Combining Resources For ULTRA FAST WONDER RUSH!
The MOST COMMON thing that I dont see happening in team ranked play, is SENDING RESOURCES TO ONE ANOTHER. You can click in the top right, to see who is on your team and can send resources to eachother, with 30% taken off as a tax by gaben or something....This SHOULD be a no brainer if a teamate is rushed or destroyed....But there are other strats taking advantage of this....
Like below....The in under 20 minute, WONDER RUSH!
A 1v1, where it might take 40 minutes or more to get enough resources for a wonder, well this can greatly be shortened in 3v3s and 4v4....If the team is comprised of individuals that communicate and plan somewhat....
For example, a 4v4....Where a wonder is constructed in about half the time it would take in a 1v1...
A situation like this could exist and a plan put into place TO ULTRA TURTLE TO VICTORY!..
The player squished in between his teamates, in the safest location....maybe only goes halfway into building armies, and primarily focuses on econ boom, and also fortifying areas around where he will place his wonder......
Right after getting to Imperial he has about 3k food, 2k wood, 2k gold, and 1k stone.....Each teamate donates....each donate around 1k food, one donates 2k wood and 2k gold few minutes later, then another teamate does the same.....Player is only 2k stone short from wonder....within few minutes, team sells on marketplace, mines more, and well.....A wonder is being built in around half the time or less it would take in the fastest 1v1 ranked.....Seems about half of all games, even without planning, this is a feasible option.....
All The Extra Animals To Hunt On Larger Maps...and More Dense Forest Likely For Hunting Cabins....THE RUS ADVANTAGE
THE RUS - in 3v3 and 4v4....
The more players, the larger the map, the more animals that are there to get gold from.....So a 2v2 of the same 1v1 map, well if both your opponents arnt slaughtering animals to piss you off....typically you will get 1.5x-2x the gold...if its a 4v4 map, I think Ive gotten upwards of 500 before reaching the second age....
Typically the more players, the more scouts....I usually go with 2 scouts if 2v2....if 3v3 or 4v4....first build a scout before villies, build hunting cabin at same time...then build third scout. Hold down shift when clicking the animals to kill, to queue them up. Focus on hunting ones not in your base first...and kill your teamate animals, as they will still eat the meat skeletons later.
Often, can get like 2x-5x the amount of gold from hunting before hitting the second age....
Beside huntings, larger maps give a lot more forest clusters to work with...Hunting cabins, well more choices to place better ones.....Click on them, scroll over info, it will say how much gpm it generates....all together they can only get 250gpm....but the landmark 3rd age one, if placed right is limitless....can get 500-1000 gpm if placed in right spot...mroe likely on larger maps...
Altai and ChipnDale....These are the two ideal maps for Malians for trade in season 4.....clearly longer distances, and ability to wall it off....well Malians dominate, just be sure to give gold to teamates...
Besides Trade though....well ever see those larger stone and gold mines?!? Typically on a 2v2 map maybe there is just one of them....but a 4v4 map, 3 or maybe even MORE!!! That means....YOU CAN PUT MORE HOUSES AROUND IT, as its a bigger pit mine...>EVEN MORE GOLD!
Civs With Good Trading Technology Or Benefits...All Benefit More From Larger Maps....
Well as long as your teamates help secure the routes....
THE BIG TRADE CIVS - Larger maps, longer distance, more trade income, more help walling off raiding areas of your routes...
-Malian, trade booms from second age, also larger maps allow for more large gold deposits, which allows extra houses around them for additional income....
-Ottoman(yet trade doesnt really kick off with full benefits till age 4)
-French (Depends if you want to go with not being a horse douche in second age)
All better, but usually on maps easy to wall off
Helping Mongols Wall Up Or Letting Them Chill In Your Base! A Good Idea Sometimes!
Some maps, if 4v4....Teamates start very close to one another. Mongols might as well go sit side by side if it could allow more protection...taking 20 seconds out of way, to move base bit closer...can help sometimes....
Also, the oovvooo woodcutting tech, allows villies to chop down trees in single on hideout, with enough microing....yea, you can carve a path through the woods and suprise opponents...!
ABBASID And Team Ranked....NEATO! YOU DONT LOSE Just Cause You Lose 2 Buildings Right Next To Eachother!
The Abbasid benefit to team ranked play - A big downside to Abbasid is that in 1v1, you only need to lose 2 buildings to lose....your house of wisdom and original TC, if destroyed is game over in 1v1, leading to many BS rushes....IN TEAm ranked, you stay in the game even if this is destroyed, as long as teamate around...
Watering holes or spires map....this is sometimes beneficial to abbasid....since docks half cost, but I would only do the ponds or lakes with 5 or more fish....typically on a 4v4, there are a few ponds or lakes with more than 3 fish.....but a dock for 75 instead of a mill for 50 isnt much of difference...villies can still get fish with nets, and making 1 fishing ship might not hurt!
This Guide Is Work In Progress....WILL ADD ADDITIONAL STRATS OR IDEAS HERE, To Write Better Into Guide Later!
poop time
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