A Little to The Left Food DLC Walkthrough

Level 1: Sandwich

Solution: Stack the ingredients from largest to smallest


Level 2: Pretzels

Solution 1: Thinnest to thickest


Solution 2: Least to most salt


Solution 3: Least to most twists


Level 3: Cereal

Solution: Only the textured cereal-type items go in the bowl


Level 4: Broken Eggs

Solution: Not much advice I can give for this one, broken pieces go in the spaces. Focus on the patterns, e.g. only the right egg has orange on it.


Level 5: Egg Cups

Solution 1: Rainbow Order


Solution 2: Cups = thinnest stand to thickest, Eggs = lowest shell to highest


Solution 3: Flat rim+egg to waviest rim+egg


Level 6: Egg Carton

Solution: Move all the items around to find the coloured eggs

Yellow Egg: In front of the Pineapple

Grey Egg: Behind the Soy Sauce Bottle

Orange Egg: Behind the tall orange jar

Green Egg: In front of the Pickles

Black Egg: Behind the Black Yogurt Pot

Red Egg: In the strawberry box

Level 7: Painted Eggs

Solution 1: Rows in matching colour groups, follow the stripe from left to right

Solution 2: Columns in groups depending on the size of the dots

Level 8: Biscuits

Solution 1: Rows based on the colour of the jam


Solution 2: Columns based on shape of the biscuit


Solution 3: Columns based on shape of the jam


Level 9: Necklaces

Solution: Make repeated patterns based on how many beads vs popcorn there is


Level 10: Wreath

Solution: Symmetry puzzle


Level 11: Boxes

Solution: Move the boxes based on the coloured tape


Level 12: Cookies

Solution: Move the pieces to make the whole shapes

Tip: you can move all pieces out of the way to focus on one at a time and have more room, then move it to the side when finished


Level 13: Packing

Solution: Move the ornaments into the spaces that fit them


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3028680657					

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