[Aperture Desk Job] Change language (interface and subtitles)

English Version For All Users

Follow this steps:Exit from Aperture Desk Job

Go to Steam > LIBRARY > select Aperture Desk Job > click right mouse button on it

Choose Properties… > on General tab you must look at LAUNCH OPTIONS text box

On LAUNCH OPTIONS text box just type/or copy/paste -language


-language germanThis option will make the text language of the game menu and subtitles in German

On LAUNCH OPTIONS text box just type/or copy/paste +cc_lang


+cc_lang russianThis option will change the language of all subtitles to Russian

In conclusion, you will have a menu and interface language in German and the subtitle language is in Russian

This code can be combined like this:

-language german +cc_lang russian

Below is a complete list of languages that are available in Aperture Desk Job.

You simply take and copy the parameters you need for the launch options:

Supported Languages28 LANGUAGESINTERFACESUBTITLESEnglish-language english+cc_lang englishFrench-language french+cc_lang frenchItalian-language italian+cc_lang italianGerman-language german+cc_lang germanSpanish - Spain-language spanish+cc_lang spanishBulgarian-language bulgarian+cc_lang bulgarianCzech-language czech+cc_lang czechDanish-language danish+cc_lang danishDutch-language dutch+cc_lang dutchFinnish-language finnish+cc_lang finnishGreek-language greek+cc_lang greekHungarian-language hungarian+cc_lang hungarianJapanese-language japanese+cc_lang japaneseKorean-language korean+cc_lang koreanNorwegian-language norwegian+cc_lang norwegianPolish-language polish+cc_lang polishPortuguese - Portugal-language portuguese+cc_lang portuguesePortuguese - Brazil-language brazilian+cc_lang brazilianRomanian-language romanian+cc_lang romanianRussian-language russian+cc_lang russianSimplified Chinese-language schinese+cc_lang schineseSpanish - Latin America-language latam+cc_lang latamSwedish-language swedish+cc_lang swedishThai-language thai+cc_lang thaiTraditional Chinese-language tchinese+cc_lang tchineseTurkish-language turkish+cc_lang turkishUkrainian-language ukrainian+cc_lang ukrainianVietnamese-language vietnamese+cc_lang vietnamese

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Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3326380706					

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