Among Us - How to Hunt Down and Root Out the Impostors

Among Us - How to Hunt Down and Root Out the Impostors

Among Us - How to Hunt Down and Root Out the Impostors image 0

Guide to Hunt the Impostors

Taking The Fight To The Enemy

If you are crew, try to actively hunt down the impostor(s). Doing tasks is beneath you - leave that to the civilians.

Verify And Make A Friend

At game start, your objective should be to prove that 1 other person is a crewmate. Follow someone to a nearby location and ensure they aren't fake tasking by observing the meter. Once you determine that they are crew go back to the start and use your emergency meeting. The group will likely be surprised at how early it is and be annoyed at you that their current task was interrupted.

Use Your First Meeting To Train/Lead The Group

Most impostors know that they need to get their first kills very quickly if they are to succeed. By holding an emergency meeting early, you achieve several things:

  • You can inform the group that the person you verified is in fact safe. This person will begin trusting you, even if the rest of the group turns against you out of annoyance.
  • If the meeting is held early enough, you might disrupt an impostor from getting their first kill and delay their kill countdown timer.
  • If the impostors did manage to kill one or two crewmates, the survivors will know that the people in their vicinity can likely be trusted. This is important later on.
  • If an impostor was spotted using a vent they will be outed almost immediately.

Focus On Facts

In this first meeting, you may be accused of being an impostor. State clearly that you can prove your innocence by doing a task. Doesn't have to be one of the visible ones (med scan, shields, weapons or trash), a simple card in admin will work as the meter will go up when you are done. Any single-step task will do (so not rewiring, download etc). Immediately switch the conversation to who has intel to share with each other (who has scans/trash etc). That will remind the crew that their job is not to complete tasks, it is to root out who cannot be trusted.

Start The Hunt

Doing all this will help focus the group on observing each other's movements and actions. Most impostors just play a solo, run around looking for lonesome victims kind of game. They duck and weave and change direction on the fly. With this start, they might get a few more kills but by the end, the remaining survivors will likely figure out that 3-4 of them are actually safe and will start operating as a group. Most impostor(s) will not be able to think or adapt fast enough. Some impostors will try to tag along....

Late Game - Avoiding Impostors Out To Get You

Once the impostors see that you are using logic in chat to coordinate who is verified as safe (focus on that, not wild accusations) you will become a target. Try to travel with other safe people but then switch up and pull away on your own. Impostors in your 'safe' group will be intent on cornering you by yourself.

Use that! Try to keep distance between you and them so they can't kill you (they will start getting desperate and try for kills out in the open). If they chase you, they are losing time and not killing crewmates. If they give up, move back so they are back in your line of sight. Do this a few times and you will quickly determine if they are an impostor or not. Also, be on the lookout for players moving in the opposite direction away from a crisis, or who frequently pause, stop moving and double back.

It's All About The Numbers

  • As numbers dwindle, many players lose sight of the fact that the impostors can quickly rack up a few kills and win the game.
  • If 3 players are alive, the impostor is just 1 kill away from winning the game.
  • If 5 players alive (and there are 2 impostors), they are just 1 kill away from winning the game.

Consequently the choices made by the crew when there are 4 or 6 players left pretty much determines the outcome of the match. Assuming you have verified that 1 or 2 others are safe, focus on the remaining players and have your group discuss who is most suspect. You need to take this 50-66% chance of voting out an impostor at this stage. Sharing last minute intel (and seeing who is not speaking too) will massively boost the group's ability to make the right call.


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