All the items in Muck / Muck wiki

All the items in Muck / Muck wiki


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First tree you will chop down. A rock is needed to chop it down. Used to craft a workbench, bark, and wooden tools.


Second tree you will chop. A Wooden Axe is needed to chop it down. Used to craft Steel Tools.


Third tree you will chop. A Steel Axe is needed to chop it down. Used to craft Mithril Tools.


Last tree you will chop. A Mithril Axe is needed to chop it down. Used to craft Adamatite Tools.


Small Rock

Laying on the ground, used to craft chest, furnace, cauldron.


Big grey chunk on the ground, drops rocks, used to craft chest, furnace, cauldron.


Big Black chunk on the ground, drops iron ore, used to smelt iron bar, used to craft steel tools.


Big light blue chunk on the ground, drops mithril ore, used to smelt mithril ore, used to craft mithril tools.


Big light green chunk on the ground, drops damatite ore, used to smelt mithril ore, used to craft adamatite tools.

Chunkium ore

Dropped by the Big Chunk. Used to craft the hammer.

Flint, dropped by rock, used for arrows, fletch table.

Coal, dropped by rock.

Tools / Combat

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- Combat -

Steel sword - crafted in an anvil, using 7 iron bar and 5 birch wood.

Steel Armor - crafted in an anvil, whole set can be crafted with 45 steel bar.

Gold sword - crafted in an anvil, using 5 gold bar and 5 wood. Stronger than steel.

Gold Armor - crafted in an anvil, whole set can be crafted with 40 gold bar.

Mithril sword - crafted in an anvil, using 5 mithril bar and 5 fir wood. Stronger than gold.

Mithril Armor - crafted in an anvil, whole set can be crafted with 45 Mithril bar.

Adamatite sword - crafted in an anvil, using 5 adamatite bar and 5 oak wood. Stronger than mithril.

Adamatite Armor - crafted in an anvil, whole set can be crafted with 40 adamatite bar.

Wyvern Dagger - 1 wyvern claws (by killing flying things) and 10 oak wood

Chunky Bat - 1 Hammer Shaft and 10 Chunkium bar

Fire ball - Dropped by fire dino

Electricity ball - dropped by electric dino

- Bows/Arrows -

Wood bow - Crafted in work bench or fletch using 1 rope and 10 woods.

Birch bow - Crafted in fletch using 1 rope and 10 birch woods. Stronger than Wood bow.

Fir bow - Crafted in fletch using 1 rope and 10 fir woods. Stronger than Birch bow.

Oak bow - Crafted in fletch using 1 rope and 10 Oak woods. Stronger than Fir bow.

- arrows -

Flint arrow - Crafted in fletch using 1 flint and 4 woods.

Steel arrow - Crafted in fletch using flint 1 steel bar and 5 birch woods. Stronger than Flint arrow.

Mithril arrow - Crafted in fletch using flint 1 mithril bar and 5 Fir woods. Stronger than Steel arrow.

Adamatite arrow - Crafted in fletch using flint 1 Adamatite bar and 5 Oak woods. Stronger than Mithril arrow.

- Tools -

Wooden axe - crafted in work bench using 5 bark and 5 wood.

Wooden pickaxe - crafted in work bench using 5 bark and 5 wood.

Steel axe - crafted in anvil using 5 bark and 10 birch wood and 5 iron bar.

Steel pickaxe - crafted in anvil using 5 bark and 10 birch wood and 5 iron bar.

Gold axe - crafted in anvil using 5 bark and 5 wood and 5 gold bar.

Gold pickaxe - crafted in anvil using 5 bark and 5 wood and 5 gold bar.

Mithril axe - crafted in anvil using 5 bark and 10 fir wood and 5 mithril bar.

Mithril pickaxe - crafted in anvil using 5 bark and 10 fir wood and 5 mithril bar.

Adamatite axe - crafted in anvil using 5 bark and 10 oak wood and 5 adamatite bar.

Adamatite pickaxe - crafted in anvil using 5 bark and 10 oak wood and 5 adamatite bar.


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- Natural foods -

Sugon shroom, found on grass, every day it regrows- Restores hunger(Yellow)

Ligon shroom, found on grass, every day it regrows - Restores stamina(Purple bar)

Gulpon shroom, found on grass, every day it regrows - Restores health(Red bar)

Slurbon shroom - Restores every bar

Apple found under trees - Restores health(red bar) and stamina(yellow bar).

- Raw foods -

Raw meat, kill cows.

Dough, can be crafted by wheat. wheat can be found on grass, requires 5 wheat.


- Cooked foods -

Foods can be cooked using the cauldron.

Bread - by cooking dough.

Cooked meat - by cooking raw meat.

Stew - by cooking a bowl and raw meat (Can be found in chests)

Apple pie - 1 bowl, 1 apple and 1 dough

Apple pie - 1 bowl, 1 raw meat and 1 dough

Misc / Resources

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- Resources -

Bark - crafted in workbench using 5 wood.

Dough - crafted in workbench using 5 wheat.

Bowl - crafted in workbench using 1 wood.

Rope - crafted in workbench using 10 bark and 10 wheat.

- Misc -

Coin - crafted in anvil using 1 gold bar.

Bones - dropped by goblins

Hammer Shaft - Dropped by the Big Chunk. Used to craft hammer.

If you are looking for the powerups i made a guide for that too.


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