Achievements - UNBEATABLE [white label]

Achievements - UNBEATABLE [white label]

White Label

Achievements - UNBEATABLE [white label] image 1

Play the game to get this achievement. Due to an error, some people were not able to get this achievement. The last update was supposed to fix the issue so everything should be working now.


Achievements - UNBEATABLE [white label] image 4

To get this achievement, play through the beginning story and play the first song.


Achievements - UNBEATABLE [white label] image 7

After completing the first part of the story and first stage, play the tapes in chronological order until you get to the story where you are waiting for the train.

If you get stuck and don't know what to do during the story, walk towards the pamphlet booth, read a few pamphlets (you should probably select the "!!!!" option), then go the the far right of the station to interact with the end of the track, walk back to the main area to be picked up by the train.

You should get the achievement.


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