How to change the Albion game process CPU priority

How to change the Albion game process CPU priority


How to change the Albion game process CPU priority image 1

How to change the Albion game process CPU priority image 2
How to change the Albion game process CPU priority image 3
How to change the Albion game process CPU priority image 4
How to change the Albion game process CPU priority image 5
How to change the Albion game process CPU priority image 6

Step onefind regedit, if you are on windows 10 you can just search it in your taskbar

​​​​Step twoyou will want to navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options inside of regedit, where you will then right click Image File Execution Options, select New and then Key

​​​​Step threea new folder will have appeared and you will have to name it, name it Albion-Online.exe, and then similar as previously, right click this new folder that you've just made made and select New > Key

​​​​Step fouranother new folder will appear, this time under the albion online folder that you just created, name this new folder PerfOptions, you will then want to left-click on this folder and then anywhere on the right pane in the white space you will right click and select New > DWORD

​​​​Final stepA little window will pop up, You will want to set the value name to CpuPriorityClass and then the value data to a number, each has a meaning which I will list

1 - normal

2 - above normal

3 - high

4 - realtime

The default is 1, choose whichever priority you wish, I've chosen 3

​​​​Next time you run Albion you should be able to check the process and see that it is in fact running at the priority you've set, enjoy.


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