocks the following achievement:

Polycute - Romance Grace and Jynx

Iris Encouragement

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Throughout the story, Iris will ask you to make some questionable choices, at her suggestion. How you answer them will unlock either one of two achievements - this happens separately to the romance routes and will not interfere with them -unconfirmed if it affects Grace's route right now, so become chaotic at your own peril with her- , so feel free to make your own choices here.

Chaos Choice 1: Divine on the Racing Game

When team P2W comes to the arcade and gets into arguments with people, go to Jynx and Domino, and tell Jynx you have a way to get her seat back.

Chaos: I actually did it thirty-five seconds ago. or Order: Walk away, and I'll delete the recording

Chaos Choice 2: Blackmail?

Chaos: I'll consider it a possibility, or Order: No federal crimes.

Chaos Choice 3: Domino expo conversation

Outside of the expo in level 4, you can talk to Domino in the map in the second half. He talks about the dangers of robots.

Order: Reassure him you're raising her lawfully, or Chaos: Dismiss his concerns.

Chaos Choice 4: Hack your friends?

Chaos: Hack your friends games, or Order: Don't touch them.

Chaos Choice 5: Cheat?

Chaos: Tinker with the firmware or Order: Don't touch it.

Chaos Choice 6: Hamza at the theme park.

Chaos: Exactly -- get out there and really make a name for yourself!! or Order: Subservience is not traditionally how civil rights are won, Iris..

Disclaimer: Some choices may currently be missing.

When the game is over, Iris will comment on her new personality based on your influence, granting you one of these two achievements, depending on how evil you caused her to act.

The Zeroth Law - Encourage Iris to be Orderly.

Our Robot Overlords - Encourage Iris to be Chaotic.

Final Battle

For anybody struggling with the final battle (Note: you only need 4 of them. Don't go to Valkyrie and Hunter on the same run if you want a "Flawless" victory):

Confront Polybiris: "Defensive"

Confront Valkyrie: "Ultimate"

Confront Hunter: "Ultimate"

Confront Shadow Self: "Defense"

Confront Shadow <insert friend>: "Defense"

Whether it is Valkyrie or Hunter banned for life from the game depends which one you used the ultimate on. Using it on Hunter grants him a year ban, using it on Valkyrie grants him a lifelong one; and vice versa.

Note: Shadow Jynx and Shadow Zapper require you to use "Attack", not defense.

Note: A Gutsy Shadow Self requires you to use "Attack", not defense.

General Achievements

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The following achievements will be unlocked as you simply play the game. They are unmissable:

L1: Ultimate Team-Up - Clear Level 1.

L2: Combo Breaker - Clear Level 2.

L3: Zone Control - Clear Level 3.

L4: Maximum Impact - Clear Level 4.

L5: The New Meta - Clear Level 5.

L6: Continue...? - Clear Level 6.

L7: Fight to Survive - Clear Level 7.

L8: Winner Stays On - Clear Level 8.

The following 3 achievements occur based on how you do in your first 3 matches of FoD2. You will still gain these achievements if you skip the matches. This achievement pops at the charity tournament, despite being completed a lot earlier. It makes no difference to the overall plot if you lose your matches - you will not be penalised and they are not considered fail-states or requirements for any routes.

Unbreakable - Lose all three major FoD2 matches.

Unwavering - Mix wins and losses in major FoD2 matches.

Undefeated - Win all three major FoD2 matches.

The following 4 achievements occur based on how you entered the finale, and what your "top" personality is at the time of entering it. For all of them, simply allow that personality trait to be your dominant trait you've used for the majority of the story and then click the correct choice when you enter the "finale". It's around the time you're pulled into the polybius in the final match against Victoria and Hunter. You are likely to get these by default as you romance the characters.

Quirky Smirk - Enter the finale while Quirky.

Kindly Heart - Enter the finale while Kindly.

Steady Mind - Enter the finale while Steady.

Gutsy Instinct - Enter the finale while Gutsy.

The following 2 are missable achievements or achievements that are not related to an specific route:

Perfect Paramour - Complete all romances.

Note: You must get to the ending screen with the Polybius warehouse for each route in order to unlock this. Quitting at the CG menu after the individual achievement will not count as an ending towards this.

The Friends We Made Along the Way - Romance nobody.

The following achievement is currently unknown, or potentially buggy. If anybody has an idea how to unlock it, feel free to comment below and I'll credit you for the find.

ANY. TIME. - Perform the ultimate expression of a pizza on a bagel.

Romance Achievements

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Getting to the "What're they doing now" section of Level 8 with a romance option unlocks the following achievements (To get each other them, simply pick options to make them like you until chapter 5, where Iris will ask you to choose one of them. From there, I believe it's actually impossible to get dumped by them before the end):

Caster's Choice - Romance Rhapsody

Grace Under Fire - Romance Grace

Trigger Happy Havoc - Romance Zapper

Prince of Thieves - Romance Locksley

Drift Compatible - Romance Jynx

Trust Fall - Romance Domino

If you are struggling to get any of them, please, please, please don't hesitate to comment on this guide. I will be happy to make a step by step guide for each teammate. I only haven't, because I feel they are quite straight-forward. But I'm not you, so if you struggle, I'm happy to amend this guide at any time. Even months from now, so feel free to necro this guide if you need more help.
